2003-2007,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),心理学系,博士
2019至今, 清华大学,心理学系,长聘教授、博士生导师
Psychonomic Society, Fellow
学术期刊外审:Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Cognition,Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being;Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Consumer Behaviour;Food Quality & Preference, Appetite,Journal of Sensory Studies;NeuroImage, Neuropsychologia, Experimental Brain Research, Frontiers in Neuroscience;心理学报、心理科学进展、心理科学 等
基础方向:人智交互(human-AI interaction);跨通道研究(crossmodal research)
From brain variations to individual differences in the color–flavor incongruency effect: A combined virtual reality and resting-state fMRI study
A virtual reality-based study of color contrast to encourage more sustainable food choices
Flavors bias attention toward associated colors in visual search
Influence of solitary or commensal dining advertisements on consumers’ expectations of and attitudes toward foods and restaurants
Alone but together: Cloud-based commensality benefits physical and mental health
The “double-edged sword” effect of eating together on food consumption and its mechanisms
The “double-edged sword” effect of eating together on food consumption and its mechanisms
Expectations generated based on associative learning guide visual search for novel packaging labels
Influence of expectation violation on the subsequent label search
Influence of associative learning on consumer behavior: From the perspective of product search experience
Influence of different cues on the color-flavor incongruency effect during packaging searching
Influence of eating together on brain activation and hedonic evaluation in response to foods
Influence of the crossmodal congruency between color and flavor on product evaluations: Evidence from behavioral and oscillatory brain responses
Influence of container color on food ratings and choices: Evidence from a desktop VR study
Cloud-Based Commensality: Enjoy the Company of Co-diners Without Social Facilitation of Eating
Influence of flavor variety and color variety on consumer preference and choices of yogurt bundles
Color-flavor interactions in associative learning: Evidence from a computerized matching task
A cross-cultural study of beliefs about the influence of food sharing on interpersonal relationships and food choices
Self-construal priming modulates the influence of receptacles on food perception
Show me the color in your mind: A study of color-flavor associations in virtual reality
The color-flavor incongruency effect in visual search for food labels: An eye-tracking study
Food Sharing With Choice: Influence on Social Evaluation
Transfer of repeated exposure cost via color-flavor associations
Grey matter volume and amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations predicts consumer ethnocentrism tendency
Receptacle interacts with consumer’s need for touch to influence tea-drinking experience
An event-related potential study of consumers’ responses to food bundles
Influence of teaware on subjective ratings of, and taste expectations concerning, tea
Gender Differences in the Associations Between Gray Matter Volume and the Centrality of Visual Product Aesthetics
Crossmodal Correspondences in the Sounds of Chinese Instruments
The color-flavor incongruency effect in product evaluation and brand perception
Influence of expectations on human path integration
The influence of placing orientation on searching for food in a virtual restaurant
Influence of virtual color on taste: Multisensory integration between virtual and real worlds
On the costs and benefits of using triangles in packaging design
Functional and structural basis of the color-flavor incongruency effect in visual search
The influence of target knowledge on path integration
Influence of route decision-making and experience on human path integration
Differential inter-trial effects in the visual search of children, adolescents, and young adults
Influence of the color and size of the plate on the subjective ratings of, taste expectations concerning, and willingness‐to‐pay for, Asian noodles
Visual Search for Wines with a Triangle on the Label in a Virtual Store
The Taste of Typefaces in Different Countries and Languages
Does the shape of a cup influence coffee taste expectations? A cross-cultural, online study
Do Easterners and Westerners Differ in Visual Cognition? A Preregistered Examination of Three Visual Cognition Tasks
The Effects of Receptacle on the Expected Flavor of a Colored Beverage: Cross-Cultural Comparison Among French, Japanese, and Norwegian Consumers
Reorientation in uncontinuous virtual reality space
Assessing the expectations associated with pharmaceutical pill colour and shape
Searching for triangles: An extension to food & packaging
Conducting perception research over the Internet: A tutorial review
The effect of learning in virtual path integration
On tasty colours and colourful tastes? Assessing, explaining, and utilizing crossmodal correspondences between colours and basic tastes
Crossmodal associations and subjective ratings of Asian noodles and the impact of the receptacle
Influence of the Glassware on the Perception of Alcoholic Drinks
Conducting perception research over the Internet: a tutorial review
Searching for flavor labels in food products: The influence of color-flavor congruence and association strength
When the shape of the glass influences the flavour associated with a coloured beverage: Evidence from consumers in three countries
Beverage perception and consumption: The influence of the container on the perception of the contents
Cross-cultural differences in crossmodal correspondences between tastes and visual features
Does the shape of the glass influence the crossmodal association between color and flavor? A cross-cultural comparison
The context of colour–flavour associations in crisps packaging: A cross-cultural study comparing Chinese, Colombian, and British consumers
Crossmodal Expectations of Tea Color Based on Flavor: A Preliminary Study with Na?ve Assessors
Processing of nonegocentric spatial distance and social distance in a flanker task
The Emotional Distractor Previewing Effect in Visual Search
Assessing the benefits of multisensory audiotactile stimulation for overweight individuals
Age-related differences in the distractor previewing effect with schematic faces of emotions
Elimination of sex difference in direction giving
The effect of landmarks in human path integration
Effects of Basic Path Properties on Human Path Integration
Age-related effects in inter-trial inhibition of attention
The effect of active selection in human path integration
The effect of feature discriminability on the intertrial inhibition of focused attention
Spatial updating in superimposed real and virtual environments
Electrophysiological evidence of feature-based inhibition of focused attention across consecutive trials
Intertrial inhibition of focused attention in pop-out search
Shifts of spatial attention in perceived 3-D space