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徐宝军,讲座教授,博士生导师, 珠海特聘学者,生命科学系主任。2005年2月于韩国忠南国立大学食品科学与技术系获博士学位。2005年-2008年于美国北达科达州立大学(NDSU)谷物与食品科学系开展博士后研究,2008年-2009年于美国普渡大学(Purdue University)兽医临床系做博士后研究,同时在美国Gerald P. Murphy Cancer Foundation 担任研究科学家。2009年7月受聘为北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院(北师港浸大,UIC)食品科学专业,任助理教授,2013年晋升为副教授,2015年晋升为教授, 2022年晋升为讲座教授。UIC任职期间先后赴美国北达科达州立大学(NDSU)、佐治亚大学(UGA)做访问研究,2016年获国家公派奖学金赴美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PennState)访学。2015年-至今任珠海市农产品质量与食物安全重点实验室副主任。2018年9月-2022年8月担任北师港浸大食品科学专业主任, 2022年9月-至今担任北师港浸大生命科学系主任。 2009年-至今主要承担UIC全英文教学课程《食品化学》、《生物化学》、《分析化学》、《食材科学》、《谷物科学》、《食品科学实验》等, 同时指导博士后、博士生、硕士生及本科生开展活跃的研究工作。 现担任国际学术期刊Food Research International(SCI, IF 7.425, Q1)副主编, Food Science and Human Wellness (SCI, IF 8.022, Q1)副主编,Food Frontiers 副主编, Current Opinion in Food Science (SCI, IF 9.800, Q1), Antioxidants (SCI, IF 7.675, Q1), International Journal of Molecular Sciences (SCI, IF 6.208, Q1), Molecules (SCI, IF 4.927, Q2),Journal of Fungi (SCI, IF 5.724, Q1)等期刊专刊编辑,Food Science & Nutrition (SCI, IF 3.553), International Journal of Medicinal Mushroom (SCI, IF 1.921) 等10几个国际学术期刊编委。 共发表论文290余篇,其中SCI国际期刊发表论文260余篇,8篇ESI高被引论文,2篇ESI热点论文。出版英文书章节6部,授权发明专利1项。论文已经被广泛引用,并在引导着公众的健康消费观念。论文总被引用次数15064次,单篇最高被引用次数1266次(2023年2月统计),论文影响因子总和:1055.88,h-index: 62, i10 index: 184, RG score: 42.7。 徐博士获得2项国家自然科学基金,1项广东省自然科学基金,1项广东省科技厅项目,3项广东省教育厅项目,10项UIC校内课题资助,以及多项横向合作课题。 徐博士现为美国化学会会员,中国食品科学技术学会高级会员,珠海欧美同学会常务理事。先后被聘为意大利、阿联酋、波兰、哈萨克斯坦、以色列等国家基金外审专家。 曾作为外审专家为以色列、印度、马来西亚、毛里求斯等国的大学评审博士学位论文多篇。 现为广东省高层次人才评审专家, 国内多省科技项目评审人及国家自然科学基金评审人。 徐博士于美国IFT 2010学术年会获论文被高引用认证,2012年荣获“杰出科研人才奖”,于2015年被珠海市授予珠海特聘学者, 2016年获UIC首届校长研究奖, 2020年UIC校长服务奖获得者,2020, 2021, 2022连续3年入选斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力”和“年度科学影响力"榜单 (World's Top 2% Scientists 2020)。


总体研究目标是利用分子生物学、细胞生物学、分析化学技术解析植物化学物质的健康促进作用。具体兴趣包括: 1)饮食、肠道微生物群和人类健康之间的复杂关系;2)天然产物中植物化学物质的健康促进作用评估(抗衰老、抗炎、抗癌、抗肥胖、抗糖尿病等方面); 3)生物活性成分在疾病预防中的分子机制; 4) 膳食多糖及其功能特性。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Bin Du, Chengyuan Lin, Zhaoxiang Bian, Baojun Xu *. An insight into the anti-inflammatory effect of beta-glucan. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2015, 41(1), 49-59. (IF: 11.077) Fengmei Zhu, Bin Du, Baojun Xu *. A critical review on production and industrial applications of beta-glucans. Food Hydrocolloids. 2016, 52, 275-288. (IF: 7.053) (ESI 高被引用论文) Kumar Genasen, Baojun Xu *. A critical review on polyphenols and health benefits of black soybeans. Nutrients, 2017, 9, 455. (IF: 4.546) (ESI 高被引用论文) Xiaoxuan Wang, Chagam Koteswara Reddy, Baojun Xu*. A systematic comparative study on morphological, crystallinity, pasting, thermal and functional characteristics of starches resources utilized in China. Food Chemistry. 2018, 259, 81-88. (IF: 6.036) (本科生毕业论文) Fengmei Zhu, Bin Du, Baojun Xu*. Anti-inflammatory effects of phytochemicals from fruits, vegetables and food legumes: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2018, 58(8), 1260-1270. (IF: 7.862) (ESI 高被引用论文) Kumar Ganesan, Kumeshini Sukalingam, Baojun Xu *. Impact of consumption and cooking manners of vegetable oils on cardiovascular disease- A critical review. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2018, 71, 132-154. (IF: IF: 11.077) Jiaxu Liu, Baojun Xu*. A comparative study on texture, gelatinization, retrogradation and potential food application of binary gels made from selected starches and edible gums. Food Chemistry, 2019, 296, 100-108. (IF: 6.036) (本科生毕业论文) Muthukumaran Jayachandran, Stephen Chung, Baojun Xu * A critical review on relationship between dietary components, gut microorganism Akkermansia muciniphila and human health. