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教育背景 1981.9-1985.7西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院热力涡轮机专业,工学学士 1985.9-1988.5西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院热力涡轮机专业,工学硕士 1988.9-1992.7西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院热力涡轮机专业,工学博士 工作履历 1992.10-1994.10清华大学热能工程系,博士后 1994.11-1996.6清华大学热能工程系,助理研究员 1996.7-2001.7清华大学热能工程系,副教授 2001.8-至今清华大学热能工程系,教授 学术兼职 中国能源研究会热力学及工程应用专业委员会副主委 中国工程热物理学会理事 中国计量测试学会热物性专业委员会委员 北京新能源与可再生能源协会地源热泵专委会副主任委员 国际制冷学会(IIR)B1专业委员会委员 《应用基础与工程科学学报》、《制冷学报》、《地源热泵》和《石油石化节能》杂志编委 奖励与荣誉 西安交通大学优秀科技成果奖,排名第1,1991 清华之友二等奖,1993 清华之友二等奖,1995 清华优秀SRT指导教师二等奖,1998 国家教育部科技进步二等奖(发明类),排名第2,2000.1 清华大学科技成果推广应用效益显著专项奖,排名第2,2000.2 教学工作优秀成果二等奖,排名第1,2000.8 国家技术发明二等奖,排名第2,2000.10 中国高校科学技术一等奖(自然科学类),排名第3,2000.12 清华大学优秀教学软件评选二等奖,2002.11 第八届中国青年科技奖,2003.12 全国三八红旗手称号,2004.3 北京市“巾帼十杰”称号,2004.3 北京市三八红旗奖章获得者,2004.3 清华大学学术新人奖,2004.4 清华大学第七届研究生“良师益友”称号,2004.7 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,2004 北京市科学技术二等奖,排名第1,2005 清华大学教学成果一等奖,排名第4,2006 云南省科技发明一等奖,排名第10,2007 宝钢优秀教师奖,2008 清华大学优秀教材一等奖,排名第3,2008 北京市高等学校教学名师奖,2009 北京市师德标兵,2010 清华大学第十三届研究生“良师益友”称号,2012 清华大学优秀教学软件一等奖,2012 清华大学和北京市教学成果一等奖,2012




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A calcium looping system powered by renewable electricity for long-term thermochemical energy storage, residential heat supply and carbon capture ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT[0196-8904], Published 2023, Volume 276, Analysis of performance and suitable users of CCHP systems with active thermal energy storage APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING[1359-4311], Published 2023, Volume 229, CO_2复叠式空气源热泵供暖运行测试 制冷学报[0253-4339], Published 2023, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pages 39-46 相变材料的特点及热物性分析 东北大学学报(自然科学版)[1005-3026], Published 2023, Volume 44, Issue 4, Pages 510-516 Upscaling methane hydrate dissociation kinetic model during depressurisation Chemical Engineering Science[0009-2509], Published 2023, Volume 275, Influence of thermal stability on organic Rankine cycle systems using siloxanes as working fluids APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING[1359-4311], Published 2022, Volume 200, Pore-scale study of the multiphase methane hydrate dissociation dynamics and mechanisms in the sediment  CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL[1385-8947], Published 2022, Volume 430, Comprehensive comparison of the applicability of internally ribb e d and microfin tubes for TORC systems INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER[0017-9310], Published 2022, Volume 186, 基于热用户参数变化的汽轮机组协调供热特性研究 电力科技与环保[1674-8069], Published 2022, Issue 1, Pages 5-13 基于?分析法的供热机组变工况特性研究 热力发电[1002-3364], Published 2022, Issue 1, Pages 121-128 Fundamental studies of air injection for heavy crude oil recovery and its applications 稠油注空气开发技术的基础研究与应用 Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University[1000-0054], Published 2022, Volume 62, Issue 4, Pages 722-734 Pore-scale study of coke combustion in a matrix-fracture system based on the micro-continuum approach Physics of Fluids[1070-6631], Published 2022, Volume 34, Issue 3, Comparative investigation of a lattice Boltzmann boundary treatment of multiphase mass transport with heterogeneous chemical reactions PHYSICAL REVIEW E[2470-0045], Published 2022, Volume 105, Issue 5, Coupling effect between heat flux distribution and buoyancy of supercritical CO2 heat transfer with nonuniform heat flux in parabolic-trough collector INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER[0017-9310], Published 2022, Volume 195, Multiscale Digital Rock Imaging and Modeling for Measuring the Heterogeneous Carbonate and Conglomerate Permeability at the Laboratory Plug Scale ENERGY & FUELS[0887-0624], Published 2022, Volume 36, Issue 18, Pages 11025-11039 Experimental study of the heat transfer of supercritical R1234yf as a substitute for R134a in a horizontal micro-fin tube INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION[0140-7007], Published 2022, Volume 144, Pages 1-13 Improved micro-continuum approach for capillary-dominated multiphase flow with reduced spurious velocity  PHYSICS OF FLUIDS[1070-6631], Published 2022, Volume 34, Issue 12, 650℃超超临界燃煤机组烟气余热梯级利用系统设计与优化 电力科技与环保[1674-8069], Published 2022, Volume 38, Issue 6, Pages 439-447 基于先进?