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教育背景 2009-2013 香港中文大学,机械与自动化工程,博士 2005-2009 浙江大学,竺可桢学院混合班,计算机科学与技术,学士 工作经历 2016 ― 至 今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,副教授,博导 2013 ― 2016 丹麦技术大学 (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)机械工程系,博士后 2014 ― 2015 达索系统公司 SIMULIA 德国 (Dassault Systèmes SIMULIA Deutschland Gmbh), 研究员 2007 ― 2009 浙江大学计算机辅助设计与图形学(CAD&CG)国家重点实验室,研究助理 科研项目 2021-2024 国家重点研发计划项目,面向激光增材制造的多物理场耦合结构拓扑优化方法研究及其工具开发,负责人 2021-2024 国家自然科学基金面上项目,考虑增材制造热应力及变形的激光路径与结构拓扑协同优化方法研究, 负责人 2018-2020 国家自然科学基金青年项目,三维对流散热结构超大规模变密度拓扑优化方法研究, 负责人 2022-2023 上汽红岩汽车有限公司,新能源商用车架及电池包开发,负责人 2021-2022 宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司,低成本高效率钣金下箱体开发,负责人 2017-2019 上海交通大学985工程新一轮学科建设项目,负责人 2017-2018 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室自主课题,负责人 2013-2014 丹麦技术大学H.C.Ørsted博士后基金项目“Topology Optimization for Nano- and Micro-Scale Lithography”,负责人 2019-2022 国家自然科学基金联合基金-重点项目,新能源汽车车身碳纤维复合材料/铝合金粘铆连接结构服役性能研究,参与 2018-2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目,考虑多尺度不确定性的碳纤维复合材料可靠性优化方法研究, 参与 2019-2020 高档数控机床与基础制造装备科技重大专项,乘用车动力总成国产高端数控机床的组线集成应用,参与 2020-2022 北京机电工程研究所,带筋薄壁铝合金筒体旋压成形研究,参与 2015-2016 丹麦科研理事会DFF高级基金项目“Topology Optimization of Thermal Energy Systems”,参与 2014-2015 欧盟科研理事会企业-高校联合研究项目“LaSciSO: Large Scale Industrial Structural Optimisation”,参与 教学工作 课程名称:工程学导论,授课对象:上海交通大学本科生,学时数:48,学分:3 课程名称:工程图学,授课对象:上海交通大学本科生,学时数:48,学分:3 课程名称:毕业设计,授课对象:上海交通大学本科生 课程名称:(学森挑战计划)数字化设计与三维几何建模,授课对象:上海市优秀高中生,学时数:32,学分:2 课程名称:汽车创新设计,授课对象:上汽通用五菱公司管培生 课程名称:增材制造技术与应用,授课对象:上汽通用五菱公司管培生 上海交通大学教学发展中心 (新教师培训)教学辅训员 软件版权登记及专利 一种电动车承载式电芯安装结构及电池包, ZL202220647218.6 一种控制金属粉床增材制造热变形的支撑结构设计方法, ZL202110156431.7 一种面向增材制造的壳体与填充结构协同优化设计方法, ZL202110049456.7 一种用于轻质防隔热承载结构的多尺度拓扑优化方法,ZL202110177692.7 一种给定运动轨迹的平面机构创成式设计方法, ZL201910664515.4 一种个性化轻质医疗夹板及其设计方法,ZL201910542765.0 牵引夹板(轻质), ZL202030339227.5 金属增材制造散热支撑结构创成式设计软件V1.0,登记号:2019SR0130839 三维对流散热结构拓扑优化软件, 登记号:2021SR0184873 荣誉奖励 2022 第十三届上海中医药科技成果奖二等奖 (排3) 2022 上海交通大学,第二届教师教学创新大赛 二等奖 2021 上海交通大学,本科招生工作先进宣传集体 2020 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,最受欢迎教师奖 2019 上海交通大学,第三届青年教师教学竞赛 一等奖(自然科学应用学科组) 2019 上海交通大学,第三届青年教师教学竞赛 教学能手奖 2018 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,青年教师教学竞赛 一等奖 2015 Early Career Researcher Fellowship,11th World Congress of Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization, Australia 2009 浙江大学竺可桢学院荣誉毕业生


• 结构拓扑优化 • 增材制造 • 多学科CAE仿真、大规模并行计算、人工智能算法 • 轻量化设计应用:新能源动力电池包、CTC电底盘、空天装备(防隔热承载)、外治医疗器械


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Mingdong Zhou*, Yufan Lu, Yichang Liu, Zhongqin Lin, Concurrent Topology Optimization of Shells with Self-supporting Infills for Additive Manufacturing, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 390, 114430, 2022. 2. Da Geng, Mingdong Zhou*, Concurrent Topology Optimization of Multi-scale Cooling Channels with Inlets and Outlets. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65:234, 2022. 3. Haojie lian, Leilei Chen, Xiao Lin, Wenchang Zhao*, Stephane P.A. Bordas, Mingdong Zhou*, Noise Pollution Reduction through a Novel Optimization Procedure in Passive Control Methods, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, Vol.131, No.1, pp. 1-18, 2022. (This Research Article was selected as the Cover Image of Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences in Vol.131, No.1, 2022.) 4. Mingdong Zhou*, Da Geng, Multi-scale and Multi-material Topology Optimization of Channel-cooling Cellular Structures for Thermomechanical Behaviors, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 383, 113896, 2021. 5. Yichang Liu, Mingdong Zhou*, Chuang Wei, Zhongqin Lin, Topology optimization of self-supporting infill structures, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 63, 2289–2304, 2021. 