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教育背景 2007.09 - 2012.07 北京大学 工学院能源与资源工程系 博士 2003.09 - 2007.07 北京大学 力学系 学士 工作经历 2012.10 - 2016.08 美国普渡大学 冷却技术研究中心(CTRC) 博士后 2016.09 至今 上海交通大学 机动学院工程热物理所 特别研究员 科研项目 近5年主持国家、省部级等纵向科研项目与企业产学研横向课题10余项,代表性科研项目如下: 2018.01 - 2020.12 国家自然科学基金, "微通道受限空间内颗粒诱导微观涡结构对其自组织影响机理研究 " ,主持 2018.01 - 2020.12 上海市高校特聘教授(东方学者)岗位计划,主持 2017.07 - 2019.06 上海市浦江人才计划(A类), "基于汽-液-固三相耦合传递的3D体式芯片高效冷却技术基础研究" ,主持 2021.01 - 2022.12 阜阳市重大科技专项(揭榜挂帅),“非晶合金软磁粉末雾化制备关键技术”,揭榜方主持 教学工作 《工程学导论》,本科生必修课程,3学分 《微尺度流动与传热》, 研究生全英文、GPA统计源课程,3学分 《强化传热理论与技术》,研究生选修课,3学分 软件版权登记及专利 潘振海 *, 李利春,一种基于涡激效应的流体动能收集装置,发明专利,申请号 : CN202110306465.X,2021,已公开. 潘振海*, 李利春,一种基于改进截面柱体的涡激效应的发电装置,发明专利,申请号: N202110467186.1,2021,已公开. 潘振海*, 黄昊祥,一种互联放射式相变微通道散热器, 发明专利,申请号:CN202110312428.X,2021,已公开. 潘振海*, 于佳令,李利春, 基于流固耦合现象下柱体转动的无叶片风力发电装置, 发明专利, 申请号: CN202110252845.X .4, 2021, 已公开. 潘振海*, 闫哲, 一种智能调控的相变冷却器及其冷却方法, 发明专利, 202011374788 .4, 2020, 已公开. 潘振海 *, 闫 哲 , 一 种 肋 柱 式 高 效 相 变 冷 却 装 置 及 其 冷 却 方 法 , 发明专利 , 申请号 : CN202010820603.1, 2020, 已授权. 潘振海*, 于佳令, 改进型微通道冷却系统, 发明专利, 申请号: CN202010644019.5, 2020, 已公开. 潘振海*, 李利春,微通道内被动式强化传热与溶质混合的实现方法,发明专利,申请号: CN202010273916.X,2020,已公开. 王珊, 潘振海*, 基于 IB-LB 方法对多颗粒链颗粒平衡间距进行预测的模拟仿真方法, 发明专利, 申请号: CN201811588998.6, 2018, 已公开. 黄昊祥; 闫哲; 潘振海*,一种分体式高效散热装置,实用新型专利,申请号:CN202220281036.1,2022,已授权 潘振海 *, 李利春,一种基于涡激效应的流体动能收集装置,实用新型专利,申请号 : CN202120585784.4,2021,已授权. 潘振海*, 李利春,一种基于改进截面柱体的涡激效应的发电装置,实用新型专利,申请号: CN202120898998.7,2021,已授权. 潘振海*, 闫哲, 用于车大灯的智能温湿度探测器, 实用新型专利, 申请号: CN201921404858.9, 2019, 已授权. 荣誉奖励 2017年度 上海市高校特聘教授(东方学者),上海市教委 2017年度 上海市浦江人才计划(A类),上海市科委 2018年度 科学中国人年度人物(机械运载领域),《科学中国人》杂志社 2018年度 中国产学研合作促进奖(个人),中国产学研合作促进会 2019年度 学生工作优秀班主任,上海交通大学 2020年度 中国发明协会发明创业成果奖一等奖(排2),中国发明协会 2020年度 中国产学研合作创新成果奖二等奖(排1),中国产学研合作促进会 2020年度 青年教师教学竞赛二等奖,上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 2021年度 AIE关键科学论文(key scientific article contributing to research excellence,通讯作者) ,Advances in Engineering


微电子芯片的高效冷却技术 微尺度传热传质、相变与多相流 热管理技术 多孔介质传热传质 基于微流控技术的生化检测分析系统


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Z Yan, H Huang, Z Pan*, Bubble breakup and boiling heat transfer in Y-shaped bifurcating microchannels, AIChE J, 2022; online. (SCI, EI) Z Pan*, Y Wang, Evaporation of a small water droplet sessile on inclined surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022; 184: 122330. (SCI, EI) L Li, J Liu, Z Pan*, Enhancement of heat transfer and mixing with two side-by-side freely rotatable cylinders in microchannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022; 189: 122717. (SCI, EI) Z. Yan, H. Huang, S. Li, W. Wang, Z. Pan*, Three-dimensional numerical study on evaporating two-phase flow in heated micro T-junction, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022; 250: 117375. (SCI, EI) J. Liu, Z. Pan*. Self-ordering and organization of in-line particle chain in a square microchannel, Physics of Fluids, 2022; 34: 023309. (SCI, EI) Z Yan, L Li, Z Pan*, Breakup regime and heat transfer of a vapor bubble within T-shaped branching microchannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021; 175: 121344. (SCI, EI) L Li, Z Yan, Z Pan*, Vortex-induced rotations of two side-by-side square cylinders in a two-dimensional microchannel, Physics of Fluids, 2021; 33: 117104. (SCI, EI) J Liu, H Liu, Z Pan*, Numerical investigation on the forming and ordering of staggered particle train in a square microchannel, Physics of Fluids, 2021; 33: 073301. (SCI, EI) 潘文韬, 文琳, 李姗姗*, 潘振海. Y型微通道内气泡非对称破裂行为的数值研究. 