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教育背景 1998―2001广岛大学移动现象工学专业博士 1986―1989西安交通大学内燃机专业硕士 1983―1986西安交通大学内燃机专业学士 工作经历 2009― 上海交通大学  教授、博导 2006―2009 日本东京电机大学 高级讲师 能源工学研究室负责人 2003―2004 美国科罗拉多矿业学院(日本文部省选派) 访问教授 2001―2006 日本广岛大学  文部教官助理教授 1993―1994 德国Karlsruhe大学  访问学者 1986―1998 西安交通大学  助教、讲师、副教授、内燃机研究所副所长 科研项目 2018-2020 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“面向发动机的雾化-蒸发-点火特性及其关联性研究中的关键技术”,负责人 2017-2019 国家重点研发计划-政府间国际科技创新合作-重点专项,“面向燃气轮机燃料适应性问题的新型燃烧技术”,负责人 2016~2018 广东省科技计划项目“面向高性能燃烧装备研制的多物理量激光测试技术开发”,子项目负责人 2014-2017 国家自然科学基金项目“基于两波长激光吸收与散射技术的多组分燃料气液两相浓度场的同时测量”,负责人 2015-2016 中国空气动力研究与发展中心高超声速冲压发动机技术重点实验室开放基金“超燃冲压发动机的燃料液滴与蒸气两相浓度分布特性测试研究”,负责人 2014-2016 上海市教育委员会科研创新(重点)项目“爆震燃烧的机理解明及其在发动机减排节能上的应用”,负责人 2013-2015 国家教育部博导基金“过热流体的喷雾雾化和蒸发特性研究”,负责人 2013-2014 产学研项目“发动机喷油器喷雾测试试验及模型标定”,负责人 2011-2013 国家自然科学基金项目“醇类燃料的闪急沸腾雾化机理研究”,负责人 2011-2012 国家重点实验室开放基金“用于温度-浓度同时测量的双波长激光诱导荧光法研究”,负责人 2010-2012 上海市浦江人才计划项目“基于闪沸雾化技术的醇类燃料发动机燃烧系统研究”,负责人 2007-2009 日本东京电机大学综合研究所项目,“应用于灵活燃料发动机的燃油喷射系统的开发研究”,负责人 2006-2009 日本学术振兴会项目,“多组分燃料喷雾中的汽液两相浓度场的新测量方法的开发”,负责人 2004-2008 日本新能源与产业技术综合开发机构项目,“新一代低公害车综合技术开发”, 主要研究者 2004-2007 日本学术振兴会项目,“燃烧诱导的涡崩坏机理研究”, 主要研究者 2003-2005 日本学术振兴会项目,“超临界流体里的燃料喷雾混合气形成特性的研究”,负责人 2003-2004 日本文部科学省项目,“应用于燃烧合成的柱状火焰燃烧器的开发研究”,负责人 2002-2007 日本新能源与产业技术综合开发机项目“新一代燃烧器系统的开发”,主要研究者 Book: 1. Satoru Ishizuka, Derek Dunn-Rankin, Robert Pitz, Robert Kee, Yuyin Zhang, etc. “Tubular Combustion”,Sustainable Energy Series,Momentum Press,ISBN: 1606503030, 192 pages, 2013 教学工作 1. 高等测试技术,授课对象:研究生,学时数:48,学分:3 2. 汽车节能环保与清洁能源(新生研讨课),授课对象:本科生,学时数:32,学分:2 软件版权登记及专利 1. 一种用于喷雾、燃烧、碳烟生成特性测试的多功能定容弹,发明专利,授权号:CN201310717167.5 2. 一种用于可视化高温高压容器的光学窗口,,发明专利,授权号:CN201310717138.9 3. 燃料直喷发动机的冷启动系统及其启动方法,发明专利,授权号:CN201010605628.6 4. 用于直喷发动机的喷嘴,发明专利,授权号:CN201010300424.1 5. 两缸水平对置发动机组合框架式气缸盖,发明专利,授权号:CN200910311673.8 6. 多种燃料内燃机缸内直接喷射周向分层燃烧系统,发明专利,授权号:CN03134228.0 荣誉奖励 2017 中国工程热物理学会优秀论文奖 2013 上海交通大学优秀教师奖 2012 上海交通大学首届优异学士学位论文(TOP1%)奖(指导教师) 2011 Gordon Research Conference授予“自然科学杂志社”奖 2010 上海市浦江人才计划 2002 SAE International “Excellent Presentation Award” 1997 日本文部省外国留学生奖学金 1992 中国国家教育委员会“科技进步奖”三等奖 1991 西安交通大学“优秀青年教师”称号


喷雾燃烧及其激光诊断技术 燃气轮机新型燃烧技术 雾化-蒸发-混合-着火-碳烟生成等过程间的关联性研究 燃烧化学反应动力学过程的数值模拟研究


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Qianlong Wang, Yuyin Zhang, Liqiao Jiang, Daiqing Zhao, Philippe Guibert, Shunhua Yang, Fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy characteristics of p-xylene - application for temperature measurements, Applied Physics B (2017) 123:242. 2. Yuyin Zhang, Shiyan Li, Wenyuan Qi, and Keiya Nishida, Evaporation characterization of fuel spray impinging on a flat wall by laser-based measurement, International Journal of Engine Research, 18(8) 776–784, 2017. 3. Shiyan Li, Yuyin Zhang, Wenyuan Qi, Bin Xu, Quantitative observation on characteristics and breakup of single superheated droplet, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 80:05–312, 2017. 4. 张冠科,张玉银,齐文元,徐斌,柴油机缸内环境下碰壁喷雾的蒸发特性研究,内燃机工程38(5):1-8 , 2017.2 5. 刘利梁,张虎,张玉银,张伟,进气掺氢与富氧燃烧对汽油机性能影响的试验研究,车用发动机,第1期(总第228期),2017.2 6. 