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男,1965年生,北京大学本科毕业,东京水产大学博士,北京师范大学教授,博士生导师,数字流域北京师范大学重点实验室副主任,城市水循环与海绵城市技术北京市重点实验室常务副主任,曾任水科学研究院水文与水资源系主任。主要从事水文/水资源、数字流域、涉水大数据研究。曾任日本SEA公司系统工程师,开发具有自主知识产权的声呐数据采集处理系统,被美国、德国、日本和台湾等国家和地区海军、研究机构和渔业部门使用;开发的BNU-SWAT模型应用系统在北京市、泉州市、云贵高原、湖北省、青海省、松花江流域、雅砻江流域等地区得到应用。获教育部科学进步一、二等奖和大禹奖等,在国内外学术刊物发表论文100余篇,出版专著4部,获得国家发明专利3项,计算机软件著作权30余项。 教育经历 1983.9-1987.7 北京大学,本科,生物系,获得学士学位 1987.9-1989.11 北京师范大学,硕士研究生,生物系 1990.4-1992.3 日本国东京水产大学大学院,博士前期课程,资源育成学科,获得硕士学位 1993.4-1995.3 日本国东京水产大学大学院,博士后期课程,资源育成学科,获得博士学位 主要工作经历 1995.5-1999.6 日本株式会社SEA,系统工程师,科学软件部门 1999.7-2004.12 北京师范大学环境学院,环境信息系统研究方向 2005.1-至今 北京师范大学水科学研究院,水文与水资源、数字流域研究方向 教学工作 研究生课程:水信息集成技术 本科生课程:环境设计基础 荣誉奖励 生态城市规划与管理中的关键技术、方法及应用,教育部科技进步一等奖(第三完成人),2005年.杨志峰;何孟常;鱼京善;毛显强…) 流域水量水质综合模拟技术及其应用平台,教育部科技进步二等奖(第二完成人),2013年.(徐宗学;鱼京善; 苏保林; 刘昌明; 占车生; 刘海军; 孙文超; 段淑怀; 刘博; 于伟东; 庞靖鹏; 蔡锡填; 韦玲; 李占杰; 刘星才 ) 漳卫南运河流域水资源水环境综合模拟与管理关键技术研究,大禹水利科学技术二等奖,2013年 面向区域可持续发展的环境与经济社会耦合模拟技术集成研究,山西省科技进步三等奖(1/6,第三完成人),2017年. (孙鹏程;张伟锋;鱼京善;侯向军;郝丽虹;周玉芬)




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蒋卫威,鱼京善,徐淑高. 流域城镇化进程对山前平原区洪涝过程的影响研究. 水资源保护, 2022(已接收) Yuexin Zheng, Qianyang Wang, Xuan Zhang, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author), Chong Li, Liwen Chen, Yuan Liu. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Retention Risk Assessment in a Drinking Water Source Area under Anthropogenic Activities. Remote Sensing, 2022 (Accepted) Qianyang Wang, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author). Regional Characteristics' Impact on the Performances of the Gated Recurrent Unit on Streamflow Forecasting. Water Supply. 2022 (Accepted) Yuexin Zheng, Xuan Zhang, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author), Yang Xu, Qianyang Wang, Chong Li and Xiaolei Yao. Contribution of coupling between climatic variables to meteorological drought based on machine learning. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2021(Accepted) Weiwei Jiang , Jingshan Yu Corresponding author) , Qianyang Wang , Qimeng Yue. Understanding the effects of digital elevation model resolution and building treatment for urban flood modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 42 (2022), 101122 Weiwei Jiang, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author). Impact of rainstorm patterns on the urban flood process superimposed by flash floods and urban waterlogging based on a coupled hydrologic–hydraulic model: a case study in a coastal mountainous river basin within southeastern China. Natural Hazards. 326(2022): 301-326. Yuan Liu, Qimeng Yue, Qianyang Wang, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author), Yuexin Zheng, Xiaolei Yao, Shugao Xu. A framework for actual evapotranspiration assessment and projection based on meteorological, botanical, and hydrological remote sensing products. Remote Sensing. 2021, 13, 3643. Yuan Liu, Qi Jiang, Qianyang Wang, Yongliang Jin, Qimeng Yue, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author), Yuexin Zheng, Weiwei Jiang, Xiaolei Yao .The divergence between potential and actual evapotranspiration: An insight from climate, water, and vegetation change. Science of the Total Environment, 807(2022), 150648. 