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2019, published online, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2019.1632789. (IF: 7.862) Maninder Meenu, Qianxi Cai, Baojun Xu *. A critical review on analytical techniques to detect adulteration of extra virgin olive oil. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2019, 91, 391-408. (IF: 11.077) Ziyun Xu, Maninder Meenu, Baojun Xu*. Effects of UV-C light exposure and Ultrafine-grinding on the biotransformation from ergosterol to vitamin D2, physiochemical properties, and antioxidant profiles of mushroom shiitake and Jew’s ear. Food Chemistry, 2019, published online. (IF: 6.306) (本科生毕业论文) Yifan Zhou (UIC 本科,新加坡国立大学硕士在读), Hesham R. El-Seedi, Baojun Xu *. Insights into health promoting effects and myochemical profiles of pine mushroom Tricholoma matsutake. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2022, published online, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2021.2023857. (IF: 11.176) Yifan Zhou (UIC 本科,新加坡国立大学硕士在读) , Ammad Ahmad Farooqi, Baojun Xu *. Comprehensive review on signaling pathways of dietary saponins in cancer cells suppression. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, online published, 2021. (IF: 11.176) Ziying Zhou (UIC 本科,港科大硕士在读), Zili Fan, Maninder Meenu, Baojun Xu*. Impact of germination time on resveratrol, phenolic acids, and antioxidant capacities of different varieties of peanut (Arachis hypogaea Linn.) from China. Antioxidants, 2021, 10, 1714. (IF: 6.312) Xunhan Li (UIC 本科,英国伦敦大学学院硕士), Muthukumaran Jayachandran, Baojun Xu *. Anti-diabetic effect of konjac glucomannan via insulin signaling pathway regulation in high-fat diet and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Food Research International, 2021, 149. 110664. (IF: 6.475) Jingyi Yang(UIC 本科,香港大学硕士), Chagam Koteswara Reddy, Baojun Xu *. Morphology, crystallinity, pasting, thermal and quality characteristic of starches isolated from non-traditional sources in China. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2021, accepted. (IF: 5.154) Kehao Huang(UIC 本科, 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学硕士, 加拿大麦吉尔大学博士在读), Yingzhi Yuan, Baojun Xu *. A critical review on microencapsulation of bioactive compounds and their application. Food Reviews International, 2021, published online. (IF: 6.478) Yueying Yao (UIC 本科,新加坡国立大学硕士在读) , Baojun Xu *. New insights into chemical compositions and health promoting effects of edible oil from new resources. Food Chemistry, 2021, 364, 130363. (IF: 7.514) Yifan Zhou (UIC 本科,新加坡国立大学硕士在读), Baojun Xu *. New insights into molecular mechanisms of “Cold or Hot” nature of food: When East meets West. Food Research International, 2021, 144, 110361. (IF: 6.475) Jingyun Zheng (UIC 本科,加拿大麦吉尔大学博士在读), Baiyi Lu*, Baojun Xu *. An update on the health benefits promoted by edible flowers and involved mechanisms. Food Chemistry, 2021, 340, 127940. (IF: 7.514) Jing Luo (UIC 本科,新加坡国立大学硕士在读), Xian Lin, Matteo Bordiga, Charles Brennan, Baojun Xu *. Manipulating effects of fruits and vegetables on gut microbiota-A critical review. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, 56(5), 2055-2067. (IF: 2.773) Ziyuan Wu (UIC本科, 香港中文大学硕士、丹麦哥本哈根大学博士在读), Maninder Meenu, Baojun Xu*. Nutritional value and antioxidant activity of Chinese black truffle (Tuber indicum) grown in different geographical regions in China. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, accepted. (IF: 4.006) Jiayue Guo (UIC 本科,美国阿拉巴马大学全额奖学金博士直读, Peilong Li (UIC本科, 美国马萨诸塞大学硕士、康奈尔大学博士在读), Lingyan Kong*, Baojun Xu*. Microencapsulation of curcumin by spray drying and freeze drying. