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教育背景 2000―2005 UIUC机械工程专业博士 1998―2000 清华大学精密仪器专业硕士 1993―1998 清华大学精密仪器专业学士 1995-1998 清华大学工业工程专业学士 工作经历 2005―2006 Maxtor公司  高级研发工程师 2006―至今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院机电控制及物流装备研究所  讲师/副教授/教授 科研项目 2006―2009 国家十一五科技支撑计划项目子课题“电梯/自动扶梯安全事故计算机辅助分析系统”,技术负责人 2006―2009 国家十一五科技支撑计划项目子课题“门机系统运行状态在线监测与故障预警系统”,参与 2006―2009 国家十一五科技支撑计划项目子课题“电梯安全状况评估方法研究与新技术工程应用”,参与 2007―2008 企业横向“电梯永磁无齿曳引机试验系统的研制”,技术负责人 2008―2010 上海市浦江人才计划项目“电梯导轨导靴系统的减摩研究及应用”,负责人 2008―2011 国家教育部回国留学人员科研启动基金项目“金属接触界面中垂直和切向接触刚度阻尼的建模和实验研究”,负责人 2008―2011 国家教育部新教师博士点基金项目“纳米划擦中粘着效应的仿真研究与实验验证”,负责人 2010―2011 企业横向“电梯滑动导向系统的摩擦和能耗研究”,负责人 2011-2012 企业横向“电梯滑动导向系统的摩擦和能耗研究(二期)”,负责人 2011-2013 国家重点实验室开放课题“表面织构的动力学效应研究”,负责人 2011-2015 国家十二五科技支撑计划项目子课题“自动扶梯部件防滑试验技术研究及设备研制”,技术负责人 2011-2011 上海特检院项目“防爆电梯用控制屏及渐进式安全钳的防爆性能试验和仿真研究”,负责人 2012-2012 中船重工第七零四研究所项目“重载渐进式安全钳的防爆性能数值模拟研究”,负责人 2012-2013 企业横向“电梯导向系统的摩擦能耗研究(三期)”,负责人 2013-2013 企业横向“高速电梯安全钳制停性能数值计算及试验台设计”,负责人 2014-2014 企业横向“扶梯皮带传动对制动减速度的影响研究”,负责人 2014-2015 北京宇航系统工程研究所“XXXXXXX摩擦试验研究”,负责人 2014-2017 国家自然科学基金“高速重载曳引界面的摩擦滑移实验方法及失效机理研究”,负责人 2015-2016 企业横向“高速安全钳制动材料的摩擦性能研究”,负责人 2015-2016 企业横向“金属材料性能表征”,负责人 2016-2019 国家自然科学基金“超高速电梯安全钳制动界面的率相关摩擦特性、机理及实验方法研究”,负责人 2016-2016 企业横向“自动扶梯/自动人行道主驱动链运行和断链动力学模拟及实验研究”,负责人 2016-2016 国家质检总局特种设备局“电梯安全监管”,负责人 2016-2017 企业横向“自动扶梯梯级乘客感知系统研究”,负责人 2017-2017 国家质检总局特种设备局“电梯安全监管”,负责人 2017-2020 国家重点研发计划课题“自动扶梯制造与服役过程风险防控关键技术研究”,负责人 2018-2018 企业横向“自动扶梯梯级滚轮载荷谱的辨识研究”,负责人 2018-2019 企业横向“电梯曳引轮磨损失效机理研究”,负责人 2019-2021 企业横向“自动扶梯智能维护关键技术研究”,负责人 2020-2025 国家自然科学基金重点项目“超高速电梯动力学设计及响应控制”,参与 2020-2022 企业横向“扶梯楼层板防滑寿命评价方法研究”,负责人 2020-2022 企业横向“加速度对扶梯乘坐安全性的影响研究”,负责人 2022-2023 企业横向“自动扶梯智能维护关键技术研究(第二期)”,负责人 2022-2024 企业横向“永磁同步碟式马达研究”,负责人 教学工作 1、 课程名称:测试原理与技术(全英文) 授课对象:本科生 学时数:48 学分:3 2、 课程名称:工程摩擦学导论 (全英文) 授课对象:研究生 学时数:48 学分:3 软件版权登记及专利 1、专利名称: 利用多项式系数转换信息的多重RSA加密方法.中国专利,ZL1263393. 2、专利名称: 一种电梯曳引机及其钢带.中国专利,专利号ZL 201210219733.5. 3、专利名称: 自动扶梯相关部件的防滑等级划分的方法.中国专利,ZL 201310359458.1. 4、专利名称:电梯曳引试验的曳引绳固定结构及电梯曳引试验装置. 中国专利, ZL 201510747013.X 5、软件名称:电梯/自动扶梯安全事故计算机辅助分析系统 登记号:2009SR018325 6、专利名称:用于扶梯附加制动器检测设备的固定装置. 中国专利,ZL201810861468.8. 7、专利名称:基于小波picard迭代法的弦振动位移预测方法及系统. 8、专利名称:基于振动响应差比函数的结构损伤识别方法. 中国专利,ZL201910777483.9. 9、专利名称:乘客输送装置及其异常诊断显示方法、周期识别方法. 中国专利,ZL202010498130.8. 10、专利名称:乘客输送装置及其故障检测监控方法和装置. 中国专利,ZL202010498381.6. 荣誉奖励 2007 ASME K. L. Johnson 最佳论文奖 2007 上海交通大学新时达优秀青年教师奖教金 2008 上海市浦江人才 2017 中国职业安全健康协会科学技术奖一等奖(排3) 2022 中国特种设备检验协会科学技术奖一等奖(排2) 2022 中国职业安全健康协会科学技术奖一等奖(排2)


工业大数据与智能运维(智能传感、物联、数字孪生和智能终端) 工业摩擦学 (摩擦、磨损、润滑理论及应用) 智慧电梯(部件智能化/预测性维护等


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英文期刊论文 48. Hu, S., Huang, W., Li, J., Reddyhoff, T., Cao, X., Shi, X., Peng, Z., Demello, A., Dini, D.,Rigid—flexible hybrid surfaces for water-repelling and abrasion-resisting,(2023) Friction, DOI 10.1007/ s40544-022-0633-6. 47. Liu, C., Ma, X., Han, T., Shi, X., Qin, C., Hu, S., NTScatNet: An interpretable convolutional neural network for domain generalization diagnosis across different transmission paths, (2022) Measurement, 204, 112041. 46. Ma, X., Pan, G., Zhang, P., Xu, Q., Shi, X., Xiao, Z., Han, Y.,Experimental evaluation of braking pad materials used for high-speed elevator,(2021) Wear, 477, 203872. 