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教育背景 1997-2000上海交通大学机械设计及理论博士 1995-1997东北大学机械设计及理论硕士 1991-1995东北大学机械设计与制造学士 工作经历 2000.10-2002.08,上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院工业工程与物流工程系,讲师 2002.08-2012.12,上海交通大学机动学院工业工程与管理系,副教授 2013.01-,上海交通大学机动学院工业工程与管理系,研究员/博士生导师 2016.11-,上海交通大学中国质量发展研究院,副院长 2018.01-,上海交通大学工业工程与管理系,系主任 2019.08-,上海交通大学,长聘教授 出访及挂职经历 2002.04-2002.05,台湾元智大学工学院工业工程与管理系,访问学者 2005.09-2005.12,美国密西根大学工业与系统运营工程系,访问学者 科研项目 2021,中国工程院制造强国重大咨询项目子课题,新时期优质制造重大问题研究,主要成员 2019-2020,中国工程院制造强国重大咨询项目子课题,面向2035优质制造行动计划,主要成员 2018-2019,中国工程院制造强国重大咨询项目子课题,中国标准2035,主要成员。 2017-2018,中国工程院制造强国重大咨询项目子课题,优质制造行动对策研究,主要成员。 2015-2016,中国工程院制造强国重大咨询项目子课题,制造业质量与品牌发展战略,主要成员。 2021-2024,国家自然科学基金项目(72071127),考虑多源衰退的自动化码头换电式AGV维护与调度联合决策,负责人 2015-2018,国家自然科学基金项目(51475289),“样本受限下产品广义退化路径建模与分类优化”,负责人 2012-2014,教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目(NCET-11-0328):基于信息融合的制造过程预诊断和预测过程控制,负责人。 2009-2011,国家自然科学基金项目(50875168),“表面贴装过程多重质量自适应预测与控制机制及效能评估”,负责人 2007-2009,国家自然科学基金项目(70671065),“非均匀马尔可夫式系统衰退机制与广义动态预防维护策略研究”(后评 估:优秀),负责人 2005-2007,国家自然科学基金项目(50405016),“基于实验设计的复杂制造过程健壮参数控制理论与方法”,负责人 2007.10, 国家自然科学基金学术交流项目(50711240342),“第六届中韩质量科学双边国际会议”,负责人 2012-2015,上海市自然科学基金项目:离散制造环境下生产与维护两阶段决策的耦合建模及优化研究,负责人 2020-2023,国家重点研发计划项目,钢铁全流程多工序动态协同运行优化技术及示范应用,总经费1344万(个人承担202万),项目负责人 2014-2016,工信部智能制造专项,智能化装箱码头成套装卸系统,300万,负责人 2008-2009,国家科技支撑计划项目,7500吨海上起重装备浮吊关键技术研究,200万,子课题负责人 2007-2008,上海市科委登山行动计划项目,高效经济型集装箱自动化码头设计方案可行性及关键技术,300万,子课题负责人 2009-2012,国家863计划重点项目,ZPMC集装箱自动化码头装备及示范,294万,子课题负责人 2009-2012,上海飞机制造有限公司,大型客机总装移动生产线技术研究,295万,子课题负责人 2008-2010,中国航天科技集团重点项目,典型产品业务流程再造与制造模式研究,235万,主要负责人 2021-2022,上海商用飞机系统工程科创中心联合研究基金二期项目(重点):“飞机级综合故障诊断及修复技术”,负责人 2019-2010,上海商用飞机系统工程科创中心联合研究基金一期项目:“飞机级综合故障诊断及修复技术”,负责人 2014-2016,首都航天机械公司,单元制造技术,负责人 2013-2014,上海宝信软件股份有限公司,地铁关键质量跟踪中的RFID技术风险评价与分析,负责人 2013-2014,长治清华机械厂,单元制造规划与管理,负责人 2012-2013,美锦集团,生态型工业园区物流系统规划,参加 2012-2012,高精齿轮箱精益制造系统规划设计,负责人 2011-2012,首都航天机械公司,阀门车间精益工艺布局规划,负责人 2011-2012,南京高速齿轮制造有限公司,立体岗班组建设与现场管理,负责人 2009-2010,上海申通地铁维保中心,网络化地铁仓库系统规划,负责人 2008-2010,南京高速齿轮制造有限公司,新厂区精益生产系统与物流规划,第2负责人 2004-2006,红豆集团江苏通用科技有限公司,全钢轮胎精益制造实践,负责人 2005-2006,宝钢股份有限公司,宝钢过程计算机系统集中运维核心技术研究,负责人 2006-2006,上海航天汽车机电股份公司,精益生产项目,项目负责人 2006-2007,上海英提尔交运部分有限公司,“精益生产体系设计与物流改善”,项目负责人 2012年,上海申通地铁维保中心,“地铁关键备件需求预测与库存控制”,负责人 专著: [1] 邓绩,潘尔顺, 企业质量管理模式提炼路径, 中国标准出版社,2021年3月1日。 [2] 参编,优质制造,电子工业出版社,2016年5月1日。 [3] 潘尔顺编著,生产计划与控制,上海交通大学出版社,2003-08-01。 教学工作 教学课程: (1)可靠性与维修管理,本科生,36学时,学分:2 (2)质量及可靠性工程,硕士生,36学时,学分:2 (3)质量及可靠性工程,博士生,54学时,学分:3 负责教改项目: (1)负责,2020工业工程国家级一流专业建设; (2)负责,2019,上海市重点课程建设,可靠性与维修管理 (3)负责,2021,上海交大思政课程建设,可靠性与维修管理 (4)《可靠性与维修管理》入选上海交大一流课程 参加教改项目: (1)参加,国家精品课程“生产计划与控制”(负责人:江志斌教授),本人负责其中准时化生产及库存控制部分内容,并负责编著了《生产计划与控制》之教材(上海交通大学出版社出版,2003年); (2)参加,上海市精品课程“质量管理”(负责人:奚立峰教授),本人负责其中的统计过程控制及工序能力分析部分内容,并负责所有案例的编写,参与编写了《工业工程典型案例分析》之教材(清华大学出版社出版,2005年); (3)参加,2010年工业工程专业主干课程国家级教学团队建设(负责人:江志斌教授); (4)负责人,上海交通大学“一类课程建设项目”,课程名称“工业工程导论”,2003年~2006年; (5)负责人,上海交通大学“985优质课程建设项目——现代生产管理系列课程建设”,2001年~2003年。 软件版权登记及专利 基于ARMA模型的时间序列分析与预测软件V1.0,2010SR059897 荣誉奖励 2004 上海交通大学第五届教学新秀奖 2004 上海汽车教育发展基金会优秀教材奖 2004 上海交通大学教学成果二等奖(排1) 2005 上海交通大学优秀教材一等奖 2008 上海交通大学学晨星青年学者 2011 教育部新世纪优秀人才 2012 上海市科技进步一等奖(排2) 2013 上海交通大学机动学院最受欢迎导师奖 2013 上海交通大学教学成果一等奖(排4) 2014 上海市教学成果一等奖(排4):兼顾制造与服务需求的国际化复合型工业工程人才培养模式 2018 中国质量协会质量技术一等奖(排10):火箭产品生产过程一致性量化控制技术研究 2019 上海交大教学成果一等奖(排8):复合型、国际化工程管理研究生(MEM)人才培养体系建设与实践 2019 上海交通大学教学成果二等奖(排7):全方位多维度闭环式本科教学质量保障体系的探索与实践 2020 上海交通大学第十届“凯原十佳”教师 2020 上海交通大学教学成果二等奖(排7):质量为先、全员参与的研究生招生模式创新与实践 2021 上海交通大学教学成果一等奖(排1):工业大数据背景下产教融合的工业工程人才培养模式 2021 上海交通大学教书育人二等奖 2022 上海市教学成果一等奖(排1):工业大数据背景下产教融合的工业工程人才培养模式,


