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Ms. Roser CERVERA-PAREJO joined UIC in 2007 to start the Spanish Program. She is currently Senior Lecturer and Spanish Subjects Convenor at the Center of Foreign Languages and Cultures in the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the UIC Spanish Club Advisor. She holds a BA (Honors) in French and Romance Philology and a M.A. in Teaching French as a Foreign Language (PGCE - Teaching Certificate) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. During her undergraduate studies, she received an Erasmus Scholarship to study Linguistics at the University of York, U.K. She also holds an M.A. in Didactics of Languages and Cultures from the prestigious University of Paris III (Sorbonne-Nouvelle), France, she is currently finishing another M.A. on “Education and e-learning” and working on her PhD dissertation. Her research interest includes Teaching & Learning Modern Foreign Languages to speakers of Chinese, E-learning & Flipped Classroom Pedagogy, Modern Foreign Language Acquisition and Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, Technology Enhanced Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, Translation Studies and Music. She has presented her work at numerous conferences, trained many foreign language teachers, and offered workshops and webinars in her fields of expertise. In 2018, she was presented with the Long Service Award from UIC. Recently, she has received a Teaching and Learning Grant from UIC to complete one of her Educational Projects. Before joining UIC, she was the French Program Coordinator and Academic Director at the Nanhai Campus of South China Normal University. Furthermore, she has worked across multiple disciplines in different institutions and at different educational levels around the world where she embraces the cultures of “the other”. Moreover, she has designed, taught, supervised, and coordinated a variety of courses for French and Spanish Majors as well as Culture and Music Elective Courses. Moreover, she has played an active role in developing Summer Courses and exchange programs in different institutions, the most recent at UIC with ESADE Business school. A long-life learner at heart, she is always updating her knowledge by attending and participating in different conferences, symposiums, workshops and webinars. In addition to her academic work, she is also a musician. A classically trained musician, she has been singing and playing violin since an early age in different ensembles and in different countries. Moreover, she is an active member of “Musics per la Solidaritat” (Musicians “without borders”) a music association which promotes peace and helps people in need. She is currently based in China pursuing her academic interests, singing and collaborating with Zhuhai’s Classical Children Choir, playing and coaching violin, and completing various educational projects while raising her child.


Teaching MFL to speakers of Chinese Language Acquisition E-learning & Flipped Classroom Pedagogy Cultural Studies Technology-Enhanced Language Learning in HE Translation Studies Music & Language Learning


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2019: “Love at First Sight” in Multifaceted Zhuhai: Gem of a City, Zhuhai: China Intercontinental Press, ISBN: 978-7-5085-4032-0 2018: “From "spoon feed" to "knife feeding": students perspectives of technology enhanced flipped foreign language courses in mainland China”, EduLearn18 Proceedings, ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5 2009: “A la recherche d’une didactique litteraire”, in Synergies Chine n° 4 - 2009 pp. 45-52. ISSN : 1776-2669 Selected Publications 2019, Cervera, Roser, “Love at First Sight” in Multifaceted Zhuhai: Gem of a City, Zhuhai: China Intercontinental Press, ISBN: 978-7-5085-4032-0 2018, Cervera, Roser, “From "spoon feed" to "knive feeding": students perspectives of technology enhanced flipped foreign language courses in mainland China”, EduLearn18 Proceedings, ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5 2009, Cervera, Roser, “A la recherche d’une didactique litteraire”, in Synergies Chine n° 4 - 2009 pp. 45-52. ISSN : 1776-2669
