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姜海博士现任清华大学工业工程系长聘副教授、博士生导师,运筹与统计研究所所长,人事处副处长(挂职),2016年获国家自然科学基金- 优秀青年科学基金(“优青”)资助。现任中国运筹学会-行为运作管理分会秘书长,中国运筹学会- 随机服务与运作管理分会理事,Computers & Industrial Engineering(IF=2.086,工业工程领域SCI期刊排名9/44)交通方向的分区编辑(Area Editor)。他的学术论文发表于《Operations Research》、《Transportation Science》、《Transportaton Research Part B》、《Transportaton Research Part A》、《Accident Analysis & Prevention》、《Naval Research Logistics》、《Operations Research Letters》等知名期刊。他擅长将消费者行为模型、数据挖掘技术和大规模优化方法三者结合,为企业提供数据驱动的决策工具,提高运营效益。 在加入清华大学以前,姜海博士在世博控股(Sabre Holdings)位于美国达拉斯的总部就职,为其子公司Sabre Travel Network (全球领先的民航解决方案提供商),Sabre Airline Solutions(全球领先的航空行业解决方案提供商) 和Travelocity(美国领先的在线旅游门户) 提供研究支持,涉及机票、酒店和度假产品等诸多业务。此间,他推动完成了若干与消费者行为建模和推荐系统相关的研发项目,获得良好的收益。他因此于2009年获得CIO’ s Special Award for Exceptional Performance. 教育背景 博士,麻省理工学院(MIT),交通与物流工程,导师:Cynthia Barnhart(2006年8月) 硕士,麻省理工学院(MIT),交通与物流工程,导师:Ismail Chabini(2004年2月) 学士,清华大学,土木工程,导师:陆化普(2001年7月) 工作经历 2018年1月至今,清华大学工业工程系长聘副教授、博导 2009年10月至2017年12月,清华大学工业工程系副教授、博导 2006年8月至2009年10月,Sabre Holdings (Dallas, TX), Senior Analyst 所获奖励 国家自然科学基金-优秀青年科学基金(“优青”)资助,2016 清华大学第二批“标杆课程”(数据结构)【新闻】,2019 清华大学精品课(数据结构),2019 清华大学2017年度“教学优秀奖”【澎湃新闻】【新浪新闻】 清华大学2013年度“青年教师教学优秀奖”,2014 清华大学第32届“挑战杯”优秀指导教师,2014 工业工程系科研工作优秀奖,2013 清华大学大学生研究训练(SRT)优秀项目一等奖,2012 第二届清华大学“落地北京”优秀项目,2012 工业工程系本科生课程教学优秀奖(交通),2012 工业工程系本科生课程教学优秀奖,2011 工业工程系科研工作优秀奖,2011 清华大学第29届“挑战杯”优秀指导教师,2011 工业工程系研究生课程教学优秀奖,2010 CIO’s Special Award for Exceptional Performance, Sabre Holdings Corp., 2009 Anna Valicek Medal, AGIFORS, 2006 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, MIT Global Airline Industry Program, 2003-2006 Research Assistantship, Ford-MIT Alliance, 2001-2003 茅以升科技教育奖学金,中国科协,2000 清华大学第七届结构设计大奖赛专业组一等奖,2000 清华大学第七届结构设计大奖赛专业组最佳结构分析奖,2000


交通系统的建模与优化:在城市、航空、铁路交通等领域,姜海博士积累了丰富的经验,如 车辆和人员的调度模型,收益管理,行程规划算法,驾驶员和旅客出行行为模型,动态交通分配(DTA),城市交通仿真等。他善于设计高效的数据结构和算法,并利用并行计算的 平台,来提升这些模型在大规模问题下的运行效率。除了以B2B的方式为企业提供这些领域的研究支持外,他还致力于利用移动互联网以B2C的方式为市民提供更便捷的交通服务 ,他领导开发的“摇摇公交”是AppStore唯一一款能够离线查询“地名到地名”公交地铁换乘方案的手机应用,支持全国300多个城市,累计安装 超过20万次。 零售商的品类优化与定价:品类优化问题(Assortment Optimization Problem)是收益管理的经典问题.它研究零售商在满足运营约束的前提下,应如何从给定产品集合中选择一个子集提供给消费者,以最大化期望收益。我们针对消费者在面对细分产品时的选择行为,采用合适的离散选择模型建模,建立相应的优化模型并设计高效率的求解算法。 用户行为的建模与分析:姜海博士擅长运用离散选择模型分析用户的选择偏好,如用户在互联网上购物时的产品选择偏好,旅客在市内(或城际)交通中 的出行模式选择偏好,消费者在零售店中购物的商品选择偏好,以及市民对交通政策(譬如,汽车限购)的偏好等。在充分认识了用户的选择行为后,他进一步构建相应的优化模型( 如,最大化利润或转化率),并设计求解算法,为企业的运营提供定量的指导。此外,他的研究小组精通实验设计,特别是选择实验设计(Choice Experiment),的理论和方法,与企业合作开展了多项关于新产品、新服务的市场研究,在问卷的设计、发放和分析上积累了大量的实际经验。 统计学模型与深度学习模型的应用:姜海博士善于综合运用经典的统计学模型和新兴的深度学习的方法解决不同领域的数据挖掘问题。譬如,他的研究小组(1)与国内外领先的互 联网企业建立了紧密的合作关系,通过分析和挖掘海量的用户浏览和点击数据,为这些企业设计了相关业务的产品推荐系统(Recommender Systems),给他们带来了巨大且可见的经济效益;(2)积极与国内领先的地图服务商合作,利用海量浮动车GPS数据开展大数据方面的研究,设计了相关的产品 原型,并推动了它们的商业应用;(3)与交通部门合作,利用深度学习模型对城市道路的路况进行短时预测


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Wang Z, Liu K, Zhu L, Jiang H* (2021) Detecting the occurrence times and locations of multiple traffic crashes simultaneously with probe vehicle data. Transportation Research Part C 126:1-12, accepted. (对多个交通事故发生时间和地点的检测模型) Chen X, Jiang H* (2020) Detecting the Demand Changes of Bike Sharing: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Early Access, accepted. (共享单车需求的变点检测) Su, S., E. Chaniotakis, S. Narayanan, H. Jiang, C. Antoniou* (2020) Clustered tabu search optimization for reservation-based shared autonomous vehicles. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, accepted. (共享自动驾驶车辆的调度算法) Chen, Z.?, H. Jiang* (2020) Impacts of high-speed rail on domestic air cargo traffic in China. Tranportation Research Part A, accepted. (高速铁路对航空货运的影响分析) Liu, S.?, H. Jiang*, S. Chen, J. Ye, R. He, Z. Sun (2020) Integrating Dijkstra's algorithm into deep inverse reinforcement learning for food delivery route planning. Tranportation Research Part E, 142. (利用深度逆强化学习对外卖配送路径进行优化) Tao, J.?, H. Dai, H. Jiang, W. Chen*, “Dispatch optimization in O2O on-demand service with crowd-sourced and in-house drivers”, International Journal of Production Research, accepted. (O2O外卖平台专送与众包骑手的派送优化) Wang, Z.?, L. Zhu, B. Ran and H. Jiang*, “Queue profile estimation at a signalied intersection by exploiting the spatiotemporal propagation of shockwaves”, Transportation Research Part B, 141:59-71, 2020. (信号灯路口排队长度的预测模型) Chen, R.? and H. Jiang*, Capacitated assortment and price optimization under the nested logit model, Journal of Global Optimization, 77:895-918, 2020. Chen, R.? and H. Jiang*, “Assortment Optimization with Position Effects under the Nested Logit Model”, Naval Research Logistics, 67(1):21-33, 2020. (基于Nested Logit模型,对综合性电商的商品品类及搜索结果排序进行优化以最大化收益) Zheng, Z.?, Z. Wang?, L. Zhu, and H. Jiang*, “Determinants of the congestion caused by a traffic accident in urban road networks”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 136, 2020. (对城市路网中交通事故造成的拥堵进行了成因分析) Wang, Z.? and H. Jiang*, “Identifying secondary crashes on freeways by leveraging the spatiotemporal evolution of shockwaves in the speed contour plot”, Journal of Transport Engineering, 146(2):04019072, 2020. (基于时空冲击波的路网二次事故侦测模型) Chen, Z.?, Z. Wang?, and H. Jiang*, “Analyzing the heterogeneous impacts of high-speed rail entry on air travel in China: A hierarchical panel regression approach”, Transportation Research Part A, 127:86-98, 2019. (高速铁路对民航的异质性影响:基于层次面板回归模型的分析) Wang, Z.? and H. Jiang*, “Simultaneous correction of the time and location bias associated with a reported crash by exploiting the spatiotemporal evolution of travel speed”, Transportation Research Part B, 123:199-223, 2019. (利用车流速度的时空演变对交通事故的发生时间和地点进行修正) Chen, R.? and H. Jiang*, “Capacitated Assortment and Price Optimization under the Multilevel Nested Logit Model”, Operations Research Letters, 47(1), 2019. (基于多层Nested Logit模型的有限资源下的商品品类及定价优化模型) Li, D.? and H. Jiang*, “On feature selection in network flow based traffic sign tracking models ”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 127:657-664, 2019. (交通标志跟踪模型的特征选择) Li, D.?, C. Antoniou, Q. Xie, W. Shen, W. Han, and H. Jiang*, “The value of prepositioning in smartphone-based vanpool services under stochastic requests and time-dependent travel times”, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673(2):26-37, 2019. (随机需求及随机时变旅行时间下“主动调度“策略在网约小巴运营中的价值) Wang, Z.?, X. Qi?, H. Jiang*, “Estimating the spatiotemporal impact of traffic incidents: An integer programming approach consistent with the propagation of shockwaves”, Transportation Research Part B, 111:356-369, 2018. (交通事故时空影响范围的整数规划模型:与冲击波理论一致的结果) Jin, W.?, Y. Deng, H. Jiang*, Q. Xie, W. Shen, W. Han, “Latent class analysis of accident risks in usage-based insurance: Evidence from Beijing”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 115:79-88, 2018. (驾驶员驾驶风险的潜在类别建模:利用北京智驾盒子的结果) Yang, X.?, W. Jin?, H. Jiang*, Q. Xie, W. Shen, W. Han, “Car ownership policies in China: Residents' preferences and influence on the choice of electric cars”, Transport Policy, 58:62-71, 2017. (中国居民小汽车限购政策以及居民对电动汽车的偏好) Jiang, H.