李冲, 张璇, 许杨, 王晓,郝芳华,鱼京善. 京津冀生态屏障区人类活动对生态安全的影响. 中国环境科学, 2021. 7: 3324-3332 蒋卫威,鱼京善,陈寅生,刘艳民,姜淇. 基于FLOW3D的梅溪洪濑段桥梁雍水三维数值模拟. 《南水北调与水利科技》, 2021, 4: 776-785. Yuan Liu, Xiaolei Yao, QianyangWang, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author), Qi Jiang, Weiwei Jiang and Luyi Li. Differences in Reference Evapotranspiration Variation and Climate-Driven Patterns in Different Altitudes of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (1961–2017) . Water, 2021, 13, 1749. X. L. Yao, Q. Jiang, Y. Liu, Q. Y. Wang and J. S. Yu(Corresponding author). Spatiotemporal variation of soil moisture in Northern China based on climate change initiative data. Agronomy Journal. 2021,1–12. 孙先忍,童思陈,黄国鲜,鱼京善,李兴华,唐小娅,雷坤. 生态调度下官厅水库热氧结构变化三维模拟. 《水力发电学报》, 2021, 40(7):73-86. 蒋卫威,鱼京善,陈基培,陈寅生,刘艳民,刘源. 排水管网系统堵塞与拍门对城市水动力过程的影响研究. 《水资源与水工程学报》,2021, V32, 155(01): 143-150. 岳启蒙, 文倩, 贺奕, 田培,王纤阳,鱼京善,朱占亮. 水生态文明城市建设对城市水生态承载力的影响--以武汉市为例. 生态学报, 2021, 41(14): 5586-5597 姚继平, 郝芳华, 王国强, 程红光, 薛宝林, 鱼京善. 人工智能技术对长江流域水污染治理的思考. 环境科学研究, 2020, 33(5): 1268-1275. 蒋卫威,鱼京善,王纤阳,刘源. 基于三维水动力模型与经验公式的桥梁雍水模拟与计算. 《水利水电技术》,2020,51(9): 97-104. Qianyang Wang, Yuan Liu, Qimeng Yue, Yuexin Zheng, Xiaolei Yao and Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author). Impact of Input Filtering and Architecture Selection Strategies on GRU Runo Forecasting: A Case Study in the Wei River Basin, Shaanxi, China. Water, 2020, 12, 3532. Yuan Liu, Qianyang Wang, Xiaolei Yao , Qi Jiang, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author) and Weiwei Jiang. Variation in Reference Evapotranspiration over the Tibetan Plateau during 1961–2017: Spatiotemporal Variations, Future Trends and Links to Other Climatic Factors. Water, 2020, 12, 3178. 李占杰,陈基培,刘艳民,姚晓磊,鱼京善. 土壤水分遥感反演研究进展. 《北京师范大学学报》, 2020, 56(3): 1-6. 孙世友, 鱼京善, 杨红粉, 刘艳民. 基于智慧大脑的水利现代化体系研究. 《中国水利》, 2020(19): 52-55. 蒋卫威, 鱼京善, 赤穗良辅, 陈基培,姜淇,李卢祎. 基于水文水动力耦合模型的山区小流域洪水预报. 《水文》, 2020, 40(5):28-35. 李卢祎, 鱼京善, 李红华, 陈基培,王纤阳,姜淇. 基于AHP的灌区现代化建设综合评价体系研究——以湖北省东风渠灌区为例. 《节水灌溉》, 2020(10): 96-100. 蒋卫威, 鱼京善, 赤穗良辅, 姜淇,陈基培,李卢祎. 变化环境与人类活动对城市水文与水动力过程影响研究进展. 《北京师范大学学报》, 2020, 56(2):16-24. Runze Tong, Wenchao Sun, Quan Han, Jingshan Yu and Zaifeng Tian. Spatial and Temporal Variations in Extreme Precipitation and Temperature Events in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region of China over the Past Six Decades. 2020, Sustainability, 12, 1415. Quan Han, Runze Tong, Wenchao Sun, Yue Zhao, Jingshan Yu, Guoqiang Wang, Sangam Shrestha, Yongliang Jin. Anthropogenic influences on the water quality of the Baiyangdian Lake in North China over the last decade. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 701: 134929. 姜淇, 姚晓磊, 李卢祎, 蒋卫威, 鱼京善. 基于CCI数据的中国北方地区土壤水分时空变化特征分析. 《北京师范大学学报》, 2020, 56(2): 177-187. 徐伟铭,鱼京善,王崴,蒋卫威. 基于神经网络模型的全国用水量“四维”模拟研究. 《南水北调与水利科技》, 2020, 18(1):11-17. Wenchao Sun, Yongliang Jin, Jingshan Yu, Guoqiang Wang, Baolin Xue, Yue Zhao, Yongshuo Fu, Sangam Shrestha. Integrating satellite observations and human water use data to estimate changes in key components of terrestrial water storage in a semi-arid region of North China. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 698: 134171. Jiang W W, Yu J S(Corresponding author), Li Z J, Nakamura T, Yu F Q, Zhang J Y. Within-day and between-day Chlorophyll a dynamics during summer in Guanting Reservoir, Beijing, China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019, 17(3): 5765-5780. Yu, J. S., Chen, J. P., Li, X. J, Liu, Y. M., Yao, X. L. Study on a single interpolation fusion algorithm for multisource remote sensing data of soil moisture. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019, 17(5):11605-11617. 蒋卫威,鱼京善,中村恭志,余富强,李占杰. 基于TITech-WARM的官厅水库三维水质模拟. 《北京师范大学学报》, 2019, 55(3):381-388. 姚晓磊, 鱼京善, 李占杰, 宋皓. CCI遥感土壤水在东北粮食主产区表征干旱的准确性评估.《北京师范大学学报》, 2019, 55(2): 65-71. Sun, Wenchao, Wang, Yuanyuan, Fu, Yongshuo H, Baolin Xue, Guoqiang Wang, Jingshan Yu, Depeng Zuo, Zongxue Xu. Spatial heterogeneity of changes in vegetation growth and their driving forces based on satellite observations of the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin in the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 574:324-332. 姚晓磊,鱼京善,孙文超. 基于累积分布函数匹配的多源遥感土壤水分数据连续融合算法. 《农业工程学报》, 2019, 35(1):131-137. Tong R.Z, Song H, Sun W.C, Xu Z.X, Yao X.L, Yu J.S. Analyzing the impact of climate change on natural vegetation greenness using improved statistical vegetation index simulation model, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019, 17(2): 4677-4691(SCI) 余富强、鱼京善、蒋卫威、黄秋森,姚晓磊. 基于水文水动力模拟的洪水淹没模拟. 《南水北调与水利科技》, 2019, 17(5): 37-43. Zhongfan Zhu(Corresponding author) and Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author). Estimating the Bed-Load Layer Thickness in Open Channels by Tsallis. Entropy 2019, 21, 123; doi:10.3390/e21020123 Zhongfan Zhu, Jingshan Yu, Jie Dou and Dingzhi Peng. An Expression for Velocity Lag in Sediment-Laden Open-Channel Flows Based on Tsallis Entropy Together with the Principle of Maximum Entropy. Entropy 2019, 21, 522; doi:10.3390/e21050522 余富强、鱼京善、蒋卫威、黄秋森. 梅溪流域“莫兰蒂”台风暴雨洪水分析. 《水电能源科学》, 2019, 37(3): 11-14. Zhanjie Li, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author), Xinyi Xu, Wenchao Sun, Bo Pang, and Jiajia Yue. Multi-model ensemble hydrological simulation using a BP NeuralNetwork for the upper Yalongjiang River Basin, China. PIAHS, 2018, 379: 335-341. 陈昕、鱼京善. 基于人工神经网络的流域水文过程多模型集合模拟. 《南水北调与水利科技》, 2018, 16(2): 74-80. Wenchao Sun; Jiao Fan; Guoqiang Wang(Corresponding author), Hiroshi Ishidaira, Satish Bastola, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author), Yongshuo Fu, Anthony Kiem; Depeng Zuo, Zongxue Xu. Calibrating a Hydrological Model in a Regional River of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Using River Water Width Determined from High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2018, 214:100-114. Sun, W., Wang, Y., Cui, X., Wang, G. Yu, J. (Corresponding author), Zuo, D., & Xu, Z. Physically-based distributed hydrological model calibration based on a short period of streamflow data: case studies in four chinese basins. Hydrology & Earth System Sciences, 2017, 21: 1-15. 章杰,鱼京善,来文立. 全球变暖背景下极端降水变化率与气温的响应关系. 