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教育背景 2001―2005 上海交通大学,车辆工程, 博士 1998―2001 西安交通大学,材料科学与工程, 硕士 1994―1998 西安交通大学,材料成型与控制工程,学士 工作经历 2021.07-今: 上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,特聘教授 2015.01-今: 上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,教授 2012.06-今: 上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,博士生导师 2009.01-2014.12: 上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,副教授 2005.03-2008.12: 上海交通大学,机械与动力工程学院,讲师 出访及挂职经历 2014.08-2014.11:美国,橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL),访问学者 2006.09-2007.08:美国,密西根大学(Univ. of Michigan @ Ann Arbor),博士后 科研项目 【国家、省部级项目】 2022-2024,国防基础科研计划,空间大面积柔性太阳能电池翼装配技术,合作单位负责人 2021-2025,国家自然科学基金-杰出青年基金,焊接结构、工艺与装备,主持 2021-2023,关键部件快速更换技术与成套装备,上海市产业协同创新项目,主持 2018-2021,国家自然科学基金重点基金(汽车产业联合基金),高强钢/铝及全铝车身用材料复合连接技术基础研究,课题负责人 2017-2018,HT一院高校联合创新基金,差厚、大尺寸铝合金板材电弧点焊工艺研发,主持 2016-2020,国家重点研发计划新能源汽车专项子课题,多材料连接建模分析、疲劳设计与性能评价方法(铆接),子课题负责人 2016-2019,国家自然科学基金重点基金(汽车产业联合基金),异质材料分布式微点胶焊接头形成机理及控形控性方法,主持 2014-2016, 国家自然科学基金-优秀青年科学基金项目,焊接结构、工艺与装备,主持 2013-2016, 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,面向难变形材料的机械-固相复合连接方法研究、主持 2008-2010, 国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目,外加磁场控制高强钢电阻点焊熔核形成的机理研究,主持 2013-2015,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目,航天用难变形材料自冲摩擦铆焊机理及应用研究,主持 2012-2015,上海市自然科学基金项目,汽车用低延展率轻量化材料新型连接方法与机理研究、主持 2011-2012,科技部机械系统与振动国家重点实验室开放研究课题(原创型),铝钢异种金属自冲摩擦铆焊连接方法,负责人 【国际合作项目】 2022.12-2023.12, General Motors Holdings LLC, Resistance Spot Welding of AA7075 2022.01-2024.12, General Motors Holdings LLC, GAC3688, Smart Monitoring of RSW Process for Development of Deep Learning Model,负责人 2021.09-2022.09, General Motors Holdings LLC, GAC3482, Laser welding strength investigation,负责人 2019.04-2020.12, Novelis Aluminum Products Co., LTD,Fundamental research of RSW of 5xxx and 6xxx Aluminium sheet with SJTU,负责人 2018.12-2021.10, General Motors Holdings LLC, GAC2912, Process Monitoring of RSW,负责人 2018.12-2021.10, General Motors Holdings LLC, GAC2913, Resistance Spot Welding of Dissimilar Alloys/Metals,负责人 2015.04-2020.12, General Motors Holdings LLC, GAC1060, Resistance Spot Welding Process Development of Aluminum alloys using MRD Electrodes,负责人 2015.04-2020.03, General Motors Holdings LLC, GAC1060, Resistance spot welding of Al-Si Coated PHS,负责人 2013.04-2018.03, General Motors Holdings LLC, GAC1060, Solder Reinforced Adhesive,负责人 2013.04-2018.03, General Motors Holdings LLC, GAC1060, Corrosion Behaviors of CMT Spot Welded Dissimilar Joints,负责人 2013.04-2015.03, General Motors Holdings LLC, GAC1060, Hot Riveting of Ultra-HSS to Aluminum,负责人 2010/04-2013/03, General Motors Holdings LLC,NV08-CN23-CRL-SJTU, Rivet welding of dissimilar materials,负责人 2010/04-2013/03, General Motors Holdings LLC, NV08-CN23-CRL-SJTU, Adhesive bonding of dissimilar materials,负责人 2010/04-2013/03, General Motors Holdings LLC, NV08-CN23-CRL-SJTU, CMT spot welding of dissimilar materials,负责人 2010.12-2013.12, 科技部国际科技合作计划项目,2010DFA72760,“面向中美清洁能源合作的电动汽车前沿技术研究”子课题“轻量化车身成形,连接与装配工艺研究” 【企业合作项目】 2020.01-2021.06, 上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司,乘用车混批式混流智能制造项目子课题:点焊质量大数据分析系统,负责人 2019.10-2020.10, 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司,差厚板难焊材料电阻点焊缺陷分析抑制及质量稳定性控制研究,负责人 2018.12-2019.12, 