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2020, 132, 109892. (IF: 4.006) Mocang Deng(UIC 本科,美国伊利诺伊理工大学硕士在读), Chagam Koteswara Reddy, Baojun Xu. Morphological, physico-chemical and functional properties of underutilized starches in China. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 158, 648-655. (IF: 4.784) Yingshu Zhao (UIC 本科,英国伦敦大学学院在读), Mingfu Wang, Baojun Xu *. A comprehensive review on secondary metabolites and health promoting effects of edible lichen. Journal of Functional Foods. 2020, accepted. (IF: 4.451) Yingshu Zhao (UIC 本科,英国伦敦大学学院硕士在读), Muthukumaran Jayachandran, Baojun Xu *. In vivo antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of soluble dietary fiber Konjac glucomannan in type 2 diabetic rats. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 159, 1186-1196. (IF:4.784) Jiaxu Liu(UIC 本科,港科大硕士在读), Maninder Meenu, Baojun Xu*. Effect of unripe banana flour and wheat gluten on physicochemical characteristics and sensory properties of white salted noodles. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2020, 44, e14513. (IF: 1.288) Yaqian Zhang(UIC 本科,港科大硕士在读), Maninder Meenu, Hansong Yu*, Baojun Xu *. A systematic investigation on phenolic compounds and antioxidants of under-utilized food legumes consumed in China. Foods, 2020, accepted. (IF: 3.011) Ziyun Xu (UIC 本科,港科大硕士、加拿大麦吉尔大学博士在读), Maninder Meenu, Pengyu Chen, Baojun Xu*. Comparative study on phytochemical profiles and antioxidant capacities of chestnuts produced in different geographic area in China, Antioxidants, 2020, 9, 190. (IF: 4.520) Ziyun Xu (UIC 本科,港科大硕士、加拿大麦吉尔大学博士在读), Maninder Meenu, Baojun Xu*. Effects of UV-C light exposure and Ultrafine-grinding on the biotransformation from ergosterol to vitamin D2, physiochemical properties, and antioxidant profiles of mushroom shiitake and Jew’s ear. Food Chemistry, 2019, 309, 125738. (IF: 5.399) Ziqing Yang(UIC 本科,港科大硕士在读), Christudas Sunil, Muthukumaran Jayachandran, Xuchu Zheng, Kuopeng Cui, Yuepeng Su, Baojun Xu *Anti-fatigue effect of aqueous extract of Hechong (Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus) via AMPK linked pathway. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2020, 135, 111043. (IF: 3.775) Jiaxu Liu (UIC 本科,港科大硕士在读), Baojun Xu*. A comparative study on texture, gelatinization, retrogradation and potential food application of binary gels made from selected starches and edible gums. Food Chemistry, 2019, 296, 100-108. (IF: 4.946) Yongxiang Liu (UIC 本科,港科大硕士), Chunzhi Cai (UIC 本科,港科大硕士, 沙特国王科技大学博士在读), Yiliang Yao (UIC 本科,港科大硕士在读), Baojun Xu *. Antioxidant capacities of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and tartary buckwheat (F. tataricum) produced in China as affected by thermal processing. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99, 5565-5576. (IF: 2.379) Youyou Jiang(UIC本科, 澳大利亚墨尔本大学硕士) , Chagam Koteswara Reddy, Kehao Huang, Lingyuqing Chen, Baojun Xu *. Hydrocolloidal properties of flaxseed gum - konjac glucomannan (KGM) compound gel. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019, 133, 1156-1163. (IF: 3.687) Jingyun Zheng (UIC 本科,加拿大麦吉尔大学博士在读), Maninder Meenu, BaojunXu *. A systematic investigation on free phenolic acids and flavonoids profiles of commonly consumed edible flowers in China. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2019, 172, 268-277. (IF: 2.831) Jiayue Guo (UIC 本科,美国阿拉巴马大学全额奖学金博士直读), Lingyan Kong, Bin Du, Baojun Xu *. Morphological and physicochemical characterization of starches isolated from chestnuts cultivated in different regions of China. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 130, 357-368. (IF: 3.909) Yuchung Cheung (UIC 本科, 香港中文大学硕士), Maninder Meenu, Xiaoming Yu, Baojun Xu *. Phenolic acids and flavonoids profiles of commercial honey from different floral sources and geographic sources. International Journal of Food Properties, 2019, accepted. (IF:1.845) Xiaoxuan Wang (UIC 本科, 美国伊利诺伊理工大学硕士), Chagam Koteswara Reddy, Baojun Xu *. Towards functional starch foods with longer shelf life: Effects of inulin and konjac glucomannan on freeze-thaw stability, retrogradation and pasting characteristics of selected starches. Starch, 2019, 71, 1800285. (IF: 2.173) Xiaoxuan Wang(UIC本科, 美国伊利诺伊理工大学硕士), Chagam Koteswara Reddy, Baojun Xu*. A systematic comparative study on morphological, crystallinity, pasting, thermal and functional characteristics of starches resources utilized in China. Food Chemistry. 2018, 259, 81-88. (IF: 4.946) Tongze Zhang(UIC本科, 香港大学全额奖学金博士直读) , Muthukumaran Jayachandran, Kumar Ganesan, Baojun Xu*. Black truffle aqueous extract attenuates oxidative stress and inflammation in STZ-induced hyperglycemic rats via Nrf2 and NF-kB pathways. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2018, 9, article 1257. (IF: 3.831) Muthukumaran Jayachandran, Tongze Zhang(UIC本科, 香港大学全额奖学金博士直读), Kumar Ganesan, Baojun Xu* and S. M. Chung*. Isoquercetin ameliorates hyperglycemia and regulates key enzymes of glucose metabolism via insulin signaling pathway in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 2018, 829, 112-120. (IF:3.040) Kehao Huang(UIC 本科, 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学硕士, 加拿大麦吉尔大学博士在读) , Bin Du, Baojun Xu*. Alterations of physicochemical properties and bile acid binding capacities of dietary fibers upon ultrafine grinding. Powder Technology. 2018, 326, 146-150. (IF: 3.230) Qinghua He(UIC本科, 香港大学硕士), Bin Du, Baojun Xu *. Extraction optimization of phenolics and antioxidants from black goji berry by accelerated solvent extractor using response surface methodology. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8 (10), 1905. (IF: 1.689) Wenjing Wan (UIC本科, 香港科技大学硕士), Baojun Xu,* Development of an orange juice beverage formulated with oat beta-glucan and whey protein isolate. Journal of the Science of Agriculture and Food Science. 2018, 98(12), 4685-4691. (IF: 2.379) Jingyun Zheng (UIC 本科,加拿大麦吉尔大学博士在读), Xiaoming Yu, Maninder Meenu, BaojunXu * Total phenolics and antioxidants profiles of commonly consumed edible flowers in China. International Journal of Food Properties. 2018, 21(1), 1524-1540. (IF:1.845) Xinchun Zhang(UIC本科, 美国乔治城大学硕士) , Baojun Xu *. Phytochemical profiles of white and red ginseng as affected by marinating media. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2018, 42(1), e13331. (IF: 1.510) Guocheng Huang (UIC本科,加拿大英属哥伦比亚硕士), Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *. Improvement in beta-carotene, vitamin B2, GABA, free amino acids and isoflavones in yellow and black soybeans upon germination. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2017, 75, 488-496. (IF: 3.129) Tahidul Islam(孟加拉国际农商大学本科,UIC博士在读), Xiaoming Yu, Tanvir Singh Badwal, Baojun Xu*. A comparative study on profiles of phenolics, carotenoids, antioxidant capacities and metal chelating ability of black and red goji berry. Chemistry Central Journal. 2017, 11, 59. (IF: 2.284) Mengyi Huang (UIC本科, 香港中文大学硕士), Huansong Zeng (UIC本科, 香港浸会大学硕士), Baojun Xu *. Assessment of heavy metals and trace elements in commercial edible mushrooms marketed in China by ICP-OES. International Journal of Medicinal Mushroom. 