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教育背景 2016.9 ~ 2017.9, 加州大学伯克利分校教育学院访问学者,合作导师Marcia C. Linn教授 2003.9 ~ 2006.7 ,北京师范大学教育技术学院攻读博士学位,师从黄荣怀教授,于 2006.7 获理学博士学位 2001.9 ~ 2003.7 ,在北京师范大学信息科学学院教育技术学系攻读硕士学位, 2003年9月改为提前攻读博士学位 1997.9 ~ 2001.7 ,在北京师范大学电子学系教育技术专业学习,获理学学士学位 工作经历 2015.9至今,北京师范大学教育学部教育技术学院,副教授 2006.9~2015.8,北京师范大学教育学部教育技术学院,讲师 主要获奖情况 2018年,“思维训练与学习力提升”项目获得第四届教博会SERVE奖,北京师范大学 2018年,主编的《小学思维训练》丛书获北京师范大学出版集团“十年十书”称号,北京师范大学出版集团 2017年, “培养21世纪的思考者和学习者——思维训练与学习力提升课程建设与教学实践”获北京师范大学教育教学成果二等奖(第一完成人) 2017年, “筑基专业发展、分层分类实施的大学计算机公共课课程体系建设及教改实践”获北京师范大学教育教学成果二等奖(第三完成人) 2016年,获北京师范大学教育学部优秀党员称号 2015年,获2015年度北京师范大学通鼎青年教师奖(本科教学奖),北京师范大学 2015年,获北京师范大学2014-2015学年新生优秀导师奖 2013年,获北京师范大学京师英才二等奖 2012年, “创新信息化学习理论,转变学与教的方式”获北京师范大学教育教学成果二等奖(第三完成人) 2008年11月,获北师大第十一届青年教师教学基本功大赛二等奖和最佳语言奖




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SSCI论文(一作或通讯) Cui, Y., Zhao, G., & Zhang, D. (2022). Improving students' inquiry learning in web-based environments by providing structure: Does the teacher matter or platform matter? British Journal of Educational Technology, 00, 1-20. Wang, Q., & Zhao, G.* (2021). ICT self-efficacy mediates most effects of university ICT support on preservice teachers’ TPACK: Evidence from three normal universities in China. British Journal of Educational Technology, 00,1–?21. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13141 Yang, X., Zhao, G. * , Yan, X. * , Chao, Q., Zhao, X., Lu, T., & Dong, Y. (2021). Pre-setting Stances for Students During Collaborative Argumentation: Parallel Thinking Versus Adversarial Thinking. Research in Science Education, 1-22. Zhao, G., Wang, Q., Wu, N., Dong, Y.(2021).Exploring the Structural Relationship between University Support, Students’ Technostress, and Burnout in Technology-enhanced Learning. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Zhao, G., Long, T., Zhao, R., Yang, X., Zhang, X., & Hyerle, D. (2021). How was teaching thinking adopted and diffused in Chinese primary schools? A qualitative study from principals’ perspectives. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 1-18. Zhao, G.*, Zhao, R., Li, X., Duan, Y.,& Long, T. (2021).Are Preservice Science Teachers (PSTs) Prepared for Teaching Argumentation? Evidence from A University Teacher Preparation Program in China. Research in Science & Technological Education. Zhao, G. , Zhao, R. , Li, X. , Duan, Y. , & Long, T. . (2021). Are preservice science teachers (PSTs) prepared for teaching argumentation? evidence from a university teacher preparation program in china. Research in Science and Technological Education(6), 1-20. Long, T. , Zhao, G.*, Li, X. , Zhao, R. , & Duan, Y. . (2020). Exploring Chinese in-service primary teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge (tpack) for the use of thinking tools. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. Long, T., Zhao, G.*, Yang, X., Zhao, R., & Chen, Q. (2019). Bridging the belief-action gap in a teachers’ professional learning community on teaching of thinking. Professional Development in Education, 1–16. Zhao, G., Yang, X., Long, T., & Zhao, R. (2019). Teachers’ perceived professional development in a multi-regional community of practice: Effects of beliefs and engagement. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 23, 100347. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lcsi.2019.100347 CSSCI论文(一作或通讯) 赵国庆,李欣媛,路通 & 彭青青.(2021).从认知地图到认知图谱:相似概念的跨学科审视. 现代远程教育研究(05),14-25. 赵国庆,杨宣洋,熊雅雯. 论思维可视化工具教学应用的原则和着力点[J]. 电化教育研究. 2019(09): 1-9. 赵国庆,熊雅雯. 应用概念图评价小学数学教师学科知识的实证研究[J]. 电化教育研究. 2018(12): 108-115. 赵国庆,张丹慧,陈钱钱. 知识整合教学理论解读:将碎片化知识转化为连贯性想法— —访学习科学国际著名专家马西娅·C·林教授[J]. 现代远程教育研究. 2018(1): 3-14. 陈钱钱,赵国庆(通讯作者),王晓静. 科学工程实践、跨学科概念与学科核心知识的整合——从《下一代科学教育标准》视角看WISE项目[J]. 远程教育杂志. 2018, 36(02): 29-36. 