《北京师范大学学报》, 2017, 53(6): 722-726. 张竞予,鱼京善,李占杰,张跃武,刘苑. 官厅水库夏季叶绿素a浓度短时分布特征. 《南水北调与水利科技》, 2017 , 15 (2):95-115. Guoqiang Wang, Qingqing Fang, Yanguo Teng, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author). Determination of the factors governing soil erodibility using hyperspectral visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation . 2016, 53: 48–63 陈昕、姚晓磊、鱼京善. 基于BP人工神经网络模型的沙柳河流域径流模拟后处理研究水资源研究, 2016, 5(4): 391-401 李娇, 鱼京善, 滕彦国, 全钟贤. 泉州市山美水库水资源风险管理研究[J]. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 52(3):283-288. Yao Xiaolei, Li Zhanjie, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author). Roles of soil erodibility, rainfall erosivity and land use in affecting soil erosion at the basin scale. Agricultural Water Management, 2016, DIO: 10.1016/j.agwat.2016.04.001 Zhongfan Zhu, Hongrui Wang1, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author), Jie Dou. On the Kaolinite Floc Size at the Steady State of Flocculation in a Turbulent Flow. PLoS One. 2016, 11(2): e0148895. Xiaolei Yao, Xingqi Cui, Jingshan Yu, Wenchao Sun. Response of hydrological processes to climate change in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, China, IAHS Publication, 2015, 368: 293-298. Wenchao Sun, Hao Song, Tao Cheng, Jingshan Yu. Calibration of hydrological models using TOPEX/Poseidon radar altimetry observations, IAHS Publication, 2015, 368:3-8. Sun W, Ishidaira H, Bastola S and Yu J. Estimating daily time series of streamflow using hydrological model calibrated based on satellite observations of river water surface width: Toward real world applications. Environmental Research, 2015, 139:36-45. Huang C, Wang G*, Zheng X, Yu J, Xu X. Simple linear modeling approach for linking hydrological model parameters to the physical features of a river basin. Water Resources Management. 2015, 29:3265-3289. Wenchao Sun, Jie Wang, Zhanjie Li, Xiaolei Yao, Jingshan Yu(Corresponding author). Influences of Climate Change on Water Resources Availability in Jinjiang Basin, China, The Scientific World Journal. 2014, Vol 2014, Article ID 908349 Yang Yan, Wang Guoqiang, Wang Lijing, Yu Jingshan, Xu Zongxue. Evaluation of Gridded Precipitation Data for Driving SWAT Model in Area Upstream of Three Gorges Reservoir. PLoS One. 2014, 9(11): e112725. Zhu Zhongfan, Yu Jingshan. Estimating the occurrence of wind-driven coastal upwelling associated with "aoshio" on the northeast shore of Tokyo Bay, Japan: An analytical model. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, Vol.2014 崔兴齐, 滕建标, 姚晓磊,孙文超,鱼京善. 流量数据量对分布式水文模型参数率定结果的影响分析——以黑河流域上游为例[J]. 北京师范大学学报自然科学版, 2014(5):570-575. 程涛、崔英、鱼京善、孙文超、杨中文,全国水资源分区社会经济及用水量数据汇总系统设计与实践,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2014,50(5):515-522. 全钟贤、罗华萍、孙文超、鱼京善、李占杰,概念性水文模型HYMOD在雅砻江流域的适用性研究,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2014,50(5):472-477. 崔兴齐、孙文超、鱼京善、赵江萍、曹丹,河南省近十年水环境承载力动态变化研究,中国人口.资源与环境,2013,(S2):359-362. 金惠淑, 鱼京善, 孙文超. 基于 GOCI 遥感数据的湖泊富营养化监测研究[J]. 北京师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 2013, 49(2) 陈明, 李娇, 鱼京善. 铝生产企业排泥库泄漏事故次生突发环境事件应急处置分析[J]. 环境保护, 2013, 41(20):59-61. 姚晓磊, 鱼京善, 李巍, 孙文超. 