1.Min-Chih Hsieh,Li-Ying Hong, Eric Min-Yang Wang, Wei-Cheng Chao, Chi-Chin Yang & Li-Chi Su(2019): Effect of correlated colour temperature and illuminance levels onuser’s visual perception under LED lighting in Taiwan, Ergonomics, 63(2),175-190.
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3.Hsieh, M. C.,Wang, Eric M-y., Lee, W. C., Li, L. W., Hsieh, C. Y., Tsai, W., Wang, C. P.,Huang, J. L., & Liu, T. C. (2018). Application of HFACS, fuzzy TOPSIS, andAHP for identifying important human error factors in emergency departments inTaiwan. International journal of industrial ergonomics, 67, 171-179. (SSCI& SCI)
4.Chiu,M. C., & Hsieh, M. C. (2016).Latent human error analysis and efficient improvement strategies by fuzzyTOPSIS in aviation maintenance tasks. Applied Ergonomics, 54, 136-147.(SSCI& SCI)
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7.Yi-YanChen, Min-Chih Hsieh, Eric Min-YangWang, Chien-Jung Lai, Ming-I Lin, Fan-Pei Yang, (2017). An Investigation onIntergenerational Communication Barriers: the Difference in SpeechCommunication between Elder and Younger People. In Proceedings of the NordicErgonomics and Human Factors Society Conference, 20-23 August, Lund, Sweden.
11.Li-ying Hong, Eric Min-yang Wang, Min-chih Hsieh, Wei-cheng Chao, Ming-jer Kao, Chi-chin Yang,Tsung-yu Kuo, (2016). The investigation of LED lighting comfort and preferenceon different age and gender. In Proceedings of the 6th International ErgonomicsConference, June 15-18, Zadar, Croatia.
12.Min-chihHsieh,Lun-wen Li, Eric Min-yang Wang, (2016). The efficient improvement strategies ofadverse events by TOPSIS in the emergency department. In Proceedings of the 6thInternational Ergonomics Conference, June 15-18, Zadar, Croatia.
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