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司,不锈钢电阻点焊质量提升磁控技术应用研究及性能评估分析,负责人 2018.06-2019.03, 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司,芝加哥地铁不锈钢侧墙变形控制及工艺优化仿真技术研究,负责人 2017.11-2018.12,中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司,电阻点焊密封胶应用试验研究-子项目2:点焊密封胶焊接工艺性及焊接性能研究,负责人 2017.11-2018.12,中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司,点焊密封胶使用性能评估和老化性能研究,负责人 2016.12-2017.05,上汽通用汽车有限公司,车身连接工艺大数据分析系统,负责人 2016.04-2017.04,泛亚汽车技术中心有限公司,铝钢异种材料电阻单元点焊(REW)仿真研究,负责人 2015.01-2017.03,上汽通用五菱汽车有限公司,百万级平台项目焊接质量智能管控,负责人 2013.08-2014.12,中车集团株洲电力机车有限公司,不锈钢车体的电阻点焊质量磁控装置与方法预研究,负责人 2013.08-2014.12,中车集团株洲电力机车有限公司,不锈钢车体的电阻点焊质量监测装置与方法,负责人 2012.12-2014.06,上海汽车工业科技发展基金,上汽自主品牌乘用车轻量化技术路线和实施建议,负责人 2010.04-2011.07,泛亚汽车技术中心有限公司,铝钢异种金属自冲铆接工艺优化,负责人 2002.12-2005.12,上海大众汽车公司&上海市汽车工业科技发展基金联合资助项目,基于热膨胀电极位移的轿车车身电阻点焊质量实时监控系统开发,技术负责人 教学工作 【国外联合培养】 [1] 雷海洋,General Motors Global R&D Center, 2012.7~2013.1,合作导师:Pei-Chung Wang [2] 马运五,General Motors Global R&D Center, 2015.7~2016.1,合作导师:Blair E. Carlson [3] 楼铭,General Motors Global R&D Center, 2018.8~2019.8,合作导师:Wayne Cai、Blair E. Carlson [4] 马运五,Osaka University, 2018.11~2020.11,合作教授:Ningxu Ma [5] 邓琳,General Motors Global R&D Center, 2019.4~2019.10,合作导师:Blair E. Carlson、Amberlee Haselhuhn、Wayne Cai 【优秀毕业生】 2012,金 鑫(硕士),上海市优秀毕业生 2014,魏泽宇(硕士),上海市优秀毕业生 2018,武韬略(硕士),上海市优秀毕业生 2018,何冠中(硕士),上海交通大学优秀毕业生 2020,苏泽炜(硕士),上海市优秀毕业生 2020,赵 航(硕士),上海市优秀毕业生 2020,黄 铭(硕士),上海交通大学优秀毕业生 2021,张庆鑫(博士),上海交通大学优秀毕业生 2022,祁 麟(博士),上海市优秀毕业生 2022,胡珊青(博士),上海市优秀毕业生 【行业学会-优秀学位论文】 2020,马运五(博士研究生),中国机械工程学会,第10届上银优秀机械博士论文,银奖 2019,雷海洋(博士研究生),中国汽车工程学会,优秀博士学位论文“提名奖” 2020,马运五(博士研究生),中国汽车工程学会,优秀博士学位论文“优秀奖” 2021,牛嗣哲(博士研究生),中国汽车工程学会,优秀博士学位论文“提名奖” 2022,夏裕俊(博士研究生),中国汽车工程学会,优秀博士学位论文“提名奖” 【校/院-优秀学位论文】 2014,邓 琳(本科生),上海交通大学,优异学士学位论文(Top 1%) 2016,李方舟(本科生),上海交通大学巴黎高科学院,优秀学位论文 2018,何冠中(硕士研究生),机械与动力工程学院,优秀硕士学位论文 2020,苏泽炜(硕士研究生),机械与动力工程学院,优秀硕士学位论文 2020,马运五(博士研究生),上海交通大学,优秀博士学位论文 2021,周 朗(硕士研究生),机械与动力工程学院,优秀硕士学位论文 【学生其他奖励&荣誉】 2016,苏泽炜、徐笑天、张哲源,第九届“上汽教育杯”上海市高校学生科技创新作品展示评优活动,特等奖 2016,苏泽炜、徐笑天、张哲源,“荣威新能源”杯第九届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,三等奖 2017,马运五,上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院“学术之星” 2018,蒋君庭、张天庥、赵逸吉、钟立行,上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,毕业设计项目展,优秀设计三等奖 2020,夏裕俊、雷海洋、周朗、张庆鑫、祁麟,第六届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛(上海赛区)金奖 2020,夏裕俊、雷海洋、周朗、张庆鑫、祁麟,第六届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛(国赛)银奖 2021,胡珊青,A. F. Davis Silver Medal Award (Machine Design), American Welding Society 2022,夏裕俊,雷海洋,李卓然,吕天乐,楼铭,李永兵:金砖国家工业创新大赛(BRICS IIC 2022,智能制造赛道),一等奖(国际唯一) 软件版权登记及专利 迄今申请发明专利60项,授权43项: 1. 发明专利:用于轿车车身点焊的实时质量检测与报警的方法,2009年授权, ZL200510030454.4 2. 发明专利:磁控电阻点焊系统,2011年授权, ZL200910056333.5 3. 发明专利:电致塑性自冲铆接装置,2012年授权, ZL201010275451.8 4. 发明专利:自冲铆接质量在线检测系统及其检测方法,2012年授权, ZL201010605611.0 5. 发明专利:环形电致塑性自冲铆接系统,2012年授权, ZL201010288976.5 6. 发明专利:电致塑性无铆钉铆接装置,2012年授权, ZL201010272239.6 7. 发明专利:基于电极位移波动的电阻点焊质量实时检测方法,2012年授权, ZL201010109212.5 8. 发明专利:电阻点焊中电极振幅的监测装置,2012年授权, ZL201010171585.5 9. 发明专利:单边自冲摩擦螺柱铆焊装置及其连接方法,2012年授权, ZL201010194672.2 10.发明专利:环形电致塑性无铆钉铆接装置,2012年授权, ZL201010288778.9 11.发明专利:基于体积成形钎料的轻金属与裸钢板点焊方法,2013年授权, ZL201110058077.0 12.发明专利:轻金属与镀层钢板的异种金属点焊系统及其焊接方法,2013年授权, ZL201010613175.1 13.发明专利:用于控制异种材料胶接固化变形的装置与方法,2013年授权,ZL201110212555.9 14.