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Xu Xiaying & Tony Schirato (2015). Chinese Creative Industries, Soft Power and Censorship: the Case of Animation. Communication, Politics & Culture Journal, 48 (2), pp. 24-43. Xu Xiaying, Tan See Kam & Jiang Wei (2013). Of Goats, Lambs, Sheep and Wolves: Chinese animation and cultural industries. Asian Cinema, 24 (2), pp. 239-258. Xu Xiaying (2012). Chinese Audiences and U.S. Sitcoms: the Case of Friends. Projections, 1, pp. 1-30. 许夏营 (2014) 中国动画电影进入媒体融合时代了吗? ——结合《 十万个冷笑话》 个案。《电影艺术》, 第6期, 第33-38页。(CSSCI)。 许夏营 (2014) 动画电影如何穿透文化——《 疯狂原始人》 的 “叙事透明性” 分析。《当代电影》,第1期,第159-161页。(CSSCI)。 Hui, Liu, Shi-Yan Chao, and Richard Xiaying Xu (2018). “Guangzhou film” and Guangzhou urban culture. In Emilie Yueh-yu Yeh (ed) (2018). Early Film Culture in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Republican China: Kaleidoscopic Histories. University of Michigan Press.