分析法的供热机组优化 发电设备[1671-086X], Published 2022, Volume 36, Issue 5, Pages 310-315 Performance Analysis of CCHP-TES System Based on Supply-demand Energy Matching 基于供需匹配的CCHP-TES系统性能分析 Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2022, Volume 43, Issue 11, Pages 2865-2873 Investigation of R134a Flow Boiling in Enhanced Tubes Under ORC Conditions ORC 工况R134a 在强化管内流动换热研究 Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2022, Volume 43, Issue 5, Pages 1310-1315 Comprehensive Evaluation of Subcritical/Supercritical ORC Based on Actual Heat Transfer 基于实际换热的ORC亚/跨临界综合评价 Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2022, Volume 43, Issue 2, Pages 296-303 Key parameter influence mechanism and optimal working fluid screening correlation for trans-critical organic Rankine cycle with open type heat sources ENERGY[0360-5442], Published 2021, Volume 214, Reaction model of low asphaltene heavy oil from ramped temperature oxidation experimental analyses and numerical simulations ENERGY[0360-5442], Published 2021, Volume 219, A Comprehensive Experimental Study on Immiscible Displacements in Porous Media: Effects of Capillary Forces, Viscous Forces, Wettability and Pore Geometries JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE[1003-2169], Published 2021, The staged development of a horizontal pipe flow at supercritical pressure INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER[0017-9310], Published 2021, Volume 168, 有出口温度限制的热源亚临界有机朗肯循环最佳回热度定量准则的研究 可再生能源[1671-5292], Published 2021, Issue 4, Pages 472-480 论我国受控制冷剂销毁的紧迫性及潜在新技术开发的重要性 制冷与空调[1009-8402], Published 2021, Issue 7, Pages 61-66 废弃制冷剂降解方法研究现状及思考 化工学报[0438-1157], Published 2021, Issue S1, Pages 1-6 Pore-scale study of multicomponent multiphase heat and mass transfer mechanism during methane hydrate dissociation process Chemical Engineering Journal[1385-8947], Published 2021, Volume 423, Simultaneous temperature and CO-concentration time-history measurements during the pyrolysis and ultra-fuel-rich oxidation of ethanol, diethyl ether, n-heptane, and isooctane behind reflected shock waves Combustion and Flame[0010-2180], Published 2021, Volume 232, Review of waste refrigerant destruction methods 废弃制冷剂降解方法研究现状及思考 Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal[0438-1157], Published 2021, Volume 72, Pages 1-6 Lattice Boltzmann modeling of interfacial mass transfer in a multiphase system Physical Review E[2470-0045], Published 2021, Volume 104, Issue 1, 以蒸汽和R245fa为介质的有机朗肯循环蒸发器设计及测试研究 东北电力大学学报[1005-2992], Published 2021, Issue 5, Pages 40-47 Multilayer quasi-three-dimensional model for the heat transfer inside the borehole wall of a vertical ground heat exchanger Geothermics[0375-6505], Published 2020, Volume 83, Standard thermodynamic properties for the energy grade evaluation of fossil fuels and renewable fuels Renewable Energy[0960-1481], Published 2020, Volume 147, Pages 2160-2170 MM工质热分解及其对ORC系统影响的研究 工程热物理学报[0253-231X], Published 2020, Volume 41, Issue 01, Pages 77-82 Heat transfer of R134a in a horizontal internally ribbed tube and in a smooth tube under super critical pressure Applied Thermal Engineering[1359-4311], Published 2020, Volume 173, Thermal stability and material compatibility for hexamethyldisiloxane as the working fluids of organic Rankine cycle 六甲基二硅氧烷作为有机朗肯循环工质的热稳定性和材料相容性 Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin[0023-074X], Published 2020, Volume 65, Issue 5, Pages 410-416 Standard thermodynamic properties for the energy grade evaluation of fossil fuels and renewable fuels (vol 147, pg 2160, 2020) RENEWABLE ENERGY[0960-1481], Published 2020, Volume 155, Pages 1445-1445 Mixed convection heat transfer of supercritical pressure R1234yf in horizontal flow: Comparison study as alternative to R134a in organic Rankine cycles ENERGY[0360-5442], Published 2020, Volume 205, The Influences of n-Pentane Thermal Stability and Material Compatibility on Supercritical ORC System Design Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2020, Volume 41, Issue 4, Pages 803-808 Feasibility Analysis of the Operation Strategies for Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Systems (CCHP) based on the Energy-Matching Regime JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE[1003-2169], Published 2020, Analysis of energy matching performance between CCHP systems and users based on different operation strategies ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT[0196-8904], Published 2019, Volume 182, Pages 60-71 Heat transfer investigation of supercritical R134a for trans-critical organic