Nana Dong (董娜娜), Yan Zhou(周燕), Shanbiao Pang(庞山彪), Xiaodong Huang (黄晓东), Ke Liu (刘珂), Lunhua Deng(邓伦华)*, and Huailiang Xu (徐淮良)*. Strong-field-induced N2+ air lasing in nitrogen glow discharge plasma [J]. Chinese Physics Letter, 2021, 38(4):043301.
YAN ZHOU1, NANA DONG, SHANBIAO PANG, HANXIAO LI1, LUNHUA DENG*, JIAN WU, AND HUAILIANG XU*Generation of visible-wavelength-tunable ultrashort laser pulses through femtosecond laser filamentation in air: strong external focusing effect [J]. OSA Continuum, 2020, 3(12):3574-3581.
Hanxiao Li, Erik L?tstedt, Helong Li, Yan Zhou, Nana Dong, Lunhua Deng, Peifen Lu, Toshiaki Ando, Atsushi Iwasaki, Yao Fu, Siqi Wang, Jian Wu*, Kaoru Yamanouchi, and Huailiang Xu Giant Enhancement of Air Lasing by Complete Population Inversion in N2+ [J]. Physical review letters, 2020, 125(5): 053201.
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Li, C., Shao, L., Wang, H., Zhou, Q., Qiu, X.*, Wei, J., Deng, L.*, Chen, Y. Re-investigation of the (3, 0) band in the b4Σ? - a4Π system for nitric oxide by laser absorption spectroscopy. (2018) Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 346, pp. 1-3. DOI: 10.1016/j.jms.2017.12.006
Li, C., Shao, L., Meng, H., Wei, J., Qiu, X.*, He, Q., Ma, W., Deng, L., Chen, Y. High-speed multi-pass tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer based on frequency-modulation spectroscopy. (2018) Optics Express, 26 (22), pp. 29330-29339. DOI: 10.1364/OE.26.029330
Chuanliang Li, Yachao Li, Zhonghua Ji, Xuanbing Qiu, Yunzhong Lai, Jilin Wei, Yanting Zhao, Lunhua Deng, Yangqin Chen, and Jinjun Liu. Candidates for direct laser cooling of diatomic molecules with the simplest 1Σ?1Σ electronic system. Phys. Rev. A 97, 062501
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