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Dr Yegor Grebnev holds a PhD degree in Oriental Studies from Oxford and a M.A. in Chinese History from Moscow State University. He has previously worked as a Junior Fellow at the Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts at SUSTech in Shenzhen and as a Junior Research Fellow at Merton College, Oxford. Dr Grebnev studies ancient Chinese history and texts. He is particularly interested in comparative research, using evidence from other ancient cultures to elucidate China's past. Apart from his work on China, Yegor has initiated several international collaborations in the field of manuscript and epigraphic studies that bring together researchers working on a broad range of pre-modern cultures.


Early China, Ancient History, Intellectual History, Textual History, Manuscript Studies


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Mediation of Legitimacy in Early China: A study of the Neglected Zhou Scriptures and the Grand Duke Traditions, Columbia University Press, forthcoming 2022. “Aural-mnemonic architectonics of ancient Chinese philosophical texts. An approach inspired by Soviet Sinology and South Asian Parallels” in Monumenta Serica 68.2 (2020). “Numerical lists of foundational knowledge in early Chinese and early Buddhist traditions” in Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques 74.4 (2020). With Konstantin Chugunov and Jessica Rawson: “Allies and victims of Shang China” in Stratum Plus 2020(2). In Russian.