6. Qingping Ma, Lei Zhang, Junhao Ding, Shuo Qu, Jin Fu, Mingdong Zhou, Mingwang Fu, Xu Song, Michael Yu Wang*, Elastically-isotropic open-cell minimal surface shell lattices with superior stiffness via variable thickness design, Additive Manufacturing, 47, 102293, 2021. 7. 方喆,耿达,周明东*, 基于子结构凝聚的多层级拓扑优化设计理论与应用,机械设计与研究,第37卷第1期,1006-2343(2021)01-001-05,2021. 8. 丁卯,耿达,周明东*,来新民, 基于变密度法的结构强度拓扑优化策略研究,上海交通大学学报, 2021, 55(6): 764-773. 9. Mingdong Zhou* , Yichang Liu, Chuang Wei, Topology optimization of easy-removal support structures for additive manufacturing, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 61, 2423–2435, 2020. 10. Yelin Song, Qingping Ma, Yu He, Mingdong Zhou*, Michael Yu Wang, Stress-based shape and topology optimization with cellular level set in B-splines, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 62(5), 2391-2407, 2020. 11. Mingdong Zhou* , Yichang Liu, Zhongqin Lin, Topology Optimization of Thermal Conductive Support Structures for Laser Additive Manufacturing, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, V. 353, 24-43 , 2019. 12. Xi Zhao, Mingdong Zhou*, Yichang Liu, Mao Ding, Ping Hu, Ping Zhu, Topology optimization of channel cooling structures considering thermomechanical behavior, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 59(2), 613-632, 2019. 13. Michael Yu Wang* , Hongming Zong , Qingping Ma , Ye Tian , Mingdong Zhou, Cellular Level Set in B-Splines (CLIBS): A Method for Modeling and Topology Optimization of Cellular Structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, V. 349, 378-404, 2019. 14. Hongming Zong*, Hui Liu, Qingping Ma, Ye Tian, Mingdong Zhou, Michael Yu Wang, VCUT Level Set Method for Topology Optimization of Functionally Graded Cellular Structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, V. 354, 487-505, 2019. 15. Wei Yan, Mao Ding, Xiaobing Xi, Mingdong Zhou*, Lightweight Splint Design for Individualized Treatment of Distal Radius Fracture, Journal of Medical Systems, 43:284, 2019. 16. Zhinan Zhang, Mingdong Zhou*, Weimin Ding, Huifang Ma, New analysis model for rotor-bearing systems based on plate theory. Front. Mech. Eng., 14(4): 461-473, 2019. 17. 赵曦,刘义畅,方喆,胡平,周明东*. 水冷模具离散结构拓扑优化. 计算力学学报, (05): 597-602, 2019. 18. Mingdong Zhou*, Haojie Lian, Ole Sigmund, Niels Aage, Shape morphing and topology optimization of fluid channels by explicit boundary tracking, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 88, No. 6, 2018, p. 296-313,2018. (This Research Article was selected as the Cover Image of International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids in Volume 88 Issue 6.) 19. Xi Zhao, Mingdong Zhou*, Ole Sigmund, Casper Schousboe Andreasen, A "poor man's approach" to topology optimization of cooling channels based on a Darcy flow model, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 116, 1108-1123,2018. 20. Christian Lundgaard*, Joe Alexandersen, Mingdong Zhou, Casper Schousboe Andreasen, Ole Sigmund, Revisiting density-based topology optimization for fluid-structure-interaction problems, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Volume 58, Issue 3, pp 969–995, 2018. 21. Mingdong Zhou and Ole Sigmund*. On fully stressed design and P-norm measures in structural optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 56(3), 731–736, 2017. 22. Mingdong Zhou*, Boyan S. Lazarov and Ole Sigmund. Topology optimization for optical microlithography with partially coherent illumination, International Journal for Numerical Method in Engineering, 109, 631-647, 2017. 23. Mingdong Zhou*, Joe Alexandersen, Ole Sigmund and Claus B. W. Pedersen. Industrial application of topology optimization for combined conductive and convective heat transfer problems, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 54(4), 1045-1060, 2016. 