(1)质量控制的理论和方法 (2)可靠性工程与维护策略 (3)精益制造技术 (4)工厂工艺布局规划及建模仿真 (5)宏观质量研究


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2021: [1] Tangbin Xia, Bowen Sun, Zhen Chen, Ershun Pan, Hao Wang, Lifeng Xi*. Opportunistic maintenance policy integrating leasing profit and capacity balancing in service-oriented manufacturing. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2021, 205, 107233: 1-10. [2] Tangbin Xia, Yifan Dong, Ershun Pan, Meimei Zheng, Hao Wang, Lifeng Xi*. Fleet-level opportunistic maintenance for large-scale wind farms integrating real-time prognostic updating. Renewable Energy. 2021, 163, 1444-1454. [3] Zhen Chen, Tangbin Xia, Yanting Li, Ershun Pan*. A hybrid prognostics method based on Gated recurrent unit network and an adaptive Wiener process model considering measurement errors. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2021, Accepted. [4] Xiufang Zhang, Tangbin Xia, Ershun Pan*, Yuqing Li. Integrated optimization on production scheduling and imperfect preventive maintenance considering multi-degradation and learning-forgetting effects. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. 2021, Accepted. [5] ZX Chen, Z Chen, D Zhou, TB Xia, ES Pan*. Reliability evaluation for multi-state manufacturing systems with quality-reliability dependency. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2021, 154, 107166: 1-10. [6]TT Yan, D Wang, MM Zheng, TB Xia, ES Pan, LF Xi, Fisher’s Discriminant Ratio Based Health Indicator for Locating Informative Frequency Bands for Machine Performance Degradation Assessment,MSSP, accept. [7] Kong, JZ, Yang, FF, Zhang, X, Pan, ES, Peng, ZK, Wang, D, Voltage-temperature health feature extraction to improve prognostics and health management of lithium-ion batteries, ENERGY, DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2021.120114. [8] Zheng, MM, Zhou, H, Jiang, P, Pan, ES, Zhao, ST, Wu, K, Supplier selection problem for multiple projects with uncertain demand and project life cycles, Computers & Operations Research,10.1016/j.cor.2021.105312. [9] Zheng, MM, Shi, XQ, Xia, TB, Qin, W, Pan, ES, Production and pricing decisions for new and remanufactured products with customer prejudice and accurate response, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 10.1016/j.cie.2021.107308. [10] Hu, Y, Miao, XW, Zhang, J, Liu, J, Pan, ES, Reinforcement learning-driven maintenance strategy: A novel solution for long-term aircraft maintenance decision optimization, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 10.1016/j.cie.2020.107056 [11] Zhou, Di; Pan, Ershun; Zhang, Yimin, Fractional polynomial function in stochastic response surface method for reliability analysis, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2021, 35(1): 121-131. 2020: [1]Tangbin Xia, Ya Song, Yu Zheng, Ershun Pan, Lifeng Xi*. An ensemble framework based on convolutional bi-directional LSTM with multiple time windows for remaining useful life estimation. Computers in Industry. 