梁毅,张玉银,李世琰,徐斌,基于化学反应动力学耦合G方程的定容弹爆震燃烧研究,车用发动机,2016(2):17-22 7. Shiyan Li, Yuyin Zhang, Bin Xu, Correlation analysis of superheated liquid jet breakup to bubble formation in a transparent slit nozzle, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 68: 452–458, 2015. 8. Yuyin Zhang, Shiyan Li, Bin Zheng, Jian Wu, Bin Xu, Quantitative observation on breakup of superheated liquid jet using transparent slit nozzle, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 63: 84–90, 2015. 9. Yuyin Zhang*, Shiyan Li, Baiyang Lin, Yang Liu, Jian Wu, Bin Xu, A review on laser diagnostics on atomization and evaporation of liquid fuel. Proc. SPIE 9232 (923202) : 1-6, 2014 (doi:10.1117/12.2063882) 10. Shiyan Li, Yuyin Zhang*, Shenqi Wu, Bin Xu, Measurement of vapor/liquid distributions in a binary-component fuel spray using laser imaging of droplet scattering and vapor absorption. Proc. SPIE 9232 (92320A): 1-6, 2014 (doi:10.1117/12.2063645) 11. 黄伟,张玉银,许敏,李铁,孔令逊,王家盛,“采用两次喷油策略降低直喷增压汽油机爆震和碳烟排放以及改善冷启动特性的研究”,内燃机工程,Vol. 35 (5) 17-23 (2014) 12. 周龙,张玉银,李冕,许敏,“基于多体动力学和遗传算法的发动机活塞型线优化设计”,内燃机工程, Vol. 35(5) 17-23(2014) 13. 李明,张玉银,徐斌,罗丽,吴健,许敏,“外开环直喷喷油器在不同燃油过热度下的喷雾特性研究”,内燃机工程,Vol. 35 (5) 88-94,(2014) 14. 李明,张玉银,徐斌,罗丽,吴健,许敏,“采用外开环喷油器的直喷汽油机大负荷下燃油湿壁问题研究”,内燃机学报,第31卷第5期 , pp. 442-448 (2013) 15. Yuyin Zhang, Gaoming Zhang, Min Xu, Jianxin Wang, Droplet temperature measurement based on 2-color laser-induced exciplex fluorescence, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 54, p.1583 (2013.7) 16. Huayang Zhu, Yuyin Zhang, Min Xu, Robert J. Kee, Droplet vaporization characteristics of multicomponent mixtures of methanol and gasoline surrogate in opposed stagnation flows, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 34, Issue 1, pp.1545–1552, 2013. 17. Wei Zeng, Min Xu, Yuyin Zhang, Zhenkan Wang, Laser Sheet Dropsizing of Flash Evaporating Sprays using Simultaneous LIEF/MIE Techniques, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 1677–1685, 2013. 18. Zhang Gaoming, Xu Min, Zhang Yuyin, Zhangming, Cleary David. Macroscopic characterization of flash-boiling multihole sprays using planar laser-induced exciplex fluorescence. Part II: Cross-sectional spray structure [J]. Atomization and Sprays, V23(3): 256-278, 2013. 19. Zhang Gaoming, Xumin, Zhang Yuyin, Hung David. Characteristics of flash boiling fuel sprays from three types of injector for spark ignition direct injection (SIDI) engines. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, V189(VOL.1): 443-454, 2013. 20. Zhang Ming, Xumin, Zhang Yuyin, Zhang Gaoming, Cleary David. Flow-field investigation of multihole superheated sprays using high-speed Piv. Part II. Axial direction. Atomization and Sprays, V23(2): 119-140, 2013. 21. Xu Min, Zhang Yuyin, Zengwei, Zhang Gaoming, Zhangming. Flash Boiling: Easy and Better Way to Generate Ideal Sprays than the High Injection Pressure. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, V6(1): 137-148, 2013. 22. Zhang Ming, Xu Min, Zhang Yuyin, Zhang Gaoming, Cleary David. Flow-field investigation of multi-hole superheated sprays using high-speed PIV. Part I. cross-sectional direction[J]. Atomization and Sprays, V22(11): 983-995, 2012. 