物理学报, 2022, 71(2): 24701. (SCI, EI) Z Yan, H Huang, W Pan, B Deng, Z Pan*, Influences of wall superheat and channel width ratio on bubble behaviors and heat transfer within a heated microchannel T-junction, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021; 126: 105481. (SCI, EI) JE Castillo, Y Huang, Z Pan, JA Weibel*, Quantifying the Pathways of Latent Heat Dissipation during Droplet Freezing on Cooled Substrates, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021; 164: 120608. (SCI,EI) JE Castillo, Y Huang, Z Pan, JA Weibel*, Asymmetric solidification during droplet freezing in the presence of a neighboring droplet, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021; 171: 121134. (SCI,EI) 王宇, 潘振海*. 水平及竖直基底上微小固着液滴的蒸发特性分析, 化工进展, 2021, 40(7):13. (EI) Z Pan, JA Weibel, SV Garimella*, Transport mechanisms during water droplet evaporation on heated substrates of different wettability, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020; 152: 19524. (SCI, EI) Z Yan, Z Pan*, Dynamics and phase change heat transfer of an isolated vapor bubble traveling through a heated T-shaped branching microchannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020; 160: 120186. (SCI, EI) Z Pan, Y Shen, H Wu*, Saturated Flow Boiling of Isolated Seed Bubble across a Heated Square Cylinder in Two-Dimensional Microchannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020; 157: 119885. (SCI, EI) Y Peng, S Li, Z Pan*, Non-Axis-Symmetric Transport Characteristics of an Evaporating Water Droplet Sessile on Heated Horizontal Superhydrophobic Substrates, Journal of Fluids Engineering T. ASME, 2020; 142: 031107. (SCI, EI) Y Shen, Z Pan, H Wu*, Analysis of bubble dynamics and heat transfer characteristics during flow boiling in square-fin microchannels, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2020; 39(7): 2548-2555. (EI) J Wang, Z Pan, H Wu*, Numerical Study of Inertial Focusing Behavior of Ellipsoidal Particles in a Microchannel, Chinese Journal of Computational Physics, 2020; 37(6): 677-686. Z Pan, Z Chen, H Wu*. Self-excited rotation and flow dynamics across a freely rotatable square cylinder confined between two parallel walls. Physics of Fluids, 2019; 31(8): 087109. (SCI,EI) Y Li, H Wang*, H Xu, S Wu, X Li, J Yu, C Huang, Z Zhang, H Sun, L Han, M Li, A Cao, Z Pan, Yan Li*, Material patterning on substrates by manipulation of fluidic behavior, National Science Review, 2019; 6(4): 758–766. (SCI,EI) Z Chen, Z Pan, H Wu*, Heat and mass transfer enhancement in a microchannel with freely rotating cylinder, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2019; 38(9): 3979-3987. (EI) Z Pan, R Zhang, C Yuan, H Wu*, Direct measurement of microscale flow structures induced by inertial focusing of single particles and particle trains in a confined microchannel, Physics of Fluids, 2018; 30(10): 102005. (SCI,EI) C Yuan, Z Pan, H Wu*, Inertial Migration of a Single Particle in a Square Microchannel over Wide Ranges of Re and Particle Sizes, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2018; 22(9): 102. (SCI,EI) F Xu, Z Pan, H Wu*, Experimental Investigation on the Flow Transition in