2020, 115, 103182: 1-15. (SCI, EI) 2019IF=3.954 [2] Mengdie Huang, Tangbin Xia*, Hao Zhang, Ershun Pan, Lifeng Xi. Relevance of Quality Infrastructure with Promoting Export Quality Evidence from Emerging Markets. Journal of Grey System. 2020, 32(4), 32-51. (SCI, EI) 2019IF=1.714 [3] Ya Song, Tangbin Xia*, Yu Zheng, Bowen Sun, Ershun Pan, Lifeng Xi. A remaining useful life prediction framework integrating multiple time window convolutional neural networks. Journal of Grey System. 2020, 32(3), 34-47. (SCI, EI) 2019IF=1.714 [4] Lei Xiao*, Tangbin Xia, Ershun Pan, Xinghui Zhang. Long-term predictive opportunistic replacement optimization for a small multi-component system using partial condition monitoring data to date. International Journal of Production Research. 2020, 58(13), 4015-4032. [5] Zhen Chen, Tangbin Xia, Yanting Li, Ershun Pan*. Tweedie exponential dispersion processes for degradation modeling, prognostic and accelerated degradation test planning. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 2020, 69(3), 887-902. [6] Zhen Chen, Ershun Pan*, Tangbin Xia, Yaping Li. Optimal degradation-based burn-in policy using Tweedie exponential-dispersion process model with measurement errors. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2020, 195, 106748. (SCI, EI) 2019IF=5.040 [7] DiZhou, Ershun Pan*, Xufang Zhang, Yimin Zhang, Dynamic Model-based Saddle-point Approximation for Reliability and Reliability-based Sensitivity Analysis,Reliability Engineering & System Safety,Volume 201, September 2020, 106972. [8] Li, Yaping*, Pan, Ershun, Xiao, Yan. On autoregressive model selection for the exponentially weighted moving average control chart of residuals in monitoring the mean of autocorrelated processes. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2020, 36(7): 2351-2369. https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2701. 2019: [1] Hanxin Feng,Tangbin Xia,Wen Da,Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan(*). Concurrent design of cell formation and scheduling with consideration of duplicate machines and alternative process routings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2019, 30(1): 1-15. [2] Zhen Chen, Yaping Li, Tangbin Xia, Ershun Pan*, Hidden Markov Model with auto-correlated observations for remaining useful life prediction and optimal maintenance policy, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 2019, Vol. 184: 123-136. [3] Feng Hanxin;Tan Changbai;Xia Tangbin;Pan Ershun;Xi Lifeng, Joint optimization of preventive maintenance and flexible flowshop sequence-dependent group scheduling considering multiple setups, 2019, 51(9): 1529-1546. [4] Zheng Meimei;Lin Jie;Yuan Xue Ming;Pan Ershun, Impact of an emergency order opportunity on supply chain coordination, International Journal of Production Research, 2019, 57(11): ‏ 3504-3521 [5] Xia, Tangbin;Fang, Xiaolei;Gebraeel, Nagi;Xi, Lifeng;Pan, Ershun, Online Analytics Framework of Sensor-Driven Prognosis and Opportunistic Maintenance for Mass Customization, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 2019. doi:10.1115/1.4043255. [6] Zheng, MM, Wu, K, Sun, CW, Pan, ES, Optimal decisions for a two-echelon supply chain with capacity and demand information, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2019, 39: 248-258. [7] Feng, HX, Xia, TB, Da, W, Xi, LF, Pan, ES, Concurrent design of cell formation and scheduling with consideration of duplicate machines and alternative process routings, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2019, 30(1): 275-289. 