1991.9-1996.7 清华大学计算机系, 攻读学士学位
1991.9-1996.7 清华大学,辅修应用数学专业
1996.9-2000.9 清华大学计算机系, 攻读博士学位
2000.3-2000.6 香港科技大学计算机系, 访问研究员
2000.11-2002.9 美国肯塔基大学计算机系, 博士后
2002.10-今 清华大学软件学院, 任教
IEEE SMI 2009程序委员会主席(Co-Chair),清华大学信息学院第三届学术委员会委员、国家自然科学基金“十一五”重大研究计划——“重大工程的动力灾变” 指导专家组成员
计算机辅助设计, 计算机辅助几何设计, 计算机图形学,计算机动画, 软件工程
雍俊海. Java程序设计. 北京: 清华大学出版社. 2008.
雍俊海. Java程序设计教程(第2版). 北京: 清华大学出版社. 2007.
雍俊海. Java程序设计习题集(含参考答案). 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2006.
雍俊海. 计算机动画算法与编程基础. 北京: 清华大学出版社. 2008.
Jun-Hai Yong, Fuhua (Frank) Cheng. Geometric Hermite curves with minimum strain energy. Computer Aided Geometric Design 2004. 21(3): 281-301.
Jun-Hai Yong, Fuhua (Frank) Cheng, Yifan Chen, Paul Stewart, Kenjiro T. Miura. Dynamic highlight line generation for locally deforming NURBS surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 2003. 35(10): 881-892.
Jun-Hai Yong, Shi-Min Hu, Jia-Guang Sun, Xing-Yu Tan. Degree reduction of B-spline curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 2001. 18(2): 117-127.
Jun-Hai Yong, Shi-Min Hu, Jia-Guang Sun. CIM algorithm for approximating three-dimensional polygonal curves. Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2001. 16(6): 552-559.
Jun-Hai Yong, Shi-Min Hu, Jia-Guang Sun. Bisection algorithms for approximating quadratic Bezier curves by G1 arc splines. Computer-Aided Design 2000. 32(4): 253-260.
Jun-Hai Yong, Bai-Lin Deng, Fuhua (Frank) Cheng, Bin Wang, Kun Wu, Hejin Gu. Removing local irregularities of triangular meshes with highlight line models.Science in China (Series F-Information Sciences) 2009. 52(3): 418-430.
Song-Gang Xu, Yun-Xiang Zhang, Jun-Hai Yong. A fast sweeping method for computing geodesics on triangular manifolds. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2010. 32(2): 231-241.
Sheng Yang, Jun-Hai Yong, Jia-Guang Sun, He-Jin Gu, Jean-Claude Paul. A cell-based algorithm for evaluating directional distances in GIS. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 2010. 24(4): 577-590.
Xiao-Ming Liu, Lei Yang, Jun-Hai Yong, Hejin Gu, Jiang-Guang Sun. A torus patch approximation approach for point projection on surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 2009. 26(5): 593-598.
Zhi-Zhong Wang, Jun-Hai Yong. Texture analysis and classification with linear regression model based on wavelet transform. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2008. 17(8): 1421-1430.