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教育背景 2012.8 - 2018.8 美国宾州州立大学 博士 2008.9 - 2012.7 清华大学 学士 工作经历 2022.5 - 今 上海交通大学 长聘教轨副教授 2018.9 - 2022.4 美国密歇根大学 博士后 科研项目 课题组着力研究智能界面材料的设计和制造,目前承担项目如下: 3. 海上风力机叶片防除冰涂层的数值计算和制造方法研究,上海交通大学“深蓝计划”基金,2023.1 - 2023.12,负责人 2. 抗固体粘附表界面的力学机理、设计及批量制造,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(海外),2022.7 - 2025.7,负责人 1. 智能防污界面材料设计与制造,上海交通大学启动经费,2022.7 - 2025.12,负责人 教学工作 2023春季,“学术写作、规范与伦理”,研究生课程 2023秋季,将开设“仿生系统与功能材料”,研究生前沿课程 软件版权登记及专利 共申请美国/国际专利12项,其中已授权6项美国/国际专利,其中包括: 8. Durable Multifunctional Omniphobic Polymer Coatings (2020), US Provisional, Inventors: Jing Wang, Neil P. Dasgupta, Anish Tuteja 7. Transparent Nanowire Architectures for Marine Anti-Fouling (2020), US Patent, Inventors: Neil P. Dasgupta, Jing Wang, Anish Tuteja 6. Crosslinked hydrophilic coatings for simultaneous anti-icing, icephobic and anti-fog properties (2019), US Provisional, Inventors: Abhishek Dhyani, Brian Macdonald, Jing Wang, Anish Tuteja 5. Zero-Power Biochemical Analysis Platform (2018), US Patent Pending, PSU 2016-4556. Inventors: Pak Kin Wong, Tak Sing Wong, Jing Wang, Hui Li, Yi Lu, and Ying Wan. 4. Methods of Forming Slippery Surfaces on Common Substrate (2018), US Patent Pending, Application No. 62/671,054. Inventors: Jing Wang, Tak Sing Wong, and Birgitt Boschitsch. (licensed to spotLESS Materials Inc.) 3. Liquids and Viscoelastic Solids Repellent and Anti-biofouling Coatings (2016). US Patent. Application No. 62/424,062. Inventors: Jing Wang and Tak-Sing Wong. (licensed to spotLESS Materials Inc.) 2. Slippery Rough Surfaces (2015). US Patent Number: 10,434,542. Inventors: Xianming Dai, Birgitt Boschitsch, Jing Wang and Tak-Sing Wong, Nan Sun. 1. Self-healable Coatings and Methods of Making the Same (2014). US Patent Number: 10,329,510. Inventors: Jing Wang and Tak-Sing Wong. 荣誉奖励 2022 福布斯海归菁英100 2022 36氪2022全球华人精英Power 100 2021 国家海外高层次人才计划(青年项目) 2019 Rice Business Competition 第三名 2018 宾州州立大学 Wherry Graduate Fellowship 2018 Allegheny Cleantech Competition 第一名 2013 宾州州立大学 PPG Industries Foundation Ph.D. Fellow


(1) 表界面科学与工程 Interfacial Science & Engineering (2) 仿生材料 Bio-inspired Materials (3) 人工智能材料设计 AI for Materials Design (4) 微纳米加工 Micro- &Nanomanufacturing (5) 仿生力学 Bionic Mechanics (6) 环境与可持续发展 Environment and Sustainability


