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马智超,博士,长聘教轨副教授,本科毕业于吉林大学,随后在新加坡科技设计大学获博士学位,并赴德国马克思·普朗克智能系统研究所开展博士后研究工作(洪堡学者),长期在微机电系统和生物医学工程相关的交叉学科中开展研究,致力于声学微粒操控技术的开发和应用。科研成果曾多次发表在该领域高水平期刊,在 Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced Science, Science Advances, Physical Review Letters, Analytical Chemistry, Lab on a Chip等发表SCI文章30余篇。 教育背景 2010-2014 吉林大学 学士 2014-2018 新加坡科技设计大学 博士 2018-2021 马克思·普朗克智能系统研究所 博士后研究员(洪堡学者)


目前课题组研究主要以微尺度物理现象为基础,开发新型生物医学智能化和微型化仪器,具有理、工、医交叉结合的特点。具体研究方向包括:1)微粒操控技术(例如细胞、药物颗粒等); 2)医用微型机器人的设计、制造、控制;3)微尺度流体操控技术。研究工作以国家重大战略需求为导向,旨在推进医疗仪器发展,提供新型快速、非侵入式、定制化的检测和治疗手段。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Z. Ma, K. Melde, A. G. Athanassiadis, M. Schau, H. Richter, T. Qiu, P. Fischer. Spatial Ultrasound Modulation by Digitally Controlling Microbubble Arrays. Nature Communications 11, 1-7 (2020). (2) Z. Ma, A. W. Holle, K. Melde, T. Qiu, K. Poeppel, V. M. Kadiri, P. Fischer. Acoustic Holographic Cell Patterning in a Biocompatible Hydrogel. Advanced Materials 32, 1904181 (2020). (3) Z. Ma, Y. Zhou, F. Cai, L. Meng, H. Zheng, Y. Ai. Ultrasonic Microstreaming for Complex-Trajectory Transport and Rotation of Single Particles and Cells. Lab on a Chip 20, 2947-2953 (2020). (4) Z. Ma, Y. Zhou, D. J. Collins, Y. Ai. Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting via a Focused Traveling Surface Acoustic Beam. Lab on a Chip 17, 3176-3185 (2017). (5) Z. Ma, D. J. Collins, Y. Ai. Single-actuator Bandpass Microparticle Filtration via Traveling Surface Acoustic Waves. Colloid and Interface Science Communications 16, 6-9 (2017). (6) Z. Ma#, A. Teo#, S. H. Tan, Y. Ai, N. Nguyen. Self-Aligned Interdigitated Transducers for Acoustofluidics. Micromachines 7, 216 (2016). (7) Z. Ma, D. J. Collins, Y. Ai. Detachable Acoustofluidic System for Particle Separation via a Traveling Surface Acoustic Wave. Analytical Chemistry 88, 5316-5323 (2016). (8) Z. Ma, D. J. Collins, J. Guo, Y. Ai. Mechanical Properties Based Particle Separation via Traveling Surface Acoustic Wave. Analytical Chemistry 88, 11844-11851 (2016). (9) Z. Ma, J. Guo, Y. Liu, Y. Ai. The Patterning Mechanism of Carbon Nanotubes Using Surface Acoustic Waves: the Acoustic Radiation Effect or the Dielectrophoretic Effect. Nanoscale 7, 14047-14054 (2015). (10) A. G. Athanassiadis#, Z. Ma#, N. Moreno-Gomez#, K. Melde#, E. Choi, R. Goyal, P. Fischer. Ultrasound-Responsive Systems as Components for Smart Materials. Chemical Reviews (2021) (11) Y. Zhou#, Z. Ma#, Y. Ai. Submicron Particle Concentration and Patterning with Ultra-Low Frequency Acoustic Vibration. Analytical Chemistry 92 12795-12800 (2020). (12) P. Li#, Z. Ma#, Y. Zhou, D. J. Collins, Z. Wang, Y. Ai. Detachable Acoustophoretic System for Fluorescence-Activated Sorting at the Single-Droplet Level. Analytical Chemistry 91, 9970-9977 (2019). (13) Y. Zhou#, Z. Ma#, Ye Ai. Hybrid Microfluidic Sorting of Rare Cells Based on High Throughput Inertial Focusing and High Accuracy Acoustic Manipulation. RSC Advances 9, 31186-31195 (2019).
