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教育背景 2004.9-2008.6 上海交通大学 机械工程及自动化-车辆工程 工学学士 2008.9-2015.6 上海交通大学 机械工程 工学博士 工作经历 2018 至今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院薄板结构制造研究所 教轨副教授 2017 - 2018 加拿大McMaster大学机械工程系 博士后 2015 - 2017 中国北方工业公司研发部 研发经理 出访及挂职经历 2013.9-2014.8 香港理工大学机械工程系 交流学生 2017.2-2018.6 加拿大McMaster大学机械工程系 博士后 研究方向:金属精密成形及失效 科研项目 2023-2026 国家自然科学基金面上项目 铌涂层不锈钢箔材成形的表相开裂机理及成形极限预测 负责人 2020-2023 国家重点研发计划课题 融合基因组和高通量计算的燃料电池极板基材体系正向设计 负责人 2019-2021 上海市“科技创新行动计划”长寿命燃料电池钛合金双极板批量化制造技术 课题负责人 2019-2022 上海市自然科学基金 介观尺度高温合金薄板温热成形中损伤演化和失效行为的建模及实验研究 负责人 2020-2022 国家自然科学基金青年基金 超薄钛板介观尺度温热成形损伤的尺度效应及成形极限预测 负责人 2018-2020 上海交通大学新进教师启动计划项目 负责人 2016 Elevated temperature forming of 7XXX aluminum alloys 加拿大自然科学与工程研究委员会(NSERC)与美国Novelis铝业公司共同资助 主要参与人 2015 某型雷达维修车的研制 中国北方工业公司 项目负责人 2014 燃料电池金属气体扩散层结构的力学行为建模及成形成性工艺 国家自然科学基金 参与 2011 面向示范和产品验证车用燃料电池系统开发-金属极板成形与焊接工艺研究 国家863项目子课题 参与 2010 燃料电池金属极板制造技术开发 上海汽车工业(集团)总公司 参与 2009 薄型不锈钢双极板质子交换膜燃料电池堆技术 国家863项目子课题 参与 教学工作 本科生课程:设计与制造II 研究生课程:应用固体力学 软件版权登记及专利 CN201910838513.2 一种工件表面微结构的电辅助快速压印成形装置 CN202010334974.9 一种带有表面微结构的燃料电池金属极板及其制造方法 CN202010945042.8 一种燃料电池金属双极板成形误差检测装置 CN202110175962.0 一种燃料电池金属双极板的电辅助成形装置及工艺 CN202110478414.5 一种钛合金表面微纳颗粒复合导电增强结构及其制备方法 荣誉奖励 2022 第十届全国大学生机械创新设计大赛一等奖 指导教师 2019 上海市技术发明特等奖 排8 2015 上海交大机械与动力工程学院“优秀共产党员”


新能源装备制造; 微细成形及其尺度效应; 金属断裂失效机理。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhutian Xu, Tianhao Jiang, Jihui Huang, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai, Ming Wang Fu. Electroplasticity in electrically-assisted forming: Process phenomena, performances and modelling, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2022, 175: 103871. Lei Sun, Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai, Grain-size-dependent ductile-to-brittle fracture mechanism of titanium sheets. Scripta Materialia, 2022, 219: 114877. Chuanzheng Li, Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai. An electric-pulse-assisted stamping process towards springback suppression and precision fabrication of micro channels. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 218: 107081. Linfa Peng, Zhutian Xu, Mengyun Mao, Xinmin Lai, Ming Wang Fu. Damage mechanisms of material in single-cone scratching. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2021, 143 (6), 061013 Rui Zhang, Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai, Ming Wang Fu. Modelling of ultra-thin steel sheet in two-stage tensile deformation considering strain path change and grain size effect and application in multi-stage microforming, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2021, 164, 103713. Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, M. K. jain, David Anderson, John Carsley. Local and global tensile deformation behavior of AA7075 sheet material at 673oK and different strain rates, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 195, 106241. Fuxiang Huang, Diankai Qiu, Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai. Analysis and improvement of flow distribution in manifold for proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks, Energy, 2021, 120427. Zhutian Xu, Zhipeng Li, Rui Zhang, Tianhao Jiang, Linfa Peng. Fabrication of micro channels for titanium PEMFC bipolar plates by multistage forming process, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46 (19), 11092-11103. Rui Zhang, Shuhuai Lan, Zhutian Xu, Diankai Qiu, Linfa Peng. Investigation and optimization of the ultra-thin metallic bipolar plate multi-stage forming for proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 484, 229298. Zhutian Xu, Diankai Qiu, Peiyun Yi, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai. Towards mass applications: A review on the challenges and developments in metallic bipolar plates for PEMFC, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2020, accepted. Zhutian Xu, Jihui Huang, Mengyun Mao, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai. An investigation on the friction in a micro sheet metal roll forming processes considering adhesion and ploughing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, 285, 116790. Jihui Huang, Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng. An experimental study on a rapid micro imprinting process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, 283, 116716. Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai. Investigation on the roll-to-plate microforming of riblet features with the consideration of grain size effect, 2020, 109(7) 2055-2064. Xia'nan Li, Zhutian Xu, Jihui Huang, Linfa Peng, Ping Guo. Effects of electropulsing treatment on the element diffusion between Ti6Al4V and commercially pure titanium, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering ASME, 2020, 142 (5). Rui Zhang, Zhutian Xu, Yujun Deng, Linfa Peng. Characterizing the back stress of ultra-thin metallic sheet via pre-strain tension/bending process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, 279, 116560. Xia'nan Li, Zhutian Xu, Jihui Huang, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai. In situ observation of deformation behavior of Ti6Al4V subjected to electrically-assisted forming process, Procedia Manufacturing, 2020, 50, 647-651. Xia'nan Li, Shuhuai Lan, Zhutian Xu, Tianhao Jiang, Linfa Peng. Thin metallic wave-like channel bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Deformation behavior, formability analysis and process design, Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 444, 227217. Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng*, Peiyun Yi, Xinmin Lai. An investigation on the formability of sheet metals in the micro/meso scale hydroforming process. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 150 265-276. Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Ming Wang Fu*, Xinmin Lai*. Size effect affected formability of sheet metals in micro/meso scale plastic deformation: experiment and modeling. International Journal of Plasticity, 2015, 68, 34-54. Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai*, Ming Wang Fu*. Geometry and grain size effects on the forming limit of sheet metals in micro-scaled plastic deformation. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2014, 611 345-353. Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng*, Enze Bao. Size effect affected springback in micro/meso scale bending process: experiments and numerical modeling. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 252 407-420. Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Xinmin Lai*. Electrically assisted solid-state pressure welding process of SS 316 sheet metals. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, 214(11), 2212-2219. Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Peiyun Yi, Xinmin Lai. Modeling of Microchannel Hydroforming Process With Thin Metallic Sheets, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology - ASME, 2012 134(2). Linfa Peng*, Zhutian Xu, Zhaoyang Gao, Ming Wang Fu*. A constitutive model for metal plastic deformation at micro/meso scale with consideration of grain orientation and its evolution. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Linfa Peng*, Zhutian Xu, M. W. Fu*, Xinmin Lai, Forming limit of sheet metals in meso-scale plastic forming by using different failure criteria. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 120 190-203. Linfa Peng, Zhutian Xu, Xinmin Lai*. An investigation of electrical-assisted solid-state welding/bonding process for thin metallic sheets: Experiments and modeling. Proceedings of the IMech, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2014 228(4): 582-594. Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Peiyun Yi, Xinmin Lai*. Study on a novel electrical-assisted pressure welding process of thin metallic foils. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 271, 147-151. Zhutian Xu, Linfa Peng, Ming Wang Fu*, Xinmin Lai*. An experimental investigation into the size effect on forming limit of thin sheet metal, 9th International Conference on Micromanufacturing, Singapore, March 2014.


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