Under preparation
Han Wang, Qingling Hou and Jing Qian*, Mesoscopic Rydberg controlled-$Z$ gate using optimized adiabatic pulses, in preparation.
Rui Li and Jing Qian*, Perfect protection of coherence in Rydberg quantum gates against the motional dephasing, in preparation.
Wan-Xia Li, Jin-Lei Wu, Shi-Lei Su and Jing Qian*, High-tolerance antiblockade SWAP gates using optimal pulse drivings, Physical Review A 109 012608(2024).
Rui Li, Jing Qian* and Weiping Zhang, Proposal for practical Rydberg quantum gates using a native two-photon excitation, Quantum Science and Technology(IF: 6.7; Q1) 8 035032(2023).
Jia-Bin Qiu, Lu Qin, Xing-Dong Zhao and Jing Qian* ,Optimal optical Ferris wheel solitons in a nonlocal Rydberg medium, Optics Letters 48 1578(2023). (Editor's Pick)
Han Wang and Jing Qian*, Controllable excitation facilitation of a strongly-interacting Rydberg atom ensemble, Chinese Physics B 32 083302(2023).
L. Qin, C. Hang, Z. Shi, Jing Qian, X. Feng, Y. Zhang, S. Xia, Z. Zhu, W. Liu and X. Zhao*, Soliton molecules and their scattering by a localized PT-symmetric potential in atomic gases, Optics Express 31 11116(2023).
Dongmin Yu, Han Wang, Jinming Liu, Shilei Su*, Jing Qian* and Weiping Zhang,Multiqubit Toffoli gates and optimal geometry with Rydberg atoms, , Physical Review Applied 18 034072(2022).
Rui Li, Shurui Li, Dongmin Yu, Jing Qian* and Weiping Zhang, Optimal model for fewer-qubit CNOT gates with Rydberg atoms, Physical Review Applied 17 024014(2022).
Xiaoguang Huo, Jiefei Chen, Jing Qian* and Weiping Zhang, Interaction-enhanced transmission imaging with Rydberg atoms , Physical Review A 105 012817 (2022).
Shurui Li, Jianqin Xu, Jing Qian* and Weiping Zhang, Revisiting the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in a double well by deep learning with a hybrid network, Frontiers of Physics 17 22504(2022). Cover Story 18级本科生第一作者
Di Fengqing, Jia Ning*, Qian Jing*, Narrowing the absorption linewidth and its limitation in a four-level inverted-Y atomic system, Acta Physica Sinica 71 193302(2022).
Ning Jia, Xing-Dong Zhao, Wen-Rong Qi and Jing Qian*, Ultraprecise off-axis atom localization with hybrid fields, Frontier in Physics, 10 933285 (2022).
Dan Liu, Yichun Gao, Jianqin Xu and Jing Qian*, Stable quantum interference enabled by coexisting detuned and resonant STIRAPs Chinese Physics B 30 053701(2021). 18级师范班本科生第一作者
Hamid Hamedl, Viaceslav Kidriasov, Ning Jia, Jing Qian, and Gediminas Juzeliunas, Ferris wheel patterning of Rydberg atoms using electromagnetically induced transparency with optical vortex field, Optics Letters (2021).
S. Asadpour, T. Kirova*, J. Qian*, H, Hamedi, G. Juzeliunas and E. Paspalakis, Azimuthal modulation of electromagnetically induced grating using structured light, Scientific Reports 11 20721(2021).
Rui Li, Dongmin Yu, Shilei Su* and Jing Qian*, Periodically-driven facilitated high-efficiency dissipative entanglement with Rydberg atoms, Physical Review A 101 042328(2020).
Ning Jia, Teodora Kirova, gediminas juzeliunas, Hamidreza Hamedi* and Jing Qian*, Ultraprecise Rydberg atomic localization using optical vortices, Optics Express 28 36936 (2020).
Teodora Kirova, Ning Jia*, seyyed Hossein Asadpour, Jing Qian*, gediminas juzeliunas, Hamidreza Hamedi*, Strongly confined atomic localization by Rydberg coherent population trapping, Optics, Letters, 45 5440 (2020).
Liang Zhang, Wen Wen*, Jing Qian, Xiaodong Ma, Ying Wang, Anisotropic expansions of a strongly interacting Fermi superfluid containing a vortex, J. Phys. B 53 155304 (2020).
Yichun Gao, Renying Hui, Dongmin Yu and Jing Qian*, Switchable dynamic Rydberg-dressed excitation via a cascaded double electromagnetically induced transparency, Physical Review A 100 033823(2019).16级本科生第一作者
Dongmin Yu, H. Wang, D. Ma, X.Zhao and Jing Qian*, Adiabatic and high-fidelity quantum gates with hybrid Rydberg-Rydberg interactions, Optics Express 27 023080 (2019).
Dandan Ma, Dongmin Yu, Xing-Dong Zhao and Jing Qian*, Unidirectional and controllable higher-order diffraction by a Rydbergelectromagnetically induced grating, Physical Review A 99 033826 (2019).
Dandan Ma, K.Y.Zhang, Jing Qian*,Properties of collective Rabi oscillations with two Rydberg atom,Chinese Physics B 28 013204(2019).
