2020.12- 至今 副教授 清华大学工业工程系统计学研究中心
2018.12 - 2020.12 助理教授 清华大学工业工程系统计学研究中心
2017.10 - 2018.12 博士后研究员– 德国鲁尔波鸿大学数学系
2015.07 - 2017.07 博士后研究员– 英国伦敦大学学院统计科学系与大数据所
2010.09 - 2015.11 加拿大多伦多大学统计学博士,加拿大多伦多
2008.08 - 2010.02 美国哥伦比亚大学统计学硕士,美国纽约
2004.09 - 2008.07 北京大学物理学学士,中国北京
2021.02 - 2021.06 金融统计 本科生课程
2020.09 - 2021.01 高等数理统计统计I 研究生课程
2020.01 - 2020.06 网络数据统计分析 研究生课程
2019.09 - 2020.01 面板数据分析 研究生课程
Dette, H., & Wu, W.* (2020+), Prediction in locally stationary time series, accepted by Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.
Dette, H., Dhar, S.S. & Wu,W.* (2020+), Identifying shifts between two regression curves, accepted by Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
Dette, H.*, Wu, W. (2019). Detecting Relevant Changes in the Mean of a Non-stationary Process. The Annals of Statistics,47(6), 3578-3608. (alphabetical order)
Wu, W.*, & Zhou, Z. (2018). Gradient-based Structural Change Detection for Nonstationary Time Series M-estimation. The Annals of Statistics, 46(3), 1197-1224.
Wu, W.*, & Zhou, Z. (2018). Simultaneous Quantile Inference for Non-stationary Long-memory Time Series. Bernoulli, 24(4A), 2991-3012.
Dette, H., Wu, W.*, & Zhou, Z. (2018). Change Point Analysis of Correlation in Non-stationary Time Series. Statistica Sinica, 29(2), 611-644.
Wu, W.*, & Zhou, Z. (2017). Nonparametric Inference for Time-varying Coefficient Quantile Regression. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 35(1), 98-109.
Wu,W.* & Zhou, Z., MACE: Multiscale Abrupt Change Estimation Under Complex Temporal Dynamics,submitted.
Wu,W.*, Olhede, S. & Wolfe, P. Tractably Modelling Dependence in Networks Beyond Exchangeability,submitted.
Dhar, S.S. and Wu,W.*, Shift identification in time varying regression quantiles submitted.
Wu,W. and Zhou, Z.*, Adaptive Estimation for Non-stationary Factor Models And A Test for Static Factor Loadings, submitted.