发明专利:电致塑性自冲铆接装置,2013年授权,ZL201010275451.8 15.发明专利:一种新型的金属材料电弧点焊方法,2014年授权,ZL201110338674.9 16.发明专利:机械-固相复合连接装置及其连接方法,2015年授权,(ZL201310151494.9) 17.发明专利:面向超高强钢与轻金属的自冲铆接装置及方法,2015年授权,(ZL201410546467.6) 荣誉奖励 2022,金砖国家工业创新大赛(BRICS IIC 2022,智能制造赛道),一等奖 2021,美国焊接学会 A. F. Davis Silver Medal Award (Machine Design) 2020,NSFC国家杰出青年科学基金 2020,第十届上银优秀机械博士论文奖,银奖指导教授 2020,第六届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛(上海赛区)金奖,优秀指导教师 2020,中国中车科学技术一等奖(排2,合作单位:中车青岛四方) 2020,中国城市轨道交通协会科技进步二等奖(排3,合作单位:中车青岛四方) 2019,上海市科技进步一等奖(排1,合作单位:SGMW,SGM,科源电子) 2018,ASME MSEC2018 Best Paper Award 2018,ASME Best Organizer of Symposium and Sessions Award (BOSS Award) 2013,NSFC国家优秀青年科学基金 2013,第六届中国技术市场协会“金桥奖”先进个人 2012,教育部新世纪优秀人才 2006,教育部提名国家科技进步二等奖 【校内】 2020/2017/2014,上海交通大学教工聘期考核“优秀奖” 2020,机械与动力工程学院最佳导师奖 2019/2012,机械与动力工程学院,最受欢迎教师奖 2018,机械与动力工程学院,优秀指导教师(毕业设计项目) 2016,上海交通大学优秀教师一等奖 2014,机械与动力工程学院,研究生“我最喜爱的导师” 2014/2010,上海交通大学SMC-晨星优秀青年教师奖B类/A类 2013,上海交通大学“最受学生欢迎的教师”奖


高性能焊接/连接技术与智能装备: 1、人工智能及大数据驱动的连接质量实时检测与自适应控制 2、轻金属/异质材料/异形结构铆接及铆焊复合连接技术 3、轻金属/异质材料多能场辅助点焊技术


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

【2022年】 [1] Yidi Wu, HuiHong Liu, Yongbing Li, Joining multiple-layer Al-Cu thin foils by a novel Resistance Rolling Welding method for battery application, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2022, 84: 718-726. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2022.10.046 [2] Tian-Le Lv; Miao-Miao Qi; Qing-Xin Zhang; Yu-Jun Xia, Yan Lin; Feng Wu; Yongbing Li, Effect of storage time on the surface status and resistance spot weldability of TiZr pretreated 5182 aluminum alloy, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 81 (2022) 166–176. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2022.06.058 [3] Bingxin Yang, Yunwu Ma, He Shan, Sizhe Niu, Yongbing Li, Friction self-piercing riveting (F-SPR) of aluminum alloy to magnesium alloy using a flat die, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2022, 10: 1207-1219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jma.2020.12.016 [4] Bingxin Yang, He Shan, Xiaohui Han, Sen Lin, Yunwu Ma, Ming Lou, Xiaojie Wang, Yongbing Li, Single-sided friction riveting process of aluminum sheet to profile structure without prefabricated hole, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2022, 307: 117663. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2022.117663 [5] He Shan, Bingxin Yang, Yunwu Ma, Ming Lou, Qiaobo Feng, Yongbing Li, Zhongqin Lin, Friction stud riveting (FSR) of thick high-strength aluminum alloy structure, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2022, 177: 103889 (Featured article, Cover paper). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2022.103889 [6] Qian Zhi, Yongbing Li, Peng Shu, Xinrong Tan*, Caiwang Tan, Zhongxia Liu, Double pulse ultrasonic welding of carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 66 composite, polymers, 2022, 14, 714 [7] Shanqing Hu, Amberlee Haselhuhn, Yunwu Ma, Zhuoran Li, Lin Qi, Blair Carlson, Zhongqin Lin, Effect of external magnetic field on resistance spot welding of aluminum to steel, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2022, 27(2): 84-91. https://doi.org/10.1080/13621718.2021.2013707 [8] Yunwu Ma, Bingxin Yang, Shanqing Hu, He