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教育背景 香港大学哲学博士 英国布鲁内尔大学工商管理硕士 香港理工大学高级会计文凭 专业资格 香港注册会计师,香港注册税务师,香港会计师公会、特许公认会计师公会、香港税务学会、及香港证券专业学会的资深会员,香港华人会计师公会及香港商界会计师协会会员,香港财务会计协会荣誉会员 公共服务: 中国内地公职 2021至 2026,中华人民共和国财政部聘任会计咨询专家 2016至2021,中华人民共和国财政部第一届、第二届企业会计准则咨询委员会咨询委员 2018至今,粤港澳合作促进会第四届理事会理事 2019至今,广东省粤港澳合作促进会-第二届会计专业委员会副主任 2017至今,珠海市会计专业学会副会长 2016至今,珠海市妇联第八、第九届执委会委员 2009-2013,深圳全国妇联特邀代表香港特邀代表 中国香港公职 2021-2023年9月,香港财经事务及库务局,公众利益实体核数师复核审裁处成员。 2021, 香港会计咨询专家协会会员 2000, 2006, 2011,香港特别行政区选举委员会会计界别选委 2002,2007,2012,2017,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区全国人民代表大会代表选举会议成员 1997-1998, 2000-2003, 2005-2018,香港会计师公会(香港特别行政区唯一法定会计专业团体)民选理事 2012-2014,香港财务会计协会会长 2018年3月-2019年2月,港区妇联代表联谊会名誉会长 2007-2011,香港财务会计协会副会长 2006-2018,香港女会计师协会理事 2011-2015,香港专业及资深行政人员协会理事 2002-2011,2015-2017,香港财务会计协会理事 2011-2021,香港学术及职业资历评审局专家 2019-2021年9月,香港特区政府委任公众利益实体核数师复核审裁处委员团成员 2017-2023年1月,香港特区政府委任存款保障上诉审裁处成员 2017-2019年7月,香港特区政府委任保险事务上诉审裁处成员 2010-2016年11月,结算及交收系统上诉审裁处成员 2010-2016年11月,《结算及交收系统条例》程序覆检委员会成员 2010-2016年9月,香港特区政府委任职业退休计划上诉委员会成员 2010-2016年3月,香港特区政府博彩税条例上诉委员会成员 2009-2015,香港特区政府强制性公积金计划上诉委员会成员 2006-2008,香港特别行政区税务上诉委员会成员 1993-1997, 2013-2019年3月,香港职业训练局会计业训练委员会成员 荣誉及奖励 2019-2020学年度珠海市优秀教育工作者 2019年广东省教育教学成果奖二等奖(博雅教育质量保障体系的建设与实践项目成员) 2019年中国新时代百杰女性创业人物 2018年北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院十年长期服务奖 2016年广东社会科学学术年会获奖论文三等奖(合著者) 2011年及2015年中国百名杰出女企业家 2004/2005香港理工大学工商管理学院服务奖 2004年香港理工大学二十年长期服务奖 1999年香港理工大学校长特设成就(专业服务)奖


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书籍以及其它专著 Zabihollah Rezaee, 左龙佩兰, 梁显治, 吴明瑜 (2018).《企业可持续发展——绩效、报告与鉴证》, 中国财政经济出版社 范拓源, 左龙佩兰 (2018). 《中资企业“一带一路”沿线并购经营风险管理研究》, 中国财政经济出版社 Cho, Stella, Co-auditor, Development of Accounting and Finance in China – Retrospective and Perspective (in Chinese), Oxford University Press, 1999 (with Chen, G.M., Xia D.L) Cho, Stella (1998). Editor and co-author, Taxation Reforms in China, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Funded by the Area of Excellence in Accountancy) 期刊论文 Jian HUANG, Junyi CHAI, Stella CHO (2020). "Deep learning in Finance and Banking: A literature review and classification", Frontiers of Business Research in China (FBR), 14, Article number: 13 Wilson X. B. Li, Tina T. He & Stella P. L. Cho (2019). Government involvement in banking systems and economic growth: a comparison across countries, Economic and Political Studies, 7(1), 35-65 Tang, S., Wang, W., Cho, S., & Hong, Y (2018). “Reducing Emissions in Transportation and Inventory Management: (R,Q) Policy with Considerations of Carbon Reduction, European Journal of Operational Research, 269(1), 327-340 Shaolong Tang, Jacqueline Wenjie Wang, Stella Cho and Hong Yan (2018). Newsvendor Model Revisit: the Impacts of High Unit Holding Cost on the Accuracy of the Classic Model, Frontiers of Business Research in China (FBR), vol. 12, 1-14 Wang, M., Cho, S. and Denton, T. (2017). The impact of personalization and compatibility with past experience on e-banking usage”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 35(1), 45-55 Shaolong Tang, Wenjie Wang and Stella Cho (2014). Reduction Carbon Emissions in Supply Chain Through Logistics Outsourcing, Journal of System and Management Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 10-15 Cho, Stella, Oliver Rui (2009). Exploring the Effects of China’s Two-Tier Board System and Ownership Structure on Firm Performance and Earnings Informativeness, Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, Volume 16, No.1, Page 95-118 Cho, Stella (2008). The Mainland of China and the Hong Kong SAR Double Taxation Arrangement: An Overview and Implications for Tax Planning, International Tax Journal, Jan-Feb Issue, 45-55 Tung, S., Cho, Stella (2001). Determinants of Regional Investment Decisions in China: An Econometric Model of Tax Incentive Policy, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.17, 167-185 Tung, S., Cho, Stella (2000). The Impact of Tax Incentives on Foreign Direct Investment in China, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Vol. 9, No. 2, 106-135 Chen Sheng, Gao Ning, Cho, Stella (2000). Research on the Issues Pertinent to Government Accounting on Assets and Liabilities Ascertainment and Valuation (in Chinese), Budget Management & Accounting Journal), Dec., 35-36 Lew, A.Y., Cho, Stella (2000). Analytical Review Applications among Large Audit Firms in Hong Kong, Journal of Managerial Auditing, Vol. 15, No. 8 & 9, 2000, 431-438 Tung, S., Cho, Stella (1998). Investment Incentive Zones and Regional Tax Incentive Policy in the People’s Republic of China, The International Tax Journal, 24 (4): 37-41 Lew, A.Y., P. Yam, Cho, Stella (1996). Multinational Transfer Pricing: Managerial Implications for North American Firms, National Society of Public Accountants, 41(8): 37-41 Lam, I., A.Mak, Cho, Stella (1996). The Historical Development of Income Tax Law for Domestic and Foreign Enterprises in China, The International Tax Journal, 22(4): 51-68 Ho D., Cho, Stella (1996). Income Tax Considerations for U.S. Expatriates in the PRC, The International Tax Journal, 22(3): 83-93 Chan S., Cho, Stella (1995). The Real Property Gains Tax in China – Issues and Implications to Foreign Investors, The Hong Kong Accountant, (March/April): 42-48 Lam I., Cho, Stella (1994). Foreign Entities Operating in China: Income Tax Perspective, The Hong Kong Accountant, (November/December): 82-89 Ho D., Cho, Stella (1994). The Modernization of Value Added Tax in China, The Hong Kong Accountant, (September/October): 58-64 Ho D., Cho, Stella (1994). The 1994 PRC Individual Income Tax Reform: Changes and Implications from the Perspective of Professional Accountants, The Hong Kong Accountant, (May/June): 50-54 Chow L., and Q. L. Tang, Cho, Stella (1992). The 1991 Income Tax for Foreign Investment in the People’s Republic of China – Changes and Implications for Foreign Investors, The Hong Kong Accountant, 39-42 Cho, Stella (1990). Planning for Separate Taxation, The Hong Kong Accountant (July/August): 47-50. Chan, S & Cho, Stella (1990). Tax Planning on the Aspect of Separate Taxation under Salaries Tax in Hong Kong, Taxation Journal, (September): 1-7.
