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Current research project Liu Yang, 《Daoxing, shixing, nvxing —-Cong Tang-Song shici zhong kan nvguan》Beijing: Xueyuan chubanshe, 2022. University Chinese, (Chapter Three and Ten) Guangzhou: Guangdong gaodeng jiaoyu chubanshe, 2019. Liu Yang. “Cultivating Perfection through Unkempt Appearance: Quanzhen Patriarchs’ Poetry for Female Practitioners”, Kuige v. 4, (2021) Beijing: Sheke wenxian chubanshe (Forthcoming).” Liu Yang. “The Ecological View of Traditional Chinese Literati: Analyzing Zheng Zhen's Poetry about Environmental Protection”in Hanziwenhua, Issue 6, pp.. 76-78, 2021. Liu Yang. “Discussion on Methodology in Teaching Einstein’s Work ‘The World as I See It’” in Hanziwenhua, Issue 272, pp..21-22, 2020. Liu Yang. “Prejudice and Protestations – Rereading Yu Xuanji’s Poetry”, in Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific Issue 44, Canberra:Australian National University. Liu Yang. “Songs of Her Spirit – Poetic Musings of a Song Daoist Nun”, Journal of Song-Yuan Studies vol.44 (2014), pp.134-201. Liu Yang. “Images of Female Daoists in the Tang and Song Poetry” (Abstract), in Journal of Daoist Studies vol. 3 (2010), p.222. Liu Yang, Zhou Rufei, An Introduction to English Word-Formation, Changchun: Jilin chubanshe, 1998. Liu Yang. “Comparative Approaches to Teaching and Learning English and Chinese Idiomatic Phrases”, in Journal of Jilin University vol. 2 (1998), pp.8-22. Liu Yang. “Pedagogical Strategies in Teaching and Learning Synonyms” in Journal of Research and Practice on Higher Education vol.6 Issue 47, pp.34-41.
