教育背景 (Education background)
2017.9 - 2020.12 香港中文大学教育行政与政策学系 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)(获教育学博士学位, PhD, Education)
2010.9 - 2013.6 北京师范大学国际与比较教育研究院 (Beijing Normal University)(获教育学硕士学位, Master, Education)
2006.9 - 2010.7 南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院 (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications)(获工学学士学位, Bachelor, Engineering)
访学经历(交换) (International academic exchange)
2012.9 - 2013.2 瑞士苏黎世大学 (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
工作经历 (Work experiences)
2013.7-2017.7 中国人民公安大学教学研究科
获奖/资质 (Awards/qualifications)
2020: CUHK Postgraduate Research Output Award
2017-2020: 香港中文大学博士研究生全额奖学金
2011: 北京外国语大学北京高校英语演讲风采大赛决赛第二名
Zhuang, T. & Shi, J*. (2022). Engagement, Determinants and Challenges: A Multinational Systematic Review of Education-focused University-industry Collaborations. Educational Review, https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2022.2149701 [SSCI]
Zhuang, T. (2022). Structure, Reflexivity and Their Interplay: Understanding University Faculty Members' Implementation of Teaching Excellence. British Journal of Sociology of Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/01425692.2022.2132470 [SSCI]
庄腾腾 & 刘宝存. (2022). 大学教学职业资格评价的新标准——英国皇家工程院“大学教学职业生涯框架探析”. 河北师范大学学报(教育科学版), 24(4), 125-134.
Zhuang, T., Liu, B., & Ding, R*. (2022). University Insiders' Perceptions of Doctoral Education Development in Five East and Southeastern Asian Countries: An Institutional Logics Perspective. European Journal of Education, 57(3), 469-483. [SSCI]
Zhuang, T., Liu, B*. (2022). Sustaining Higher Education Quality by Building An Educational Innovation Ecosystem in China: Policies, Implementations and Effects. Sustainability, 14, 7568-7592. [SSCI]
Zhuang, T., Tao, Z*. (2022). What Lessons Can University Education Learn from Outside the Ivory Tower: Insights from Engineering Alumni. Teaching in Higher Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2022.2048367 [SSCI]
Zhuang, T., Zhou, H*. (2022). Developing a Synergistic Approach to Engineering Education: China’s National Policies on University–industry Educational Collaboration. Asia Pacific Education Review, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12564-022-09743-y [SSCI]
Zhuang, T., Liu, B., & Hu, Y*. (2022). Legitimising Shared Governance in China's Higher Education Sector through University Statutes. European Journal of Education, 57(1), 33-48. [SSCI]
刘宝存 & 庄腾腾*. (2021). 美国高等STEM教育教学模式与方法改革:动因、策略、启示. 清华大学教育研究, 42(5), 30-39. [CSSCI]
刘宝存 & 庄腾腾*. (2021). 产业大学的世界图景:理念基础、办学模式与未来走向. 国家教育行政学院学报,(5), 57-65. [CSSCI]
Cheung, A., Chen, X*., Zhuang, T., Neitzel, A. J., & Slavin, R. E. (2021). Success for All: A Quantitative Synthesis of US Evaluations. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 14(1), 90-115. [SSCI]
罗伯特·斯莱文*, 张志强, 庄腾腾. (2021). 证据驱动的教育改革如何推动教育发展. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 3, 14-22. [CSSCI]
Koh, A., & Zhuang, T*. (2021). "New Engineering Education" in China: A National Technological Imaginary of the Chinese Dream. Asia Pacific Education Review, 22, 31-40. [SSCI]
Slavin, R*., Cheung, A., & Zhuang, T. (2021). How Could Evidence-based Reform Advance Education. East China Normal University Review of Education, 4(1), 7-24.
庄腾腾 & 姚继军*. (2020). “新工科”背景下我国理工科领域本科生对专业课教学满意度的影响因素研究. 高校教育管理, 6, 42-53. [CSSCI]
Zhuang, T., & Liu, B*. (2020). Power Landscapes within Chinese Universities: A Three-dimensional Discourse Analysis of University Statutes. Cambridge Journal of Education, 50(5), 639-656. [SSCI]
Zhuang, T., & Huang, Y*. (2020). Characterizing University Faculty’s Perceptions of Scholarly Teaching in Engineering Education: A Social Realistic Perspective. Higher Education Research and Development, 40(3), 646-660. [SSCI]
Zhuang, T*., Cheung, A., & Tam, W. (2019). Modeling Undergraduate STEM Students’ Satisfaction with their Programs in China: An Empirical Study. Asia Pacific Education Review, 21, 211-225. [SSCI]
Zhuang, T*., Cheung, A., Lau, W., & Tang, Y. (2019). Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Undergraduate Students’ Comprehensive STEM Educational Process. Frontiers of Education in China,14(4), 575-611.
庄腾腾,张志强 & 孔繁盛. (2019). 中亚五国的高等教育现实:发展与挑战. 教育学术月刊, 7, 56-62.
庄腾腾 & 谢晨. (2018). 我国中小学生技术素养测评工具设计探析---基于国际科学与技术素养测评框架. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 6, 42-53. [CSSCI]
庄腾腾 & 刘宝存. (2018). “一带一路”倡议下我国教育援外基地建设:进展、挑战与对策. 河北师范大学学报(教育科学版), 20(4), 55-61.
Zhuang, T. & Xu, X*. (2018). ‘New Engineering Education’ in Chinese Higher Education: Prospects and Challenges. Tuning Journal for Higher Education, 6 (1), 69-109.
Zhuang, T. (2018). Evolution of China’s National Policies for Higher Vocational Education since the New Millennium. Science Insights Education Frontiers, 1(1), 17-39.
刘宝存 & 庄腾腾. (2012). 加州高等教育总体规划50年回顾与展望. 比较教育研究, 2, 46-50. [CSSCI]
参与书稿撰写 (Book chapters)
庄腾腾. (2022). “产业大学的办学观和办学模式”. In 刘宝存,张晓报(编). 《当代大学发展形态与大学观比较研究》(第四章,pp. 245-274). 北京:人民出版社。
庄腾腾 & 张志强. (2022). “一带一路上的高等教育发展”. In 孔繁盛,张志强,刘进(编). 《教育与一带一路倡议——发展分析与政策含义》(第四章,pp. 55-80). 天津:天津大学出版社。
Liu, B., & Zhuang, T. (2015). A Review of Enrollment System Reforms and Prospects for Chinese Higher Education Institutions. In Stead, V. (Ed.). International Perspectives on Higher Education Admission Policy (pp.65-73). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Liu, B., Zhang, A., & Zhuang, T. (2014). The Partner Assistance Project: An Attempt to Promote Balanced Development in Higher Education between Eastern and Western China. In Cai, Y., & Kohtamaki, V. (Eds.). Transformation of Higher Education in Innovation Systems in China and Finland (pp.226-244). Tampere: Tampere University Press.
论文集收录 (Conference proceedings)
庄腾腾 & 王龙. (2016). 公安大学公安特色型教材建设的实践与探索. In 北京市教育委员会和北京高等教育学会教材工作研究会 (Eds). 构建高等教育教材建设体系, 提高高等教育教学与人才培养质量 (pp.99-103). 北京: 中国人民大学出版社.
王龙 & 庄腾腾. (2014). 中国人民公安大学构建教学质量保障体系初探. In 北京市教育委员会高教处 (Ed.) 第七届首都特色行业院校改革与发展论坛文集 (pp.173-178). 北京:中国工人出版社.