Rankine cycle system ENERGY[0360-5442], Published 2019, Volume 169, Pages 542-557 Thermal stability of hexamethyldisiloxane (MM) as a working fluid for organic Rankine cycle  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH[0363-907X], Published 2019, Volume 43, Issue 2, Pages 896-904 R245fa作为有机朗肯循环工质的材料相容性研究 热科学与技术[1671-8097], Published 2019, Issue 01, Pages 1-6 Experimental comparison of the heat transfer of supercritical R134a in a micro-fin tube and a smooth tube International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer[0017-9310], Published 2019, Volume 129, Pages 1194-1205 Experimental investigation of the heat transfer of supercritical R134a in a horizontal micro-fin tube International Journal of Thermal Sciences[1290-0729], Published 2019, Volume 138, Pages 536-549 Experimental study of the heat transfer characteristics of supercritical pressure R134a in a horizontal tube Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science[0894-1777], Published 2019, Volume 100, Pages 49-61 Analysis of simplified CCHP users and energy-matching relations between system provision and user demands Applied Thermal Engineering[1359-4311], Published 2019, Volume 152, Pages 532-542 Heat Release Model for the Low Temperature Oxidation of Heavy Oils from Experimental Analyses and Numerical Simulations ENERGY & FUELS[0887-0624], Published 2019, Volume 33, Issue 5, Pages 3970-3978 Comparison of capacity design modes and operation strategies and calculation of thermodynamic boundaries of energy-saving for CCHP systems in different energy supply scenarios ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT[0196-8904], Published 2019, Volume 188, Pages 296-309 Performance assessment of CCHP systems with different cooling supply modes and operation strategies ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT[0196-8904], Published 2019, Volume 192, Pages 188-201 Review of the Working Fluid Thermal Stability for Organic Rankine Cycles JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE[1003-2169], Published 2019, Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 597-607 Buoyancy effect on the mixed convection flow and heat transfer of supercritical R134a in heated horizontal tubes International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer[0017-9310], Published 2019, Volume 144, Material Compatibility of Hexamethyldisiloxane as Organic Rankine Cycle Working Fluids at High Temperatures Journal of Thermal Science[1003-2169], Published 2019, Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 25-31 Analysis of energy-matching performance and suitable users of conventional CCHP systems coupled with different energy storage systems Energy Conversion and Management[0196-8904], Published 2019, Volume 200, Heat Conversion Mechanism for CO2+Dimethyl Ether Absorption Power Trans-critical Cycle Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2019, Volume 40, Issue 5, Pages 968-973 Analysis of the Universality Characteristic for CCHP Users Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2019, Volume 40, Issue 8, Pages 1703-1706 流场剪切力对微生物污垢影响的CFD模拟 热科学与技术[1671-8097], Published 2019, Issue 05, Pages 423-430 Corrigendum to “Standard thermodynamic properties for the energy grade evaluation of fossil fuels and renewable fuels” [Renew. Energy 147 (2020) 2160–2170](S0960148119314715)(10.1016/j.renene.2019.09.127) Renewable Energy[0960-1481], Published 2019, Volume 155, Pages 1445 Quantification of the microstructure, effective hydraulic radius and effective transport properties changed by the coke deposition during the crude oil in-situ combustion CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL[1385-8947], Published 2018, Volume 331, Pages 856-869 Thermal stability of some hydrofluorocarbons as supercritical ORCs working fluids APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING[1359-4311], Published 2018, Volume 128, Pages 1095-1101 Effects of nanoscale pore structure on permeability and relative permeability loss analyzed by GPU enhanced Multiple-Relaxation-Time LBM INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER[0017-9310], Published 2018, Volume 117, Pages 584-594 Zeotropic mixture active design method for organic Rankine cycle APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING[1359-4311], Published 2018, Volume 129, Pages 1171-1180 Study of Variable Turbulent Prandtl Number Model for Heat Transfer to Supercritical Fluids in Vertical Tubes