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教育背景 1999-2003,南京大学文科基地班,世界史方向,学士 2003-2004,英国伦敦大学教育学院,比较教育,硕士 2004-2009,美国佛罗里达州立大学,教育哲学,博士 工作经历 2009-2014,北京师范大学教育学部教师教育研究所,讲师 2014-至今,北京师范大学教育学部教师教育研究所,副教授 获奖情况 第五届全国教育科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖(2016) 北京师范大学第十二届励耘奖学金优秀文科学术成果奖一等奖(2014) 教学工作 本科通识课程:聆听教师、认识自我 研究生课程:教师教育思想研究;电影文学中的教师


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专著 John Dewey, Liang Shuming and China's Education Reform: Cultivate Individuality (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2013). 编著 Zhang, Huajun and Jim Garrison. eds. John Dewey and Chinese Education: A Centennial Reflection. Brill, 2022. Michael Peters, Tina Besley, Huajun Zhang. eds. Moral Education and The Ethics of Self-Cultivation: Chinese and Western Perspectives. Springer, 2021. Zhu Xudong, Lin Goodwin and Zhang Huajun, eds. Quality of Teacher Education and Learning: Theory and Practice, Springer, 2017. 朱旭东、张华军《教师专业精神》 北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2017. 译著 玛克辛.格林《蓝色吉他变奏曲:美的教育》赵婷、张华军译. 北京: 北京师范大学出版社,2021. 学术期刊论文 Zhang, Huajun. Living in A Qualitative World: A Response to Michael Slote's "Integrating Chinese With Western Philosophy", Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2020, 52(14): 1456-1457. Mu Guanglun, Zhang Huajun (corresponding author), Chen Wei, Fang Yangyang, Li Shuguang, Wang Xiangxu, Karen Dooley, Negotiating Scholarly Identity Through An International Doctoral Workshop: A Cosmopolitan Approach to Doctoral Education. Journal of Studies in International Education. Vol. 23, No. 1, 2019: 139-153. Zhang, Huajun. Some Dialogue Not Yet Happened: A Response to Michael Peters' "100 Years of Dewey in China, 1919-1921: A Reassessment", Beijing International Review of Education, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2019: 35-38. Zhang, Huajun, Individuality beyond the Dichotomy of “Small Self, Big Self” in China’s Education Reform: Lessons from Hu Shi and Liang Shuming, Frontiers of Education in China, vol. 8, no. 4, 2013: 540-558. Jeffrey Ayala Milligan, Enoch Stanfill, Anton Widyanto, Huajun Zhang, “Philosophers without Borders? Toward a Comparative Philosophy of Education”, Educational Studies, 47(2011): 50-70. Zhang, Huajun & Milligan, Jeffrey Ayala, “Self-Enlightenment in the Context of Radical Social Change: A Neo-Confucian Critique of John Dewey’s Conception of Intelligence,” Journal of Thought, Vol. 45, No. 1/2, Spring/Summer 2010, 29-41. Zhang, Huajun, “Cultivating an Inclusive Individuality: Critical Reflections on the Idea of Quality Education in Contemporary China”. Frontiers of Education in China, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2010, 222-237. 张华军. 论教师情感:基于早期儒家思想中“情”的考察,《教师教育研究》,2021年第6期:1-8+44. 张华军《人文的社会:乌托邦抑或可能?评<人文知识思想再出发>《人文知识思想再出发:是否必要?如何可能?>》,《台湾社会研究季刊》,2020年12月,第117期:217-228. 张华军《格林的美育思想及对当代中国教育的启示》,《北京教育学院学报》,2020年第6期,34(6):27-34. 张华军《疫情背景下的复兴人文教育传统的价值》,《北京教育学院学报》,2020年第2期,34(2):8-14. 张华军、朱小蔓《“看见”学生:情感人文取向的课堂教学研究》,《教育科学研究》,2019年第3期:10-15. 张华军《整全的自我:教育视角下杜威晚期思想中的宗教观解读》,《教育学报》,vol. 12, no. 3, 2016: 68-78. 张华军、叶菊艳《西方教师教育研究的人文主义取向》,《教师教育研究》,Vol. 26, no.1, 2014年第1期:103-108. 张华军《论教师作为研究者的内涵:教师研究性思维的运用》,《教育学报》,Vol.10 , No. 1, 2014年2月:24-32. 张华军、朱旭东,《论教师专业精神的内涵》,《教师教育研究》,Vol. 24, no. 3, (2012年5月): 1-10. 张华军,《理论学习在教师培养中的作用》,《教育学报》,vol. 8, no. 2, (2012年4月):20-28. 论著章节 Zhang, Huajun, "Liang Shuming's Reception in Mainland China after the 1980s", in Thierry Meynard and Phillipe Major, eds. The Dao Companion to Liang Shuming's Philosophy. Springer/Nature, in press. Zhang, Huajun, "John Dewey and Early Confucianism on the Idea of Self-Cultivation", in Zhang Huajun and Jim Garrison, eds. John Dewey and Chinese Education: A Centennial Reflection. Brill, 2022. Zhang, Huajun, “Education as the Art of Living: David Hansen’s Work and Its Relevance to China’s Education Reform”, in Darryl M. De Marzio, ed., David Hansen and the Call to Teach: Renewing the Work That Teachers Do. New York: Teachers College Press, 2021. David Hansen and Zhang, Huajun. "Re-imagine Educational Research on Teaching: An Interview with Dr. David Hansen", in Zhu Xudong, Lin Goodwin and Zhang Huajun, eds., Quality of Teacher Education and Learning: Theory and Practice, Springer, 2017. Zhang, Huajun, “A Vision for One’s Own Life: Lessons from Hu Shi and Liang Shuming on Education in China”, in Zhao, Guoping & Deng, Zongyi (eds.), Re-Envisioning Chinese Education: The Meaning of Person-Making in a New Age. Routledge, 2015. Zhang, Huajun, “Liang Shuming: A Person with Cheng”, in Zha, Qiang (ed.), Education in China: An Encyclopedic Handbook of Educational History, Models, and Initiatives, Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2013. 特刊主编 "John Dewey and Chinese Education: A Centennial Reflection". Beijing International Review of Education, 2019, Vol. 1, No. 4. “Aesthetic Education and Human Becomings: A Global Perspective" (co-edit with Michael A. Peters). Beijing International Review of Education, 2022, Vol. 4, No.3


Beijing International Review of Education, Associate Editor Frontiers of Education in China, Associate Editor