2018: [1] Hanxing Feng, Ershun Pan*, Lifeng Xi, Concurrent cell formation and layout design based on hybrid approaches, Applied Soft Computing, 2018, Vol. 66, Pages 346-359. [2] Zhen Chen, Tangbin Xia, Yaping Li, Ershun Pan(*). Degradation modeling and classification of mixed populations using segmental continuous hidden Markov models. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2018, 34(5): 807-823. [3] Hanxin Feng, Lifeng Xi, Lei Xiao, Tangbin Xia, Ershun Pan(*). Imperfect preventive maintenance optimization for flexible flowshop manufacturing cells considering sequence-dependent group scheduling. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2018, 176: 218-229. [4] Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Shichang Du, Lei Xiao, Ershun Pan(*). Energy-oriented maintenance decision-making for sustainable manufacturing based on energy saving window. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 140(5): 051001. 2017: [1] Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan*, Jun Ni, Reconfiguration-oriented opportunistic maintenance policy for reconfigurable manufacturing systems, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 2017, Vol .66: 87-98 . [2] Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan, Nagi Gebraeel, Xiaolei Fang, Lease-oriented opportunistic maintenance for multi-unit leased systems under product-service paradigm, ASME Transaction on Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2017, 139(7): 1-10. [3] Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan(*), Jun Ni. Reconfiguration-oriented opportunistic maintenance policy for reconfigurable manufacturing systems. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2017, 166: 87-98. [4] Hanxing Feng, Wen Da, Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan*, Tangbin Xia, Solving the integrated cell formation and worker assignment problem using particle swarm optimization and linear programming, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017, Vol.110: 126-137.(IF=2.623) 2016: [1] Zhen Chen, Tangbin Xia, Ershun Pan*, Optimal multi-level classification and preventive maintenance policy for highly reliable products, International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 55(8):2232-2250. [2] Wen Da, Ershun Pan*, Ying Wang, Wenzhu Liao, An economic production quantity model for a deteriorating system integrated with predictive maintenance strategy Identifier, Journal of Intelligent manufacturing,2016 , 27 (6) :1323-1333. (IF=3.035) 2014: [1] Ershun Pan*, Guina Wang, Lifeng Xi, Lu Chen, Xiaole Han, Single-machine group scheduling problem considering learning & forgetting effects and preventive maintenance, International Journal of Production Research, 2014:52(19): 5690-5074. [2] Weiwei Cui, Zhiqiang Lu, Ershun Pan, Integrated production scheduling and maintenance policy for robustness in a single machine, Computers & Operations Research,2014,47: 81–91. 