2017, 19(7), 653-665. (IF: 1.211) Qianjun Kuang (UIC本科), Yingyao Yu(UIC本科, 香港中文大学硕士) , Roopam Attree, Baojun Xu *. A comparative study on anthocyanin, saponin, and oil profiles of black and red seed coat peanut (Arachis hypogacea) grown in China. International Journal of Food Properties. 2017, 20(S1), S131-S140. (IF: 1.845) Rongrong Zhou (UIC本科, 美国乔治城大学硕士,中国中医科学研究院博士在读), Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu*. Phytochemical profiles of yellow soybean and black soybean as affected by roasting. International Journal of Food Properties. 2017, 12, 3179-3190. (IF: 1.845) Lu Xu (UIC本科,加拿大英属哥伦比亚硕士), Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *. A systematic assessment on vitamins (B2, B12) and GABA profiles in fermented soy products marketed in China. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2017, 41, e13126. (IF: 1.510) Yijiao Chen (UIC本科, 香港中文大学硕士), Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *. Phytochemical profiles of edible kudzu (Pueraria thomsonii Benth) grown in China as affected by thermal processing. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2017, 41, e12754. (IF: 1.510) Peilong Li(UIC本科, 美国马萨诸塞大学硕士、康奈尔大学博士在读), Xiaoming Yu, Baojun Xu *. Effects of UV-C light exposure and refrigeration on phenolic and antioxidant profiles of subtropical fruits (litchi, longan, rambutan) in different fruit forms. Journal of Food Quality.2017, 2017, 8785121. (IF: 0.841) Yayuan Tang (UIC本科, 香港中文大学硕士), Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *. From rice bag to table: Fate of chemical compositions and antioxidant activities in black rice (waxy and non-waxy) during home cooking. Food Chemistry, 2016, 191, 81-90. (IF: 4.946) Jiaqiang Luo(UIC本科, 澳大利亚墨尔本大学硕士、墨尔本大学博士在读) , Weixi Cai, Tong Wu, Baojun Xu *. Phytochemical distribution in hull and cotyledon of adzuki bean and mung bean, and their contribution to antioxidant activities, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic effects. Food Chemistry. 2016, 201, 350-360. (IF: 4.946) Tahidul Islam (孟加拉国际农商大学本科), Xiaoming Yu, Baojun Xu *. Phenolic profiles, antioxidant capacities and metal chelating ability of edible mushroom commonly consumed in China. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2016, 72, 423-431. (IF: 3.129) Xiaoqing Tang (UIC本科), Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu. Profiles of phenolics, triterpenoids and antioxidants and anti-diabetic effects of ethanol and hot water extracts from red and purple lingzhi. International Journal of Medicinal Mushroom, 2016, 18(7), 609-620. (IF:1.211) Guocheng Huang(UIC本科,加拿大英属哥伦比亚硕士), Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *. Vitamin B2, vitamin D2 and ergosterol content in commercially dried mushrooms and increased vitamin D2 content following UV-C irradiation. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research. 2016, published online, DOI: 10.1024/0301-1526/a000294. (IF: 0.768) Lu Xu (UIC本科,加拿大英属哥伦比亚硕士), Bin Du, Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *. A systematic, comparative study on beneficial health components and antioxidant activities of commercially fermented soy products marketed in China. Food Chemistry. 2015, 174, 202-213. (IF: 4.946) Roopam Attree (印度IIT 本科), Bin Du, Baojun Xu *. Distribution of phenolic compounds in seed coat and cotyledon, and their contribution to antioxidant capacities of red and black seed coat peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 67, 448-456. (IF: 3.849) Tong Wu(UIC本科, 澳大利亚墨尔本大学硕士、莫纳什大学博士在读) , Jiaqiang Luo (UIC本科, 澳大利亚墨尔本大学硕士、博士在读), Baojun Xu. In vitro anti-diabetic effects of selected fruits and vegetables against glycosidase and aldose reductase. Food Science & Nutrition. 