黄涛博士现任 DBM 金融学副教授。在加入UIC前,曾任西安交利物浦大学国际商学院讲师,上海高级金融学院博士后研究员。他的研究兴趣包括实证资产定价、市场微观结构、国际金融市场、金融机构和机器学习在金融中的应用。他的学术成果发表在国际商业研究杂志、银行与金融杂志和金融市场杂志等顶级期刊上,并在 CICF、FMA 和 AsianFA 等有影响力的会议上宣讲。他还参与了许多中国金融机构的金融行业咨询项目。
2013-2014 教育部留学归国人员科研启动项目, 主持, RMB 30,000 (2013-693)
2012-2014 江西省教育厅科技计划项目, 主持, RMB 10,000 (GJJ12276)
2015-2018 江西省教育厅科技项目, 主持, RMB 30,000 (GJJ150471)
2015-2016 中国博士后科研基金面上项目, 主持, RMB 50,000 (2015M571547)
2016-2019 国家自然科学基金, 主持, RMB 370,000 (71562016)
2016-2019 XJTLU研究发展基金, 主持, RMB 78,000 (RDF-16-01-44)
2020-2021 UIC科研基金, 主持, RMB 78,000
山西大学校优秀毕业论文, 2001
2004 United Kingdom Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS)
Portfolio Distortions among Institutional Investors - Evidence from China, 2014, Emerging Market Finance and Trade 50: 197-221 (with Yuancheng Hu, Yang Wang, and Weidong Zhang).
International Political Risk and Government Bond Pricing, 2015, Journal of Banking and Finance 55: 393-405 (with Fei Wu, Jing Yu, and Bohui Zhang).
Political Uncertainty and Dividend Policy: Evidence from International Political Crises, 2015, Journal of International Business Studies 46: 574-595 (with Fei Wu, Jin Yu, and Bohui Zhang).
Why do traders choose dark markets? 2016, Journal of Banking and Finance 68: 12-28 (with Ryan Garvey and Fei Wu).
Why do traders split orders? 2017, Financial Review 52: 233-258 (with Ryan Garvey and Fei Wu).
Risk-neutral Variance Asymmetry and the cross-section of stock returns, 2019, Journal of Banking and Finance 101: 21-36 (with Junye Li).
Investor Protection and Value Impact of Stock Liquidity, 2020, Journal of International Business Studies (with Fei Wu, Jing Yu, and Bohui Zhang), forthcoming.
Is Faster or Slower Trading Better? An Examination of Order Type Execution Speed and Costs, 2020, European Financial Management, forthcoming (with Ryan Garvey and Fei Wu).
R&D Information Quality and Stock Returns, 2020, Journal of Financial Markets, forthcoming (with Junye Li, Fei Wu, and Ning Zhu).