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罗淑婵在曼彻斯特大学获得了她的时尚营销和管理博士学位。她的研究兴趣包括可持续性沟通、可持续性时尚和可持续性营销。她已经完成了几个研究里程碑,包括在《设计、商业与社会》(Journal of Design, Business & Society)杂志和《战略营销》(Journal of Strategic Marketing)杂志上发表文章,并为帕尔格雷夫(Palgrave)编辑的书籍撰写了一章节。她在一些学术会议上发表了她的研究工作,包括第52届营销学院会议(The 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference);IPOL特刊7.1小组在In Pursuit of Luxury (IPOL Special Issue 7.1 panel at the In Pursuit of Luxury);2021 AUS-Chalhoub Symposium on Luxury的会议(Conference Proceedings of 2021 AUS-Chalhoub Symposium on Luxury)。她同时也是Academy of Marketing的成员。 并且也获得Associate Fellow AdvanceHE (former Higher Education Academy (HEA)) 的称号。 教育背景 Ph.D in Fashion Marketing and Management, University of Manchester, UK Master in International fashion retailing (Multichannel Marketing), University of Manchester, UK


Sustainability communication; Sustainability marketing; Sustainability fashion; luxury marketing


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Henninger, C. E., Brydges, T., Normand, A. L., Luo, S., Quijano, L., Wood,J., & Yan S. (2023). Are ‘sustainable’ material solutions the way forward? International Journal of Sustainable Fashion & Textiles, (In Process) Luo, S, Henninger, C. E., Normand, A. L., and Blazquez, M. (2021). Sustainable what…? The role of corporate websites in communicating material innovations in the luxury fashion industry. Journal of Design, Business and Society, 7(1) pp. 83-103. Luo, S., Le Normand, A., Blazquez, M., & Henninger, C. E. (2022). What Do You Think? Investigating How Consumers Perceive Luxury Fashion Brand’s Eco-labelling Strategy. In Sustainable Luxury (pp. 197-217). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Luo, S., Henninger, C. E., Normand, A. L., and Blazquez, M. (2022). Gen Y Consumer perceptions of web-based sustainability communications – the case of luxury fashion. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1-17.
