Wang Z, Liu K, Zhu L, Jiang H* (2021) Detecting the occurrence times and locations of multiple traffic crashes simultaneously with probe vehicle data. Transportation Research Part C 126:1-12, accepted. (对多个交通事故发生时间和地点的检测模型)
Chen X, Jiang H* (2020) Detecting the Demand Changes of Bike Sharing: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Early Access, accepted. (共享单车需求的变点检测)
Su, S., E. Chaniotakis, S. Narayanan, H. Jiang, C. Antoniou* (2020) Clustered tabu search optimization for reservation-based shared autonomous vehicles. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, accepted. (共享自动驾驶车辆的调度算法)
Chen, Z.?, H. Jiang* (2020) Impacts of high-speed rail on domestic air cargo traffic in China. Tranportation Research Part A, accepted. (高速铁路对航空货运的影响分析)
Liu, S.?, H. Jiang*, S. Chen, J. Ye, R. He, Z. Sun (2020) Integrating Dijkstra's algorithm into deep inverse reinforcement learning for food delivery route planning. Tranportation Research Part E, 142. (利用深度逆强化学习对外卖配送路径进行优化)
Tao, J.?, H. Dai, H. Jiang, W. Chen*, “Dispatch optimization in O2O on-demand service with crowd-sourced and in-house drivers”, International Journal of Production Research, accepted. (O2O外卖平台专送与众包骑手的派送优化)
Wang, Z.?, L. Zhu, B. Ran and H. Jiang*, “Queue profile estimation at a signalied intersection by exploiting the spatiotemporal propagation of shockwaves”, Transportation Research Part B, 141:59-71, 2020. (信号灯路口排队长度的预测模型)
Chen, R.? and H. Jiang*, Capacitated assortment and price optimization under the nested logit model, Journal of Global Optimization, 77:895-918, 2020.
Chen, R.? and H. Jiang*, “Assortment Optimization with Position Effects under the Nested Logit Model”, Naval Research Logistics, 67(1):21-33, 2020. (基于Nested Logit模型,对综合性电商的商品品类及搜索结果排序进行优化以最大化收益)
Zheng, Z.?, Z. Wang?, L. Zhu, and H. Jiang*, “Determinants of the congestion caused by a traffic accident in urban road networks”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 136, 2020. (对城市路网中交通事故造成的拥堵进行了成因分析)
Wang, Z.? and H. Jiang*, “Identifying secondary crashes on freeways by leveraging the spatiotemporal evolution of shockwaves in the speed contour plot”, Journal of Transport Engineering, 146(2):04019072, 2020. (基于时空冲击波的路网二次事故侦测模型)
Chen, Z.?, Z. Wang?, and H. Jiang*, “Analyzing the heterogeneous impacts of high-speed rail entry on air travel in China: A hierarchical panel regression approach”, Transportation Research Part A, 127:86-98, 2019. (高速铁路对民航的异质性影响:基于层次面板回归模型的分析)
Wang, Z.? and H. Jiang*, “Simultaneous correction of the time and location bias associated with a reported crash by exploiting the spatiotemporal evolution of travel speed”, Transportation Research Part B, 123:199-223, 2019. (利用车流速度的时空演变对交通事故的发生时间和地点进行修正)
Chen, R.? and H. Jiang*, “Capacitated Assortment and Price Optimization under the Multilevel Nested Logit Model”, Operations Research Letters, 47(1), 2019. (基于多层Nested Logit模型的有限资源下的商品品类及定价优化模型)
Li, D.? and H. Jiang*, “On feature selection in network flow based traffic sign tracking models ”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 127:657-664, 2019. (交通标志跟踪模型的特征选择)
Li, D.?, C. Antoniou, Q. Xie, W. Shen, W. Han, and H. Jiang*, “The value of prepositioning in smartphone-based vanpool services under stochastic requests and time-dependent travel times”, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673(2):26-37, 2019. (随机需求及随机时变旅行时间下“主动调度“策略在网约小巴运营中的价值)
Wang, Z.?, X. Qi?, H. Jiang*, “Estimating the spatiotemporal impact of traffic incidents: An integer programming approach consistent with the propagation of shockwaves”, Transportation Research Part B, 111:356-369, 2018. (交通事故时空影响范围的整数规划模型:与冲击波理论一致的结果)
Jin, W.?, Y. Deng, H. Jiang*, Q. Xie, W. Shen, W. Han, “Latent class analysis of accident risks in usage-based insurance: Evidence from Beijing”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 115:79-88, 2018. (驾驶员驾驶风险的潜在类别建模:利用北京智驾盒子的结果)
