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教育背景 澳门大学社会科学学院传播学博士 美国南加州大学电影电视学院电影电视制作访问学者 蒋崴博士毕业于澳门大学传播学专业。现为北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院文化与创意学院执行院长。曾获得中国电影基金会汪德钟奖学金赴美国南加利福尼亚大学电影电视学院作访问研究。2014年其剧本《爱比死更冷》获选澳门文化局电影长片援助计划。蒋崴博士有着丰富的影视剧制作经验,在攻读博士学位之前曾担任过中央电视台电影频道数字电影《爱我别错过》第一副导演,姜文导演的《让子弹飞》美术组统筹,金依萌导演的《非常完美》第二副导演、视效协作,吴宇森导演的《赤壁》上及下集的导演助理及第二副导演, Mikael Hafstorm导演的好莱坞电影《谍海风云》的导演助理,印度宝莱坞电影《Chandni Chowk to China》美术组统筹等。蒋崴博士亦有多篇学术论文于国际期刊和书籍上发表。其现阶段的研究领域包括中国战争电影中鬼子形象的构建、中国网络电影、网络电视的制作与发行、革命样板戏电影等。


电影制作 电影和新媒体研究 皮影戏研究


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同行评审书目章节与期刊文献 Tan, See Kam, and Jiang, Wei. 2011. Cong “liangzhu” dao “ainu xinzhuan”: shaoshi qiqingpian de kuer jiedu (From “Butterfly Lovers” to “Lust for Love of A Chinese Courtesan”: A Queer Reading of Shaw Brothers’ Qiqing Films). In Xianggang de zhongguo: shaoshi dianying (Hong Kong’s “China”: Films of Shaw Brothers). eds. Hui Liu and Poshek Fu, 63-84. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press. Jiang, Wei. September 15, 2011. Aomen ticai yingpian shouhuo huabiao jiang: cong dianying “xinghai” qiantan aomen wenhua chuangyi chanye de fazhan (The First Huabiao Award to Macau-themed Film: From “The Star and the Sea” to A Brief Talk on the Development of Macau’s Cultural and Creative Industry). Vol. 178. Macau Convention & Exhibition Economy Journal. Xu, Xiaying, Tan, See Kam, Jiang, Wei. 2013. Of Goats, Lambs, Sheep and Wolves: Chinese Animation and Cultural Industries. Asian Cinema 24 (2). 239-258. Liebler, Carol, Jiang, Wei, and Li, Chen. 2015. Beauty, Binaries and the Big Screen in China: Character Gender in Feature Films. Asian Journal of Communication (SSCI). 25 (6):584-599. Jiang Wei, 1st-3rd August 2018, From Wokou to Guizi: A Genealogical Quest of Anti-Japanese Discourses in Chinese Context, Proceedings of WEI International Academic Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, Harvard Faculty Club, Boston, U.S.A. ISSN: 2167-3179 (Online) U.S.A. Jiang, Wei (2023). Jiang Qing and the Visuality of the Revolutionary Model Opera Films in the Cultural Revolution,Kritika Kultura (A&HCI) 40: 06-36. Jiang, Wei, and Zhou, Pengcheng (2023). "Content, Platforms and Distribution: Challenges and Prospect in the Fieldof Webisode Productions”, edited by Hui Liu and Xiaying Xu in Chinese TV in the Netflix Era, London: Anthem Press, 57-81. 会议论文 Jiang, Wei. 3rd– 20th October 2010. The Rape of History: A Comparative Study of the Holocaust Denial and Japanese War Crime Revisionism. Holocaust Education Seminar for Chinese Educators, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel. Jiang, Wei. 2nd – 4th July 2010. Fading Red: Rethinking the Revolutionary Model Opera Films of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. The Screen Conference 2010, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom. Jiang, Wei, 16th—20th March 2012, Reinventing Communist Myth: Nation-Building in Youth in the Flames of War. Asian Cinema Studies Society Conference 2012, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. Jiang, Wei, 23rd—25th February 2012, Long live the great unity of all nationalities of China: ethnic minorities on screen after 1949. Culture and Identity in Times of Change, University of Macau, Macau SAR, China. Jiang, Wei, 25th—27th October 2012, Redemption and Elevation: Superscribing Revolutionary Deities in the Revolutionary Model Opera Films of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, 5th International Conference of the Spanish Society for the Literary study of Popular Culture (SELICUP), Multidisciplinary Views on Popular Culture, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain. Jiang Wei, 14th-16th July 2014, Perpetual Devils: Guizi Culture in Chinese War Films after 1949, 11th Asian Cinema Studies Conference: Post-Asia Film, Media and Popular Culture, University of Macau, Macau SAR, China. Jiang Wei, 27th-29th October 2016, Perpetual Devils: Japanese Representations in Chinese War Films after 1949, Asian Conference on Film and Documentary 2016, Art Center of Kobe, Kobe City, Japan. Jiang Wei, 15th-16th May 2021, Time and Space Elements and Cultural Metaphors: A Brief Discussion on Landscape and Narratives in Let the Bullets Fly, 时空元素与文化隐喻:浅论《让子弹飞》中的风景与叙事, Communication University of Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China (Conducted On Line). 尚未发表论文 “鬼子”话语与国家主义建构:1950年代与1960年代中国战争电影中日本人形象之研究, target at 电影艺术(CSSCI) Zhi, Li, Fan, Fei, and Jiang, Wei 2023. Audience Enjoyment of Murder Mystery Game Reality Shows: The Influence of Affective Disposition, Suspense and Parasocial Interactions, International Journal of Communication (SSCI), under revision.
