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Risk Communication Environmental Communication Health Communication Media Psychology


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PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Lin, H. (2022). Feminized virus: A content analysis of social media’s representation of HPV vaccine. Social Media + Society (SSCI), 8(3), 1-15. Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Chen, L. (2022). Predicting social support exchanging among male homosexuals who are HIV-positive in social media context: The role of online self-disclosure. Journal of Homosexuality (SSCI), 69(13), 2233-2249. Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Liu, S. (2021). How do traditional media function in social learning about AI? Psychological and cognitive reactions to AI-powered communication. Communication Studies (ESCI), 72(6), 1034-1052. Li, Y. & Guo, Y. (2020). Online communication and cognitive risk: A study of risk information seeking in the social media environment. Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication (CSSCI), 42(4), 156-175. Guo, Y., Li, Y.*, & Chen, L. (2020). After Fukushima: How do news media impact Japanese public’s risk perception and anxiety regarding nuclear radiation. Environmental Communication (SSCI), 14(1), 97-111. *Corresponding author Chen, L., Shi, J., Guo, Y., Wang, P., & Li, Y. (2019). Agenda-setting on traditional versus social media: An analysis of haze-related content grounded in the Extended Parallel Process Model. Internet Research (SSCI), 29(4), 688-703. Guo, Y. & Li, Y.* (2018). Online amplification of air pollution risk perception: The moderating role of affect in information. Information, Communication & Society (SSCI), 21(1), 80-93. *Corresponding author Li, Y. (2018). News media and public understanding of risk: Knowledge, perception, and acceptability of nuclear energy. Keio Communication Review (indexed by CiNii, National Institute of Informatics, Japan), 40, 5-21. Li, Y. (2017). Chinese people’s psychological reactions to the 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami: Examining the effect of media exposure. Keio Communication Review (indexed by CiNii, National Institute of Informatics, Japan), 39, 37-54. Li, Y. & Guo, Y. (2016). Be proactive for better decisions: Predicting information seeking in the context of earthquake risk. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (SCI), 19, 75-83. Guo, Y. & Li, Y.* (2016). Getting ready for mega disasters: The role of past experience in changing disaster consciousness. Disaster Prevention and Management (SSCI), 25(4), 492-505. *Corresponding author Guo, Y., Li, Y., & Ito, N. (2014). Exploring the predicted effect of social network site use on perceived social capital and psychological wellbeing of Chinese international students in Japan. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (SSCI), 17(1), 52-58. Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Ito, N. (2014). Modeling of public risk perception and risk communication research: In a social-cognitive direction. Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research, 1(3), 217-231. BOOK CHAPTERS Li, Y. (2016). What do the elderly need to do to plan for disasters? In A. Ishikawa & A. Tsujimoto (eds.), Uncertainty and catastrophe management: The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and beyond (pp. 50-51). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. Li, Y. (2016). How a disaster can be turned into a lesson? In A. Ishikawa & A. Tsujimoto (eds.), Uncertainty and catastrophe management: The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and beyond (pp. 52-54). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. Li, Y. (2016). How can science museums contribute to the popularization of science knowledge? In A. Ishikawa & A. Tsujimoto (eds.), Uncertainty and catastrophe management: The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and beyond (pp. 149-151). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. Li, Y. (2016). How can social networking services support management of public health issues? In A. Ishikawa & A. Tsujimoto (eds.), Uncertainty and catastrophe management: The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and beyond (pp. 152-154). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. Li, Y. (2016). What criteria should the laypeople use to assess risks? In A. Ishikawa & A. Tsujimoto (eds.), Uncertainty and catastrophe management: The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and beyond (pp. 155-157). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Guo, Y., Sun, K., Wang, Y., & Li, Y. (2022, July). Gendered body with national pride: A content analysis of Chinese sports magazine’s coverage of athletes from 2000-2020. Paper presented at IAMCR Online Conference 2022, Beijing, China. Guo, Y., Wang, Y., & Li, Y. (2022, May). Online health information seeking and cyberchondria among men at risk of HIV infection: A moderated mediation model. Paper presented virtually at the International Communication Association (ICA)’s 72nd Annual Conference, Paris, France. Guo, Y. & Li, Y. (2020, May). Feminized virus: A content analysis of social media coverage of the HPV vaccine. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA)’s 70th Annual Conference, virtual conference. Li, Y. & Guo, Y. (2020, May). Online self-disclosure and social support exchanging among HIVpositive male homosexuals. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA)’s 70th Annual Conference, virtual conference. Nakamura, Y., Li, Y.*, Ueno, K., Uemura, R., Fujii, S., & Kobayashi, S. (2019, May). “Fame” vs. “proximity”: Exploring the effects of endorser type on consumer reaction in the Japanese context. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA)’s 69th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., USA. *co-authored with students Li, Y. & Guo, Y. (2018, May). How does media information impact Japanese people’s perceptions and attitudes toward human-computer interaction. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA)’s 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. Li, Y. & Guo, Y. (2017, May). Reducing psychological distance of climate change: Examining an affective model of information seeking. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA)’s 67th Annual Conference, San Diego, USA. Li, Y. & Guo, Y. (2016, June). Predicting information seeking in the context of earthquake risk: Development of a cognitive model. Paper presented at the International Communication Association (ICA)’s 66th Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan. Li, Y. & Guo, Y. (2016, May). Are you ready for mega disasters? Japanese people’s disaster consciousness before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Paper presented (remote presentation via Skype) at the 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Ito, N. (2015, July). How will the Internet facilitate risk information seeking in an ageing society? A path analysis. Paper presented at the 20th Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, USA Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Ito, N. (2015, May). The role of information quality and efficacy beliefs in predicting Chinese people’s information seeking about air pollution risk. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Kristiansand, Norway. Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Ito, N. (2014, November). Examining a social-cognitive model predicting Chinese people’s information seeking behavior regarding environmental risks: Toward a public-oriented way of risk communication. Paper presented at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Asian Network for Public Opinion Research (ANPOR), Niigata, Japan. Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Ito, N. (2014, October). Improving the public’s preparedness and resilience: Review and exploration of information seeking models towards the effective environmental risk communication. Paper presented at the 2014 ICA Regional Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Ito, N. (2014, May). An exploration of a social-cognitive framework for improving the human-centric risk communication. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Pennsylvania State University, State College, USA. Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Ito, N. (2013, November). Modeling of public risk perception and risk communication research: In a social-cognitive direction. Paper presented at the 2013 Annual Conference of the Asian Network for Public Opinion Research (ANPOR), Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. Li, Y., Guo, Y., & Ito, N. (2012, October). Mainland Chinese people’s risk perceptions and impressions of Japan in the Great East Japan Earthquake. Paper presented at the ISCRAM ASIA 2012 Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