23. Gaoming Zhang, Min Xu, Yuyin Zhang, Ming Zhang, David J. Cleary, “Macroscopic characterization of flash-boiling multi-hole sprays using planar laser induced exciplex fluorescence technique. Part I. On-axis spray structure”, Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 22, No.10, pp. 861–878, 2012. 24. Huayang Zhu, Robert J. Kee, Longhua Chen, Jingjing Cao, Min Xu, Yuyin Zhang, “Vaporization characteristics of methanol, ethanol, and heptane droplets in opposed stagnation flow at low temperature and pressure”, Combustion Theory and Modelling, Vol.16, No.4, pp.715-735, 2012. 25. Wei Zeng, Min Xu, Gaoming Zhang, Yuyin Zhang, David J Cleary, "Atomization and Vaporization for Flash-boiling Multi-hole Sprays with Alcohol Fuels", Fuel, Vol.95, pp. 287-297, 2012 26. Wei Zeng, Min Xu, Ming Zhang, Yuyin Zhang, David J Cleary, "Macroscopic Characteristics for Direct-Injection Multi-hole Sprays Using Dimensionless Analysis", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.40, pp.81-92, 2012 27. 李相超,张玉银,许敏,张高明,王振侃,“直喷汽油机缸内喷雾湿壁问题研究”,内燃机工程,第33卷第5期 , pp. 17-23 (2012) 28. 张玉银,张高明,许敏,“直喷汽油机燃烧系统开发中的喷雾激光诊断技术”,汽车安全与节能学报,第2 卷 第4 期,pp.294-307,(2011) 29. J. Gao, S. Moon, Y-Y. Zhang, K. Nishida and Y. Matsumoto, "Flame structure of wall-impinging diesel fuel sprays injected by group-hole nozzles", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 156, No. 6, pp. 1263-1277 (2009). 30. S. Moon, J. Gao, K. Nishida, Y. Matsumoto, Y-Y. Zhang, “Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Wall-Impinging Sprays Injected by Group-Hole Nozzles for Direct-Injection Diesel Engines”, SAE International Journal of Engines, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 1205-1219 (2009.4). 31. Y-Y. Zhang, J. Wu, and S. Ishizuka, "Hydrogen addition effect on laminar burning velocity, flame temperature and flame stability of a planar and a curved CH4-H2-air premixed flame", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 34, No.1, pp. 519-527 (2009). 32. Y-Y. Zhang, S. Ishizuka, H. Zhu, and R. J. Kee, "Effects of stretch and pressure on the characteristics of premixed swirling tubular methane-air flames", Proc. of the Combustion Institute, Vol.32, No.1, pp.1149-1156 (2009). 33. K. Nishida, J. Gao, T. Manabe, Y-Y. Zhang, "Spray and mixture properties of evaporating fuel spray injected by hole-type direct injection diesel injector", Int. J. Engine Research, Vol.9, No. 4, pp. 347-360 (2008). 34. Robert J. Kee, Andrew M. Colclasure, Huayang Zhu, and Yuyin Zhang, "Modeling Tangential Injection into Ideal Tubular Flames", Combustion and Flame, Vol.152, pp.114-124, (2008). 35. T. Li, K. Nishida, Y-Y. Zhang, H. Hiroyasu, "Effect of split injection on stratified charge formation of direct injection spark ignition engines", International Journal of Engine Research, Vol.8, No. 2, pp.205-219 (2007). 36. Y-Y. Zhang and K. Nishida, "Vapor distribution measurement of higher and lower volatile components in an evaporating fuel spray via laser absorption scattering (LAS) technique", Combustion Science and Technology, Vol.179, No. 5, pp.863-881, (2007). 37. Y-Y. Zhang, S. Ishizuka, H. Zhu, and R. J. Kee, "The Effects of Rotation Rate on the Characteristics of Premixed Propane/Air Swirling Tubular Flames", Proc. of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 31, pp.1101-1107, (2007). 