*, R. Chen?, and H. Sun?, “Multiproduct Price Optimization Under the Multilevel Nested Logit Model”, Annals of Operations Research, 254(1-2):131-164, 2017. (多层Nested Logit模型下的多产品价格优化模型) [PDF from RG] [PDF from SSRN] Chen, R.? and H. Jiang*, “Capacitated Assortment and Price Optimization for Customers with Disjoint Consideration Sets”, Operations Research Letters, 45(2):170-174, 2017. (有限资源下的商品品类及定价优化问题:基于MNLD的结果) [PDF全文] Zhang, Z.?, W. Jin?, H. Jiang*, Q. Xie, W. Shen, W. Han, “Modeling heterogeneous vehicle ownership in China: A case study based onthe Chinese national survey”, Transport Policy, 54:11-20, 2017. [download PDF](中国居民汽车保有量预测模型) Xie, S.? and H. Jiang*, “Increasing the capacity of signalized intersections by allocating exit lanes to turning movements”, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 50(8):2239-2265, 2016. [download PDF] Jiang, H.* and S. Chen?, “Dwelling unit choice in a condominium complex: Analysis of willingness to pay and preference heterogeneity”, Urban Studies, v. 53, n. 11, pp. 2273-2292, 2016. [download PDF](居民小区内的住宅选择:对支付意愿及偏好异质性的分析) Zhang, Z.?*, S. Parr, H. Jiang, B. Wolshon, “Optimization model for regional evacuation transportation system using macroscopic productivity function”, Transportation Research Part B, v. 81, n. 2, pp. 616-630, 2015. (基于宏观生产力函数的区域疏散模型) Jiang, H.*, X. Qi? and H. Sun?, “Choice-Based Recommender Systems: a Unified Approach to Achieving Relevancy and Diversity”, Operations Research,, v. 62, n. 5, pp. 973-993, 2014. [download PDF](基于选择的推荐系统:一个整合相关性和多样性的解决方案) Yan, C.?, H. Jiang* and S. Xie?, “Capacity optimization of an isolated intersection under the phase swap sorting strategy”, Transportation Research Part B, v. 60, pp. 85-106, 2014.[download PDF](相位交换策略下的路口通行能力优化模型) Zhang, Z.* and H. Jiang, “A robust counterpart approach to the bi-objective emergency medical service design problem”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, v.38, n. 3, pp. 1033-1040, 2014. Jin, W.?, S. Chen? and H. Jiang*, “Finding the K Shortest Paths in a Time-Schedule Network with Constraints on Arcs”, Computers & Operations Research, v. 40 n. 12, pp. 2975-2982, 2013 [download PDF](时刻表网络下的K最短路算法) Jiang, H.* and C. Barnhart, “Robust Airline Schedule De-Banking in a Dynamic Scheduling Environment”, Computers & Operations Research, vol. 40, n. 3, 2013.(动态航班调度环境下的鲁棒航班计划模型) Zhang, Z.*, H. Jiang and X. Pan, "A Lagrangian Relaxation Based Approach for the Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem in Closed-loop Supply Chain", International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 140, n. 1, 2012.(闭环供应链背景下产量有限的批量生产问题) Jiang, H.* and C. Barnhart, “Dynamic Airline Scheduling”, Transportation Science, v. 43, n. 3, pp. 336-354, 2009.(动态航班调度模型) 会议论文及中文论文 陈瑞?,姜海*, “基于Logit离散选择模型的品类优化问题综述”, 运筹学学报,, 2017年第4期 杨晓芳?, 王喆?, 姜海*, “基于多项式Logit模型的在线机票代理商选择行为模型”, 清华大学学报(自然科学版),, 已接受 Jiang, H.*, “A Nested-Logit Based Approach to Measuring Air Shopping Screen Quality and Predicting Market Share”, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management v. 8, pp. 134–147, 2009. [download pdf] Chabini, I.*, H. Jiang, P. Macneille and R. Miller, “Parallel Implementations of Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, v. 2, pp. 1246-1252, Washington DC, 2003. Jiang, H. and I. Chabini*, “A Framework for Static Shortest Path Algorithms with Applications”, Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, pp. 155-160, Tokyo, Japan, 2003.