different Pin-Fin arranged Microchannels, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2018; 22(1): 11. (SCI,EI) R Zhang, Z Pan, H Wu*, Direct Measurements of Flow Structure around a Single Microparticle in a Confined Microchannel, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2018; 39(4): 811-816. (EI) Z Pan, JA Weibel, SV Garimella*, Numerical simulation of evaporating two-phase flow in a high-aspect-ratio microchannel with bends. Journal of Heat Transfer T. ASME, 2017; 139(2), 020901. (SCI,EI) Z Pan, JA Weibel, SV Garimella*, A Saturated-Interface-Volume phase change model for simulating flow boiling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016; 93, 945-956. (SCI, EI) Z Pan, JA Weibel, SV Garimella*, Spurious current suppression in VOF-CSF simulation of slug flow through small channels, Numerical Heat Transfer A, 2015; 67(1), 1-12. (SCI, EI) Z Pan, JA Weibel, SV Garimella*, Influence of surface wettability on transport mechanisms governing water droplet evaporation, Langmuir, 2014; 30(32), 9726-9730. (SCI, EI) 潘振海, 王昊*. 针对蒸发弯月面附近微颗粒运动的数值模拟. 应用数学和力学, 2014, 35(3):10. (中文核心) Z Pan, S Dash, JA Weibel, SV Garimella*, Assessment of water droplet evaporation mechanisms on hydrophobic and superhydrophobic substrates, Langmuir, 2013; 29(51), 15831-15841. (SCI, EI) Z Pan, H Wang*, Bénard–Marangoni instability on evaporating menisci in capillary channels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013; 63, 239-248. (SCI,EI) Z Pan, F Wang, H Wang*, Instability of Marangoni toroidal convection in a microchannel and its relevance with the flowing direction, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2011; 11(3), 327-338. (SCI,EI) H Wang*, Z Pan, SV Garimella, Numerical investigation of heat and mass transfer from an evaporating meniscus in a heated open groove, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011; 54, 3015-3023. (SCI,EI) 潘振海, 王昊*. 竖直管末端凸弯月面热毛细流的数值研究. 工程热物理学报, 2011, 32(9):4. (EI) Z Pan, H Wang*, Symmetry-to-asymmetry transition of Marangoni flow at a convex volatizing meniscus, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2010; 9(4-5), 657-669. (SCI,EI) Z Pan, H Wang* Z Yang, Marangoni bifurcation flow in a microchannel T-junction and its micropumping effect: a computational study, Chinese Physics Letters, 2012; 29(7), 074702. (SCI) H Wang*, Z Pan, C Zhao, Thin-liquid-film evaporation at contact line, Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China, 2009; 3(2): 141-151. (EI) 潘振海, 王昊*, 王习东,等. 油砂干馏系统的DEM-CFD耦合模拟. 天然气工业, 2008, 28(12):3. (中文核心) Z Pan, H Wang*, Y Lu, A numerical investigation for solid-liquid flow inside a tube with a rotating insert, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, in press. (SCI, EI) Z Yan, S Li, L Li, B Deng, Z Pan*, Dynamics and Breakup Regime of a Vapor Bubble Traveling Through a Heated T-Shaped Branching Microchannel, Proceedings of ASME 2020 Fluids Engineering Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2020. (EI) L Li, S Li, Z Yan, Z Pan*, Vortex-Induced Rotations of a Pair of Laterally Arranged Square Cylinders in a Two-Dimensional Microchannel, Proceedings of ASME 2020 Fluids Engineering Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2020. (EI) S Wang, S Li, Z Pan*, Numerical Investigation of the Forming and Ordering of