2015, 3(6), 495-505. (IF: 1.521) Tong Wu (UIC本科, 澳大利亚墨尔本大学硕士、莫纳什大学博士在读), Baojun Xu *. Glycosidase and aldose reductase inhibitory effects of red lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) and other mushrooms. International Journal of Medicinal Mushroom. 2015, 17(2). 129-140. (IF: 1.211) Yayuan Tang(UIC本科, 香港中文大学硕士), Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *. Profiles of phenolics, carotenoids and antioxidative capacities of thermal processed white, yellow, orange and purple sweet potatoes grown in Guilin, China. Food Science and Human Wellness. 2015, 4, 123-132. Xiya Huang(UIC本科,香港浸会大学硕士) , Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *. Kinetic changes of nutrients and antioxidant capacity of germinated soybean (Glycine max L.) and mung bean (Vigna radiate L.) as affected by germination time. Food Chemistry. 2014, 143, 268-276. (IF: 4.946) Hairong Wu (UIC本科,瑞典隆德大学硕士), Baojun Xu*. Inhibitory effects of onion against α-glucosidase activity and its correlation with phenolic antioxidants. International Journal of Food Properties. 2014, 17(3), 599-609. (IF: 1.845) Jiali Chen(UIC本科,香港浸会大学硕士、博士), Bin Du, Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *. Ginsenosides and amino acids in flavored ginseng chips as affected by food formulation and processing technology. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2015, 62, 517-524. (IF: 3.129) Jiali Chen (UIC本科,香港浸会大学硕士、博士), Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *. Food properties of ready-to-eat flavored ginseng chips as affected by food formulation and food processing. International Journal of Sciences. 2014, 3(10), 16-28. Yuxi Wang(UIC本科,香港浸会大学硕士) , Baojun Xu *. Distribution of antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents in acetone, ethanol, water and hot water extracts from 20 edible mushrooms via sequential extraction. Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences. 2014, 2(1), 1-5. Zinan Wang (UIC本科,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学硕士,北京工商大学博士在读), Baojun Xu *.Phenolic chemical profiles and antioxidant activities of typical teas marketed in China as affected by steeping time and temperature. International Journal of Sciences. 2014, 3(7), 1-11. Sandan Han (UIC本科), Baojun Xu *. Bioactive Components of Leafy Vegetable Edible Amaranth (Amaranthus mangostanus L.) as Affected by Home Cooking Manners. American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2014, 2(4), 122-127. Xinjie Lin (UIC本科, 加拿大圭尔夫大学硕士、博士), Baojun Xu *, Rui Liu. Pancreatic lipase inhibitory effects of mangosteen pericarp. Advanced Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2014, 6(3), 284-291. Song Yang (UIC本科, 香港中文大学硕士), Baojun Xu *, Weixi Cai. Active substances and in vitro anti-diabetic effects of a traditional folk remedy Bian-Que Triple-BeanSoup as affected by boiling time. Food & Function. 2013, 4, 635-643. (IF: 3.289) Baojun Xu*, Xue Chen (UIC本科,加拿大英属哥伦比亚硕士). Comparative studies on free radical scavenging capacities and total phenolic contents of whole and dehulled adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen) as affected by thermal processing methods. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2013, 37, 630-636. (IF: 1.510) Song Yang (UIC本科, 香港中文大学硕士), Baojun Xu *. Diffusion profiles of health beneficial components of goji berry (Lyceum barbarum) marinated in alcohol and its antioxidant capacities as affected by alcohol concentration and steeping time. Foods. 2013, 2, 32-42. (IF: 3.011) Susu Jiang (UIC本科, 香港大学硕士), Weixi Cai, Baojun Xu *.Food quality improvement of soy milk made from short- time germinated soybeans. Foods. 2013, 2, 198-212. (IF: 3.011)
