张伟(Prof. Dr.Zhang Wei ):男,籍贯新疆,博士,教授,博士生导师,石河子大学农学院工作。2014年从中国农业大学资源与环境学院生态学专业毕业,获理学博士学位。2020年12月自石河子大学作物学博士后流动站出站。2019年荣获“兵团英才(二层次)”荣誉称号。
1. 南疆农果间作的互作调控技术与应用,兵团科技进步一等奖,2019,排名2。
2. 南疆三地州多熟立体栽培模式下土肥水高效利用技术研究与示范,自治区科技进步一等奖,2016,排名3。
Xiuyuan Wang, Lei Shen, Tingting Liu, Wenwen Wei, Shuai Zhang, Tayir Tuerti LuhuaLi*, WeiZhang*. Juvenile plumcot tree can improve fruit quality and economic benefits by intercropping with alfalfa in semi-arid areas, Agricultural Systems(Published Online)Doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.114941(IF=6.765)
Xiuyuan Wang, LeiShen, Tingting Liu, Wenwen Wei, ShuaiZhang, LuhuaLi*, WeiZhang*. Microclimate, yield, and income of a jujube–cotton agroforestry system in Xinjiang, China, Industrial Crops and Products doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.114941(IF=6.449)
Tao Yang, Chunhui Ma, Sumei Wan, Luhua Li*, Wei Zhang*. Microclimate, crop quality, productivity, and revenue in two types of agroforestry systems in drylands of Xinjiang, northwest China. European Journal of Agronomy(Published Online).DOI 10.1016/j.eja.2021.126245(IF=5.722)
Tingting Liu, Xiuyuan Wang, Lei Shen, Wenwen Wei, Shuai Zhang, Miaofeng Wang, Yun Zhu*, Tayir Tuertia*, Wei Zhang*, Apricot can improve root system characteristics and yield by intercropping with alfalfa in semiarid areas, Plant and Soil(Published Online)https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-023-05919-6(IF=4.993 )
Xiuyuan Wang, Tao Yang, Lei Shen , Wenlong Zhang, Sumei Wan, Wei Zhang*,Luhua Li*. Formation of factors influencing cotton yield in jujube–cotton intercropping systems in Xinjiang, China. Agroforestry systems 95, (2021):177-189(IF=2.419 )
Tao Yang, Zhiping Duan,Fanfan Zhang, Sumei Wan, Wenxiu Xu, Wei Zhang*,Luhua Li*Root distribution and productivity in a poplar tree + alfalfa silvopastoral system in northwest China’s Xinjiang Province. Agroforestry systems 94, (2020):997-1010
Wei Zhang, Wangli Xu, Paniguli Ahanbieke, Baoju Wang, Xiangdong Hao,Luhua Li* Competition for 15N-labeled nitrogen in a jujube tree (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.)/wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) agroforestry system in northwestern China. Agroforestry systems 93, (2019):2097-2110
Tao Yang, Zhiping Duan, Baoju Wang, Xiangdong Hao, Wanli Xu, Wei Zhang*,Luhua Li*. Effects of distance from a tree line on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of wheat in a jujube tree/wheat agroforestry system. Agroforestry systems,93, (2019):1545-1555
Wei Zhang, Baoju Wang, Zhiping Duan, Xiangdong Hao, Wanli Xu, Luhua Li* Different tree age affects light competition and yield in wheat grown as a companion crop in jujube-wheat agroforestry, Agroforestry systems, 93, (2019):653-664
Wei Zhang, Baoju Wang, Zhiping Duan, Xiangdong Hao, Wanli Xu, Luhua Li* Competitive interaction in jujube tree/cotton agroforestry system in Xinjiang province, northwestern China, Agroforestry system, 93, (2019):591-605
Zhiping Duan, Baoju Wang, Xiangdong Hao, Wanli Xu, Wei Zhang*,Luhua Li* Interspecific interaction alters root morphology in young walnut/wheat agroforestry systems in northwest China, Agroforestry systems, 93, (2019):419-434
Wei Zhang, Baoju Wang, Zhiping Duan, Xiangdong Hao, Wanli Xu, Luhua Li* Competitive interaction in a jujube tree/wheat agroforestry system in northwest China’s Xinjiang Province, Agroforestry systems, 91, (2017):881-893