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Five Representative Publications: 1. Jing Wang, Bingyu Wu, Abhishek Dhyani, Taylor Repetto, Andrew Gayle, Tae H. Cho, Neil P. Dasgupta, Anish Tuteja, “Design of Durable Liquid-and-Solid Repellent Coatings”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (19) (2022). 2. Abhishek Dhyani†, Jing Wang†, Alex Kate Halvey†, Brian Macdonald†, Geeta Mehta, and Anish Tuteja, “Design and Applications of Surfaces that Control the Accretion of Matter”, Science, Vol. 373, 6552, eaba5010 (2021). (†equal contribution) 3. Qianqian Ding†, Jing Wang†, Xueyan Chen†, Wanlin Li, Yanling Wang, Min Zhou, Shikuan Yang, “Quantitative and Sensitive Analyte Identification in Complex Environments”, Nano Letters (2020). (†equal contribution) 4. Jing Wang, Sudarat Lee, Ashley R. Bielinski, Kevin Meyer, Abhishek Dhyani, Alondra M. Ortiz-Ortiz, Anish Tuteja, Neil P. Dasgupta, “Rational Design of Transparent Nanowire Architectures with Tunable Geometry for Preventing Marine Biofouling”, Advanced Materials Interface, 2000672 (2020). 5. Jing Wang, Lin Wang, Nan Sun, Ross Tierney, Hui Li, Margo Corsetti, Leon Williams, Pak Kin Wong, and Tak-Sing Wong, “Viscoelastic solid-repellent coatings for extreme water saving and global sanitation”, Nature Sustainability, 2, pages1097–1105 (2019). [Featured in BBC, The Times, and Scientific American] Other Publications: 12. Alondra M. Ortiz-Ortiz, Andrew J. Gayle, Jing Wang, Hannah R. Faustyn, Daniel Penley, Caleb Sherwood, Anish Tuteja, Neil P. Dasgupta, "Scaling-up seeded hydrothermal nanowire synthesis on non-planar surfaces using a flow reactor" ACS Applied Engineering Materials. (2023). 11. Andrew J. Gayle†, Julia Lenef†, Park Huff, Jing Wang, Fenghe Fu, Gayatri Dadheech, Neil P. Dasgupta, "Visible Light-Driven Photocatalysts for Self-Cleaning Transparent Surfaces". Langmuir. (2022). 10. Yue Liu, Na Peng, Xianqi Peng, Liyan Zhao, Jing Wang, Min Yue, and Shikuan Yang, “Breaking the Nanoparticle’s Dispersible Limit via Orientation-Tailorable Surface Ligands”, Nature Communications (2022). 9. Lin Wang, Francesca R. Wang, Jing Wang, Tak-Sing Wong, “Compact Nanoscale Textures Reduce Contact Time of Bouncing Droplets”, Science Advances, Vol. 6, no. 29, eabb2307 (2020). 8. Hui Li, Eugene Shkolyar, Jing Wang, Alan C. Pao, Joseph C. Liao, Tak Sing Wong, and Pak Kin Wong, “SLIPS-LAB – A Multiplex Bioanalysis System for Metabolic Evaluation of Urinary Stone Disease”, Science Advances, Vol. 6, no. 21, eaba8535 (2020). 7. Yuxin Chen, Nicholas J. Ginga, William S. LePage, Eric Kazyak, Andrew J. Gayle, Jing Wang, Robin E. Rodríguez, M. D. Thouless, Neil P. Dasgupta, “Enhanced Interfacial Toughness of Thermoplastic–Epoxy Interfaces Using ALD Surface Treatments”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, doi: 10.1021/acsami.9b15193 (2019). 6. Birgitt Boschitsch Stogin, Luke Gockowski, Hannah Feldstein, Houston Claure, Jing Wang, and Tak-Sing Wong, “Free-standing liquid membranes as unusual particle separators”, Science Advances, eaat3276 (2018). [Featured in Science] 5. Xianming Dai, Nan Sun, Birgitt Boschitsch Stogin, Jing Wang, Shikuan Yang, and Tak-Sing Wong, “Hydrophilic Slippery Rough Surfaces for Water Harvesting”, Science Advances, 4: eaaq0919 (2018). [Highly cited paper; Featured in Nature Materials] 4. Shikuan Yang, Nan Sun, Birgitt Boschitsch Stogin, Jing Wang, Yu Huang, and Tak-Sing Wong, “Ultra-antireflective Synthetic Brochosomes”, Nature Communications, vol. 8, 1285 (2017). 3. Yu Huang, Birgitt Boschitsch Stogin, Nan Sun, Jing Wang, Shikuan Yang, and Tak-Sing Wong, “A Switchable Cross-Species Liquid-Repellent Surface”, Advanced Materials, vol. 29, 1604641 (2017). 2. Jing Wang, Keiko Kato, Alexandre Blois, and Tak-Sing Wong, “Bioinspired Omniphobic Coatings with Thermal Self-Repair Function on Industrial Materials”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 8, pp. 8265 – 8271 (2016). [Top 20 most-read article in April 2016; Featured in Chemical & Engineering News and Gizmodo] 1. Xinjun Liu, Jing Wang, Weiyang Yu, JinHua Wu, “Analysis and optimum design of rider-bicycle mechanisms: Design of bicycle parameters for a specified rider”, Science China Technological Sciences 54 (11) (2011).


学会会员/委员 2023年 - 今 中国航空学会结冰与防除冰分会,青年委员 2021年 - 今 American Physical Society (APS) 2017年 - 今 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2016年 - 今 American Chemical Society (ACS) 2013年 - 今 Materials Research Society (MRS) 科学顾问 2018 – 今 初创公司: spotLESS Materials Inc. 期刊审稿人: Science, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Materials Interfaces, ACS Nano, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Physics of Fluids, Applied Physics Letters, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Journal of Materials Research, Materials Advances, Biomicrofluidics等