气候变化对黔中地区未来水资源影响分析及其适应策略. 环境保护, 2013, 41(018): 55-57 Zhu Hongli, Li Wei, Yu Jingshan, Sun Wenchao, Yao Xiaolei. An Analysis of Decoupling Relationships of Water Uses and Economic Development in the Two Provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou During the First Ten Years of Implementing the Great Western Development Strategy, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2013, Vol.18, pp.864-870 Zhanjie Li, Xiaolei Yao, Jingshan Yu, Wenchao Sun, Hua Li. Analysis of Vagetation Changes along the Roadsides Based on Remote Sensing, Intelligent Information, Control, and Communication Technology for Agricultural Engineering, 2013: 8762-81. 孙文超, 庞博, 鱼京善, 姚晓磊. 基于分布式水文模型 BTOPMC 的晋江流域水文循环模拟. 北京师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 2013, 1. 朱洪利, 潘丽君, 李巍, 鱼京善, 姚晓磊. 十年来云贵两省水资源利用与经济发展脱钩关系研究[J]. 南水北调与水利科技, 2013 (5). 李娇, 姜明媛, 孙文超, 鱼京善. 基于 BP 神经网络的泉州市山美水库降雨径流模拟研究[J]. 北京师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 2013, 49(2). 陈明, 李娇, 鱼京善. 妥善处置溶洞偷排突发环境事件确保饮用水安全[J]. 环境保护, 2013(22):49-51. 鱼京善, 金惠淑, 姚晓磊, 杨岩. BNU-SWAT 模型应用工具开发. 北京师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 2012,48(5): 550-553 李娇, 孙文超, 鱼京善(通讯作者), 杨岩. 基于 BNU-SWAT 模型的地下水埋深模拟. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 48(5): 554-558 李占杰,文承龙,鱼京善(通讯作者),薛祥山 北京市通州区日光温室通风水汽散失分析,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 48(5): 445-448 Yao Xiaolei, Yu Jingshan, Li Hua. Impact assessment of highway construction on ecological environment based on QuickBird images analysis, Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2012 International Conference on. IEEE, 2012: 2103-2107 Wang Guoqiang, Yu Jingshan(Corresponding author). Continuous Modeling of Infiltration Rate for the Management of Sprinkler Irrigation. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 56(1)157-161(2011) Wang Guoqiang, Baolin Xue, Yu Jingshan(Corresponding author) and Kyoichi Otsuki. Estimating the Agricultural Water Productivity of the Yellow River Basin Based on Remote Sensing Data. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 56(1), 149-156(2011) 李占杰, 鱼京善, 信达. 1951 年-2010 年贵阳市气温变化特征分析. 南水北调与水利科技, 2011, 9(5): 31-35 Qiu, Ruzhi ; Li, Yingxia ; Yang, Zhifeng ; Li, Chunhui ; Yu, Jingshan ; Shi, Jianghong. A waste load allocation method based on unfairness factors and its application in the Zhangweinan Watershed, northern China, Water Science and Technology, 2010, Vol.62(1), pp.58-67 Shaowei Wang, Qi Tang, Xinyi Xu, Jingshan Yu. A Study on Eco-hydrology Regionalization and its Application, Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH2010) Guoqiang Wang, Jingshan Yu, Sangam Threstha, Hiroshi Ishidaira, Anthony Kiem, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi. Application of a distributed erosion model for the assessment of spatial erosion patterns in the Lushi catchment, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2010. 61(4), 787-797 Yingxia Li, Ruzhi Qiu, Zhifeng Yang, Chunhui Li, Jingshan Yu. Parameter Determination to Calculate Water Environmental Capacity in Zhangweinan Canal Sub-basin in China. 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