Journal of Thermal Science[1003-2169], Published 2018, Volume 27, Issue 3, Pages 213-222 Thermodynamic evaluation of an ORC system with a Low Pressure Saturated Steam heat source Energy[0360-5442], Published 2018, Volume 149, Pages 375-385 Fluid-to-fluid scaling of heat transfer to mixed convection flow of supercritical pressure fluids  International Journal of Energy Research[0363-907X], Published 2018, Volume 42, Issue 10, Pages 3361-3377 Experimental study of R134a flow boiling in a horizontal tube for evaporator design under typical Organic Rankine Cycle pressures INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW[0142-727X], Published 2018, Volume 71, Pages 210-219 Influence of alkane working fluid decomposition on supercritical organic Rankine cycle systems ENERGY[0360-5442], Published 2018, Volume 153, Pages 422-430 Pore-scale modelling of the coupled thermal and reactive flow at the combustion front during crude oil in-situ combustion CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL[1385-8947], Published 2018, Volume 350, Pages 776-790 Experimental study of buoyancy effect and its criteria for heat transfer of supercritical R134a in horizontal tubes INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER[0017-9310], Published 2018, Volume 127, Pages 555-567 Tube diameter size effects on heat transfer of supercritical R134a in horizontal tubes for vapor generator design in organic rankine cycles ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Published 2018, Pages 71-76 Anti-biofouling Effect Comparison Between Benzalkonium Chloride and Sodium Hypochlorite Yingyong Jichu yu Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao/Journal of Basic Science and Engineering[1005-0930], Published 2018, Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 295-304 Dissociation Energy Prediction Method for the Working Fluid Thermal Stability Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2018, Volume 39, Issue 4, Pages 707-711 Experimental study on sharp increase of wall temperature in vapor generator for organic rankine cycle ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Published 2018, Pages 189-194 Adapted computational method of energy level and energy quality evolution for combined cooling, heating and power systems with energy storage units ENERGY[0360-5442], Published 2017, Volume 120, Pages 209-216 Using Thermal Shock to Inhibit Biofilm Formation in the Treated Sewage Source Heat Pump Systems  APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL[2076-3417], Published 2017, Volume 7, Issue 4, Using micro-patterned surfaces to inhibit settlement and biofilm formation by Bacillus subtilis  CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY[0008-4166], Published 2017, Volume 63, Issue 7, Pages 608-620 Chemical-structural properties of the coke produced by low temperature oxidation reactions during crude oil in-situ combustion FUEL[0016-2361], Published 2017, Volume 207, Pages 179-188 Pyrolysis of a Low Asphaltene Crude Oil under Idealized in Situ Combustion Conditions ENERGY & FUELS[0887-0624], Published 2017, Volume 31, Issue 10, Pages 10545-10554 内燃机余热有机朗肯循环工质筛选研究 汽车工程[1000-680X], Published 2017, Volume 39, Issue 02, Pages 121-126 平面热源法导热系数及热扩散率虚拟仿真实验开发 实验技术与管理[1002-4956], Published 2017, Issue 05, Pages 5-7+10 Chemical Thermodynamics Prediction Method for the Working Fluid Thermal Stability Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2017, Volume 38, Issue 4, Pages 679-683 Screening of working fluids and metal materials for high temperature organic Rankine cycles by compatibility Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy[1941-7012], Published 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2, Exploration and Analysis of CO2 + Hydrocarbons Mixtures as Working Fluids for Trans-critical ORC Energy Procedia[1876-6102], Published 2017, Volume 129, Pages 145-151 Time-based category of combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) users and energy matching regimes Applied Thermal Engineering[1359-4311], Published 2017, Volume 127, Pages 266-274 Optimal working fluids and working condition of trans-critical organic Rankine cycle for 150-350°C heat recovery 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2017, Published 2017, Thermodynamic boundaries of energy saving in conventional CCHP (Combined Cooling, Heating and Power) systems ENERGY[0360-5442], Published 2016, Volume 94, Pages 243-249 Coke Formation and