Shan, Peihao Geng, Yongbing Li, Ninshu Ma, Combined strengthening mechanism of solid-state bonding and mechanical interlocking in friction self-piercing riveted AA7075-T6 aluminum alloy joints, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 105: 109–121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2021.07.026 [9] Ruiming Chen, Ming Lou, Yongbing Li, Blair E. Carlson, Study on Critical Nugget Size Prediction Model for Al-Si Coated PHS Resistance Spot Welded Joints, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2022, 144, 021004. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4051680 [10] Bingxin Yang, He Shan, Ying Liang, Yunwu Ma*, Sizhe Niu, Xiaobo Zhu, Yongbing Li, Effect of Adhesive Application on Friction Self-Piercing Riveting (F-SPR) Process of AA7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2022, 299, 117336 [11] 杨炳鑫,马运五,山河,杨天豪,孙靖,李永兵,2A12-T4铝合金自冲摩擦铆焊接头力学行为研究, 航空学报, 2022,43(2): 625111 [12] 李欢,吕天乐,夏裕俊,李永兵, 基于电极位移的点焊飞溅量化评价与自适应控制研究,中国机械工程, 2022,33(09): 1025-1033 【2021年】 [1]YunwuMa, SizheNiu, Huihong Liu, YongbingLi, Ninshu Ma, Microstructural evolution in friction self-piercing riveted aluminum alloy AA7075-T6 joints, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 82: 80-95 [2]Lin Qi, Fangzhou Li, Qingxin Zhang, Ye Xu, Xiaohui Han and Yongbing Li, Magnetic assisted single-sided resistance spot welding using radial magnetic field, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2021, 143, 031004 [3]Yu-Jun Xia, Yan Shen, Lang Zhou, Yong-Bing Li, Expulsion Intensity Monitoring and Modeling in Resistance Spot Welding Based on Electrode Displacement Signals, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2021, 143, 031008 [4]Sizhe Niu; Yunwu Ma; Binxin Yang; He Shan; Yongbing Li, Resistance rivet welding of magnesium/steel dissimilar materials, Materials Letters, 2021, 282: 128876 [5]Shanqing Hu, Amberlee Haselhuhn, Yunwu Ma, Yongbing Li, Blair Carlson, Zhongqin Lin, Influencing mechanism of inherent aluminum oxide film on coach peel performance of baked Al-Steel RSW welds, Materials and Design, 2021, 197: 109250 [6]Sizhe Niu; Yunwu Ma; Ming Lou, yongbing Li, Study on the microstructure and mechanical performance for integrated resistance element welded aluminum alloy/press hardened steel joints, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2021, 800:140329 [7]Yu-Jun Xia, Lang Zhou, Yan Shen, Diana M. Wegner, Amberlee S. Haselhuhn, Yong-Bing Li, Blair E. Carlson, Physical Model-based Online Monitoring of Weld Penetration in Robotic Resistance Spot Welding Using Electrode Displacement Signals, Measurement, Measurement, 2021, 168: 108397 【2020年】 [1]Ming Lou, Wayne Cai, Jun Huang, Hui-Ping Wang, Yongbing Li, Blair E. Carlson, Michael G. Poss. Simulation of Laser Brazing of Sheet Panels and Parametric Studies of Thermally-Induced Distortion Reduction, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 60:1-10 [2]Guotao Zhang, Yongbing Li; Zhongqin Lin, Evolution mechanism of weld morphology for metallic bump assisted resistance spot welding (MBaRSW) process, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 59, 432-443 [3]Qingxin Zhang, Ming Huang, Tianle Lv, Ming Lou, YongbingLi, Effect of surface treatments and storage conditions on resistance spot