2011/09-2016/07 北京大学物理学院 博士,导师:欧阳颀,王宏利
2007/09-2011/07 北京大学元培学院 学士
2023/01-至今 清华大学物理系 助理教授
2016/11-2022/12 加州大学圣迭戈分校 博士后,导师:Wouter-Jan Rappe
1. 利用随机热力学探索细胞和分子尺度上的涨落与生物功能之间的关系
2. 分子机器,尤其是分子马达的功能与结构
3. 利用数学模型与数值模拟的方法探索多细胞相互作用于运动
Y. Cao, H. Wang, Q. Ouyang, Y. Tu, The free-energy cost of accurate biochemical oscillations, Nature Physics 11, 772 (2015)
C. Fei, Y. Cao, Q. Ouyang, Y. Tu, Design principles for enhancing phase sensitivity and suppressing phase fluctuations simultaneously in biochemical oscillatory systems, Nature Communications 9, 1434 (2018)
D. Zhang, Y. Cao, Q. Ouyang, Y. Tu, The energy cost and optimal design for synchronization of coupled molecular oscillators, Nature Physics 16, 95–100 (2020)
J. Kim, Y. Cao, C. Eddy, H. Levine, W.-J. Rappel, B. Sun, The mechanics and dynamics of cancer cells sensing noisy 3D contact guidance, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A (2021)
Y. Cao, E. Ghabache, W.-J. Rappel, Plasticity of cell migration resulting from mechanochemical coupling, eLife (2019)
E. Ghabache, Y. Cao, Y. Miao, A. Groisman, P. Devreotes W.-J. Rappel, Coupling traction force patterns and actomyosin wave dynamics reveals mechanics of cell motion, Mol. Syst. Biol. (2021)
Y. Tu, Y. Cao, Design principles and optimal performance for molecular motors under realistic constraints, Phys. Rev. E 97, 022403 (2018)
Y. Cao, T. Li, Y. Tu, Modeling bacterial flagellar motor with new structure information: rotational dynamics of two interacting protein nano-rings, Front. Microbiol. (2022)