Physikalische Chemie I
Oxides play an ever increasing role as advanced functional materials. Examples are tarnishing layers during high temperature oxidation, oxygen ion conducting oxides in high temperature fuel cells, mixed conducting oxides in oxygen permeation membranes, lithiumoxides for batteries, high temperature superconductors, ferroelectrics, catalysts etc. The oxides that are used are complex oxides, i.e. they contain normally several cations and they exist in complicated crystal structures with several sublattices. The properties of these oxides are determined to a large extent by the thermodynamics and kinetics of point defects. Basic research concerning defect chemistry, transport properties and chemical reactivity is the basis for the improvement and optimization of functional materials.
In our research we are using the following techniques:
in situ X-ray diffraction
in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Radiotracer diffusion
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS)
Electron microscopy with chemical analysis (SEM/EDX)
Impedance spectroscopy
Computer simulation and modeling
Density functional theory
D. The, S. Grieshammer, M. Schroeder, M. Martin, M. Al Daroukh, F. Tietz, J. Schefold, A. Brisse
Microstructural comparison of solid Oxyde electrolyser cells operated for 6100 h and 9000 h
Journal of Power Sources 275 (2015) 901-911.
H. Jang, J. Brendt, L.N. Patro, M. Martin, H.-I. Yoo
Unexpected thermoelectric behaviour and immiscibility of the allegedly complete solid solution Sr(Ru1-xTix)O3
Phys.Rev.B 89 (2014) 144107
Y. Aoki, C. Wiemann, V. Feyer, H.-S. Kim, C.M. Schneider, H.-I. Yoo, M. Martin
Bulk mixed ion electron conduction in amorphous Gallium oxide causes memristive behaviour
Nat. Commun. 5:3473 (2014)
T. Leichtweiss, R.A. Henning, J. Koettgen, R.M. Schmidt, B. Holländer, M. Martin, M. Wuttig, J. Janeck
Amorphous and Highly Nonstoichiometric Titania (TiOx) Thin Films Close to Metal-like Conductivity
Mater. Chem. A 2( 2014) 6631-6640.
S. Grieshammer, B.O.H. Grope, J. Koettgen, M. Martin
A combined DFT+U and Monte Carlo study on rare earth doped ceria
Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. (2014) Advance Article