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查尔斯博士现任我校人文社科学院语言文化系的系主任,同时也是英语语言文学专业的副教授。他从美国德鲁大学获得了英语和经济的双学位,并在马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校取得了英语文学专业博士学位。他的小说曾获得过“手推车奖”的提名,也一度被收录在电子媒体的文学作品集内。并且他的文学评论也曾被收录在由新方向 出版社出版的《中国与人文:在人与人文的十字路口》这一随笔集里。在来UIC工作之前,他曾三次被选拔成为美国弗吉尼亚州中心创意艺术常驻研究员,也担任 过一次诺曼梅乐作家聚集地的常驻研究员。他感兴趣的研究领域包括:19世纪末期和20世纪初期的英国文学,写作教学和创意写作。




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2021, Co-editor, COVID-19 Pandemic, Crises Response and the Changing World. Springer Nature. ----- The “Perfect Storm”: A Failed Response to the Pandemic in the United States. ----- Conclusion: COVID-19 Pandemic, Crises Response and the Changing World. 2021, “The Practice of Annotation and Translation in Qiu Xiaolong’s Inspector Chen Mysteries.” Imagining Communities: Reading Contemporary China Against the Grain. Carlos Rojas and Mei-hwa Sung, eds. London: Routledge Press. 2019, “Harvard Love,” Los Angeles: Red Hen Press. 2018, “Baby American Dream.” J Journal: New Writings on Justice, City University of New York. 2016, “250 Foreigner Game.” AGNI, Boston University. 2015, “70 Percent Rule.” Prairie Schooner, University of Nebraska. 2013 “Warm Peach.” Fiction International. San Diego State University. Rpt. In Friend, Follow, Text: #Storiesfromlivingonline. Enfield & Wizentry Ltd (2013). 2013 “Teaching an ‘Other’ Literature in China: Is the Speaker of Dylan Thomas’s ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’ a Good Son?” China and the Human(e/i)ties At the Crossroads of Humanities. Champaign: Common Ground Publishing LLC.