赵国庆,熊雅雯,王晓玲. 思维发展型课堂的概念、要素与设计[J]. 中国电化教育. 2018(07): 7-15. 马秀麟,赵国庆,邬彤. 翻转课堂促进大学生自主学习能力发展的实证研究——基于大学计算机公共课的实践[J]. 中国电化教育. 2016(07): 99-106. 英文同行评审期刊论文(一作或通讯) Sun, Y., Zhao, G., & Yang, X. (2021). Is the Three Character Classic still suitable for contemporary literacy and enlightenment education for children? Insights from the perspective of cognitive psychology and child development psychology. Advances in Educational Research and Evaluation, 2(1), 127-137. Zhao, G., Zhao, R., & Yang, X. (2019). Fostering Fifth-Grade Students’ Ability to Design Comparative Experiments Using an Online Model. Journal of Education and Development, 3(1), 1. Zhao, G., Wang, X., Li, M., & Ma, X.* (2018). Effects of Semi-Finished Products as a Scaffolding on University Liberal Art Students’ Learning of Multimedia Technology and Webpage Producing. Creative Education, 9(15), 2405-2418. Zhao, G., Wang, D., Chen, Q., Shen, Y., Han, W., Xiong, Y., & Jiang, S. (2017). Pupils’ Thinking Skills Development across Grade 4-6: An Investigation of 2096 Pupils in Mainland China Based on APTS. Creative Education, 8(09), 1452. 重要媒体论文 赵国庆. 重知识还是重思维.光明日报,2016-6-14.1. 国际会议论文(一作或通讯) Chao,Q.,Lu,T.,Zhao,X., Peng,Q.,& Zhao,G. (2021). Teaching Pupils to Design Comparative Experiments with Web-Based Inquiry Unit During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study. 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Yang, X., Zhao, G. (corresponding author), Zhao, Q., & Yan, X. (2019). The Relationship between Students’ Scientific Epistemological Beliefs and their Performance of Knowledge Integration in Web-based Inquiry. the 8th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT 2019), Biloxi, MS, USA. (accepted) 杨宣洋, 赵迁兰, 赵嵘池, & 赵国庆(通讯作者). (2019). 基于网络探究学习环境开展小学科学实验教学的实践启示.第二十三屆全球华人计算机教育应用大会(GCCCE 2019), 武汉,中国. Zhao, Q., Yang, X., & Zhao, G. (corresponding author) (2018). Fostering Scientific Graphing Skill Of 7th Grade Students Through Web-based Inquiry Learning: A Pilot Study In China. Presented at the 5th International STEM in Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia. 王晓静,赵国庆(通讯作者),崔依冉.(2018). 计算机仿真支持的小学科学探究学习——一项基于WISE“设计保温杯”项目的实证研究.GCCCE2018. Xiaojing Wang, Xiaoling Wang, Zhao, G. (corresponding author). (2018). Concept mapping to promote middle school students’ coherent understanding in scientific inquiry: a quasi-experimental study based on scooters unit. CMC-2018 (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Concept Mapping). 2018. Xiaojing Wang, Jing Liu, Hongliang Zhang, Jingjing Tang, Zhao, G. (corresponding author). (2018).Impact of spacing intervals of class periods on conceptual understanding of elementary students in scientific inquiry activities: Continuous versus discrete. STEM-2018 (Proceedings of the 5th International STEM in Education Conference). 2018. Qianqian Chen, Dan Wang, Lingyu Yang, Guoqing Zhao (Corresponding Author). Concept Mapping as a Pre-Writing Strategy on EFL High School Students’ English Writing[C].CMC-AP2017 (Proceedings of the 1st Asian Pacific Conference on Concept Mapping).2017.60-7 著作(著、编著、译著) [美]约瑟夫·D.诺瓦克著.学习、创造与使用知识:概念图促进企业和学校的学习变革.赵国庆,吴金闪,唐京京等译.人民邮电出版社.2016年7月. 赵国庆, 朱嘉. (2019). 思维发展型课堂的理论与实践(第三辑). 北京: 北京师范大学出版社. 赵国庆, 朱嘉. (2018). 思维发展型课堂的理论与实践(第二辑). 北京: 北京师范大学出版社. 赵国庆, 朱嘉. (2017). 思维发展型课堂的理论与实践. 北京: 北京师范大学出版社. 教材、工具书 赵国庆. (2021). 小学思维训练第8册:思维工具综合应用.北京:北京师范大学出版社 赵国庆. (2021). 小学思维训练第4册:核心思维工具下.北京:北京师范大学出版社 赵国庆. (2021). 小学思维训练第3册:核心思维工具上.北京:北京师范大学出版社 赵国庆. (2018). 中学思维训练第4册:思维工具综合运用. 北京: 北京师范大学出版社. 赵国庆. (2019). 中学思维训练第2册:批判性思维. 北京: 北京师范大学出版社. 赵国庆. (2018). 小学思维训练第5册:创造性思维. 北京: 北京师范大学出版社. 赵国庆. (2018). 中学思维训练第3册:创造性思维. 北京: 北京师范大学出版社. 赵国庆. (2016). 小学思维训练第7册:概念构图.北京师范大学出版社.2016年7月. 赵国庆. (2016). 小学思维训练第6册:批判性思维.北京师范大学出版社.2016年7月. 赵国庆. (2016). 中学思维训练第1册:思维可视化.北京师范大学出版社.2016年7月.
