2006.08 - 2010.07 西安交通大学 核工程与核技术专业 学士
2010.09 - 2017.06 上海交通大学 核科学与技术专业 博士
2014.03 - 2016.03 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 (KIT) 联合培养博士
2016.04 - 2018.03 卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 聚变与反应堆技术研究所 研究员 (Research Scientist)
2018.04 - 2021.04 卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 中子物理与反应堆工程研究所 研究员 (Research Scientist)
2021.05 - 今 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院/核科学与工程学院 副教授
中国广核集团超临界水堆关键技术研究项目:垂直单管内超临界水流动传热实验研究 技术负责人
中国广核集团超临界水堆关键技术研究项目:棒束结构内超临界水传热和流动特性实验研究 技术负责人
中国广核集团大型先进压水堆燃料组件研发项目:临界热流密度关键试验技术验证研究 技术负责人
欧盟委员会-中国科技部核能开发合作FQT项目: SCWR- Fuel Qualification Test(超临界水冷堆燃料元件性能测试) 主要参与人
国际原子能机构(IAEA) CRP项目:Understanding and Prediction of Thermal-Hydraulics Phenomena Relevant to Supercritical Water-cooled Reactors (超临界水堆相关热工水力现象的理解与预测) 子课题技术负责人
德国联邦经济和能源部 (BMWi) VERA 项目: Verbesserung der Wärmeübergangsmodellierung in ATHLET für Sicherheitsanalysen des mit überkritischem Wasser gekühlten Reaktors(基于超临界水冷反应堆的热工安全分析程序ATHLET流动传热模型的优化) 负责人
欧盟委员会EUROfusion项目:ITER/DEMO Divertor Design and Optimization (ITER/DEMO聚变堆偏滤器设计与优化) 主要参与人
中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所:机理性严重事故分析程序研发 负责人
上海市科委浦江人才计划:大破口失水事故再淹没阶段堆芯骤冷前沿区域热质传输机理研究 负责人
国家自然科学基金委员会:螺旋管蒸汽发生器内超临界水热质传输机理与模型研究(No. 12205184) 负责人
中广核研究院:氮气稳压系统热工响应特性计算模型开发与验证 负责人
本科生课程: 核工程管理(NU406) 32学时
研究生课程: 聚变堆与包层技术(NU6134) 48学时
一种耐高温高压的高性能电绝缘法兰装置 发明专利 专利号 ZL2012101534844
一种耐高温的新型电绝缘法兰装置 实用新型专利 专利号 ZL2012202224658
2013年 博士研究生国家奖学金
2018 年 第十二届国际核反应堆热工水力、运行与安全学术会议The 12th International Topical Meeting on Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation, and Safety (NUTHOS-12) 最佳审稿人奖
2019年 中国核能行业协会科学奖 二等奖
2021年 上海市浦江人才计划A类
1) M. Zhao, H.Y. Gu, X. Cheng, Experimental study on heat transfer of supercritical water flowing downward in circular tubes, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol 63, 339-349, 2014
2) M. Zhao, H.Y. Gu, H.B. Li, et al., Heat transfer of water flowing upward in vertical annuli with spacers at high pressure conditions, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol 87, 209-216, 2016
3) M. Zhao, X.J. Liu, A.F. Badea, et al., Comparison of heat transfer models with databank of supercritical fluid, Kerntechnik, Vol 83, 237-240, 2018
4) M. Zhao, B.E. Ghidersa, R. Stieglitz, CFD evaluation and optimization of the HEMJ divertor cooling design, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol 158, September 2020
5) M. Zhao, H.Y. Gu, Experimental and Numerical study on heat transfer of supercritical water flowing upward in 2x2 rod bundles, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol 370, 110903 2020
6) M. Zhao, F.N. Wang, A.F. Badea, Evaluation and development of heat transfer model for supercritical water flowing in 2x2 rod bundles with spacer grid, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 120702, 2020
7) F.N. Wang, M. Zhao*, Behavior of moving droplet on inclined containment wall: Experiment and model validation;Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol 376, 111129, 2021(*通讯作者)
8) X. Cheng, M. Zhao*, F. Feuerstein, et al., Prediction of heat transfer to supercritical water at different boundary conditions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 131, 527-536, 2019 (*通讯作者)
9) H.Y. Gu, M. Zhao, X. Cheng, Experimental studies on heat transfer to supercritical water in circular tubes at high heat fluxes, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol 65, 22-32, 2015
10) H.B. Li, M. Zhao, Z.X. Hu, et al., Experimental study on transient heat transfer across critical pressure in 2 × 2 rod bundle with wire wraps, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 110, 68-79, 2017
11) H.B. Li, M. Zhao, Z.X. Hu, et al., Experimental study of supercritical water heat transfer deteriorations in different channels, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2018, 119: 240-256.
12) A.F. Badea, M. Zhao, X. Cheng, et al., Consistency considerations on a large databank and wide range heat transfer prediction for supercritical water in circular tubes, Nuclear Engineering and Design Vol 335, 178-185, 2018
1) 赵萌,李虹波,张戈等, 圆管内超临界水上升、下降流动传热实验研究,原子能科学技术, 第46卷(S),250-254页,2012年
1) M. Zhao, H.Y. Gu, X. Cheng, Experimental Study on Heat Transfer to Supercritical Water Flowing through Tubes, ICAPP -12 Paper 12368, Chicago, USA, June 24-28, 2012.
2) M. Zhao, H.Y. Gu, X. Cheng, Experimental studies on heat transfer to supercritical water flowing in circular tubes, ICONE -21 paper 16100, Chengdu, China, July 29 - August 2, 2013.
3) M. Zhao, H.B. Li, J. Yang, et al., Experimental Study on Heat Transfer to Supercritical Water Flowing through Circle Tubes and 2×2 Rod Bundles, ISSCWR-6 Paper 107, Shenzhen, China, March 3-7, 2013.
4) M. Zhao, H.Y. Gu, H.B. Li et al., Heat Transfer of Supercritical Water Flowing in Vertical Annuli with Spacer Effect, ISSCWR-7 Paper 2021, Helsinki, Finland, March 15-18, 2015.
5) M. Zhao, Q.R. Yang, H.Y. Gu, et al., Experimental study on heat transfer of supercritical water flowing upward in 2x2 rod bundles, 46th Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, May 5th-7th, 2015, Berlin, Germany.
6) M. Zhao, H.Y. Gu, X. Cheng, et al., Experimental and Numerical study on heat transfer of supercritical water flowing upward in 2×2 rod bundles, NURETH-16 Paper 12988, Chicago, August 30 - September 4, 2015.
7) M. Zhao, F. Feuerstein, A.F. Badea, et.al., Assessment of experimental data of heat transfer of supercritical water in tubes and rod bundles, NURETH-17 Conference Paper, Xi’an, China, China. 3 - 8 September 2017.
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering审稿人
第二届中德核安全峰会The 2nd Sino-German Symposium on Fundamentals of Advanced Nuclear Safety Technology (2nd SG-FANS),德方委员会委员 (Committee member),主要策划人
第十七届国际核反应堆热工水力会议 The 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17) 分会场主席
中国核学会 核反应堆热工流体力学分会 会员