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教育经历 1993.9 - 1997.7成都理工学院,工学学士(专业方向:地质矿产勘查) 1997.9 - 1999.7成都理工学院,理学硕士(专业方向:流体地球化学) 1999.9 - 2001.6成都理工学院,工学博士(专业方向:环境地球化学) 工作经历 2001.6 - 2003.4北京师范大学环境学院,博士后 2003.4 - 2005.1北京师范大学环境学院,副教授 2005.1 - 2007.6北京师范大学水科学研究院,副教授 2007.6 - 2008.7北京师范大学水科学研究院,副教授,博士生导师 2008.7 -至 今 北京师范大学水科学研究院,教授,博士生导师 主持的科研课题 2020-2024:国家重点研发计划课题“铀矿区放射性核素污染控制及治理技术”课题四“高硫酸盐环境核素污染地下水修复技术”,编号:2020YFC1806604;经费490万元,主持 2020-2023: 国家自然科学基金重点项目“寒区地下水有机污染溯源辨识、传质过程与原位修复及在线监测技术研究”,编号:U19A20107,经费:248万元(参加,溯源辨识任务负责人,直接经费48万元) 2019-2021: 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项课题“铜浮选矿影响区土壤与地下水污染复合修复-防控技术集成与示范”,编号:2019ZD001-05,经费:290万元 2019-2020: 澄江县政府委托项目“澄江县土壤污染防治方案”,经费:45万元 2019-2022:国家自然科学基金项目“岸滤系统氧化还原作用对地下水中钒形态变化的影响机理”,编号:41877355,经费:62万元 2017-2017:哈尔滨市政府/哈尔滨供水集团委托项目“松花江应急水源地水质提升实验”,经费95万元,已结题 2015-2017:鄂尔多斯市政府委托项目“鄂尔多斯市水资源承载力评价研究”,经费72万元,已结题 2014-2017:国家“水体污染控制与治理”科技重大专项项目课题“松花江傍河取水水质安全保障关键技术与示范”,编号:2014ZX07201-010,经费1200.99万元,技术验收为“优”,档案、财务验收为“良” 2010-2013:国家环保公益性行业科研基金重大项目“区域地下水污染监测系统与风险管理关键技术研究”,编号:201009009,经费1700万元,验收为“优” 2011-2013:中央高校自主设置科研基金重点项目“长寿命核素在非均匀地质介质中的水文地球化学行为研究”,编号:105565GK,经费35万元,已结题 2011-2013:国家自然科学基金项目“钢渣中钒释放的地球化学过程及其对水土质量的影响机理”,编号:41073068,经费54万元,已结题 2010-2012:教育部高等学校博士点专项科研基金项目“钒钛磁铁矿冶炼废渣中钒释放的地球化学过程与环境风险”,编号:20090003110021,经费6万元,已结题 2010-2012:教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划“河水-地下水交互带内典型有机污染物的生物地球化学行为”,编号:NCET-09-0230,经费50万元,验收为“优” 2007-2008:北京市优秀人才培养资助计划“河水与地下水交错带内氮的生物地球化学行为”,编号:20071D0503100294,经费3.5万元,已结题 2009-2011:国家“水体污染控制与治理”科技重大专项项目课题“饮用水源地环境保护与管理技术与示范”,编号:2009ZX07419-003-01,经费210万元,验收为“良” 2008-2010:国家“水体污染控制与治理”科技重大专项项目课题“松花江沿岸地下水污染控制关键技术与工程示范”,编号:2008ZX07207-007-02,经费160万元,验收为“良” 2007-2009:国家自然科学基金项目“河流沉积物中钒的环境生物地球化学行为研究”,编号:40603017,经费25万元,已结题 2005-2006:国家科技攻关项目课题“矿山生态环境监控与预警关键技术开发及应用”,编号:2005BA901A03,经费90万元,验收为“优” 2005-2007:国际科技合作计划重点项目“城市地球化学灾害研究”,编号:2005DFA20900,经费85万元,验收为“优” 2004-2006:科研院所社会公益研究专项“矿山生态环境监测预警与管理系统”,编号:2004DIB3J110,经费90万元,已结题 2003-2004:国土资源部专项科技项目“区域地球化学基线及大型矿山和矿集区环境评价示范”,编号:30302408-01,经费280万元,验收为“优” 教学获奖 滕彦国、王国强、张波涛、杨胜天、徐宗学、翟远征、宋永会、吕晓慧、左锐、潘成忠、孙文超,水科学专业建设与人才培养模式的构建与实践,北京师范大学高等教育教学成果一等奖,2017 郝芳华、滕彦国、徐宗学、王国强、杨胜天、王金生、许新宜、王红旗、张波涛、翟远征,面向生态文明建设的水资源工程研究生培养体系,北京市高等教育教学成果二等奖,2017 荣誉奖励 1998年国土资源部科技成果三等奖(排名第4),巴西金矿田成矿流体构造物理化学界面研究 2003年四川省科技进步二等奖(排名第2),X射线荧光方法在矿山环境地球化学研究中的应用 2004年四川省科技进步二等奖(排名第6),矿床(体)快速追踪的地球化学新方法、新技术研究 2004年国土资源部科技进步二等奖(排名第3),新一代核分析(检测)仪理论方法研究与产业化开发 2006年教育部科技进步一等奖(排名第7),地学核分析与检测理论、仪器开发与应用 2011年四川省科技进步三等奖(排名第2),矿山生态环境监控预警技术开发与示范 2012年军队科技进步二等奖(排名8),极低放废物填埋场选址及评价方法研究 2015年分析测试科学技术奖一等奖(排名2),环境中痕量物质的分离富集技术及分析方法研究 2018年吉林省科技进步二等奖(排名第2),不同尺度地下水环境风险辨识与管理关键技术及应用 2018年四川省科技进步二等奖(排名第2),矿山重金属污染形成机制与环境评价关键技术 2018年安徽省科技进步三等奖(排名第6),河长制决策大数据支持系统关键技术研究与应用 2019年高等学校科学技术进步二等奖(排名第7),流域水系统资源-环境-生态协同承载力测度方法与提升技术 2020年测绘科学技术奖一等奖(排名第5),卫星重力模型精确反演关键技术及其全球水文监测应用 2020年分析测试科学技术奖一等奖(排名第2),环境介质中重点防控重金属监测关键技术及应用 2020年环境保护科学技术奖二等奖(排名第3)大型矿山地质环境评价与生态修复关键技术 荣誉称号 2008:北京师范大学抗震救灾优秀工作者 2010:北京师范大学优秀共产党员 2011:北京师范大学优秀共产党员 2014:北京师范大学优秀共产党员 2021:入选全球前2%顶尖科学家




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出版专著 滕彦国,倪师军,地球化学基线理论与实践,北京:化学工业出版社,2007,1-150 滕彦国,徐争启,王金生,倪师军,钒的环境生物地球化学,北京:科学出版社,2011,1-224 滕彦国,王金生,李 剑,豆俊峰,王红旗,汶川特大地震对土壤环境的影响,北京:科学出版社,2012,1-180 徐争启,滕彦国,氧化物型矿山重金属环境地球化学研究,北京:科学出版社,2012,1-290 滕彦国,陈海洋,宋柳霆,王金生,马岚,潘成忠,晋江流域饮用水水源保护与管理,北京:科学出版社,2014,1-160 滕彦国,左锐,苏小四,区域地下水环境风险评价技术,北京:中国环境出版社,2015,1-156 左锐,王金生,滕彦国,地下水型饮用水源地保护与管理,北京:地质出版社, 2015,1-173 杨洁,滕彦国,土壤-植物体系钒的生物有效性,北京:地质出版社,2016,1-204 胡立堂,王金生,雷晓辉,滕彦国,岳卫峰,王金枝,沿海地区地下水资源管理研究:以泉州市为例,北京:中国水利水电出版社,2016,1-178 王金生,施泽明,岳卫峰,滕彦国,汶川特大地震对水环境的影响,北京:科学出版社,2017,1-172 左锐,郭学茹,滕彦国,王金生,傍河水源地水质安全保障技术体系,中国水利水电出版社,2021 吴劲,李娇,滕彦国,矿业城市土壤和沉积物重金属污染源解析研究,地质出版社,2021 代表性论文 Wang JW, Teng YG*, Zhai YZ, Yue WF, Pan ZZ. Spatiotemporal distribution and risk assessment of organophosphorus pesticides in surface water and groundwater on the North China Plain, China. Environmental Research, 2021, article 112310. Zuo R, Zhao X, Yang J, Pan MH, Xue ZK, Gao X, Wang JS, Teng YG. Analysis of the LNAPL migration process in the vadose zone under two different media conditions. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2021, 18, 10173, Zheng NZ, Yue WF*, Wu J, Hou KX, Wu LJ, Guo MS, Teng YG. Responses of soil cadmium desorption under different saline environments and its controlling factors. Agronomy, 2021, 11, 2175 Zhai YZ, Cao XY, Jiang Y, Sun KN, Hu LT, Teng YG, Wang JS, Li J. Further Discussion on the Influence Radius of a Pumping Well: A Parameter with Little Scientific and Practical Significance That Can Easily Be Misleading. Water, 2021, 13(15): 2050. Zhai YZ, Xia XL, Li XD*, Lu H, Teng YG, Wang JS. Anthropogenic organic pollutants in groundwater increase releases of Fe and Mn from aquifer sediments:Impacts of pollution degree, mineral content, and pH. Water, 2021, 13(14): 1920. Yin XX, Guo CS, Deng YH, Jin XW, Teng YG, Xu J, Wu FC. Tissue-specific accumulation, elimination, and toxicokinetics of illicit drugs in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Science of the Total Environment, 2021,792: 148153. Zhang YX, Chen HY*, Liu C, Chen RH, Wang YY, Teng YG*. Developing an integrated framework for source apportionment and source-specific health risk assessment of PAHs in soils: Application to a typical cold region in China, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 415: 125730. Chen HY*, Liu C, Li YZ, Teng YG. Integrating Metagenomic and Bayesian Analyses to Evaluate the Performance and Confidence of CrAssphage as an Indicator for Tracking Human Sewage Contamination in China. Environmental Science and Technology, 2021, 55(8): 4992-5000. Chen RH, Zhang QR*, Chen HY, Yue WF, Teng YG*. Source apportionment of heavy metals in sediments and soils in an interconnected river-soil system based on a composite fingerprint screening approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 411: 125125. Zuo R, Liu X, Zhang QR, Wang JS, Yang J, Teng YG, Chen XJ, Zhai YZ. Sulfonamide antibiotics in groundwater and their migration in the vadose zone: A case in a drinking water resource. Ecological Engineering, 2021, 162: 106175. Zhang BT, Kuang LL, Teng YG, Fan MH, Ma Y. Application of percarbonate and peroxymonocarbonate in decontamination technologies. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021, 105: 100-115. Chen HY, Liu C, Teng YG, Zhang ZL, Chen YH, Yang YY. Environmental risk characterization and ecological process determination of bacterial antibiotic resistome in lake sediments Haiyang Chen. Environment International, 2021, 147: 106345. Wang JW, Zhang CX*, Teng YG, Zhai YZ, Yue WF. Influence of surface-water irrigation on the distribution of organophosphorus pesticides in soil-water systems, Jianghan Plain, Central China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 281: 111847. Zhang Y, Zhang BT, Teng YG, Zhao JJ, Sun XJ. Heterogeneous activation of persulfate by carbon nanofiber supported Fe3O4@carbon composites for efficient ibuprofen degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 401: 123428. Chen RH, Teng YG*, Chen HY, Yue WF, Su XS, Liu YN, Zhang QR*. A coupled optimization of groundwater remediation alternatives screening under health risk assessment: An application to a petroleum-contaminated site in a typical cold industrial region in Northeastern China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 407: 124796. Zhang Y, Zhang BT, Teng YG*, Zhao JJ, Kuang LL, Sun XJ. Activation of persulfate by core–shell structured Fe3O4@C/CDs-Ag nanocomposite for the efficient degradation of penicillin. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 254: 117617. Li YZ, Chen HY*, Song LT, Wu J, Sun WC, Teng YG*. Effects on microbiomes and resistomes and the source-specific ecological risks of heavy metals in the sediments of an urban river. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 409: 124472. Zheng NZ, Guo MS, Yue WF, Teng YG, Zhai YZ, Yang J, Zuo R. Evaluating the impact of flood irrigation on spatial variabilities of soil salinity and groundwater quality in an arid irrigated region. Hydrology Research, 2021, 52(1): 229-240. Li DF, Zhai YZ, Li J, Teng YG*, Lu H, Yue WF, Yang J. Spatiotemporal evolution of groundwater nitrate levels and potential human health risks in the Songnen Plain, NE China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 208(15): 111524. Zhang BT, Liu H, Liu Y, Teng YG. Application trends of nanofibers in analytical chemistry. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 131: 115992. Meng L, Zuo R, Brusseau ML, Wang JS, Liu X, Du C, Zhai YZ, Teng YG. Groundwater pollution containing ammonium, iron, and manganese in a riverbank filtration system: Effects of dynamic geochemical conditions and microbial responses. Hydrological Processes, 2020, 34(22): 4175-4189. Wang B, Teng YG*, Wang HQ, Zuo R, Zhai YZ, Yue WF, Yang J. Entropy weight method coupled with improved DRASTIC model to evaluate the special vulnerability of groundwater in Songnen Plain, Northeastern China. Hydrology Research, 2020, 51(5): 1184-1200. Zhang Y, Zhang BT, Teng YG, Zhao JJ, Kuang LL, Sun XJ. Carbon nanofibers supported Co/Ag bimetallic nanoparticles for heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate and efficient oxidation of amoxicillin. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 400: 123290. Li YZ, Chen HY*, Teng YG. Source apportionment and source-oriented risk assessment of heavy metals in the sediments of an urban river-lake system. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 737: 140310. Zhang Y, Zhang BT, Teng YG, Zhao JJ. Activated carbon supported nanoscale zero valent iron for cooperative adsorption and persulfate-driven oxidation of ampicillin. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2020, 19: 100956. Liu LZ, Zhao WH, Shen Q, Wu JJ, Teng YG, Yang JH, Han XY, Tian F. Nonlinear relationship between the yield of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic efficiency in senescent crops. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 1518, doi:10.3390/rs12091518. Zhang YX, Chen HY, Jing LJ, Teng YG. Ecotoxicological risk assessment and source apportionment of antibiotics in the waters and sediments of a peri-urban river. Science of Total Environment, 2020, 731: 139128. Li J, Song LT, Chen HY, Wu J, Teng YG*. Source apportionment of potential ecological risk posed by trace metals in the sediment of the Le’an River, China. Journal of Soil and Sediments, 2020, 20: 2460-2470. Zhang BT, Wang Q, Zhang Y, Teng YG, Fan MH. Degradation of ibuprofen in the carbon dots/Fe3O4@carbon sphere pomegranate-like composites activated persulfate system. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 242: 116820. Hu B, Zhang YL, Li Y, Teng YG*, Yue WF*. Is the water demand for BECCS sustainable? Science of Total Environment, 2020, 714: 136856. Zhai YZ, Xia XL, Yang G, Lu H, Ma GY, Wang GQ, Teng YG, Yuan WZ, Sangam S. Trend, seasonality and relationships of aquatic environmental quality indicators and implications: An experience from Songhua River, NE China. Ecological Engineering, 2020, 145: 105706. Zhu YG, Zhai YZ, Teng YG, Du QQ, Wang JS, Yang G. Water supply safety of riverbank filtration wells under the impact of surface water-groundwater interaction: evidence from long-term field pumping tests. Science of Total Environment, 2020, 711: Article 135141. Wu J, Li J, Teng YG*, Chen HY, Wang YY. A partition computing-based positive matrix factorization (PC-PMF) approach for the source apportionment of agricultural soil heavy metal contents and associated health risks. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 388: Article 121766. Chen HY, Li YZ, Sun WC, Song LT, Zuo R, Teng YG*. Characterization and source identification of antibiotic resistance genes in the sediments of an interconnected river-lake system. Environment International, 2020, 137: 105538. Liu LZ, Teng YG, Wu JJ, Zhao WH, Liu SS, Shen Q. Soil water deficit promotes the effect of atmospheric water deficit on solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence. Science of Total Environment, 2020, 710: Article 137408. Tang M, Zhang BT, Teng YG, Liu ML, Zhang Y. Fast determination of peroxymonosulfate using flow injection chemiluminescence using the Tb(III) ligand in micelle medium. Luminescence, 2020, 35: 274-283. Yin XX, Guo CS, Lv JP, Hou S, Zhang Y, Jin XW, Teng YG, Xu J. Biomimetic Accumulation of Methamphetamine and Its Metabolite Amphetamine by Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films to Estimate Their Bioavailability in Zebrafish. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2019, 6(12): 708-713. Zuo R, Han KX, Shi RT, Ding F, Liu L, Wang JS, Teng YG. Effect of colloidal silicate on the migration behaviour of strontium in groundwater environment of geological disposal candidate site. Journal of Chemistry, 2019, Article ID 9606121, 11 pages. Chen HY, Bai XM, Li YZ, Jing LJ, Teng YG*. Source identification of antibiotic resistance genes in a peri-urban river using novel crAssphage marker genes and metagenomic signatures. Water Research, 2019, 167: Article 115098 Zhu C, Zhang YL, Hu B, Teng YG. A library of BASIC scripts of rate equations for geochemical modeling using PHREEQC. Computer & Geoscience, 2019, 333: Article 104316 Liu LZ, Zhao WH, Wu JJ, Liu SS, Teng YG, Yang JH, Han XY. The Impacts of Growth and Environmental Parameters on Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at Seasonal and Diurnal Scales. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(17), 2002. Teng YG, Wu J, Zuo R, Zhai YZ, Su J. Risk assessment framework for nitrate contamination in groundwater for regional management. Science of Total Environment, 2019, 697: Article 134102. Chen RH, Teng YG*, Chen HY, Hu B, Yue WF. Groundwater Pollution and Risk Assessment based on Source Apportionment in a typical cold agricultural region in Northeastern China. Science of Total Environment, 2019, 696: Article 133972. Chen RH, Chen HY, Song LT, Yao ZP, Meng FS, Teng YG. Characterization and source apportionment of heavy metals in the sediments of Lake Tai (China) and its surrounding soils. Science of Total Environment, 2019, 694: Article 133819. Zhai YZ, Zheng FX, Zhao XB, Xia XL, Teng YG. Identification of hydrochemical genesis and screening of typical groundwater pollutants impacting human health: A case study in Northeast China. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 252: 1201-1215. Yin XX, Guo CS, Teng YG, Xu J. Development and application of the analytical method for illicit drugs and metabolites in fish tissues. Chemosphere, 2019, 233: 532-541. Zuo R, Chen MH, Lin YH, Yang J, Jin SH, Yue WF, Wang JS, Teng YG*. Effect of a humic acid colloid on the sorption behaviour of Sr onto soil in a candidate high-level radioactive waste geological disposal site. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 25235-25246. Zuo R, Liu X, Zhang HK, Li J, Teng YG, Yue WF, Wang JS. Distribution, origin and key influencing factors of fluoride groundwater in the coastal area, NE China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2019, 25(1-2): 104-119. Zuo R, Jin SH, Yang J, Wang JS, Guan X, Meng L, Teng YG, Chen MH. Removal of strontium from aqueous solutions by sodium dodecyl sulfate-modified palygorskite. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2019, 321: 151-159. Chen HY, Bai XM, Li YZ, Jing LJ, Chen RH, Teng YG*. Characterization and source-tracking of antibiotic resistomes in the sediments of a peri-urban river. Science of Total Environment, 2019, 679: 88-96. Guo XR, Zuo R, Wang JS, Meng L, Teng YG, Shi RT, Gao X, Ding F. Hydrogeochemical evolution of interaction between surface water-groundwater affected by exploitation. Groundwater, 2019, 57(3): 430-442. Wu J, Teng YG*, Wu BB, Su Jie, Wang JS. Comparison of sources and spatial distribution of heavy metals at two peri-urban areas in southeast Shenyang, China. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2019, 18(1): 1815-1823. Zhu Y, Zhai YZ, Du QQ, Teng YG, Wang JS, Yang G. The impact of well drawdowns on the mixing process of river water and groundwater and water quality in a riverside well field, Northeast China. Hydrological Processes, 2019, 33(6): 945-961. Chen HY, Bai XM, Jing LJ, Chen RH, Teng YG*. Characterization of antibiotic resistance genes in the sediments of an urban river revealed by comparative metagenomics analysis. Science of Total Environment, 2019, 653: 1513-1521. Chen HY, Chen RH, Jing LJ, Bai XM, Teng YG*. A metagenomic analysis framework for characterization of antibiotic resistomes in river environment: Application to an urban river in Beijing. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 245: 398-407. Yin WJ, Hu LT, Han SC, Zhang ML, Teng YG. Reconstructing terrestrial water storage variations from 1980 to 2015 in the Beishan area of China. Geofluids, 2019, Article ID 3874742, 13. Hu B, Teng YG, Zhang YL, Zhu C. Review: The projected hydrologic cycle under the scenario of 936 ppm CO2 in 2100. Hydrogeology Journal, 2019, 27:31-53. Chen HY, Jing LJ, Yao ZP, Meng FS, Teng YG*. Prevalence, source and risk of antibiotic resistance genes in the sediments of Lake Tai (China) deciphered by metagenomic assembly: A comparison with other global lakes. Environment International, 2019, 127: 267-275. Wang JW, Teng YG, Zhang CX, Liao XP, Zhai YZ, Zuo R. Activation of manganese dioxide with bisulfite for enhanced abiotic degradation of typical organophosphorus pesticides: Kinetics and transformation pathway. Chemosphere, 2019, 226: 854-864. Zheng XD, Teng YG, Song LT. Iron Isotopic Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Hongfeng Lake. Water, 2019, 11(2), 396. Chen RH, Xiong YN, Li J, Teng YG, Chen HY, Yang J. Comparison of multi-criteria analysis methodologies for the prioritization of arsenic-contaminated sites in the southwest of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26:11781–11792. Jiang Y, Zhang JJ, Zhu YG, Du QQ, Teng YG, Zhai YZ. Design and Optimization of a Fully-Penetrating Riverbank Filtration Well Scheme at a Fully-Penetrating River Based on Analytical Methods. Water, 2019, 11(3), 418. Meng L, Zuo R, Wang JS, Yang J, Teng YG, Shi RT, Lin YH, Zhai YZ. Apportionment and evolution of pollution sources in a typical riverside groundwater resource area using PCA-APCS-MLR model. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2018, 218: 70-83. Zuo R, Meng L, Wang JS, Guo XR, Yang J, Teng YG, Lin YH, Shi RT. Quantitative source apportionment of groundwater pollution: A case study of alluvial fan groundwater in the Hun River region, NE China. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 2018, geochem2018-053. Zhou AX, Wang JS, Lin YH, Guan X, Zuo R, Teng YG. Adsorptive removal of trace uranium ions from simulated wastewater with FeCl3-modified attapulgite with sodium alginate beads. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2018, 107: 155-164. Zheng FX, Zhai YZ, Xia XL, Yin ZH, Du QQ, Zuo R, Wang JS, Teng YG, Xu M. Simulation of Trinitrogen Migration and Transformation in the Unsaturated Zone at a Desert Contaminant Site (NW China) Using HYDRUS-2D. Water, 2018, 10: 1363. Kong HM, Teng YG*, Song LT, Wang JS, Zhang L. Lead and strontium isotopes as tracers to investigate the potential sources of lead in soil and groundwater: A case study of the Hun River alluvial fan. Applied Geochemistry, 2018, 97: 291-300. Li J, Liu Y, Zuo R, Teng YG, Ai Y, Yang J. Influences of dissolved humic acid on Zn bioavailability and its consequences for thyroid toxicity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 166: 132-137. Lin X, Ruan Q, Zhang XR, Duan XJ, Teng YG, Zhang JB. 99mTc labelled complexes with secnidazole xanthate: Synthesis and evaluation as potential radiotracers to target tumor hypoxia. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2018, 140: 289-293. Lin X, Ruan Q, Lin L, Zhang XR, Duan XJ, Teng YG, Zhang JB. Biological evaluation and SPECT imaging of tumor hypoxia using a novel technetium-99m labeled tracer with 2-nitroimidazole moiety. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2018, 317(3): 1463-1468 Huang Y, Zuo R, Li J, Wu J, Zhai YZ, Teng YG. The spatial and temporal variability of the groundwater vulnerability and human health risk in the Limin District, Harbin, China. Water, 2018, 10(6), 686 Zhang BT, Zhang Y, Teng YG. Electrospun magnetic cobalt–carbon nanofiber composites with axis-sheath structure for efficient peroxymonosulfate activation. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 452: 443-450. Teng YG, Hu B, Zheng JQ, Wang JS, Zhai YZ, Zhu C. Water Quality Response to the Interaction between Surface Water and Groundwater along the Songhua River, NE China. Hydrogeology Journal, 2018, 26: 1591-1607. Guo XR, Zuo R, Meng L, Wang JS, Teng YG, Liu X, Chen MH. Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Anthropogenic and Natural Factors Influencing Groundwater Quality Based on Source Apportionment. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 279; doi:10.3390/ijerph15020279. Yin WJ, Zhai YZ, Teng YG. Suitability for developing riverside groundwater sources along Songhua River, Northeast China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2018, 24(8): 2088-2100. Meng L, Zuo R, Guo XR, Wang JS, Teng YG. Pollution Risk Assessment based on Source Apportionment in a Groundwater Resource Area, NE China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2018, 24(5): 1197-1215. Zuo R, Jin SH, Chen MH, Wang JS, Zhai YZ, Teng YG, Guo XR. In-situ study of migration and transformation of nitrogen in groundwater based on continuous observations at a contaminated desert site. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2018, 211: 39-48. Shen Y, Kong DD, Teng YG, Wang YY, Li J. An assessment of the presence and health risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the drinking water treatment plant of Wu Chang, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2018, 24(4): 1127-1137. Chen HY, Jing LJ, Teng YG*, Wang JS. Multimedia fate modeling and risk assessment of antibiotics in a water-scarce megacity. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 348: 75-83. Chen HY, Teng YG*, Characterization of antibiotics in a large-scale river system of China: Occurrence pattern, spatiotemporal distribution and environmental risks. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 618: 409-418. Zhai YZ, Yin ZH, Zhao XB, Zhang JJ, Zuo R, Wu J, Yang J, Teng YG, Wang JS. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the environment of Beijing, China: levels, distribution, trends and sources. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2018, 24(1): 137-157. Zuo R, Chen XJ, Wang B, Shan D, Yang J, Li XB, Wang JS, Teng YG. Pollution risk evaluation of regional groundwater based on sources apportionment of pollution. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2018, 18(4): 1294-1307. Zuo R, Wang LN, Shi RT, Yang J, Wang JS, Teng YG. Factors influencing the sorption and migration behavior of uranium in shale. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2017, 314: 887-896. Zuo R, Chen XJ, Shan D, Yang J, Wang JS, Teng YG. Distribution, genesis, and pollution risk of ammonium nitrogen in groundwater in an arid loess plain, northwestern China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76(7): 629. Zhang BT, Liu J, Yue SZ, Teng YG, Wang ZJ, Li XB, Qu SC, Wang ZG. Hot electron injection: An efficacious approach to charge LaCoO3 for improving the water splitting efficiency. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017: 219: 432-438. Guo XR, Zui R, Shan D, Cao Y, Wang JS, Teng YG, Fu Q, Zheng BH. Source Apportionment of Pollution in Groundwater Source Area using Factor Analysis and Positive Matrix Factorization Methods. 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Proposed APLIE method for groundwater vulnerability assessment in karst-phreatic aquifer, Shandong Province, China: a case study. Environmental Earth Science, 2016, 75:112. Chen HY, Teng YG, Chen RH, Li J, Wang JS. Contamination characteristics and source apportionment of trace metals in soils around Miyun Reservoir. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23:15331-15342. Wu J, Teng YG*, Chen HY, Lu SJ, Wang YY. Machine-learning models for on-site estimation of background concentrations in soils using soil formation factors. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016, 16:1787-1797 Xiang WX, Zhang BT, Teng YG, Zhang Y. Oxidation of Dyes by Alkaline-Activated Peroxymonosulfate. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2016,10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001084. Chen HY, Teng YG, Li J, Wu J, Wang JS. Source apportionment of trace metals in river sediments: A comparison of three methods. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 211: 28-37. (IF4.143) Chen HY, Chen RH, Teng YG, Wu J. 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The spatial and seasonal variability of the groundwater chemistry and quality in the exploited aquifer in the Daxing District, Beijing, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2015, 187(2): 43. Zhang Z, Guo GL, Teng YG, Wang JS, Rhee JS, Wang S, Li FS. Screening and assessment of solidification/stabilization amendments suitable for soils of lead-acid site. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 288: 140-146. Zhang BT, Zhang Y, Teng YG, Fan MH. Sulfate Radical and its Application in Decontamination Technologies. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2015, 45: 1756-1800. Huan H, Wang JS, Lai DS, Teng YG, Zhai YZ. Assessment of well vulnerability for groundwater source protection based on a solute transport model: a case study from Jilin City, northeast China. Hydrogeology Journal, 2015, 23(3): 581-596. Yang J, Fu Q, Guo XS, Chu BL, Yao YW, Teng YG, Wang YY. Concentrations and Seasonal Variation of Ambient PM2.5 and Associated Metals at a Typical Residential Area in Beijing, China. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2015, 94: 232-239. Yang J, Teng YG*, Zuo R, Song LT. Comparison of bioavailable vanadium in alfalfa rhizosphere soil extracted by an improved BCR procedure and EDTA, HCl, and NaNO3 single extractions in a pot experiment with V–Cd treatments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(12): 8833-8842. Chen HY, Teng YG*, Lu SJ, Wang YY, Wang JS. Contamination features and health risk of soil heavy metals in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 512/513: 143-153. Teng YG, Wu J, Lu SJ, Wang YY, Jiao XD, Song LT. Soil and soil environmental quality monitoring in China: A review. Environment International, 2014, 69: 177-199. Guo N, Wang JS, Li J, Teng YG, Zhai YZ. Dynamic adsorption of Cd2+ onto acid-modified attapulgite. Calys and Caly Minerals, 2014, 62(5): 415-424. Zhang BT, Li HF, Zheng XX, Teng YG, Liu Y, Lin JM. Preparation of durable graphene-bonded titanium fibers for efficient microextraction of phthalates from aqueous matrices and analysis with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1370: 9-16. Wu J, Teng YG*, Lu SJ, Chen HY. Evaluation of soil contamination indices in a mining area of Jiangxi, China. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(11): e112917. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112917. Wu J, Teng YG*, Chen HY. Source apportionment for sediment PAHs using hybrid genetic pattern search treatment of a chemical mass balance receptor model: application to the Pearl River Delta region, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014, 186: 6651-6662. Zhang BT, Zheng XX, Teng YG. Distribution of phthalate acid esters in lakes of Beijing and its relationship with anthropogenic activities. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 476-477: 107-113. Zhai YZ, Wang JS, Zhang BT, Guo YL, Teng YG, Zhou J. Physical, hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of springs in Beijing, China, compared to historical properties. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2014, 300:315–323. Teng YG, Su J, Wang JS, Dai N, Li J, Song LT, Zuo R. Soil microbial community response to seawater intrusion into coastal aquifer of Donghai Island, South China. Environmental Earth Science, 2014, 72:3329–3338. Xu ZQ, Zuo R, Teng YG, Ni SJ, Zhang CJ, Guo XR. Geochemical characteristics and evaluation of heavy metals in near-surface atmospheric dust, Panzhihua Mine Area, Sichuan Province, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2014, 23(3): 929-940. Ma L, Teng YG, Shanggaun ZP. Hydro-ecological impacts of secondary natural poplar (populus davidiana) and plantation pine (pinus tabulaeformis) woodlands on the Loess Plateau of China. Ecohydrology, 2014, 7: 612-621. Zhai YZ, Guo YL, Zhou J, Guo N, Wang JS, Teng YG. The spatio-temporal variability of annual precipitation and its local impact factors during 1724?2010 in Beijing, China. Hydrological Processes, 2014, 28(4): 2192-2201. Zhang C, Li Y, Lv SH, Fang JD, Teng YG, Zhang HB, Li DQ. Evaluation of urbanized ecological environment quality: a case study on Beijing Chaoyang District. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2013, 12(9): 1779-1784. Xiong YN, Wang GQ, Teng YG. Modeling the Impacts of Land Use Changes on Soil Erosion at the River Basin Scale. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University, 2013, 58(2): 377-387. Teng YG*, Feng D, Song LT, Wang JS. Total petroleum hydrocarbon distribution in soils and groundwater in Songyuan oilfield, Northeast China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185: 9559-9569. Zhai YZ, Wang JS, Zhang Y, Teng YG, Zuo R. Hydrochemical and isotopic investigation of atmospheric precipitation in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 456-457: 202-211. Chen HY, Teng YG, Yue WF, Song LT. Characterization and source apportionment of water pollution in Jinjiang River, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185: 9639-9650. Chen HY, Teng YG*, Wang JS. Load estimation and source apportionment of nonpoint source nitrogen and phosphorus based on integrated application of SLURP model, ECM, and RUSLE: a case study in the Jinjiang River, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185: 2009-2021. Chen HY, Teng YG, Wang JS, Song LT, Zuo R. Source apportionment of sediment PAHs in the Pearl River Delta region (China) using nonnegative matrix factorization analysis with effective weighted variance solution. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 444: 401-408. Chen HY, Teng YG, Wang JS. Source apportionment for sediment PAHs from the Daliao River (China) using an extended fit measurement mode of chemical mass balance model. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2013, 88: 148-154. Chen HY, Teng YG, Wang JS, Song LT, Zuo R. Source apportionment of trace element pollution in surface sediments using positive matrix factorization combined support vector machines: application to the Jinjiang River, China. Biological Trace Element Research, 2013, 151: 462–470. Zhai YZ, Wang JS, Guo H, Cao Y, Teng YG. Reconstruction and optimization of tritium time in precipitation of Beijing, China. Radiocarbon, 2013, 55(1): 67-79. Teng YG, Yang J, Song LT, Wang JS. Fractionation and Bioavailability of Vanadium in Alfalfa Rhizosphere and Bulk Soils by Greenhouse Experiment. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 22 (7): 1837-1844. Ma L, Pan CZ, Teng YG, Ouyang ZP. The performance of grass filter strips in controlling high-concentration suspended sediment from overland flow under rainfall/non-rainfall conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2013, 38(13): 1523-1534. Zhai YZ, Wang JS, Teng YG, Zuo R. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic evidence of groundwater evolution and recharge in aquifers in Beijing Plain, China. Environmental Earth Science, 2013, 69: 2167-2177. Chen HY, Teng YG*, Wang JS. Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments of the Rizhao coastal area (China) using diagnostic ratios and factor analysis with nonnegative constraints. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 414: 293-300. Huan H, Wang JS, Teng YG, Assessment and validation of groundwater vulnerability to nitrate based on a modified DRASTIC model: A case study in Jilin City of northeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 440: 14-23. Chen HY, Teng YG*, Wang JS, Song LT, A framework for pollution characteristic assessment and source apportionment of heavy metal contaminants in riverbed sediments: a case study. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21(5):1110-1117. Chen HY, Teng YG*, Wang JS, Song LT. Source apportionment of water pollution in the Jinjiang River (China) using factor analysis with nonnegative constraints and support vector machines. Environmental Forensics, 2012, 13(2): 175-184. Chen HY, Teng YG*, Wang JS. A framework of characteristics identification and source apportionment of water pollution in a river: a case study in the Jinjiang River, China. Water Science and Technology, 2012, 65(11): 2071-2078. Zhai YZ, Wang JS, Teng YG, Zuo R. Water demand forecasting of Beijing using the time series forecasting method. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(5): 919-932. Teng Y, Yang J, Sun Z, Wang J, Zuo R, Zheng J. Environmental Vanadium Distribution, Mobility and Bioaccumulation in Different Land-use Districts in Panzhihua Region, SW China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2011, 176: 605-620. Teng YG, Zuo R, Wang JS, Hu QH, Guo ML. Detection of Tritium Sorption on Four Soil Materials. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2011, 102: 212-216. Teng YG, Yang J, Wang JS, Song LT. Bioavailability of Vanadium Extracted by EDTA, HCl, HOAc, and NaNO3 in Topsoil in the Panzhihua Urban Park, Located in Southwest China. Biological Trace Element Research, 2011, 144: 1394-1404. Yang J, Teng YG*, Wang JS, Li J. Vanadium Uptake by Alfalfa Grown in V-Cd Contaminated Soil by Pot Experiment. Biological Trace Element Research, 2011, 142: 787-795. Zuo R, Teng YG*, Wang JS, Hu QH, Guo ML. Experimental validation of retardation of tritium migration in the Chinese loess media. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2011, 215: 497-506. Teng YG, Yang J, Zuo R, Wang JS. Impact of Urbanization and Industrialization upon Surface Water Quality: A Pilot Study of Panzhihua Mining Town. Journal of Earth Science, 2011, 22(5): 658-668. Song LT, Liu CQ, Wang ZL, Zhu XK, Teng YG, Liang LL, Tang SH, Li J. Iron isotope fractionation during biogeochemical cycle: Information from suspended particulate matter (SPM) in Aha Lake and its tributaries, Guizhou, China. Chemical Geology, 2011, 280: 170-179. Song LT, Liu CQ, Wang ZL, Zhu XK, Teng YG, Wang JS, Liang LL, Tang SH, Li J. Fe isotopic compositions of natural samples in Karst area, Southwest of China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2011, 85(3):712-722. Teng YG, Ni SJ, Wang JS, Zuo R, Yang J. A geochemical survey of trace elements in agricultural and non-agricultural topsoil in Dexing area, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2010, 104: 118-127. Lu SJ, Teng YG*, Wang JS, Sun ZJ. Enhancement of pyrene removed from contaminated soils by Bidens maximowicziana. Chemosphere, 2010, 81(5): 645-650. Wang JS, Zuo R, Teng YG*, Hu QH, Sun ZJ. Sorption of strontium and fractal scaling of the heterogeneous media in a candidate VLLW disposal site. Journal of Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry, 2010, 283: 319-328. Zuo R, Teng YG*, Wang JS. Factors influencing plutonium sorption in shale media. Radiochimca Acta, 2010, 98: 27-34. Xu Z, Ni S, Teng Y, Zhang C. 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