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教育背景 2011-2015南洋理工大学博士 2014-2015 康奈尔大学商学院 交流 2007-2010上海交通大学硕士 2003-2007上海交通大学学士 工作经历 2021- 上海交通大学,副教授 2016- 上海交通大学,讲师 科研项目 2023.01--2026.12 国家面上基金(72271162) 供应中断下服务型制造的决策优化与供应链协调研究,负责人 2020.06-2021.06 科技创新行动计划”软科学重点项目(青年)(20692194500), 负责人 2019.01-2021.12 国家青年基金(71802130)考虑需求信息更新的服务型制造的生产计划与服务能力联合优化, 负责人 2018.09-2020.08 浦江人才计划(18PJC083)有限资源约束下客户驱动个性化产品的企业决策研究, 负责人 2016.06-2019.06 上海交通大学新进青年教师启动计划,“新环境下公司运营模式的研究”,负责人 2016.06-2019.06 机械与动力工程学院新进青年教师科研启动资助计划,负责人 2011.07-2015.07 GSK 新加坡医药公司试验性药品的供应链管理优化 参与者 2015.08-2016.05 UMC半导体公司机器两类备件管理 参与者 教学工作 大学生创新项目: 1. 考虑到环境因素的供应链决策优化分析 2. 水果冷链物流决策研究 毕业设计: 1. 信息时代下考虑有限资源的企业决策优化 2. 基于工厂内的大数据生产与订购决策研究 3. 考虑到个性化产品的生产决策研究 工厂物理学,研究生,3学分 生产计划与控制,本科生,3学分 软件版权登记及专利 Meimei Zheng, Yueheng Zhang*, Wenzhong Shen “Design of Resonant Cavity Enhanced N-GaAs Homojunction Far-Infrared Detector” Patent NO: CN101697365 B (2011) 荣誉奖励 2018 浦江人才计划 2020 优秀班主任 2021 优秀班主任 2021 机动学院青年教师教学竞赛 2022 毕设最佳展示奖(指导老师) 2022 第二届上海交通大学工程管理案例大赛一等奖(指导老师)


1. 供应链管理 (库存,生产管理) 2. 运筹优化 3. 设备维护和备件管理 4. 服务型制造 5. 工业4.0


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zheng M, Dong S, Zhou Y, Choi TM. Sourcing decisions with uncertain time-dependent supply from an unreliable supplier. European Journal of Operational Research. (Accept) Wu, K., Huang, E., Wang, M. and Zheng, M*., 2022. Job scheduling of diffusion furnaces in semiconductor fabrication facilities. European Journal of Operational Research, 301(1), pp.141-152. Meimei Zheng; Shi, Xiaoqian; Ershun Pan; Kan Wu*; Supply chain analysis for standard and customized products with postponement, ComputerS & Industrial Engineering, 2022, 164: 107860. Meimei Zheng*, Ye H, Wang D, Pan E. Joint Optimization of Condition-Based Maintenance and Spare Parts Orders for Multi-Unit Systems with Dual Sourcing. Reliability engineering & system safety (2021) Meimei Zheng, et al. "Supplier Selection Problem for Multiple Projects with Uncertain Demand and Project Life Cycles." Computers & Operations Research (2021). Xia, Tangbin, Yifan Dong, Ershun Pan, Meimei Zheng, Hao Wang, and Lifeng Xi. "Fleet-level opportunistic maintenance for large-scale wind farms integrating real-time prognostic updating." Renewable Energy (2021). Kan Wu, Meimei Zheng, and Yichi Shen*. "A generalization of the Theory of Constraints: Choosing the optimal improvement option with consideration of variability and costs." IISE Transactions (2020) Meimei Zheng*, et al. "Reactive Production with Preprocessing Restriction in Supply Chains with Forecast Updates." IISE Transactions 51, no. 12 (2019): 1402-1436 Meimei Zheng*, et al. “Impact of an emergency order opportunity on supply chain coordination.” International Journal of Production Research57, no.11(2019):3504-3521. Meimei Zheng*,et al. “Optimal decisions for a two-echelon supply chain with capacity and demand information. ” Advanced Engineering Informatics 39(2019):248-258. Meimei Zheng, et al,“Smart Spare Parts Management Systems in Semiconductor Manufacturing”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 117,No. 4 (2017) Meimei Zheng*, Kan Wu, Yan Shu "Newsvendor problems with demand forecast updating and supply constraints." Computers & Operations Research Vol. 67, 193-206, (IF 1.861) (2016) Meimei Zheng*, Yan Shu, Kan Wu “On Optimal Emergency Orders with Updated Demand Forecast and Limited Supply” International Journal of Production Research Vol. 53, No. 12, 3692-3719, (IF 1.477) (2015)


审稿人:IIE Transaction, Omega, International Journal of Production Research, Industrial Management & Data Systems,Computers & Operations Research