45. Xiao, Z., Shi, X., Wang, X., Ma, X., Han, Y.,Lubrication analysis and wear mechanism of heavily loaded herringbone gears with profile modifications in full film and mixed lubrication point contacts,(2021) Wear, 477, 203790. 44. Hu, S., Reddyhoff, T., Li, J., Cao, X., Shi, X., Peng, Z., Demello, A.J., Dini, D.,Biomimetic Water-Repelling Surfaces with Robustly Flexible Structures,(2021) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13 (26), pp. 31310-31319. 43. Hu, S., Cao, X., Reddyhoff, T., Shi, X., Peng, Z., Demello, A.J., Dini, D.,Flexibility-Patterned Liquid-Repelling Surfaces,(2021) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13 (24), pp. 29092-29100. 42. Liu, C., Qin, C., Shi, X., Wang, Z., Zhang, G., Han, Y.,TScatNet: An Interpretable Cross-Domain Intelligent Diagnosis Model with Antinoise and Few-Shot Learning Capability,(2021) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, 9279302. 41. Wu, A., Shi, X., Weng, L., Hu, D.,Thermo-mechanical modeling and transient analysis of frictional braking of elevator safety gear,(2020) Journal of Thermal Stresses, 43 (12), pp. 1467-1486. 40. Hu, S., Reddyhoff, T., Puhan, D., Vladescu, S.-C., Shi, X., Dini, D., Peng, Z.,Droplet manipulation of hierarchical steel surfaces using femtosecond laser fabrication,(2020) Applied Surface Science, 521,146474. 39. Hu, S., Cao, X., Reddyhoff, T., Puhan, D., Vladescu, S.-C., Wang, J., Shi, X., Peng, Z., deMello, A.J., Dini, D.,Liquid repellency enhancement through flexible microstructures,(2020) Science Advances, 6 (32), eaba9721. 38. Xiao, Z., Shi, X.,Tribological and thermal properties of a crowned gear pair with high-speed and heavy-load in thermal micro-elastohydrodynamic lubrication,(2020) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 234 (4), pp. 541-553. 37. Hu, S., Cao, X., Reddyhoff, T., Puhan, D., Vladescu, S.-C., Wang, Q., Shi, X., Peng, Z., Demello, A.J., Dini, D.,Self-Compensating Liquid-Repellent Surfaces with Stratified Morphology,(2020) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12 (3), pp. 4174-4182. 36. S. Hu, X. Cao, T. Reddyhoff, D. Puhan, W. Huang, X. Shi, Z. Peng, and D. Dini, Three-dimensional printed surfaces inspired by bi-Gaussian stratified plateaus, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11:20528-20534 35. X. Ma, B. Wu, J. Zhang, X. Shi, A new numerical scheme with Wavelet-Galerkin followed by spectral deferred correction for solving string vibration problems, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2019, 142:103623 34. S. Hu, T. Reddyhoff, D. Puhan, S.C. Vladescu, W. Huang, X. Shi, D. Dini, and Z. Peng, Bi-Gaussian stratified wetting model on rough surfaces, Langmuir, 2019, 35:5967-5974 33. Z. Xiao, X. Shi, Investigation on stiffness and damping of transient non-Newtonian thermal elastohydrodynamic point contact for crowned herringbone gears, Tribology International, 2019, 137:102-112 32. S. Hu, S.C. Vladescu, D. Puhan, W. Huang, X. Shi, Z. Peng, Bi-Gaussian stratified theory to understand wettability on rough topographies, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2019, 367:271-277 31. S. Hu, W. Huang, X. Shi, Z. Peng, X. Liu, Mechanism of bi-Gaussian surface topographies on generating acoustic emissions under a sliding friction, Tribology International, 2019, 131:64-72 30. S. Hu, W. Huang, X. Shi, Z. Peng, X. Liu, Bi-fractal