24. Mingdong Zhou*, Boyan S. Lazarov, Fengwen Wang and Ole Sigmund. Minimum length scale in topology optimization by geometric constraints. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 293, 266-282, 2015. (From ISI Web of Science: As of November/December 2016, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Computer Science based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.) 25. Yangjun Luo*, Michael Yu Wang, Mingdong Zhou, and Zichen Deng. Topology optimization of reinforced concrete structures considering control of shrinkage and strength failure. Computers & Structures, 157, 31-41, 2015. 26. Yangjun Luo*, Xiaoxiang Wu, Mingdong Zhou, Michael Yu Wang. Simultaneous parameter and tolerance optimization of structures via probability-interval mixed reliability model. Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization, 51, (3), 705-719, 2015. 27. Mingdong Zhou*, Boyan S. Lazarov and Ole Sigmund. Topology optimization for optical projection lithography with manufacturing uncertainties. Applied Optics, 53(12), 2720-9, 2014. 28. Yangjun Luo*, Mingdong Zhou, Michael Yu Wang, and Zichen Deng. Reliability based topology optimization for continuum structures with local failure constraints. Computers & Structures, 143, 73-84, 2014. 29. Mingdong Zhou* and Michael Yu Wang. Engineering feature design for level set based structural optimization. Computer Aided Design, 45(12), 1524-1537, 2013. 30. Hon Shan Ho, Michael Yu Wang*, and Mingdong Zhou. Parametric structural optimization with dynamic knots RBFs and partition of unity method. Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization, 47(3), 353-365, 2013. 31. Mingdong Zhou* and Michael Yu Wang. A Semi-Lagrangian level set method for structural optimization. Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization, 46(4), 487-501, 2012. 32. Mingdong Zhou* and Michael Yu Wang. Engineered model simplification for simulation based structural design. Computers-Aided Design & Applications, 9(1), 87-94, 2012. 33. Yangjun Luo*, Michael Yu Wang, Mingdong Zhou, and Zichen Deng. Optimal topology design of steel-concrete composite structures under stiffness and strength constraints. Journal of Computers & Structures, 112-113:433-444, 2012. 34. 周明东, 林俊聪, 金小刚*, 基于最小二乘网格的模型修补,《图学学报》, 30(5), 13-21, 2009。 35. Jiayi Xu, Xiaogang Jin*, Yizhou Yu, Tian Shen, Mingdong Zhou, Shape‐constrained flock animation, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 19 (3‐4), 319-330, 2008. 【会议论文】(报告、摘要) [Invited Speech] Topology optimization of self-supporting infill structures, 14th TOP Webinar, 26th August, 2021 (online vedio: https://youtu.be/68hLQgRjANo) 周明东, 面向增材制造的壳-填充结构拓扑优化设计, 不确定性结构分析与优化设计专题学术研讨会, 2021, 西安 周明东, 防隔热-承载结构多尺度拓扑优化, 结构轻量化设计与制造技术论坛, 2021, 西安 周明东, 防隔热-承载结构多尺度拓扑优化, 航天八院-先进点阵结构设计与制造技术研讨会, 2021, 上海 M. Zhou, Y. Liu, C. Wei, Y. Lu, Topology Optimization of Supports and Infills for Additive Manufacturing with Process Simulations and Geometric Constraints, 14th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021. Y. Liu, C. Wei, M. Zhou, Topology Optimization of Self-supporting Infills for Additive Manufacturing, 14th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021. Y. Lu, Y. Liu, M. Zhou, Concurrent Optimization of Shells and Self-supporting Infills for additive manufacturing, 14th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021. 周明东, 创成式结构设计与增材制造, 上海宇航系统工程研究所“结构机构大讲堂”, 2019 刘义畅,周明东, 面向增材制造的支撑结构拓扑优化设计, 中国力学大会2019, 杭州 M. Zhou, On bridging structural topology optimization and additive manufacturing with process simulation and geometry constraints, 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, Beijing, China. Y. Liu, M. Zhou, Thermal conductive support structure design for additive manufacturing by topology optimization, 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, Beijing, China. C. Wei, Y. Liu, M. Zhou, Topology optimization of tree-like support structures for additive manufacturing by geometric constraint, 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, Beijing, China. [Keynote Lecture] M. Zhou, et.al., Topology optimization of straight-channel cooling structures for efficient heat transfer and mechanical behaviors. 