Inertially Focused Particle Trains in a Square Microchannel, Proceedings of ASME 2019 Fluids Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, 2019. (SCI,EI) Y Peng, S Li, Z Pan*, 3D Numerical Study of the Transport Characteristics of an Evaporating Water Droplet Sessile on Heated Superhydrophobic Substrates, Proceedings of ASME 2019 Fluids Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, 2019. (SCI,EI) Y Huang, S Li, Z Pan*, An Explicit Modeling Approach for Simulating Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems With Immersed-Boundary Finite-Volume Method, Proceedings of ASME 2019 Fluids Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, 2019. (EI) X Cheng, Z Pan, H Wu*, Experimental study the transport of inertial suspension past confined low aspect ratio cylinder arrayed microchannel, Proceedings of ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2018. (SCI,EI) R Zhang, Z Pan, H Wu*, Direct measurement of the particle-induced flow structure in a confined microchannel, Proceedings of ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Tampa, USA, November 3-9, 2017. (SCI,EI) C Yuan, Z Pan, H Wu*, Numerical investigation on the dynamics of a microparticle pair traveling in confined flow, Proceedings of ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Tampa, USA, November 3-9, 2017. (SCI,EI) Z Pan, JA Weibel, SV Garimella*, A cost-effective modeling approach for simulating phase change and flow boiling in microchannels, Proceedings of ASME 2015 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems, San Francisco, California, USA, July 6-9, 2015. (EI) Z Pan, S Dash, JA Weibel, SV Garimella*, Numerical study of water droplet evaporation on a superhydrophobic surface, Proceedings of ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, July 14-19, 2013. (EI) Z Pan, H Wang*, Marangoni asymmetrical instability in a T-junction microchannel with an open outlet, Proceedings of ASME 2012 Third International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 3-6, 2012. (EI) Z Pan, H Wang*, Onset of Benard-Marangoni instability on a flat meniscus in a microchannel, Proceedings of ASME 2012 Third International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 3-6, 2012. (EI) Z Pan, H Wang*, Using an evaporating meniscus to trap cells in a microfluidic chip: design and modeling, Proceedings of ASME 2009 Second International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, Shanghai, China, December 18-21, 2009. (EI) Z Pan, H Wang*, A numerical investigation on micro particle dynamics near an evaporating meniscus, Proceedings of ASME 2009 Second International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, Shanghai, China, December 18-21, 2009. (EI) Z Pan, H Wang*, Y Lu, CFD-DEM coupled simulation for solid-liquid flow inside a pipe with twisted tape insert, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, China, October 26-29, 2008 (EI)


国家自然科学基金评审专家 上海市科学技术奖评审专家 Symmetry (SCI, IF=2.8)受邀客座主编 Journal of Membranes and Separation Technology 编委 9th Annual Congress of Nano Science and Technology-2019分会场主席 担任以下行业权威期刊的评审专家: Chemical Engineering Science, Colloids and Surfaces A, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Langmuir, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Physics of Fluids, etc.