Han Wang, D. Yu, R. Li, N. Jia and Jing Qian*, Deterministic facilitated excitation of the weakly-driven atom in heteronuclear Rydberg atom pairs beyond antiblockade, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 36 2545 (2019) 16级本科生第一作者
Luyao Yan, Dandan Ma, Dongmin Yu, Jing Qian*,Robust switching of superposition-states via a coherent double stimulated Raman adiabatic passage,Journal of the Optical Society of America B 35 3014(2018) 14级本科生第一作者
iaoqian Chai, Lu Zhang, Dandan Ma, Luyao Yan, Huihan Bao, Jing Qian*, Anomalous excitation enhancement with Rydberg-dressed atoms,Physical Review A 96 053417 && 1710.10149.
Qian*, Robust quantum switch with Rydberg excitations, Scientific Reports 7 12952 (2017).
Qian* and W. Zhang, Deterministic entanglement generation between a pair of atoms on different Rydberg states via chirped adiabatic passage, JPB 50 065007. (2017).
u Zhang、Luyao Yan、Huihan Bao、Xiaoqian Chai、Dandan Ma、Qiannan Wu、Lingchen Xia、Dan Yao,Jing Qian*,Theoretical research on an efficient population transfer based on two different laser pulse sequences,Acta Physica Sinica 66 213301 (2017).
Qian*, Resonance-enhanced collective effect in a triangle arrangement of Rydberg atoms with anisotropic interactions, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 33 1749 (2016).
J. Qian*, L. Zhang, J. Zhai, W. Zhang, Dynamical phases in a one-dimensional chain of heterospecies Rydberg atoms with next-nearest neighbor interactions, Physical Review A 92 063407 &&1511.04796.
J. Zhai, L. Zhang, K. Zhang, J. Qian*, W. Zhang, Efficiecy limitation for realizing an atom-molecule adiabatic transfer based on a chainwise system, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 32 2164 (2015) && 1508.06732.
Qian*, Jingjing Zhai, Lu Zhang and Weiping Zhang, Chirped multiphoton adiabatic passage for a four-level ladder-type Rydberg excitation, Physical Review A 91 013411 (2015) && 1501.01351.
J. Qian* and Weiping Zhang, Dissipation-sensitive multiphoton excitations of strongly interacting Rydberg atoms, Physical Review A 90 033406 (2014) && 1408.7061.
J. Qian, Xing-Dong Zhao, Lu Zhou and Weiping Zhang Anisotropic deformation of Rydberg blockade sphere in few-atom systems, Physical Review A 88 033422(2013) && 1309.0331.
J. Qian, L. Zhou and W. Zhang, Quantum phases of strongly interacting Rydberg atoms in triangular lattices, Physical Review A 87 063421(2013) && arxiv:1305.6687.
X-D Zhao, Z. Geng, X. Zhao, J. Qian, L. Zhou, W. Zhang, Controllable magnetic solitons excitations in an atomic chain of spinor BECs confined in an optical lattice Appl.Phys. B DOI: 10.1007/s00340-013-5625-9 (2013).
J. Wu, J. Qian, X. Zhao, L. Zhou and W. Zhang, Superfluid-Mott-Insulator transition of spin-1bosons in optical resonators, Phys. Rev. A, 88 065601 (2013).
J. Qian, G. Dong, L. Zhou and W. Zhang, Phase diagram of Rydberg atoms in a nonequilibrium optical lattice, Physical Review A 85 065401(2012).
N. Jia, J. Qian*, G. Dong and W. Zhang, Stability, adiabaticity and transfer efficiency in a nonlinear Λ–system, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45 015301 (2012).
J. Qian, W. Zhang and H. Y. Ling, Achieving ground-state polar molecular condensates by chainwise atom-molecule adiabatic passage, Physical Review A 81 013632 (2010)
J. Qian, L. Zhou, K. Zhang and W. Zhang, Efficient production of polar molecular Bose-Einstein condensates via an all-optical R-type atom-molecule adiabatic passage, New Journal of Physics 12 033002 (2010).
J. Qian, K. Zhang, L. Zhou and W. Zhang, Elimination of collisional effects in an R-type atom-molecule adiabatic passage, J. Phys. B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 155206 (2010).
S. Zhou, Z. Duan, J. Qian, Z. Xu, W. Zhang and Y. Wang, Cold atomic clouds and Bose-Einstein condensates passing through a Gaussian beam, Physical Review A 80 033411 (2009).
L Zhou, J. Qian, H. Pu, W. Zhang and H. Y. Ling, Phase separation in a two-species atomic Bose-Einstein condensate with an interspecies Feshbach resonance, Physical Review A 78 053612 (2008).
J. Qian, Quantum dynamics with strongly interacting Rydberg atoms, 2014 MarchMeeting Denver USA.
J. Qian, G. Dong, L. Zhou and W. Zhang, Phase diagram of Rydberg atoms in a nonequilibrium optical lattice,2013 DAMOP Quebec City Canada June 6.
Jing Qian, Weiping Zhang and Hong Y. Ling, Achieving Ground Polar Molecular Condensates by a Chainwise Atom-Molecule Adiabatic Passage, 2009 40th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP09/Event/103667
Lu Zhou, Jing Qian, Han Pu, Weiping Zhang, and Hong Y Ling, Zero-temperature phase diagram of a two-species atomic Bose-Einstein condensates with an interspecies Feshbach resonance, 2009 40th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/DAMOP09/Event/103339
Lu Zhou, Jing Qian, Han Pu, Weiping Zhang, and Hong Y Ling, Phase Separation in a Two-Species Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensate with an Interspecies Feshbach Resonance, 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) Baltimore, MD USA http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=CLEO-2009-JThE100