feature of bi-Gaussian stratified surfaces, Tribology International, 2019, 134:427-434 29. S. Hu, T. Reddyhoff, J. Wen, W. Huang, X. Shi, D. Dini, Z. Peng, Characterization and simulation of bi-Gaussian surfaces induced by material transfer and additive processes, Tribology International, 2019, 136:31-44 28. Z. Wang, Z. Peng, X. Shi, A strategy for virtual decoupling of mechanical systems using structural modification method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 442:108-124 27. Z. Wang, Z. Peng, C. Liu, X. Shi, Virtual decoupling of mechanical systems considering the mass effect of resilient links:Theoretical and numerical studies, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 123:443-454 26. S. Hu, W. Huang, X. Shi, Z. Peng, X. Liu and Y. Wang, Multi-Gaussian Stratified Modeling and Characterization of Multi-process Surfaces, Tribology Letters, 2018, 66(3), 117 25. S. Hu, N. B., W. Huang, X. Shi, Z. Peng, X. Liu and Y. Wang, A closed-form contact model for gas face seals during the opened operation, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2018, 70(6):1110-1118 24. X. Shi and Y. Zou, A new criterion for loading time determination with minimum dynamic effects in quasi-static contact modeling, Engineering Computations, 2018, 35(1):169-186 23. X. Shi and Y. Zou, A comparative study on equivalent modeling of rough surfaces contact, Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 140, 041402 22. S. Hu, W. Huang, X. Shi, Z. Peng, X. Liu, Y. Wang, Evolution of bi-Gaussian surface parameters and sealing performance for a gas face seal under a low-speed condition,Tribology International, 2018, 120:317–329 21. Z. Xiao, Z. Li, X. Shi, C. Zhou, Oil Film Damping Analysis in Non-Newtonian Transient Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication for Gear Transmission,Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 85, 035001 20. S. Hu, W. Huang, X. Shi, Z. Peng, X. Liu, Y. Wang, Bi-Gaussian stratified effect of rough surfaces on acoustic emission under a dry sliding friction, Tribology International, 2018, 119:308–315 19. X. Ma, Y. Pan, X. Shi, Experimental Investigation of Friction and Slip at the Traction Interface of Rope and Sheave,Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 85,011006 18. X. Shi, Y. Pan, X. Ma, Modeling and Analysis of the Rope–Sheave Interaction at Traction Interface, Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 84, 031005 17. X. Shi, Y. Zou, H. Fang, Numerical Investigation of the Three-Dimensional Elastic–Plastic Sloped Contact Between Two Hemispheric Asperities,Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2016, 83, 101004 16. K.M. Hu,W.M. Zhang,X. Shi,H. Yan,Z.K. Peng,G. Meng,Adsorption-Induced Surface Effects on the Dynamical Characteristics of Micromechanical Resonant Sensors for In Situ Real-Time Detection,Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2016, 83, 081009 15. X. Shi、A. Wu、C. Jin、S. Qu,Thermomechanical modeling and transient analysis of sliding contacts between an elastic–plastic asperity and a rigid isothermal flat, Tribology International, 2015, 81:53-60 14. X. Shi ,On Slip Inception and Static Friction for Smooth Dry Contact,Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2014, 81, 121005 13. A. Wu, and X. Shi, An atomic interaction-based adhesive contact model for shallow nanoindentation and nanoscratch, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2013, 27(16): 1840–1851 12. A. Wu, and X. Shi, Investigation of Adhesive Wear and Static Friction Based on the Ductile Fracture of Junction, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2013,80, 041032. 