邓美结博士於2008 年在美国阿拉巴马大学完成博士课程。她的研究兴趣为安老服务, 实务社会工作, 族群与多元文化 ,和善终服务。在美国从事社会工作和教学多年后,回到了中国,加入UIC。邓博士在UlC主要教授实务社会工作和通识课程。
Academic Honors and Awards
Research & Professional Development Award 2009, 2010,
The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Junior Faculty Support Funds 2009, 2011, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
The Leslie J. Shellhase Endowed Scholarship 2006-2007, The University of Alabama
The Ben Avis Orcutt Fellowship 2005-2006, The University Alabama
Student Paper Award 2005, Southern Gerontological Society
Doctoral Scholar Award on Honors Day 2004, The University of Alabama
Master's Scholar Award on Honors Day 1995, The University of Alabama
Honors Student 1993, Hong Kong Shue Yan College
Tang, M. (2011). Can cultural values help explain the positive aspects of caregiving among Chinese American caregivers? Journal of Gerontological Social Work,54 (6), 551-569.
Tang, M. (2010). Special introduction. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life Palliative Care. 6(1-2), 4.
Kaufman, A. V., Kosberg, J. I., Leeper, J. D. & Tang, M. (2010). Social support, caregiver burden, and life satisfaction in a sample of rural African American and White Caregivers of older persons with dementia. Journal of Gerontological Social Work , 53(3), 251-269.
Kaufman, A. V. & Tang, M. (2008). Gerontological social work. In D. M. Dinitto & C. A. McNeece (Eds.) Social work: Issues and opportunities in a challenging profession (3rd edition). Lyceum Books, Inc.
Csikai, E. L., Herrin, C., Tang, M., & Church, W. T. (2008). Serious illness, injury, and death in child protection and preparation for end-of-life situations among child welfare services workers. Child Welfare: Journal of Policy, Practice, and Program, 87(6), 49-70.