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教育背景 游戏设计和计算机科学博士 2018/07 英国苏格兰西部大学 设计与数字媒体大师 2008/12 英国爱丁堡大学 旅游企业管理文学士 2007/05 英国伯明翰大学 个人介绍 讲师 福州大学硕士生导师 2019.03-至今 (1)游戏设计(2)严肃游戏设计(3)交互设计 讲师 北京师范大学珠海分校 2011.10-2014.1 (1)互动设计理论(2)互动设计实践(3)广告设计与创意思维 游戏设计师/佛山Flash8网络科技有限公司 2009.5-2011.9/2014.1-2014.9 1.设计可视化界面,创建其中一款网页游戏的功能列表,提供详细的游戏开发实施流程路线图 管理Flash8网站(www.flash8.net)




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付堃,原源,麦丽娟,谭任杰.(2020).高校艺术设计类专业伦理道德教育亟待加强.艺术生活. 6. 56-61 Fu, K., Yuan, Y., Mai, E. L. C., & He, J. (2020, September). A Study of Motivation for Playing Computer Games at Tertiary Education Level in China. In ECGBL 2020 14th European Conference on Game-Based Learning (p. 188). Academic Conferences limited. Fu, K., Yuan, Y., Mai, E. L. C., & He, J. (2020, September). A Systematic Literature Review to Identify Empirical Evidence on the Game Design Framework and Model of Games-Based Learning. In ECGBL 2020 14th European Conference on Game-Based Learning (p. 177). Academic Conferences limited. Yuan, Y., Fu, K., Venter, B. P., & Hainey, T. (2019). Ethics as a Game? Towards a Framework for Game Design. Sociology Mind, 9, 135-150. Yuan, Y., Fu, K., & Venter, B. P. (2019). Constructing a Game Design Framework for Ethics Teaching. Paper presented at the 102 Annual Conference The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada. Yuan, Y. & Fu, K. (2018 June). Game-based Learning in Media Education: enhancing teaching effectiveness and student engagement. Paper presenting at the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Oregon, U.S. Fu, K., Hainey, T., & Gavin, B. (2016). A Systematic Literature Review to identify Empirical Evidence on the use of Computer Games in Business Education and Training, 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning, The University of the West of Scotland, October 2016. Indexed in ISI Web of Sciences Fu, K., Hainey, T., Gavin, B., & Inal, Y. (2016). A Study of the Motivations for Playing Computer Games at Secondary Education Level in Turkey: The Potential for Games-Based learning, 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning, The University of the West of Scotland, October 2016. Indexed in ISI Web of Sciences Fu, K., Hainey, T., Gavin, B., & Yuan, Y. (2016). An Analysis of Learners’ Motivations and Attitudes for Playing Computers for Learning in the Chinese Hotel Industry, 6th Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 1-2 September 2016. Yuan, Y, & Fu, K. (2016). The Exploring the relationship between spectators’ personality traits and gratification experiences of watching online game streams. Paper presented at Audience Division at the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Leicester, UK, July 2016.