2012: [1] Ershun Pan*, Yao Jin, An integrated EPQ model based on a control chart for an imperfect production process, International Journal of Production Research, 2012, 50(23):6999-7012. [2] Ershun Pan*, Wenzhu Liao, Lifeng Xi, A joint model of production scheduling and predictive maintenance for minimizing job tardiness, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 60(9-12):1049-1061 [3] Liao, Wenzhu; Wang, Ying; Pan, Ershun, Single-machine-based predictive maintenance model considering intelligent machinery prognostics, 2012, 63( 1-4): 51-63 . [4] Ershun Pan*, Wenzhu Liao, Lifeng Xi, Single-machine based scheduling optimization model integrated preventive maintenance policy for maximizing the availability, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2012, 10(4): 451-460 2011: [1] Ershun Pan* , Jin Yao, Wang Ying, Integration of the optimal economic production quantity policy in the optimization design of control charts based on Taguchi’s loss function and random process shift, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2011, 22(7), 929-946. 2010: [1] Ershun Pan*, Wenzhu Liao, Lifeng Xi, Single-machine-based production scheduling model integrated preventive maintenance planning, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, 50(1-4): 365–375. [2] Liao, Wenzhu; Pan, Ershun; Xi, Lifeng, Preventive maintenance scheduling for repairable system with deterioration, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2010, 21( 6): 875-884. [3] Jiwen Sun, Lifeng Xi, Shichang Du, Ershun Pan, Tool maintenance optimization for multi-station machining systems with economic consideration of quality loss and obsolescence, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2010(26), pp.145-155. 2009: [1] Liang Ye, Ershun Pan, Jianjun Shi*, Design of regression model based automatic process control with reduced adjustment frequency, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2009, 25(8): 997-1013. (IF=1.366) [2] Ershun Pan, Liang Ye, Jianjun Shi*, T. S. Chang. On-line bleeds detection in the continuous casting processes using Engineering-driven Rule-based algorithm, ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2009, 131(6). [3] Jiwen Sun, Lifeg Xi, Ershun Pan, Shichang Du, Bo Ju, Integration of product quality and tool degradation for reliability modelling and analysis of multi-station manufacturing systems. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2009, 22(3): 267-279. [4] Jiwen Sun, Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan, Shichang Du,Design for diagnosability of multistation manufacturing systems based on sensor allocation optimization, Computers in Industry, 2009(60), pp.501-509. 2008: [1] Liang Ye, Ershun Pan, Lifeng Xi, An adaptive SPC monitoring scheme for DOE-based APC, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2008, 19(2): pp.329-336. [2] Shichang Du, Lifeng Xi, Jun Ni, Ershun Pan, Liu C.R., Product lifecycle-oriented quality and productivity improvement based on stream of variation methodology, Computers in Industry, 2008, 59(2-3), pp.180-92.