Coupled Effects on Pore Structure and Permeability Change during Crude Oil in Situ Combustion ENERGY & FUELS[0887-0624], Published 2016, Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 933-942 Evaluation of combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems with energy storage units at different locations APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING[1359-4311], Published 2016, Volume 95, Pages 204-210 Analysis of the quantitative correlation between the heat source temperature and the critical temperature of the optimal pure working fluid for subcritical organic Rankine cycles APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING[1359-4311], Published 2016, Volume 99, Pages 383-391 Multiple effects of energy storage units on combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH[0363-907X], Published 2016, Volume 40, Issue 6, Pages 853-862 Pressure Analysis of Airflow with Different Inlet Angle in the Oblique Rectangular Fin Channels PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO/NANOSCALE HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 2016, VOL 2, Published 2016, Chemical kinetics method for evaluating the thermal stability of Organic Rankine Cycle working fluids APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING[1359-4311], Published 2016, Volume 100, Pages 708-713 Performance analyses of transcritical organic Rankine cycles with large variations of the thermophysical properties in the pseudocritical region APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING[1359-4311], Published 2016, Volume 101, Pages 183-190 Categorization and analysis of heat sources for organic Rankine cycle systems RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS[1364-0321], Published 2016, Volume 64, Pages 790-805 Screening of hydrocarbons as supercritical ORCs working fluids by thermal stability ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT[0196-8904], Published 2016, Volume 126, Pages 632-637 A new approach for mitigating biofouling by promoting online cleaning using a sacrificial paraffin coating  HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING[0145-7632], Published 2015, Volume 36, Issue 7-8, Pages 695-705 Effect of temperature on the effective thermal conductivity of n-tetradecanebasednanofluids containing copper nanoparticles Particuology[1674-2001], Published 2015, 含水砂土导热系数实验研究 工程热物理学报[0253-231X], Published 2015, Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages 265-268 Air Injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery: In Situ Monitoring the Low-Temperature Oxidation of Oil through Thermogravimetry/Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH[0888-5885], Published 2015, Volume 54, Issue 26, Pages 6634-6640 Highly dispersed Mn2O3 microspheres: Facile solvothermal synthesis and their application as Li-ion battery anodes PARTICUOLOGY[1674-2001], Published 2015, Volume 22, Pages 89-94 Effective thermal conductivity of carbon nanotube-based nanofluid JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS[1876-1070], Published 2015, Volume 55, Pages 76-81 Numerical study of the air inlet angle influence on the air-side performance of plate-fin heat exchangers APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING[1359-4311], Published 2015, Volume 89, Pages 356-364 Study on interactions between suspended matter and biofouling formed by treated sewage ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY[0959-3330], Published 2015, Volume 36, Issue 21, Pages 2778-2785 Biofouling growth model and force analysis Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University[1000-0054], Published 2014, Volume 54, Issue 2, Pages 247-252 Comprehensive analysis of heat transfer surface silver coating effects on biofouling inhibition Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2014, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pages 354-357 Condensation heat transfer of R410a in horizontal tubes Proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning(ACRA2014), Published 2014, Effective nanofluid thermal conductivity based on temperature-dependent interfacial nano-layer and nanoparticle Brownian motion XII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials(NANO 2014), Published 2014, Effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids considering interfacial nano-shells MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS[0254-0584], Published 