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教育背景 2011.09–2018.06,上海交通大学,机械工程,硕博连读 2016.08–2017.08,英属哥伦比亚大学,机械制造,联合培养博士 2007.09–2011.07,大连理工大学,机械制造及其自动化,学士 工作经历 2021.08–至今,上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,长聘教轨副教授 2019.06–2020.10,柏林工业大学,机床管理学院,洪堡学者/博士后 2018.10–2019.05,哈德斯菲尔德大学,精密技术中心,访问学者 2018.06–2021.08,上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,博士后 科研项目 2023.01-2026.12,国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目“航空发动机复杂曲面薄壁件高效自适应加工理论与关键技术研究”,交大方负责人 2023.01-2026.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目“大口径曲面光学元件的大气等离子体宽行抛光技术研究”,负责人 2022.04-2024.03,国防科技166项目“****的原子级表面加工技术研究”,负责人 2021.10-2023.09,上海市浦江人才计划项目“大型蒙皮机器人加工的随动支撑设计与误差补偿技术研究”,负责人 2020.01–2022.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目“大型薄壁零件机器人铣削的动态性能优化与加工变形补偿技术”,负责人 2018.10–2020.10,博士后国际交流计划派出项目“大型复杂薄壁零件机器人加工技术研究”,负责人 2020.03–2022.02,中南大学高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室开放课题,负责人 2020.01–2021.12,华中科技大学数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室开放课题,负责人 2014.01–2017.12,国家杰出青年基金项目“数字化制造与数控加工技术”,主要完成人 教学工作 智能制造装备与技术,研究生前沿课,48学时 软件版权登记及专利 [1] 李洲龙,梁锐彬,朱利民;多通道电容耦合式等离子体射流装置及工作方法;申请号:2021109768685;申请日期:2021.08.24 [2] 朱利民,李洲龙;平底刀五轴加工铣削力精确预报方法;申请号:201510875933.X;授权日期:2018.11.16;授权号:CN105488284B [3] 朱利民,李洲龙,牛金波,王信智;五轴数控侧铣加工铣削力预报方法;申请号:201410145849.8;授权日期:2017.01.18;授权号:CN103955169B [4] 李洲龙,丁烨,朱利民;螺旋铣孔过程中切削力预报和稳定性判别方法;申请号:201510875935.9,授权日期:2017.09.15;授权号:CN105414616B [5] 李洲龙,王续跃,王东魏,高航,刘巍;一种接触式大直径现场测量装置及方法;申请号:201110075754.X;授权日期:2012.07.04;授权号:CN102155907B [6] 李洲龙,王续跃,王东魏,高航,刘巍;一种基准尺法大直径测量π尺装置及测量方法;申请号:201010522099.3;授权日期:2013.04.17;授权号:CN102042790B [7] 毕庆贞,卢耀安,李洲龙,朱利民,丁汉;叶轮曲面直纹化与模型重构软件V1.0;登记号:2014SR122599 荣誉奖励 2021 上海市浦江人才计划(特需人才类) 2019年 第9届“上银优秀机械博士论文奖”优秀奖 2019年 德国洪堡学者 2018年 上海交通大学优秀博士学位论文 2018年 上海市优秀毕业生


(1)数字化智能化制造 机器人智能制造技术与装备 基于深度学习的智能加工技术 (2) 超精密表面制造 五轴大气等离子体加工技术 机器人力控抛光技术


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Wang R, Li ZL*, Ren MJ, Zhu LM. A registration-based stitching method for obtaining high-accuracy material removal distribution in the sub-aperture polishing process[J]. Precision Engineering, 2022, 77: 251–262. [2] Huang WW, Li LL, Li ZL*, Zhu ZW, Zhu LM*. Robust high-bandwidth control of nano- positioning stages with Kalman filter based extended state observer and H ∞ control. The Review of scientific instruments, 2021, 92(6):065003. [3] Xiong G, Li ZL, Ding Y, Zhu LM*. A closed-loop error compensation method for robotic flank milling. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2020, 63: 101928. [4] Chen ZZ, Li ZL, Niu JB, Zhu LM*. Chatter detection in milling processes using frequency-domain Rényi entropy. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106: 877–90. [5] Xiong G, Li ZL, Ding Y, Zhu LM*. Integration of optimized feedrate into an online adaptive force controller for robot milling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106: 1533-1542. [6] Li ZL, Zhu LM*. Compensation of deformation errors in five-axis flank milling of thin-walled parts via tool path optimization. Precision Engineering, 2019, 55: 77-87. [7] Wang XZ, Li ZL, Bi QZ, Ding H, Zhu LM*. An accelerated convergence approach for real-time deformation compensation in large thin-walled parts machining. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2019, 142: 98-106. [8] Li ZL, Tuysuz O, Zhu LM, Altintas Y*. Surface form error prediction in five-axis flank milling of thin-walled parts. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2018, 128: 21-32. [9] Altintas Y*, Tuysuz O, Habibi M, Li ZL. Virtual compensation of deflection errors in ball end milling of flexible blades. CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 67(1): 365-368. [10] Li ZL, Zhu LM*. An Accurate method for determining cutter-workpiece engagements in five-axis milling with a general tool considering cutter runout. Trans. of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2018, 140(2): 021001. [11] Li ZL, Ding Y, Zhu LM*. Accurate Cutting force prediction of helical milling operations considering the cutter runout effect. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 92(9-12): 4133-4144. [12] Li ZL, Zhu LM*. Mechanistic Modeling of five-axis machining with a flat end mill considering bottom edge cutting effect. Trans. of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2016, 138(11): 111012. [13] Li ZL, Niu JB, Wang XZ, Zhu LM*. Mechanistic modeling of five-axis machining with a general end mill considering cutter runout. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015, 96: 67-79. [14] Li ZL, Zhu LM*. Arc-surface intersection method to calculate cutter-workpiece engagements for generic cutter in five-axis milling. Computer-Aided Design, 2015, 73: 1-10. [15] Li ZL, Zhu LM*. Envelope Surface modeling and tool path optimization for five-axis flank milling considering cutter runout. Trans. of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2014, 136(4): 041021.


IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering、Mechanism and Machine Theory、Chinese Journal of Aeronautics、Journal of Engineering Manufacture、International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology、International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing等期刊审稿人