38. Y-Y. Zhang, K. Nishida, S. Nomura, and T. Ito, "Spray Characteristics of a Group-hole Nozzle for D.I. Diesel Engines", Atomization and Spray, Vol. 16, No.1, pp. 35-49, (2006). 39. Y-Y. Zhang, D. Shimokuri, Y. Mukae, and S. Ishizuka, "Flow Field in Swirl-Type Tubular Flame Burner", JSME International Journal, Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering, Vol. 48, No.4, pp. 830-838, (2005). 40. T. Li, K. Nishida, Y-Y. Zhang, T. Onoe, and H. Hiroyasu, "Enhancement of Stratified Charge for DISI Engines through Split Injection (Effect and Its Mechanism)", JSME International Journal, Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering, Vol. 48, No.4, pp. 687-694, (2005). 41. Y-Y. Zhang and K. Nishida, "Imaging of Vapor/Liquid Distributions of Split-Injected Diesel Sprays in a 2-D Model Combustion Chamber", Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 176, pp. 1465-1491, (2004). 42. Y-Y. Zhang and K. Nishida, "Effect of Injection Temporal-Splitting on Characteristics of Fuel-Air Mixture Formation in a Common Rail Diesel Spray", Proceedings of the I MECH E, Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 218, No. 3, pp. 323-331, (2004). 43. Y-Y. Zhang, K. Nishida, "Vapor/liquid Behaviors in Split-Injection D.I. Diesel Sprays in a 2-D Model Combustion Chamber", SAE Transactions, Journal of Fuel and Lubricants, Vol. 112, pp. 1276-1287, No. 2003-01-1837, (2003). 44. Y-Y. Zhang, T. Ito, T. Yoshizaki and K. Nishida, "Characterization of Droplets and Vapor Concentration Distributions in Split-Injection Diesel Sprays by Processing UV and Visible Images", JSME International Journal, Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering, Vol. 46, No.1, pp. 100-108, (2003). 45. M. Yamakawa, D. Takaki, T. Li, Y-Y. Zhang, and K. Nishida "Quantitative Measurement of Liquid and Vapor Phase Concentration Distributions in a D.I. Gasoline Spray by the Laser Absorption Scattering (LAS) Technique", SAE Transactions, Journal of Engines, Vol. 111, pp.2194-2206, Paper No.2002-01-1644, (2002). 46. Y-Y. Zhang, T. Ito and K. Nishida, "Characterization of Mixture Formation in Split-Injection Diesel Sprays via Laser Absorption-Scattering Technique", SAE Transactions, Journal of Engines, Vol. 110, pp. 2189-2200, Paper No.2001-01-3498, (2001). 47. 張玉銀,伊藤友昭,西田恵哉,吉崎拓男, 「紫外・可視光吸収散乱画像の解析による燃料噴霧内の液相および蒸気相濃度分布の定量的計測」, 自動車技術会論文集, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 37-42, (2001). 48. Y-Y. Zhang, T. Yoshizaki and K. Nishida, "Imaging of Droplets and Vapor Distributions in a Diesel Fuel Spray by Means of a Laser Absorption-Scattering Technique", Applied Optics, Vol. 39, No. 33, pp. 6221-6229, (2000).


2015- 中国热物理学会燃烧分会委员 2014- 中国计量测试学会多相流测试专委会委员 2013- 『实验流体力学』编委 2013- 国际燃烧会议(The Combustion Institute)论文审查委员会委员 2013- International Conference on Optical Particle Characterization国际顾问委员会委员 2013- 北美华人汽车工程师协会理事 2013- 北美华人内燃机协会理事 2011-2012 International Forum of Automotive Engine Researchers in Asia 组委会主席 2007-2009 在日华人汽车工程师协会副会长 2007-2009 日本学术振兴会审查委员会专家 2008-2009 中国自费留学奖学金评审委员会日本地区评审委员 2008 国家教育部春晖计划:中国汽车技术论坛负责人