weldability of aluminum alloy 5182, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 58: 30-40 [4]Sizhe Niu, Yunwu Ma, Ming Lou, Chaoqun Zhang, Yongbing Li, Joint Formation Mechanism and Performance of Resistance Rivet Welding (RRW) for Aluminum Alloy and Press Hardened Steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 286 (2020) 116830 [5]Yunwu Ma, Sizhe Niu, He Shan, Yongbing Li, Ninshu Ma, Impact of Stack Orientation on Self‑Piercing Riveted and Friction Self‑Piercing Riveted Aluminum Alloy and Magnesium Alloy Joints, Automotive Innovation, 2020, 3(3), 242-249 [6]Shanqing Hu, Yunwu Ma, Yongbing Li, Zhongqin Lin, Amberlee S. 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Improve resistance spot weld quality of advanced high strength steels using bilateral external magnetic field, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 50: 270-280 [10]Su, Ze-Wei; Xia, Yu-Jun; Shen, Yan; Li, Yong-Bing*, A novel real-time measurement method for dynamic resistance signal in medium frequency DC resistance spot welding, Measurement Science and Technology, 2020, 31: 055011-12 [11]Ruiming Chen, Chaoqun Zhang, Ming Lou, Yongbing Li*, and Blair E. Carlson. Effect of Al-Si Coating on Weldability of Press Hardened Steels. Journal of Material Engineering and Performance, 2020, 29(1): 626–636 [12]Xiaoguang Sun, Qingxin Zhang, Suhuan Wang, Xiaohui Han, Yongbing Li, and Stan A. David. Effect of Adhesive Sealant on Resistance Spot Welding of 301L Stainless Steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 51: 62-72 [13]Ming Huang, Qingxin Zhang, Lin Qi, Lin Deng, and Yongbing Li. Effect of an External Magnetic Field on the Resistance Spot-Welded AA6061-T6 Sheets. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 50: 456-466 [14]Hang Zhao, Guotao Zhang, Qingxin Zhang, Chaoqun Zhang, and Yongbing Li*. Joining mechanism and mechanical properties of metallic bump assisted weld-bonded (MBaWB) joints of AA6061-T6 and bare DP590. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 50: 204-215 [15]Yunwu Ma, Bingxin Yang, Ming Lou, Yongbing Li, Ninshu Ma, Effect of mechanical and solid-state joining characteristics on tensile-shear performance of friction self-piercing riveted aluminum alloy AA7075-T6 joints, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, 278, 116543 [16]Peng Li, Su Chen, Honggang Dong*, Hua Ji, Yongbing Li, Xin Guo, Guoshun Yang, Xiaosheng Zhang, Xinliang Han. Interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar aluminum/steel joint fabricated via refilled friction stir spot welding, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 49: 385-396. [17]夏裕俊,李永兵*,楼铭,雷海洋,电阻点焊质量监控技术研究进展与分析,中国机械工程,2020,31(1): 100-125 [18]李永兵,马运五,楼铭,张国涛,张庆鑫,祁麟,邓琳,轻量化薄壁结构点连接技术研究进展,机械工程学报,2020,56(6),125-146 [19]郑立好,张超群,张庆鑫,张国涛,李永兵,铝合金电阻点焊新型碲铬铜电极的寿命延长机理研究,中国机械工程, 2020, 31(21), 2632-2637 【2019年】 [1]Daixun Jiang, Qingxin Zhang, MinZhao, Haibo Xia, Shentang Wang, YongbingLi, Effects of Welds Distribution and High-low Temperature Humidity Alternating Aging on Sealing Performance of Weld-Bonded Stainless Steel Structures, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2019, 48, 77-85 [2]RuiMing Chen, Ming Lou, YongBing Li, Blair E. 