11. X. Shi, A. Wu, C. Zhu, and S. Qu, Effects of Load Configuration on Partial Slip Contact between an Elastic-plastic Sphere and a Rigid Flat, Tribology International, v61,2013, p 120-128. 10. X. Shi, and T. Ni, Effects of Groove Textures on Full Lubricated Sliding with Cavitation, Tribology International, Tribology International, v44, n12, 2011, p 2022-2028. 9. A. Wu, X. Shi, and A. A. Polycarpou, An Elastic-plastic Spherical Contact Model under Combined Normal and Tangential Loading, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 79,2012, 051001. 8. T. Ni, and X. Shi, Investigation of Inclined Planar Rough Surfaces Contact from Static to Sliding, ASME Journal of Tribology,132, 2010, 041403. 7. L. Zhang, C. Zhu, X. Shi, and P. Zhang, A novel shock isolator for heavy structure installation, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C:Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 224, n2, 2010, p 283-292. 6. X. Shi, and A. A. Polycarpou, Investigation of contact stiffness and contact damping for magnetic storage head-disk interfaces, Journal of Tribology, 130, April, 2008,021901 5. X. Shi, and A. A. Polycarpou, Adhesive effects on dynamic friction for unlubricated rough planar surfaces, Journal of Tribology, 128, n 4, October, 2006, p 841-850 4. X. Shi, and A. A. Polycarpou, An Elastic-plastic Hybrid Adhesion Model for Contacting Rough Surfaces in the Presence of Molecularly Thin Lubricant, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 290, 2005, p 514-525. 3. X. Shi, and A. A. Polycarpou, Adhesive Transition from Non-contacting to Contacting Spheres: Extension of the Maugis-Dugdale Model, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 281, 2005, p 449-457. 2. X. Shi, and A. A. Polycarpou, Modeling and Measurement of Contact Stiffness and Contact Damping at Meso Scales, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 127, 2005, p 52-60. 1. X. Shi, and A. A. Polycarpou, A dynamic friction model for unlubricated rough planar surfaces, ASME Journal of Tribology, 125, n 4, October, 2003, p 788-796 -中文期刊论文 22. 冯子朔、张鹏、史熙,紧急情况下电梯曳引系统的动力学建模与分析,机电一体化,2021,27(Z1): 11-15; 21. 吴长山、惠廷云、史熙,自动扶梯内置式梯级滚轮与驱动链轮的啮合载荷研究,机电一体化,2021,27(05): 22-27; 20. 蒋晨迪、王增伟、史熙,基于ADAMS和Simulink的自动扶梯附加制动器联合仿真,机械设计与研究,2020, 36(3): 226-230+233; 19. 胡松涛、黄伟峰、史熙、彭志科、刘向锋,基于双高斯分层表面理论的机械密封研究综述,机械工程学报,2019,55(01):91-105; 18. 何成、史熙、欧阳惠卿,基于AI图像识别与功能安全的自动扶梯智能监控系统及相关安全标准要求,中国电梯,2019,30(15): 6-8+12; 17. 邹运武、章骄华、史熙,双粗糙平面法向接触建模方法的有限元对比分析,润滑与密封,2017, 42(11): 19-25; 16. 潘亚露、史熙,钢丝绳曳引传动力学特性的有限元分析,机械设计与研究,2017, 33(4): 152-154; 15. 徐青、史熙、Simo Makimallila,高速电梯安全钳制动实验分析,机械设计与研究, 2017, 33(5): 173-176; 14. 章骄华、史熙、高翔、王永胜,自动扶梯链传动横向振动实验分析,机械设计与研究, 2017, 33(5): 168-172; 13. 赫志亮、史熙,基于图像形态学的曳引界面滑移测量方法,机械设计与研究,2015,31(2): 98-100+104; 12. 金川、史熙,高速电梯安全钳制动摩擦温升的有限元分析,机械设计与研究,2015, 31(2): 136-139; 11. 汪婉莹、史熙,基于显著性检验的自动扶梯部件防滑等级划分,机械设计与研究,2014, 30(2): 65-67+71; 10. 