Yang, X.?, W. Jin?, H. Jiang*, Q. Xie, W. Shen, W. Han, “Car ownership policies in China: Residents' preferences and influence on the choice of electric cars”, Transport Policy, 58:62-71, 2017. (中国居民小汽车限购政策以及居民对电动汽车的偏好)
Jiang, H.*, R. Chen?, and H. Sun?, “Multiproduct Price Optimization Under the Multilevel Nested Logit Model”, Annals of Operations Research, 254(1-2):131-164, 2017. (多层Nested Logit模型下的多产品价格优化模型) [PDF from RG] [PDF from SSRN]
Chen, R.? and H. Jiang*, “Capacitated Assortment and Price Optimization for Customers with Disjoint Consideration Sets”, Operations Research Letters, 45(2):170-174, 2017. (有限资源下的商品品类及定价优化问题:基于MNLD的结果) [PDF全文]
Zhang, Z.?, W. Jin?, H. Jiang*, Q. Xie, W. Shen, W. Han, “Modeling heterogeneous vehicle ownership in China: A case study based onthe Chinese national survey”, Transport Policy, 54:11-20, 2017. [download PDF](中国居民汽车保有量预测模型)
Xie, S.? and H. Jiang*, “Increasing the capacity of signalized intersections by allocating exit lanes to turning movements”, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 50(8):2239-2265, 2016. [download PDF]
Jiang, H.* and S. Chen?, “Dwelling unit choice in a condominium complex: Analysis of willingness to pay and preference heterogeneity”, Urban Studies, v. 53, n. 11, pp. 2273-2292, 2016. [download PDF](居民小区内的住宅选择:对支付意愿及偏好异质性的分析)
Zhang, Z.?*, S. Parr, H. Jiang, B. Wolshon, “Optimization model for regional evacuation transportation system using macroscopic productivity function”, Transportation Research Part B, v. 81, n. 2, pp. 616-630, 2015. (基于宏观生产力函数的区域疏散模型)
Jiang, H.*, X. Qi? and H. Sun?, “Choice-Based Recommender Systems: a Unified Approach to Achieving Relevancy and Diversity”, Operations Research,, v. 62, n. 5, pp. 973-993, 2014. [download PDF](基于选择的推荐系统:一个整合相关性和多样性的解决方案)
Yan, C.?, H. Jiang* and S. Xie?, “Capacity optimization of an isolated intersection under the phase swap sorting strategy”, Transportation Research Part B, v. 60, pp. 85-106, 2014.[download PDF](相位交换策略下的路口通行能力优化模型)
Zhang, Z.* and H. Jiang, “A robust counterpart approach to the bi-objective emergency medical service design problem”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, v.38, n. 3, pp. 1033-1040, 2014.
Jin, W.?, S. Chen? and H. Jiang*, “Finding the K Shortest Paths in a Time-Schedule Network with Constraints on Arcs”, Computers & Operations Research, v. 40 n. 12, pp. 2975-2982, 2013 [download PDF](时刻表网络下的K最短路算法)
Jiang, H.* and C. Barnhart, “Robust Airline Schedule De-Banking in a Dynamic Scheduling Environment”, Computers & Operations Research, vol. 40, n. 3, 2013.(动态航班调度环境下的鲁棒航班计划模型)
Zhang, Z.*, H. Jiang and X. Pan, "A Lagrangian Relaxation Based Approach for the Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem in Closed-loop Supply Chain", International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 140, n. 1, 2012.(闭环供应链背景下产量有限的批量生产问题)
Jiang, H.* and C. Barnhart, “Dynamic Airline Scheduling”, Transportation Science, v. 43, n. 3, pp. 336-354, 2009.(动态航班调度模型)
陈瑞?,姜海*, “基于Logit离散选择模型的品类优化问题综述”, 运筹学学报,, 2017年第4期
杨晓芳?, 王喆?, 姜海*, “基于多项式Logit模型的在线机票代理商选择行为模型”, 清华大学学报(自然科学版),, 已接受
Jiang, H.*, “A Nested-Logit Based Approach to Measuring Air Shopping Screen Quality and Predicting Market Share”, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management v. 8, pp. 134–147, 2009. [download pdf]
Chabini, I.*, H. Jiang, P. Macneille and R. Miller, “Parallel Implementations of Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, v. 2, pp. 1246-1252, Washington DC, 2003.
Jiang, H. and I. Chabini*, “A Framework for Static Shortest Path Algorithms with Applications”, Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, pp. 155-160, Tokyo, Japan, 2003.