Academic Qualifications
BSc. (Hons) Biological Sciences (University of Birmingham)
Ph.D University of Dundee.
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Fellow of the Society of Biology
Professional membership
Learned Societies
Academic Qualifications
BSc. (Hons) Biological Sciences (University of Birmingham)
Ph.D University of Dundee.
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Fellow of the Society of Biology
Professional membership
Learned Societies
Eddy, F. B. and Handy, R. D. (2012) Ecological and Environmental Physiology of Fishes. Oxford University Press. For more details of this text book see http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/academic/series/biological-sciences/eeps/9780199540945.do
Griffin, R., Pearce, B. and Handy, R. D. (2012) Dietary preference and feeding selectivity of common dragonet Callionymus lyra in U.K. Journal of Fish Biology, in press.
Kadar, E., Dyson, O., Al-Subiai, S.N. & Handy, R. D., (2012) Are reproduction impairments of free spawning marine invertebrates exposed to zero-valent nano-iron associated with dissolution of nanoparticles? Nanotoxicology, DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2011.647927
Handy, R. D. (2012) FSBI Briefing paper: Nanotechnology in Fisheries and Aquaculture. Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Available at: http://www.fsbi.org.uk/assets/brief-nanotechnology-fisheriesaquaculture.pdf
Shaw, B. J., Al-Bairuty, G. and Handy, R. D. (2012) Effects of waterborne copper nanoparticles and copper sulphate on rainbow trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Physiology and accumulation. Aquatic Toxicology, 116-117, 90-101.
Van der Ploeg, M. J. C., Handy, R. D., Heckmann, L-H., Van der Hout, A., Van den Brink, N. W. (2012) C60 exposure induced tissue damage and gene expression alterations in the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. Nanotoxicology, in press.
Kirsten M. Windeatt, K. M. and Handy, R. D. (2012) Effect of nanomaterials on the compound action potential of the Shore Crab, Carcinus maenas. Nanotoxicology, In press.
Handy, R. D., van den Brink, N., Chappell, M., Mühling, M., Behra, R., Dušinská, M., Simpson, P., Ahtiainen, J., Jha, A. N., Seiter, J., Bednar, A., Kennedy, A., Fernandes, T. F. and Riediker, M. (2012) Practical considerations for conducting ecotoxicity test methods with manufactured nanomaterials: What have we learnt so far? Ecotoxicology, 21, 933-72.
Klaine,S. J., Koelmans, A. A., Horne, N., Carley, S., Handy, R. D., Kapustka, L., Nowack, B. and von der Kammer, F. (2012) Paradigms to assess the environmental impact of manufactured nanomaterials. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 31, 3-14.
Handy, R. D.,Cornelis, G., Fernandes, T., Tsyusko, O., Decho, A., Sabo-Attwood, T., Metcalfe, C., Steevens, J. A., Klaine, S. J., Koelmans, A. A. and Horne, N. (2012) Ecotoxicity test methods for engineered nanomaterials: practical experiences and recommendations from the bench. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 31, 15-31.