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 2018,Glasgow, UK. M. Zhou, X. Zhao, Topology optimization of channel cooling structures with simplified thermofluidic models, Asian Congress of Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization 2018, Dalian, China. 周明东, 刘义畅,面向金属增材制造的支撑结构拓扑优化,2018年全国固体力学学术会议,哈尔滨。 Y Liu, M. Zhou, Topology Optimization of Thermal Problems in Additive Manufacturing with Process Simulation, Asian Congress of Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization 2018, Dalian, China. 周明东, 基于单纯复形的结构拓扑形状优化及其应用,中国力学大会2017,北京。 M. Zhou, et al., Shape Optimization of Fully Stressed Design and Channel Flow Problems by Explicit Boundary Tracking, 12th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation 2017, Braunschweig, Germany. C. Lundgaard, J. Alexandersen, C. Andreasen, M. Zhou and Ole Sigmund, Topology optimization for fluid-structure-interaction problems,12th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation 2017, Braunschweig, Germany. C. S. Andreasen, J. Alexandersen, J.J. Asmussen, X. Zhao, M. Zhou and O. Sigmund, Simplified flow models for topology optimization of thermofluidic devices, (ECCOMAS) VII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering 2017, Rhodes Island, Greece. M. Zhou, et al., Topology Optimization for Manufacturing with Optical Microlithography, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2016, Crete, Greece. M. Zhou, et al., Topology Optimization of Thermal Convective Problems, 2nd KAIST-DTU-DLUT Workshop on Design Optimization 2015, Daejeon, South Korea. M. Zhou, et al., Industrial Applications of topology Optimization on Combined Thermal Conductive and Convective Problems, LaSciSO Project Final Meeting 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria. M. Zhou, B. S. Lazarov, F. Wang and O. Sigmund, Minimum length scale in topology optimization by geometric constraints, In Proc. of 11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation 2015, Sydney, Australia. M. Zhou, et al., Topology Optimization for Optical Projection Lithography with Manufacturing Uncertainties, OPTI-I 2014, Kos, Greece. M. Zhou, M.Y. Wang, and L.Li. Structural optimization using adaptive level set method. In Proc. of ASME/ISCIE 2012 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2012), St. Louis, USA.


2023-至今, 上海现代设计法研究会理事 2018-至今,上海市空间飞行器机构重点实验室学术委员 2021-至今,中华中医药学会外治分会委员 2019-至今,上海市中医药学会外治分会常委 2015-至今,国际结构与多学科优化学会(International Society for Structural and Multidisplinary Optimisation, ISSMO)会员 2019, Symposium co-organizer of "Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization for Additive Manufacturing Emphasizing Nonlinear Problems" for The 15th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 2019), Austin, Texas, USA 2018, Symposium co-organizer of "Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Considering Nonlinear Behaviour" for The 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018), New York, USA 担任以下学术期刊审稿人 -Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering -Additive Manufacturing -Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization -Computer-Aided Design -International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering -International Journal of Thermal Sciences -Optical Express -Advances in Engineering Software -Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