2014, Volume 148, Issue 1-2, Pages 195-200 Influence of working fluid properties on system performance and screen evaluation indicators for geothermal ORC (organic Rankine cycle) system Energy[0360-5442], Published 2014, Investigations on interactions between heat exchanger biofouling and suspended matter Proceedings of International Heat Transfer Proceedings of International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC15); 1-11; 2014; Kyoto, Published 2014, Preliminary study on mixture working fluids design for low temperature geothermal binary organic rankine cycle Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2014, Volume 35, Issue 8, Pages 1498-1502 Temperature dependence of the stability and thermal conductivity ofan oil-based nanofluid Thermochimica Acta[0040-6031], Published 2014, Pages 27-30 The oxidation of heavy oil: Thermogravimetric analysis and non-isothermal kinetics using the distributed activation energy model Fuel Processing Technology[0378-3820], Published 2014, Volume 119, Pages 146-150 The role of interfacial nanolayer in the enhanced thermal conductivity of carbon nanotube-based nanofluids Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing[0947-8396], Published 2014, Volume 118, Issue 1, Pages 197-205 Vapor pressure measurement of two quaternary systems libr + lino3 + licl + h2o and libr + LiCl+1,3-Propanediol + h2o JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA[0021-9568], Published 2014, Volume 59, Issue 4, Pages 1320-1325 Zero discharge fluid dynamic gauging for studying the thickness of soft solid layers Journal of Food Engineering[0260-8774], Published 2014, Volume 127, Pages 24-33 换热表面镀银抑制微生物污垢综合分析 工程热物理学报[0253-231X], Published 2014, Issue 2, 石蜡涂层包埋苯扎氯铵的抑垢效果评价 应用基础与工程科学学报[1005-0930], Published 2014, 油基纳米流体的电导率 中国粉体技术[1008-5548], Published 2014, Volume 20, Issue 4, Dispersion stability analysis of α-Fe2O3-water-based nanofluid Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2013, Volume 34, Issue 11, Pages 2006-2010 Experiment research for the thermal stability of isobutene and isopentane Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2013, Volume 34, Issue 8, Pages 1416-1419 Experimental investigation of interactions between the temperature field and biofouling in a synthetic treated sewage stream BIOFOULING[0892-7014], Published 2013, Volume 29, Issue 5, Pages 513-523 Growth and interaction mechanism of multi-strain biofouling under different nutrient levels Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal[0438-1157], Published 2013, Volume 64, Issue 3, Pages 1036-1041 Influence of working fluid properties on system performance and screen evaluation indicators for geothermal ORC system Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2013, Published 2013, Oil production rate predictions for steam assisted gravity drainage based on high-pressure experiments SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES[1674-7321], Published 2013, Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 324-334 Physical simulation of improving the uniformity of steam chamber growth in the steam assisted gravity drainage  PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT[1000-0747], Published 2013, Volume 40, Issue 2, Pages 202-207 Selection of Working Fluids 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Volume 188, Pages 47-56 Evolution of biofouling on a vertical stainless steel surface caused by bacillus subtilis under heat pump conditions Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal[0438-1157], Published 2012, Volume 63, Issue 1, Pages 230-236 Heat pump system design and fouling analysis for waste heat recovery from printing and dyeing wastewater The 5th International Forum on Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Technologies, Published 2012, HFC32/PVE的材料相容性实验研究 工程热物理学报[0253-231X], Published 2012, Issue 7, Interaction effects of silica dioxide particles and calcium ions on the evolution of biofouling in plate heat exchangers relevant to a heat pump heat recovery system from treated sewage INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS & PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY[0268-1900], Published 2012, Volume 44, Issue 41641, Pages 67-76 LCCP-evaluation of refrigerated food transportation Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics[0253-231X], Published 2012, Volume 33, Issue 1, Pages 135-138 Overall 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