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Jin, Y., Warmenhoven,H., Xu, S. et al. (2023). Childhood abuse and social anxiety: Socio-demographic correlates of social anxiety disorder among male and female youth exposed to childhood abuse. Curr Psychol (2023). 10.1007/s12144-023-04711-0 Feng, Y., Warmenhoven, H., Wilson, A. et al. (2022). The Identification With All Humanity (IWAH) scale: its psychometric properties and associations with help-seeking during COVID-19. Curr Psychol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03607-9 Wang, Y., Warmenhoven, H., Feng, Y., Wilson, A., Guo, D., & Chen, R. (2022). The relationship between childhood trauma and suicidal ideation, the mediating role of identification of all humanity, indifference and loneliness. Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 299, p. 658-665. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.12.052 Warmenhoven, H. (2020). Effects of Declining Birth Rates on the Social and Psychological Well-Being of Students in Contemporary China. Ipskamp: Enschede. ISBN 978-94-028-1976-2 Warmenhoven, H., Hoebink, P. R. J., & Janssens, J. M.A.M. (2019). Subjective Wellbeing of the Chinese Post-Reform Generation: Influence of Family income and Urban/Rural Origin on the Happiness of Chinese Students. International Journal of Happiness and Development, 5 (4), 279 - 297. doi: 10.1504/IJHD.2019.104372 Warmenhoven, H., Hoebink, P. R. J., & Janssens, J. M.A.M. (2018). The Chinese postreform generation as caregivers: The caregiving intentions toward parents and parents-in-law of the one-child generation. Journal of family issues, 39(14), 3690-3712. doi: 10.1177/0192513X18789208 Warmenhoven, H. (2021, 21 September). Subjective Wellbeing of Adults with and without Siblings in three Post-Communist Countries [Conference paper]. 2021 Conference of the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, UK. Warmenhoven, H. (2021, 14 September). Subjective Wellbeing of Adults with and without Siblings in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova [Conference paper]. Annual conference of the British Society for Population Studies, London School of Economics, UK. Warmenhoven, H. (2019, 23 November). Little Emperors? - the Subjective Wellbeing of Chinese and Westerners with and without Siblings [Conference paper]. Conference on Alterity and Connectivity: The cultural relationality between China and the West, Zhuhai, China. Selected Publications Warmenhoven, H., Hoebink, P. R. J., & Janssens, J. M.A.M. (2018). The Chinese postreform generation as caregivers: The caregiving intentions toward parents and parents-in-law of the one-child generation. Journal of family issues, 39(14), 3690-3712. doi: 10.1177/0192513X18789208 Warmenhoven, H. (2019, 23 November). Little Emperors? - the Subjective Wellbeing of Chinese and Westerners with and without Siblings [Conference paper]. Conference on Alterity and Connectivity: The cultural relationality between China and the West, Zhuhai, China. Warmenhoven, H., Hoebink, P. R. J., & Janssens, J. M.A.M. (2019). Subjective Wellbeing of the Chinese Post-Reform Generation: Influence of Family income and Urban/Rural Origin on the Happiness of Chinese Students. International Journal of Happiness and Development, 5 (4), 279 - 297. doi: 10.1504/IJHD.2019.104372 Warmenhoven, H. (2020). Effects of Declining Birth Rates on the Social and Psychological Well-Being of Students in Contemporary China. Ipskamp: Enschede. ISBN 978-94-028-1976-2
