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教育背景 1996-1999哈尔滨工业大学 机械电子专业博士 1985-1988哈尔滨工业大学 流体传动与控制专业硕士 1981-1985哈尔滨工业大学 流体传动与控制专业学士 工作经历 1988-2000 哈尔滨工业大学机器人研究所 助研/副研 2000-2002 哈尔滨工业大学机器人研究所 研究员 2002—— 上海交通大学机器人研究所 研究员/博导 科研项目 2017.6-2019.6 压电钢管多功能检测机器人(合作方:中国长江电力股份有限公司) 2017.11-2020.11 国家重点研发计划:机器人系列化谐波减速器疲劳性能分析预测与寿命提升技术研究 2017.3-2018.12 交联电缆绝缘处理智能数控机床 2013.1-2016.12 国家自然基金面上项目:基于压电无阀微泵的微型仿生六足爬壁机器人研究 2011~2015 交大-中际电工装备技术联合研究实验中心 2009~2011 静平衡高精度测量方法研究(结题评为优秀),*基金,负责人 2010~2012 *移动平台,*课题,负责人 2007-2009 基于SMA驱动的微小仿生多腔无源负压吸盘研究(60675052), 国家自然科学基金,负责人 2007-2010 多机器人餐厅服务机器人系统(2007AA041602) ,国家863计划重点项目,负责人 2008-2010 空间太阳电池帆板制造质量控制方法研究,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,负责人 2004-2006 中国菜肴自动烹饪机器人-人工智能烹饪机(AIC)3#样机开发,企业,负责人 2004-2014 AIC未来研究与产品设计,企业,负责人 2006-2007 水敷法光缆敷设作业机器人研制,企业,负责人 2002-2003 玻璃盖片自动粘接系统,上海航天局,负责人 静平衡高精度测量方法研究(结题评为优秀,) 教学工作 机器人学导论 本科生 36学时 2学分 机器人学与智能控制 博士生 54学时 3学分 软件版权登记及专利 1)太阳电池片与抗辐照玻璃盖片的自动封装方法ZL 03 1 16153.7 (授权) 2)太阳电池封装胶层厚度可控的连续滴胶方法ZL 03 1 15776.9 (授权) 3)基于机器视觉的高速瓜果品质识别系统ZL 03 1 29387.5 (授权) 4)太阳电池自动精确涂胶机构ZL 03 1 16585.0 (授权) 5)高楼玻璃幕墙清洗机系统ZL 2004 1 0053264.X (授权) 6)太阳电池自动封装机构03129054.X (公开) 7)超薄型空间太阳电池片涂胶封装一体化机器人 200310122802.1(公开) 8)高楼清洗机器人安全保护机构200410016870.4(公开) 9)仿生机器鱼的柔性推进机构200410053660.2 (公开) 10)利用机器人实现排水管道内光缆敷设的方法 200410053265.4(公开) 11)空间太阳电池串非接触施压方法200410052618.9 (公开) 12)具有越障功能的双吸盘负压吸附单元200410025218.9 (公开) 13)基于CCD感光元件的城市地下微型管道深度测量传感器 200410025219.3(公开) 14)轮式越障爬壁机器人 ZL 2010 1 0289327.7(授权) 15)用于抓取餐盘的机器人手抓 ZL 2009 1 0049403.4(授权) 16)月球车行走折叠系统 ZL2009 1 0051170.1(授权) 荣誉奖励 2011、被评为上海交大优秀教师 2006、3 自动烹饪机器人(AIC),通过深圳市科技局主持鉴定(第一); 2004、8空间太阳电池抗辐照玻璃盖片自动封装机器人,通过上海市科委组织的鉴定,获2006年度上海市科技发明三等奖(第一); 2002 壁面清洗爬壁机器人,为863(排名第二)、黑龙江省科委攻关课题(主持者)。获黑龙江省科技进步二等奖; 1999、11 锅炉水冷壁排管清扫、检测爬壁机器人, 863课题(主持者),通过863验收及黑龙江省科委组织的鉴定(); 1997 喷砂、喷漆履带式磁吸附爬壁机器人,为863课题(排名第二)、黑龙江省科委攻关课题(主持者),获黑龙江省科委科技进步一等奖; 1996 壁面爬行遥控检查机器人,863型号课题,为爬壁机器人本体子系统负责人,获航天部科技进步一等奖(1995年)和国家科技进步三等奖(1996年),排名均第四。


