J Yang, K Lei, S Khu, W Meng, F Qiao. Assessment of water environmental carrying capacity for sustainable development using a system dynamics model applied to the Tieling of the Liao River Basin, China. Environmental Earth Science, 2015.2 (IF=1.57)
J Yang, K Lei, S Khu, M Wei. Assessment of Water Resources Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Development Based on a System Dynamics Model: a Case Study of Tieling City, China. Water Resources Management, 2015.2 (IF=2.85)
K Lei, R Liu, LH An, YF Luo, GA Leblanc. Estrogen alters the profile of the transcriptome in river snail Bellamya aeruginosa. Ecotoxicology, 2015.3 (IF=1.95)
K Lei, G Zhou, F Guo, ST Khu, G Mao, J Peng, Q Liu. Simulation–optimization method based on rationality evaluation for waste load allocation in Daliao river. Environmental Earth Science, 2015.3 (IF=1.57)
JF Yang, K Lei, ST Khu, F Qiao, Q Liu. Assessment of water ecological carrying capacity using an indicator-based method applied to the Tieling City, China. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2015.9 (IF=0.57)
K Lei, X Han, J Zhao, F Qiao, Z Li, T Yu. Characterization of metal kinetics and bioavailability using diffusive gradients in thin films technique in sediments of Taihu Lake, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016.6 (IF=3.74)
X Zhou, K Lei, ST Khu, W Meng. Spatial flow analysis of water pollution in economic-natural systems. Ecological indicators, 2016.10 (IF=3.90)
Yixiang Deng, K Lei, A Critto, F Qiao, Z Li,F Guo. Improving optimization ef?ciency for the total pollutant load allocation in large two-dimensional water areas: Bohai Sea (China) case study. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016.11 (IF=3.16)
Xi-Yin Zhou, Kun Lei, Wei Meng, Soon-Thiam Khu, Jian Zhao, Mingna Wang, Junfeng Yang. Space–time approach to water environment carrying capacity calculation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017.2 (IF=5.71)
XY Zhou, K Lei, W Meng. An approach of habitat degradation assessment for characterization on coastal habitat conservation tendency. Science of The Total Environment, 2017.3 (IF=4.9)
K Lei, Q Fei, Q Liu, Z Wei, L An, H Qi, C Song, GA Leblanc. Preliminary evidence for snail deformation from a Eutrophic lake. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2017.7 (IF=2.31)
Zhou Xi-Yin, K Lei, W Meng, Khu,Soon-Thiam. Industrial Structural Upgrading and Spatial Optimization based on Water Environment Carrying Capacity. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017.8 (IF=5.71)
K Lei, F Qiao, Q Liu, Z Wei, H Qi, S Cui, X Yue, Y Deng, L An. Microplastics releasing from personal care and cosmetic products in China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017.11 (IF=3.16)
Y Tao, D Dan, L Kun, H Chengda, C Haibing, F Guo, X Qiujin, S Fuhong, W Fengchang. δ15N and nutrient stoichiometry of water, aquatic organisms and environmental implications in Taihu lake, China. Environmental Pollution, 2018.02 (IF=5.98)
