1. 基于小型无人机的农作物遥感监测技术研究与示范、上海市科技兴农推广项目(沪农科推字(2016)第1-5-10号),2016/04-2019/03,参与。
2. 基于叶片反射光谱的水稻光合特性研究,上海市自然科学基金项目(15ZR1436800),2015/01-2017/12,主持。
3. 农业物联网相关专家系统研究,上海市科技兴农公关项目(沪农科攻字(2014)第4-5号),2014/07-2017/06,参与。
4. 水稻生产专家系统研究,上海市农委基础研究(沪农科基字(2014)第4-2号),2014/10-2019/09,参与。
1.一种根据小麦植株吸氮量核心波长确定适宜带宽的方法,专利号:CN 102636438 B。
1. Wei Wang, Xinfeng Yao, and Minhe Ji. (2016). Integrating seasonal optical and thermal infrared spectra to characterize urban impervious surfaces with extreme spectral complexity: a Shanghai case study. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 10 (1), 016018.
2.Jianlin Chen, Xuexia Wu, Xinfeng Yao, Zongwen Zhu, Shuang Xu, and Dingshi Zha. (2016). Exogenous 6-benzylaminopurine confers tolerance to low temperature by amelioration of oxidative damage in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) seedlings. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 39 (2) 409–416.
3. Xuexia Wu, Xinfeng Yao, Jianlin Chen, Zongwen Zhu, Hui Zhang, and Dingshi Zha. (2014). Brassinosteroids protect photosynthesis and antioxidant system of eggplant seedlings from high-temperature stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 36(2): 251-261.
4. Wei Wang, Xinfeng Yao, Junpeng Zhai, and Minhe Ji. (2014). A tetrahedron-based endmember selection approach for urban impervious surface mapping. PLOS ONE, 9(6): e93479.
5. Wei Wang, Xinfeng Yao, Minhe Ji, and Jiao Zhang. (2014). Spectral data treatments for impervious endmember derivation and fraction mapping from Landsat ETM+ imagery: a comparative analysis. Frontiers of Earth Science, 9(2): 179-191.
6. Xinfeng Yao, Xia Yao, Wenqing Jia, Yongchao Tian, Xiaojun Liu, Jun Ni, Weixing Cao, and Yan Zhu. (2013). Comparison and intercalibration of vegetation indices from different sensors for the estimation of plant nitrogen uptake in wheat. Sensors, 13(3): 3109-3130.
7. Xinfeng Yao, Xia Yao, Yongchao Tian, Jun Ni, Xiaojun Liu, Weixing Cao, and Yan Zhu. (2013). A new method to determine central wavelength and optimal bandwidth for predicting plant nitrogen uptake in wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12(5): 788-802.
8.吴琼, 齐波, 赵团结, 姚鑫锋, 朱艳, 盖钧镒. (2013). 高光谱遥感估测大豆冠层生长和籽粒产量的探讨. 作物学报, 39(2): 309-318.
9. Wei Wang, Xia Yao, Xinfeng Yao, Yongchao Tian, Xiaojun Liu, Jun Ni, Weixing Cao, and Yan Zhu. (2012). Estimating leaf nitrogen concentration of three-band vegetation index in rice and wheat. Field Crops Research, 129: 90-98.
10.张文宇, 汤亮, 姚鑫锋, 杨月, 曹卫星, 朱艳. (2012). 基于过程的小麦株型指标动态模拟. 中国农业科学, 45 (12), 2364-2374.
11.黄彦, 朱艳, 王航, 姚鑫锋, 曹卫星, David B. Hannaway, 田永超. (2011). 基于遥感与模型耦合的冬小麦生长预测. 生态学报, 31(4): 1073-1084.
12. 汤守鹏, 姚鑫锋, 姚霞, 田永超, 曹卫星, 朱艳.(2009).基于主成分分析和小波神经网络的近红外多组分建模研究. 分析化学, 10 (37), 1445-1450
13. 冯伟, 朱艳, 姚霞, 田永超, 姚鑫锋, 曹卫星. (2008). 小麦叶片色素含量的高光谱监测. 应用生态学报, 19 (5), 992-999.
14. 常丽英, 张文宇, 张玉屏, 顾东祥, 姚鑫锋, 朱艳, 曹卫星. (2007).水稻叶色变化动态的模拟模型研究. 作物学报, 33 (7), 1108-1115.