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吴盖宇是北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院运输与供应链管理教授。他在英国牛津大学获得博士学位,之后曾在加拿大曼尼托巴大学、香港理工大学和荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学任教。他擅长港口管理、运输经济、气候变化适应计划、运输基础设施计划和管理、机构和组织变更、全球供应链、绿色物流、废物管理和航海教育的研究。吴教授曾获得了超过5,000万人民币研究经费,其学术成果包括超过220份学术出版物。他的作品极具影响力,例如,最近的一项学术研究表明他是海事交通研究领域的全球五名前列学者之一。他获得了众多享有声望的荣誉,例如美国富布赖特学者计划、澳大利亚奋进研究奖学金、国际海事经济学家协会(International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME))杰出海事研究青年学者奖(Eagle Prize),以及各种国际运输、物流和供应链会议的最佳论文奖。此外,他是一位高素质的教育家和行政管理人员,因其杰出的教学、服务和研究学术工作而获得了曼尼托巴大学颁发的优异奖项。凭借这种专业知识,他经常向主要国际组织提供专家战略建议,例如联合国、欧盟委员会、非洲开发银行、加拿大科学院理事会和加拿大社会科学与人文研究理事会,等等。他目前是学术期刊《Maritime Policy & Management》和《Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics》的副主编,也是国际著名学术期刊的编辑委员会成员。此外,他也是IAME的官方杂志《The Maritime Economist》的主编。


港口竞争、改革与区域港口治理 多式联运、物流和供应链管理 内陆码头管理; 交通地理和区域发展 气候变化、交通基础设施的适应规划和战略 交通和环境 海事和物流安保和安全 海事和物流教育和培训 海事法和海洋政策 航运和港口研究的演变、研究趋势和内容分析



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Chen, Q., Ge, Y., Ng, A.K.Y. and Lau, Y.Y. (forthcoming): ‘Implications of Arctic shipping emissions for marine environment’. Maritime Policy & Management (in press). Wang, T. and Ng, A.K.Y. (forthcoming): ‘Responding to the barriers in climate adaptation planning among transport systems: insights from the case of the port of Montreal’. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (in press, doi: 10.1080/15568318.2021.1960450). Munim, Z.H., Saha, R., Sch?yen, H., Ng, A.K.Y. and Notteboom, T.E. (forthcoming): ‘An evaluation of autonomous ship alternatives for future container shipping in the Arctic routes’. Journal of Marine Science and Technology (in press, doi: doi.org/10.1007/s00773-021-00836-8). Munim, Z.H., Duru, O. and Ng, A.K.Y. (forthcoming): ‘Transhipment port’s competitiveness forecasting using analytic network process modelling’. Transport Policy (in press, doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.07.015). Afenyo, M., Ng, A.K.Y. and Jiang, C. (forthcoming): ‘A multi-period model for assessing the socio-economic impacts of oil spills during Arctic shipping’. Risk Analysis: An International Journal (in press, doi: doi: 10.1111/risa.13773). Guo, L., Ng, A.K.Y., Jiang, C. and Long, J. (2021): ‘Stepwise capacity integration in port cluster under uncertainty and congestion.’ Transport Policy 112: 94-113. Monios, J. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2021): ‘Competing institutional logics and institutional erosion in environmental governance of maritime transport’. Journal of Transport Geography 94: 103114. Chen, Q., Lau, Y.Y., Ge, Y., Dulebenets, M.A., Kawasaki, T. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2021): ‘Interaction between Arctic passenger ship activity and emissions’. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 97: 102925. Prentice, B.E., Lau, Y.Y. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2021): ‘Transport airships for scheduled supply and emergency response in the Arctic’. Sustainability 13: 5301 (17 pages). Lau, Y.Y., Dragomir, C., Tang, Y.M. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2021): ‘Maritime undergraduate students: career expectations and choices’. Sustainability 13: 4297 (18 pages). Kong, Q., Jiang, C. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2021): ‘The economic impacts of restricting black carbon emissions on cargo shipping in the Polar Code Area’. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 147: 159-176. Panahi, R., Ng, A.K.Y., Afenyo, M. and Lau, Y.Y. (2021): ‘Reflecting on forty years contextual evolution of Arctic port research: the past and now’. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 144: 189-203. Kwon, A., Zhang, J., Lin, Y., Ozpolat, K. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2021): ‘Op-ed writing assignment in supply chain management courses’. Decision Sciences: Journal of Innovative Education 19(1): 90-111. Lin, Y., Ng, A.K.Y., Zhang, A., Xu, Y. and He, Y. (2020): ‘Climate change adaptation by ports: the attitude of Chinese port organizations’. Maritime Policy & Management 47(7): 873-884. Jiang, C., Zheng, S., Ng, A.K.Y., Ge, Y.E. and Fu, X. (2020): ‘The climate change strategies of seaports: mitigation vs. adaptation’. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 89: 102603. Lau, Y.Y., Zhang, J., Ng, A.K.Y. and Panahi, R. (2020): ‘Implications of a pandemic outbreak risk: a discussion on China’s emergency logistics in the era of COVID-19’. Journal of International Logistics and Trade 18(3): 127-135. Panahi, R., Ng, A.K.Y., Afenyo, M. and Haeri, F. (2020): ‘A novel methodology for ranking risks associated with extreme weather events for Arctic shipping’. Accident Analysis and Prevention 144: 105673. Wang, K., Jiang, C., Ng, A.K.Y. and Zhu, Z. (2020): ‘Air and rail connectivity patterns of major city clusters in China’. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 139: 35-53. Afenyo, M., Khan, F., Veitch, B., Ng, A.K.Y., Sajid, Z. and Fahd, F. (2020): ‘An explorative object-oriented Bayesian network model for oil spill response in the Arctic Ocean’. Safety in Extreme Environments 2(1): 3-14. Panahi, R., Ng, A.K.Y. and Pang, J. (2020): ‘Climate change adaptation in the port industry: a complex of lingering research gaps and uncertainties’. Transport Policy 95:10-29. Lau, Y.Y., Tang, Y.M., Chan, I., Ng, A.K.Y. and Leung, A. (2020): ‘The deployment of virtual reality (VR) to promote green burial’. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health Management 15(2): i403. Suthiwartnarueput, K., Lee, P.T.W., Lin, C.W., Visamitanan, K., Yang, Z. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2020): ‘Evaluation of key success factors of port-city waterfront development’. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 12(3): 174-196. Gujar, G.C., Ng, A.K.Y. and Notteboom, T. (2019): ‘The impacts of major government initiatives on the development of dry ports: a case study of the direct port delivery scheme in India’. Journal of Transport Geography 80: 102498. Afenyo, M., Jiang, C. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2019): ‘Climate change and Arctic shipping: a method for assessing the impacts of oil spills in the Arctic’. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 77: 476-490. Ducruet, C., Panahi, R., Ng, A.K.Y., Jiang, C. and Afenyo, M. (2019): ‘Between geography and transport: a scientometric analysis of port studies in Journal of Transport Geography’. Journal of Transport Geography 81: 102527 (14 pages). Ng, A.K.Y., Wong, K., Shou, E.C. and Jiang, C. (2019): ‘Geography and institutional change: the insight from a container terminal operator’. Maritime Economics & Logistics 21(3): 334-352. Ng, A.K.Y., Monios, J. and Zhang, H. (2019): ‘Climate adaptation management and institutional erosion: insights from a major Canadian port’. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 62(4): 586-610. Witte, P., Wiegmans, B. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2019): ‘A critical review on the evolution and development of inland port research’. Journal of Transport Geography 74: 53-61. Monios, J., Wilmsmeier, G. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2019): ‘Port system evolution: the emergence of second-tier hubs’. Maritime Policy & Management 46(1): 61-73. Lau, Y.Y., Ng, A.K.Y., Tam, K.C. and Chan, E.K.K. (2018): ‘An investigation on the professionalization of education in maritime logistics and supply chains’. Maritime Business Review 3(4): 394-413. Yang, D., Jiang, L. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2018): ‘One Belt One Road, but several routes: a case study of new emerging trade corridors connecting the Far East to Europe’. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 117: 190-204. Ng, A.K.Y., Jiang, C., X, Li, O’Connor, K. and Lee, P.T.W. (2018): ‘A conceptual overview on government initiatives and the transformation of transport and regional systems’. Journal of Transport Geography 71: 199-203. Ng, A.K.Y., Wang, T., Yang, Z., Li, K.X. and Jiang, C. (2018): ‘How is business adapting to climate change impacts appropriately? Some insight from the commercial port sector’. Journal of Business Ethics 150(4): 1029-1047. Zhu, S., Fu, X., Ng, A.K.Y., Luo, M. and Ge, Y. (2018): ‘The environmental costs and economic implications of container shipping on the Northern Sea Route’. Maritime Policy & Management 45(4): 456-477. Yang, Z., Ng, A.K.Y., Lee, P.T.W., Wang, T., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Pettit, S., Harris, I., Zhang, D. and Lau, Y.Y. (2018): ‘Risk and cost evaluation of port adaptation measures to climate change impacts’. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 61: 444-458. Li, K.X., Jin, M., Qi, G. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2018): ‘Logistics as a driving force for development under the Belt and Road Initiative: the Chinese model for developing countries’. Transport Reviews 38(4): 457-478. Ng, A.K.Y., Zhang, H., Afenyo, M., Becker, A., Cahoon, S., Chen, S.L., Esteben, M., Ferrari, C., Lau, Y.Y., Lee, P.T.W., Monios, J., Tei, A., Yang, Z. and Acciaro, M. (2018): ‘Port decision-maker perceptions on the effectiveness of climate adaptation actions’. Coastal Management 46(3): 148-175. Lau, Y.Y., Tam, K.C., Ng, A.K.Y., Fu, X., Zhang, J. and Feng, J. (2018): ‘Effects of the “Belt and Road” initiative on the wine import logistics of China’. Maritime Policy & Management 45(3): 403-417. Becker, A., Ng, A.K.Y., McEvoy, D. and Mullett, J. (2018): ‘Implications of climate change for shipping: ports and supply chains’. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 9(2): wcc.508 (18 pages). Ng, A.K.Y., Andrews, J., Babb, D., Lin, Y. and Becker, A. (2018): ‘Implications of climate change for shipping: opening the Arctic seas’. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 9(2): wcc.507 (18 pages). Jiang, Y., Ng, A.K.Y., Wang, Y., Wang, L. and Yu, B. (2018): ‘The locational characteristics of firms in the business service industry in airport economic zones: the case of Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport in China’. Journal of Urban Planning and Development 144(1): 04018001. Lau, Y.Y. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2017): ‘A review study of mid-stream operation in Hong Kong’. Maritime Business Review 2(4): 410-422. Lau, Y.Y., Ducruet, C., Ng, A.K.Y. and Fu, X. (2017): ‘Across the waves: a bibliometric analysis of container shipping research since the 1960s’. Maritime Policy & Management 44(6): 667-684. Ha, M.H., Yang, Z., Notteboom, T., Ng, A.K.Y. and Heo, M.W. (2017): ‘Revisiting port performance measurement: a hybrid multi-stakeholder framework for the modelling of port performance indicators’. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 103: 1-16. Wong, K., Shou, E.C., Zhang, H. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2017): ‘Strategy formulation of new generation ports: a case study of the Hongkong International Terminals Ltd. (HIT)’. Research in Transportation Business and Management 22: 239-254. Wang, L., Notteboom, T.E., Lau, Y.Y. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2017): ‘Functional differentiation and sustainability: a new stage of development in the Chinese container port system’. Sustainability 9(3): 328. Huang, H., Chen, J. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2016): 新常态下浙江专业市场推动:传统产业集群转型升级的对策探讨。贸易经济类核心期刊 18: 213-214. Homosombat, W., Ng, A.K.Y. and Fu, X. (2016): ‘Regional transformation and port cluster competition: the case of the Pearl River Delta in South China’. Growth and Change 47(3): 349-362. Zeng, Q., Qu, C., Ng, A.K.Y. and Zhao, X. (2016): ‘A new approach for Baltic Dry Index forecasting based on empirical mode decomposition and neural networks’. Maritime Economics & Logistics 18(2): 192-210. Tongzon, J.L., Ng, A.K.Y. and Shou, E.C. (2015): ‘Institutions, transport infrastructure governance and planning: lessons from the corporatization of port authorities in East Asia’. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 33(6): 1467-1483. Lau, Y.Y. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2015): ‘The motivations and expectations of students pursuing maritime education’. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 14(2): 313-331. Rodrigues, V.S., Pettit, S., Harris, I., Beresford, A., Piecyk, M., Yang, Z. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2015): ‘UK supply chain carbon mitigation strategies using alternative ports and multimodal freight transport operations’. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 78: 40-56. Xiao, Y., Fu, X., Ng, A.K.Y. and Zhang, A. (2015): ‘Port investments on coastal and marine disasters prevention: economic modeling and implications’. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 78: 202-221. Wan, C., Zhang, D., Shi, J., Fu, S., Yan, X. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2015): ‘Emerging LNG fueled ships in the Chinese shipping industry: a hybrid analysis on its prospects’. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 14(1): 43-59. Ng, A.K.Y., Valesco-Acosta, A. and Wang, T. (2015): ‘Institutions and the governance of transport infrastructure projects: some insight from the planning and construction of the CentrePort Canada Way’. Research in Transportation Business and Management 14: 25-33. Ng, A.K.Y. and Ducruet, C. (2014): ‘The changing tides of port geography (1950-2012)’. Progress in Human Geography 38(6): 785-823. Lau, Y.Y., Tam, K.C., Ng, A.K.Y. and Pallis, A.A. (2014): ‘Cruise terminals site selection process: an institutional analysis of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in Hong Kong’. Research in Transportation Business and Management 13: 16-23. Wang, Y., Yeo, G.T. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2014): ‘Choosing optimal bunkering ports for liner shipping companies: a hybrid Fuzzy-Delphi-TOPSIS approach’. Transport Policy 35: 358-365. Tang, O., Lau, Y.Y., Tam, K.C. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2014): ‘A critical review of the evolution of the Maritime Code in the People’s Republic of China’. Asian Geographer 31(2): 115-127. Ng, A.K.Y., Ducruet, C., Jacobs, W., Monios, J., Notteboom, T.E., Rodrigue, J.P., Slack, B., Tam, K.C. and Wilmsmeier, G. (2014): ‘Port geography at the crossroads within human geography: between flows and spaces’. Journal of Transport Geography 41: 84-96. Park, S.I., Wang, Y., Yeo, G.T. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2014): ‘System dynamics modeling for determining optimal ship sizes and types in coastal liner services’. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 30(1): 31-50. Yeo, G.T., Ng, A.K.Y., Lee, P.T.W. and Yang, Z. (2014): ‘Modelling port choice in an uncertain environment’. Maritime Policy & Management 41(3): 251-267. Yang, Z., Ng, A.K.Y. and Wang, J. (2014): ‘A new risk quantification approach in port facility security assessment’. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 59: 72-90. Lau, Y.Y., Ng, A.K.Y., Fu, X. and Li, K.X. (2013): ‘Evolution and research trends of container shipping’. Maritime Policy & Management 40(7): 654-674. Becker, A., Acciaro, M., Asariotis, R., Cabrera, E., Cretegny, L., Crist, P., Esteban, M., Mather, A., Messner, S., Naruse, S., Ng, A.K.Y., Rahmstorf, S., Savonis, M., Song, D.W., Stenek, V. and Velegrakis, A.F. (2013): ‘A note on climate change adaptation for seaports: a challenge for global ports, a challenge for global society’. Climatic Change 120(4): 683-695. Lam, J.S.L., Ng, A.K.Y. and Fu, X. (2013): ‘Stakeholder management for establishing sustainable regional port governance’. Research in Transportation Business and Management 8: 30-38. Ng, A.K.Y., Chen, S.L., Cahoon, S., Brooks, B. and Yang, Z. (2013): ‘Climate change and the adaptation strategies of ports: the Australian experiences’. Research in Transportation Business and Management 8: 186-194. Yang, Z., Ng, A.K.Y. and Wang, J. (2013): ‘Prioritizing security vulnerabilities in ports’. International Journal of Shipping & Transport Logistics 5(6): 622-636. Ng, A.K.Y., Padilha, F. and Pallis, A.A. (2013): ‘Institutions, bureaucratic and logistical roles of dry ports: the Brazilian experiences’. Journal of Transport Geography 27: 46-55. Ng, A.K.Y. (2013): ‘The evolution and research trends of port geography’. The Professional Geographer 65(1): 65-86. Zhu, L., Ng, A.K.Y. and Zhang, M. (2012): ‘Some thoughts on civil liability for maritime piracy-caused oil pollution’. Journal of International Maritime Law 18: 306-315. Xiao, Y., Ng, A.K.Y., Yang, G. and Fu, X. (2012): ‘An analysis of the dynamics of ownership, capacity investments and pricing structure of ports’. Transport Reviews 32(5): 629-652. Wang, K., Ng, A.K.Y., Lam, J.S.L. and Fu, X. (2012): ‘Cooperation or competition? Factors and conditions affecting regional port governance in South China’. Maritime Economics & Logistics 14(3): 386-408. Ng, A.K.Y. and Cetin, I.B. (2012): ‘Locational characteristics of dry ports in developing economies: some lessons from Northern India’. Regional Studies 46(6): 757-773. Lau, Y.Y., Lei, Z., Fu, X. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2012): ‘The implications of the re-establishment of direct links across the Taiwan Strait on the aviation industries in Greater China’. Research in Transportation Economics 35(1): 3-12. Padilha, F. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2012): ‘The spatial evolution of dry ports in developing economies: the Brazilian experiences’. Maritime Economics & Logistics 14(1): 99-121. Pallis, A.A. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2011): ‘Pursuing maritime education: an empirical study of students’ profiles, motivations and expectations’. Maritime Policy & Management 38(4): 369-393. Ng, A.K.Y., Koo, A.C. and Pallis, A.A. (2011): ‘Professionalization of the shipping industry via postgraduate education’. Ocean & Coastal Management 54(5): 364-373. Sanchez, R.J., Ng, A.K.Y. and Garcia-Alonso, L. (2011): ‘Port selection factors and attractiveness: the service suppliers’ perspective’. Transportation Journal 50(2): 141-161. Ducruet, C., Lee, S.W. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2011): ‘Port competition and network polarization in the East Asian maritime corridor’. Territoire en Mouvement 10: 60-74. Wang, J.J. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2011): ‘The geographical connectedness of Chinese seaports with foreland markets: a new trend?’ Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 102(2): 188-204. Ng, A.K.Y. and Tongzon, J.L. (2010): ‘The transportation sector of India’s economy: dry ports as catalysts for regional development’. Eurasian Geography and Economics 51(5): 669-682. Fu, X., Ng, A.K.Y. and Lau, Y.Y. (2010): ‘The impacts of maritime piracy on global economic development: the case of Somalia’. Maritime Policy & Management 37(7): 677-697. Ng, A.K.Y. and Pallis, A.A. (2010): ‘Port governance reforms in diversified institutional frameworks: generic solutions, implementation asymmetries’. Environment and Planning A 42(9): 2147-2167. Ng, A.K.Y. and Song, S. (2010): ‘The environmental impacts of pollutants generated by routine shipping operations on ports’. Ocean & Coastal Management 53(5-6): 301-311. Ducruet, C., Lee, S.W. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2010): ‘Centrality and vulnerability in liner shipping networks: revisiting the Northeast Asian port hierarchy’. Maritime Policy & Management 37(1): 17-36. Hong, N. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2010): ‘The international legal instruments in addressing piracy and maritime terrorism: a critical review’. Research in Transportation Economics 27(1): 51-60. Ng, A.K.Y. and Gujar, G.C. (2009): ‘Government policies, efficiency and competitiveness: the case of dry ports in India’. Transport Policy 16(5): 232-239. Ng, A.K.Y., Koo, A.C. and Ho, W.C.J. (2009): ‘The motivations and added values of embarking on postgraduate professional education: evidences from the maritime industry’. Transport Policy 16(5): 251-258. Ng, A.K.Y. (2009): ‘Competitiveness of short sea shipping and the role of port: the case of North Europe’. Maritime Policy & Management 36(4): 337-352. Ng, A.K.Y. and Gujar, G.C. (2009): ‘The spatial characteristics of inland transport hubs: evidences from Southern India’. Journal of Transport Geography 17(5): 346-356. Panayides, P.M., Maxoulis, C.N., Wang, T.F. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2009): ‘A critical analysis of DEA applications to seaport economic efficiency measurement’. Transport Reviews 29(2): 183-206. Ng, A.K.Y. and Kee, J.K.Y. (2008): ‘The optimal ship sizes of container liner feeder services in Southeast Asia: a ship operator’s perspective’. Maritime Policy & Management 35(4): 353-376. Ng, A.K.Y. (2006): ‘Assessing the attractiveness of ports in the North European container transhipment market: an agenda for future research in port competition’. Maritime Economics & Logistics 8(3): 234-250. Wang, J.J., Ng, A.K.Y. and Olivier, D. (2004): ‘Port governance in China: a review of policies in an era of internationalising port management practices’. Transport Policy 11(3): 237-250.