方慧波、史熙,电梯滑动导向系统的摩擦及能耗测量,机械设计与研究,2014,30(03): 136-138; 9. 张艺、史熙,机械结合面切向接触参数的织构效应分析,机械制造与自动化,2014, 43(2): 15-18; 8. 张艺、史熙,表面织构对界面接触参数影响的实验研究,实验力学,2013,28(4): 439-446; 7. 夏冰虎、史熙,导轨激励下电梯水平振动的动力学建模,机械制造与自动化, 2012, 41(5): 161-165+191; 6. 钱磊、史熙,电梯滑动导靴系统摩擦及能耗测量,机械制造与自动化,2012, 41(5): 172-175; 5. 张梁娟、朱昌明、詹永麒、张鹏、史熙,海上风机安装用抗冲击隔振器的优化设计,振动与冲击,2010,29(3): 109-112; 4. 杨熙、朱昌明、张鹏、史熙,双安全钳作用下的电梯导轨建模与变形分析,机械设计与研究,2009, 25(6): 94-97; 3. 张梁娟、朱昌明、史熙、张鹏,电梯蹲底事故中乘客冲击响应研究,上海交通大学学报,2009, 43(11): 1756-1761; 2. 张梁娟、史熙、朱昌明、张鹏,电梯事故计算机辅助仿真分析系统,系统仿真学报,2009,21(19): 6062-6066; 1. 张梁娟、朱昌明、史熙、张鹏,事故环境下电梯系统动力学建模,上海交通大学学报,2008, 42(12): 1997-2001; 会议论文: 10. Han, T., Shi, X., Zhang, G., Liu, C.,Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Bearing Fault Diagnosis Considering the Decision Boundaries,(2021) 2021 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, ICPHM 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICPHM51084.2021.9486449 9. Ma, X., Li, N., Zhang, C., Zhang, P., Shi, X.,Modeling and analysis for dynamic behavior of elevator traction system under the braking of safety gear,(2021) Proceedings of INTER-NOISE 2021 - 2021 International Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering. DOI: 10.3397/IN2021-2505 8. Wang, Z., Shi, X., Peng, Z.,Theoretical validation and improvement of the traditional in-situ decoupling method for the multi-coordinate coupled system,(2019) INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering. 7. Ma, X., Shi, X., Zhang, J.,Modeling and experimental investigation on the vibration of main drive chain in escalator,(2019) INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering. 6. Shi, X., Fang, H., Qian, L., Makimattila, S., Zhu, C.,Experimental measurement of friction for elevator sliding guide system,(2014) 5th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2013, 3, pp. 2599-2602. 5. Shi, X., Wu, A., Zhu, C.,Adhesive wear and static friction of an elastic-plastic cylinder in contact with a rigid flat,(2013)5th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2013, 1, pp. 692-695. 4. Wu, A., Shi, X., Polycarpou, A.A., An elastic-plastic spherical contact model under combined normal and tangential loading,(2011) American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tribology Division, TRIB, pp. 289-291. DOI: 10.1115/IJTC2011-61126 3. Ni, T., Shi, X.,Effects of angular motion on planar rough surfaces contact from static to sliding,(2010) American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tribology Division, TRIB, pp. 281-283. DOI: 10.1115/IJTC2010-41034 2. Shi, X., Polycarpou, A.A.,Investigation of contact stiffness and contact damping for magnetic storage head-disk interfaces,(2006) Proceedings of STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC 2006,2006,12 DOI: 10.1115/ijtc2006-12065 1. Shi, X., Polycarpou, A.A., Adhesive effects on dynamic friction for unlubricated rough planar surfaces,(2004) Proceedings of the ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC 2004, (PART B), TRIB2004-64092, pp. 1157-1187.


中国机械工程学会:第十二届理事会理事;游乐机械工程分会副主任委员;物流工程分会委员 中国仪器仪表学会:设备结构健康监测与预警分会 ,委员 国家市场监督管理总局特种设备安全与节能技术委员会电梯分委会,副主任委员 全国能源基础与管理标委会特种设备节能分会,委员 中国材料与试验团体标准(CSTM)特种设备领域,副主任委员 中国电梯协会标准化委员会, 副主任委员 ASME A17标准中国国际工作组,成员 中欧电梯标准工作组,成员 上海特种设备管理协会, 副理事长 上海市电梯行业协会,副会长 上海交通大学电梯检测中心,主任
