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教育背景 2008.8 - 2014.1 新加坡国立大学 机械工程学院 博士 2004.9 - 2008.7 上海交通大学 机械工程及自动化专业 学士 工作经历 2018.12 - 迄今 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 制造技术与装备自动化所 助理教授 2014.4 - 2018.11 英国诺丁汉大学 (University of Nottingham) 精密测量专业 博士后 出访及挂职经历 2014.4 - 2018.11 英国诺丁汉大学 (University of Nottingham) 精密测量专业 博士后 科研项目 2022.1 - 2024.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金,“数控机床在机三坐标测量探针表面污染物附着所致测量不确定度研究”,主持 2020.1 - 2022.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于原位测量的复杂曲面钛合金叶片五轴数控铣削加工综合误差建模与在线补偿”,参与 2019.6 - 2022.5 上海市自然科学基金,“精密三坐标测量仪微探针表面污染物对测量精度的影响及其附着机理研究”,主持 2019.6 - 2023.5 重点研发计划,“大数据驱动的复杂零件智能加工产线工艺感知与精度控制”,参与 2019.1 - 2020.12 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室自主课题,“复杂曲面叶片五轴数控铣削中力致加工误差的原位测量与在线补偿”,主持 2018.3 - 2018.11 欧洲iNet项目,"基于机器人与结构光的三维光学形貌测量系统的性能评估与标定",主研 2017.3 - 2017.8 横向课题,"新型点自动聚焦扫描测量仪的性能评估与标定",第二负责人 2017.1 - 2018.11 欧洲测量协会项目,15HLT09,"增材制造医疗植入物检测与测量"子课题,"脊椎矫正手术定制植入物及手术辅助工具",主研 2016.7 - 2018.5 欧洲测量协会项目,14IND09,"高度并行制造工艺的检测与测量"子课题,"卷对卷高速在线缺陷检测技术",主研 2016.5 - 2016.12 横向课题,"复杂表面的精密测量与分析",主研 2014.4 - 2016.5 欧洲测量协会项目,IND59,"多传感器测量创新工业产品中的微部件"子课题,"超精密三坐标测量机微探针的精密清洁",主研 著作 Feng X#*, Du Z, Yang J; Advances in Optical Surface Texture Metrology(Non-scanning techniques), IOP Publishing, 8千字, 2020. 教学工作 《测试原理与技术》,本科课程,48学时,3学分


智能制造 --智能制造中的原位测量与工艺感知方法 --面向智能制造的人工智能 --数控机床智能精度治愈 --卷对卷加工在线测量 精密测量 --超精密三坐标测量仪探针无损清洁 --精密测量仪器性能标定(ISO 10360, VDI/VDE 2634, ISO 25178) --表面形貌测量及表面特征分析 --几何形状及尺寸测量