服务机器人 特种机器人 爬壁机器人 柔性机构设计 微小型机器人


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1)Yanzheng Zhao, Zhuang Fu etc..Development & applications of wall-climbing robots with a single suction cup. ROBOTICA(2004)vol.22,pp.643-648. 2)Zhao yanzheng, Fu zhuang etc.. Study on quality control in the bonding processing of space solar cell. 2nd International Conference on the Business of Electronic product Reliability and Liability(2nd EPRL), April 27~30, 2004,Shanghai,China.(keynote paper) 3)Zhao Yanzheng,Shao Hao etc..Wall-climbing robot with negative pressure sucker used for cleaning work.High technology letters, 99. 12 4)Zhao Yanzheng etc.Study of the suction cup of wall-climbing robot.ISFP’99, Harbin. 5)Bingshan Hu, Liwen Wang, Zhuang Fu ,Yanzheng Zhao. A miniature wall climbing robot with biomechanical suction cups, Industrial Robot-An International Journal, 2009, 36(6):551-561. 6)Bingshan Hu, Liwen Wang, Zhuang Fu, Yanzheng Zhao. Bio-inspired miniature suction cups actuated by shape memory alloy, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2009, 6(3):.104-113. 7)Qian Zhiyuan,Zhao Yanzheng,Fu Zhuang, Wang Yan. Fluid model of sliding suction cup of wall-climbing robots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2006, 3(3):275-284. 8)Zhi-yuan Qian,Yanzheng Zhao,Zhuang Fu,Qi-xin Cao.Design and realization of a non-actuated glass-curtain wall-cleaning robot prototype with dual suction cups. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2006,30,(1-2,):147-155. 9)Yu, QX; Yuan, C; Fu, Z; Zhao, YZ,Research of the Localization of Restaurant Service Robot,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS,2010,7(3),p:227-238 10)Shuang, Yu (1); Yanzheng, Zhao (1),A New Measurement Method for Unbalanced Moments in a Two-axis Gimbaled Seeker, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2010 P:117-122 11)Ma, Wen-Tao ; Yan,Wei-Xin; Fu, Zhuang; Zhao, Yan-Zheng, A Chinese cooking robot for elderly and disabled people, Robotica, February 14, 2011:p 1-10 12)Wu, Minghui; Gao, Xiaofei; Yan, W.X.; Fu, Z.; Zhao, Yanzheng; Chen, Shanben, New mechanism to pass obstacles for magnetic climbing robots with high payload, using only one, motor for force-changing and wheel-lifting, Source: Industrial Robot, 2011, 38(4), p: 372-380 13)Guan, Enguang ; Fu, Zhuang; Yan, Weixin; Jiang, Dongsheng; Zhao, Yanzheng, Self-reconfiguration Path planning Design for M-Lattice Robot Based on Genetic Algorithm, Source: Intelligent Robotics and Applications - Forth International Conference, ICIRA 2011, Proceedings, Aachen, Germany, 2011 14)S.-T. Zhan, Z. Fu, Y.-Z. Zhao, Dynamics Modeling and Robustness Analysis for Feedback Stabilized Yaw-Pitch Gimbal Systems[C], 2nd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2011:1-6 15)Guan, Enguang ; Yan, Weixin; Jiang, Dongsheng; Fu, Zhuang; Zhao, Yanzheng, A novel design for the self-reconfigurable robot module and connection mechanism, Intelligent Robotics and Applications - Third International Conference, ICIRA 2010, Proceedings, Shanghai, China: p 400-408, 2010 16)Cao, F., Liu, J., Zhou, C., Zhao, Y., Fu, Z., & Yan, W. (2015, June). A Novel 5-DOF welding robot based on SCARA. In Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2015 IEEE 10th Conference on (pp. 2016-2019). IEEE. 17)Liu, J., Cao, F., Zhou, C., Yan, W., Zhao, Y., & Fu, Z. (2015, June). A novel miniature spatial hybrid compliant-paralleled mechanism for film micropump. In Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2015 IEEE 10th Conference on (pp. 2010-2015). IEEE. 18)Zhan, S. T., Yan, W. X., Fu, Z., Liu, J. H., Deng, W. H., & Zhao, Y. Z. (2013, September). An Optimal Feedback Approach for the Stabilization of Linear Systems Subject to Input Saturation and Magnitude-Bounded Disturbances. In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (pp. 189-201). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 19)Liu, J., Yan, W., Zhao, Y., & Fu, Z. (2015, August). Analytical Model for Flexure–Based Proportion Parallel Mechanisms with Deficient–Determinate Input. In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (pp. 232-243). Springer, Cham. 20)Ge, Y., Liu, J., Li, B., Miao, H., Yan, W., & Zhao, Y. (2017, August). Dynamic Drive Performances of the Bionic Suction Cup Actuator Based on Shape Memory Alloy. In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (pp. 14-25). Springer, Cham. 21)Liu, J., Guan, E., Li, P., Yan, W., & Zhao, Y. (2017, August). Linearity of the Force Leverage Mechanism Based on Flexure Hinges. In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (pp. 527-537). Springer, Cham. 22)Guan, E., Ge, Y., Liu, J., Yan, W., & Zhao, Y. (2017, August). Piezoelectric Micro-Pump Suction Cup Design and Research on the Optimal Static Driving Characteristics. In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (pp. 26-38). Springer, Cham. 23)Yan, W., Liu, J., Guan, E., Yan, N., & Zhao, Y. (2017). Force transmission of flexure-based leverage mechanism for static unbalance measuring system under self-gravity effect. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 9(11), 1687814017734499. 24)Liu, J., Guan, E., Li, P., Wang, F., Liang, C., & Zhao, Y. (2017). Deflection behavior of a piezo-driven flexible actuator for vacuum micropumps. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 267, 30-41.


中国自动化协会机器人专业委员会(第五届)委员 上海市机器人协会会员