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[4]Taolue Wua, Qingxin Zhang, Chaoqun Zhang, YongBing Li*, Blair E. Carlson, Process Variables Influencing Solder Reinforced Adhesive (SRA) Performance, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 30, 440-452 【2017年】 [1]Q. Chu & W. Y. Li & X. W. Yang & J. J. Shen & Y. B. Li & W. B. Wang, Study of process/structure/property relationships in probeless friction stir spot welded AA2198 Al-Li alloy, Welding in the World, 2017, 61(2), 291-298 [2]HaiYang Lei, YongBing Li∗, Blair E. 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Carlson, ZhongQin Lin, Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of CMT Spot Joints of AA6061-T6 To Galvanized DP590 Using Edge Plug Welding Mode, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2016, 138 (4), 071009 [5]Xiaobo Zhu, Yongbing Li*, Jun Ni, Xinmin Lai, Curing-Induced Debonding and Its Influence on Strength of Adhesively Bonded Joints of Dissimilar Materials, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2016,138(3),061005 [6]Yunwu Ma, Yongbing Li*, Wei Hu, Ming Lou, Zhongqin Lin, Modeling of friction self-piercing riveting (F-SPR) of aluminum to magnesium, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2016,138(3),061007 [7]Y. B. Li*, D. L. Li, S. A. David, Y. C. Lim, and Z. Feng, Microstructures of Magnetically Assisted DP590 Resistance Spot Welds, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2016, 21(7), 1-9 [8]Q. Chu, X.W. Yang, W.Y. Li*, Y.B. 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Carlson, ZhongQin Lin, Cold metal transfer spot Joining of AA6061-T6 to galvanized DP590 Under different modes, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2015, 137, 051028 [2]Yunwu Ma, Ming Lou, Zhou Yang and Yongbing Li*, Effect of Rivet Hardness and Geometrical Features on Friction Self-Piercing Riveted Joint Quality, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2015, 137, 054501 [3]周江奇,潘海涛,楼铭,杨舟,李永兵*,结构胶对铝钢异种金属自冲铆接工艺影响研究,汽车工程学报,2015, 5(5), 313-320 【2014年度】 [1]Ming Lou, YongBing Li*, GuanLong Chen, Influence of Resistance Heating on Self-Piercing Riveted Dissimilar Joints of AA6061-T6 and Galvanized DP590, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, 214(10), 2119-2126 (1)Yongbing Li*, Dinglong Li, Zhou Yang, Ming Lou, Qi Shen and Zhongqin Lin, “Magnetically Assisted Resistance Spot Welding (MA-RSW) of Ultra-High Strength Steel”, Sheet Metal Welding Conference XVI: Recent Developments in Welding and Joining Technologies For Lightweight Structures, October 22-24, 2014, Schoolcraft College, Livonia, Michigan (2)Y. B. Li, B. Wang and H. 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2022.10-今,Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Editorial Board Member 2022.6-今,中国机械工程学会焊接分会第十一届委员会,常务委员、副总干事 2021.2-今,Journal of Manufacturing Processes,副主编 2020.2-今,国家重点研发计划“高性能制造技术与重大装备”重点专项专家组专家 2020.6,《机械工程学报》焊接专刊,客座编辑 2019-今,ASME-MED Manufacturing Processes Technical Committee(MPTC),委员 2018-今,ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Symposium on Novel Joining Technologies for Dissimilar Materials,Lead organizer/主席 2018-2022,中国机械工程学会焊接分会第十届委员会,理事 2018-今,中国汽车工程学会汽车材料分会连接技术专委会,副主任委员 2017-今,《中国机械工程》杂志,编委 2008-今,General Motors Collaborative Research Laboratory (GMCRL) in Advanced Manufacturing Processes,常务副主任