F Ma, X Han, L An, K Lei, H Qi, GA Leblanc. Freshwater snail Parafossarulus striatulus estrogen receptor: Characteristics and expression profiles under lab and field exposure. Chemosphere, 2018,12 (IF=5.34)
Dan Dai, Mingdong Sun, Xiangqin Xu, Kun Lei. Assessment of the water resource carrying capacity based on the ecological footprint: a case study in Zhangjiakou City, North China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019,2 (IF=3.14)
Libiao Yang, Kuixiao Li, Song Cui, Yu Kang, Lihui An, Kun Lei. Removal of microplastics in municipal sewage from China's largest water reclamation plant. Water Research, 2019.02 (IF=8.55)
LY A, QA Fei, KL A, HL A, KB Yu, CC Song, LA A. Microfiber release from different fabrics during washing. Environmental Pollution, 2019.03 (IF=5.98)
D Dai, M Sun, X Lv, K Lei. Evaluating water resource sustainability from the perspective of water resource carrying capacity, a case study of the Yongding River watershed in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020.04(IF=3.06)
D Dai, X Xu, M Sun, C Hao, K Lei. Decrease of both river flow and quality aggravates water crisis in North China: a typical example of the upper Yongding River watershed. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2020.06(IF=1.90)
Q Xu, Y Gao, L Xu, W Shi, K Lei. Investigation of the microplastics profile in sludge from China’s largest Water reclamation plant using a feasible isolation device. Journal of hazardous materials, 2020.01(IF=9.04)
XY Zhou, K Lei. Influence of human-water interactions on the water resources and environment in the Yangtze River Basin from the perspective of multiplex networks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 265 (2020) 121783(IF=7.25)
X Xu, G Zhou, K Lei, GA Leblanc, L An. Phthalate Esters and Their Potential Risk in PET Bottled Water Stored under Common Conditions. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2020(IF=2.85)
秦延文,张雷,时瑶,马迎群,常旭,刘志超. 大辽河表层水体典型抗生素污染特征与生态风险评价,环境科学研究,2015.3
杨丽标,雷坤,孟伟. 夏季大辽河河口区水体反硝化及其影响因素,环境科学,2015.3
周刚,雷坤, 富国, 张深. 基于合理性指数的入河污染物多目标总量分配模型,应用基础与工程科学学报,2015.6
邓义祥, 雷坤, 富国, 周刚, 李子成, 王淑一, 吕丽. 基于分配指数的渤海TN总量分配研究,环境科学研究,2015.11
王淑一,雷坤, 邓义祥,李子成,乔飞,陈志强,陈晓博.基于不同时间周期排放量的排污许可限值,环境科学研究,2016.2
杨丽标, 雷坤, 孟伟, 富国, 于涛. 上覆水中碳氮浓度对黄河沉积物反硝化速率的影响研究,海洋环境科学,2016.3
秦攀,雷坤,KHU Soon-Thiam,乔飞.我国城市非点源污染特征及其模型应用探讨,环境工程技术学报,2016.4
秦攀,雷坤,乔飞,Soon-Thiam KHU.子汇水区划分精度对SWMM模拟城市非点源的影响,环境科学与技术,2016.6
王淑一, 雷坤, 邓义祥, 李子成, 乔飞. 企业水污染源基于技术的排污许可限值确定方法及其案例研究,环境科学学报,2016.12
Liping Wang, Kun Lei, Yanzhen Qiao, Chenlin Hao.Level and ecological risk of four common metals in surface water along the Qinhuangdao coastal areas, China IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,核心期刊,2017.1
乔飞, 郑丙辉,雷坤, 周刚, 柳青. 长江下游及河口区水动力特征,环境科学研究,2017.3
王丽平, 雷坤, 乔艳珍. 天津渤海湾近岸海域沉积物中4种常见重金属的分布及其风险分析,海洋环境科学,2017.5
杨丽标, 雷坤, 乔飞, 孟伟. 铁岭市河流氮素时空分布及源解析,环境科学,2018.2
乔飞, 富国,徐香勤, 安立会, 雷坤, 赵健, 郝晨林. 三江源区水源涵养功能评估,环境科学研究,2018.6
邓义祥, 雷坤, 安立会, 刘瑞志, 王丽平, 张嘉戌. 我国塑料垃圾和微塑料污染源头控制对策,中国科学院院刊,2018.10
代丹,葛俊,胡小贞,雷坤,庞燕,孔欣,管鹤卿. 洱海西部入湖河流白鹤溪主要污染物时空变化特征分析,环境工程技术学报,2019.3
赵杰杰,雷坤,孙明东,徐香勤,程全国. 基于负荷历时曲线法的永定河流域河北段磷纳污能力研究,环境工程技术学报,2020.5