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2019 [1] Feng X#*, Senin N, Su R, Ramasamy S, Leach R 2019 Optical measurement of surface topographies with transparent coatings Opt. Laser. Eng. 121 261-270 [2] Liu M, Cheung C F, Feng X, Wang C 2019 Diamond machining of freeform-patterned surfaces on precision rollers Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 103 4423-4431 [3] Maculotti G, Feng X, Su R, Galetto M, Leach R K 2019 Residual flatness and scale calibration for a point autofocus surface topography measuring instrument Meas. Sci. Technol. 30 075005 [4] Liu M Y, Cheung C F, Feng X, Ho L T, Yang S M 2019 Gaussian process machine learning-based surface extrapolation method for improvement of the edge effect in surface filtering Measurement 137 214-224 2018 [1] Feng X#, Su R#*, Happonen T, Liu J, Leach R K 2018 Fast and cost-effective in-process defect inspection for printed electronics based on coherent optical processing Opt. Express 26 13927-13937 [2] Maculotti G, Feng X*, Galetto M, Leach R K 2018 Noise evaluation of a point autofocus surface topography measuring instrument Meas. Sci. Technol.29 065008 [3] Cheung C F, Liu M, Leach R K, Feng X, Zhao C 2018 Hierarchical-information-based characterization of multiscale structured surfaces Ann. CIRP 67 539-542 [4] Wu J, Bin D, Feng X, Wen Z, Zhang Y 2018 GA based adaptive singularity-robust path planning of space robot for on-orbit detection Complexity 2018 3702916 [5] Liu M Y, Cheung C F, Feng X, Wan C J, Leach R K 2018 A self-calibration rotational stitching method for precision measurement of revolving surfaces Prec. Eng. 54 60-69 2017 [1] Feng X#, Pascal J, Lawes S* 2017 A microscopy approach for in situ inspection of the μCMM stylus for contamination Meas. Sci. Technol. 28 095010 [2] Feng X#, Kinnell P K, Lawes S* 2017 Development of CO2 snow cleaning for in situ cleaning of μCMM stylus tips Meas. Sci. Technol. 28 015007 [3] Shi S, Lin J, Xu X, Feng X, Piano S 2017 Manufacturing-error-based maintenance for high-precision machine tools Int. J. Adv. Manufac. Technol. 95 205-217 2016 [1] Feng X#, Wong Y S*, Hong G S 2016 Characterization and geometric modeling of single and overlapping craters in micro-EDM Mach. Sci. Technol. 20 79-98 工业杂志论文 [1] Leach R K, Senin N, Feng X, Stavroulakis P, Su R, Syam W P, Widjanarko T 2017 Information-rich metrology: changing the game Commercial Micro Manufacturing 8 33-39 [2] Lawes S, Feng X 2016 In-situ cleaning of μCMM stylus using CO2 snow Commercial Micro Manufacturing 2 28-31 会议论文 [1] Feng X, Su R, Happonen T, Liu J, Leach RK 2018 All-optical difference engine for in-process defect inspection for roll-to-roll printed electronics 10th ISPEMI, Kunming, China Aug [2] Echeta I, Feng X, Piano S, Leach R K 2018 Analysis of strut bending defects in additively manufactured lattice structures by X-ray computed tomography dXCT, Nottingham, UK, Jul [3] Maculotti G, Feng X, Galetto M, Leach R K 2018 Measurement noise calibration, noise bandwidth specification and environment effects in a 3D point autofocusing instrument Proc. 18th Int. euspen Conf., Venice, Italy, Jun 155-156 [4] Feng X, Quagliotti D, Maculotti G, Syam W S, Tosello G, Hansen H N, Galetto M, Leach R K 2017 Measurement noise of a point autofocus surface topography instrument Proc. 16th Met. & Props, Gothenburg, Sweden, Jun 66-67 [5] Feng X, Su R, Liu M, Leach R K 2017 Optical difference engine for defect inspection in highly-parallel manufacturing processes 12th LAMDAMAP Conf., Wotton-under-Edge, UK, Mar 214-217 [6] Feng X, Lacorne C, Fernandes G Q, Lawes S, Kinnell P 2015 Contamination of µCMM stylus tips: on-machine inspection Proc. 16th Int. euspen Conf., Nottingham, UK, Jun 85-86 [7] Feng X, Lawes S, Kinnell P 2015 The development of a snow cleaning system for micro-CMM stylus tips Proc. 15th Int. euspen Conf., Leuven, Belgium, Jun 191-192 [8] Feng X, Lawes S, Kinnell P 2015 Evaluation of the capabilities and damage risk of cleaning methods for micro-CMM stylus tips Proc. 4M/ICOMM 2015 Conf., Milan, Italy, Mar 506-509 [9] Feng X, Wong Y S, Hong G S 2014 Characterization and modeling of single and overlapping crater shapes in micro-EDM 11th Asia Pac. Conf. Mater. Proc. Auckland, New Zealand, Jul [10] Feng X, Wong Y S, Hong G S 2012 Modeling of Micro Wire EDM Process and Wire Vibration ICOMM 2012 Evanston, Illinois, USA, Mar


欧洲精密工程和纳米技术学会(euspen)会员 美国光学协会(OSA)会员 中国仪器仪表学会会员 Measurement Science and Technology, Complexity, Machining Science and Technology, 光学精密工程等期刊评审 euspen 2021&2022 scientific committee member CIOM 2019 committee member & session chair DXCT 2018 organising committee member