(IF=2.691) [3] Shichang Du, Lv Jun, Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan, Analysis of product quality with consideration of influence of manufacturing errors in discrete-part machining systems, Int. J. Computer Applications in Technology,2008, Vol.33, No.1, pp.3-11 2007: [1] Shichang Du, Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan, Shi Jianjun, Ni Jun, Liu C. Richard, Diagnosability Study for Quality Improvement based on Distributed Sensing and Information Technology, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2007, 28(2/3), pp.117–127. 2006: [1] Shichang Du, Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan, and C. Richard Liu, Modeling and Control of Dimensional Quality of A Serial Multi-station Machining System, International Journal of Reliability Quality and Safety Engineering, 2006, 13(5), pp.399-420. 2004: [1] Z.Wu, M Shamsuzzaman, Ershun Pan, Optimization design of the control charts based on Taguchi's loss function and random process shifts, International Journal of Production Research,2004, 42(2), pp.379-390. Conference papers [1]. Zhen Chen, Tangbin Xia, Ershun Pan. Remaining useful life estimation based on a segmental hidden Markov model with continuous observations. Proceedings of the ASME 2017 12th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2017). June 4-8, 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA. [2]. Liao, W . Z., Pan, E. S., Xi, L. F., Data-driven performance assessment and prediction approach for machinery prognostics, International Conference on Computer-Aided Material and Engineering (ICCME), Informational-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2011, 14(12): 3889-3896 [3]. Cang, T., Pan, E. S., Zhang, M. X.,Optimization study of reflow soldering profile for surface mount technology,Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2011, v 3, p 1772-1775, 2011. [4]. Liao, W.Z., Pan,E.S.; Xi,L.F.,Dynamic preventive maintenance policy based on health index,2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 2007, p 930-934. [5]. L.Ye, E.S.Pan, L.F.Xi. Impacts of regression model uncertainties on automatic process control performance and cautious solution, The 6th Korea-China Quality Symposium, Korea,2007. [6]. L.Ye, E.S.Pan, L.F.Xi. DOE-based hybrid automatic process control for variation reduction, The 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2007.10, Japan. [7]. Pan E.S.,Ye L., Xi L.F., Adaptive Control Charts with Variable Parameters for DOE-based APC, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Vols I and II Book Series: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science Pages: 2061-2066 HongKong, Published: 2007(SCIBGG99/) [8]. L.Ye, E.S.Pan, L.F.Xi. A methodology and modeling for robust parameter control using observable noise factors, The Fourth International Conference on Quality and Reliability, Beijing, 2005, pp. 275-282. (Excellent Paper Award)


2023.4.23-至今,中国机械工程学会工业工程分会副主任委员 2022.8-至今,中国质量万里行专家委员会,委员 2020.10.26-至今,中国机械工业质量管理学会副会长 2019.9-2023.9,中国商飞产业计量测试联盟产业政策技术委员会副主任 2016.5- 中国质量协会精益管理推进专家委员会 委员 2013.6- 上海市质量协会 常务理事 2015.3-至今,上海市工程管理学会 常务理事 2012.1-至今,上海市工业工程专业委员会委员 Program Committee Member, 2013 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering 2013年,全国第一届工业工程教学研讨会及华东地区工业工程教学研讨会 组织委员会 副主席 2017.1-至今,《工业工程与管理》编辑部主任
