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教育背景 2013.09 - 2018.06, 上海交通大学, 核科学与技术, 博士 2009.09 - 2013.06, 上海交通大学, 核工程与核技术, 学士 工作经历 2022.12 - 至今,上海交通大学,副教授 2021.06 - 2022.12,保罗谢勒研究所(PSI) - 瑞士,PSI学者/玛丽·居里学者 2020.09 - 2021.06,保罗谢勒研究所(PSI) - 瑞士,博士后 2019.01 - 2019.12,密歇根大学 - 美国,博士后 2018.06 - 2020.06,上海交通大学,博士后 科研项目 保罗谢勒研究所(PSI) - 瑞士 1. PSI学者/玛丽·居里学者基金(EU-MSCA): Fundamental understanding of zinc-injection to mitigate stress corrosion cracking under light water reactor coolant conditions, 2021.06 - 2023.06, 负责人 2. 瑞士核安监局(ENSI)基金: Zinc injection in nuclear power plants to mitigate environmentally-assisted cracking of structural materials, 2020.09 - 2024.03, 主要研究人员 3. 美国电力研究所(EPRI)项目: OLNC Pt deposition characterization and correlation with ECP, 2021.07 - 2021.12, 主要完成人 密歇根大学 - 美国 1. 美国电力研究所(EPRI)和美国西屋电气(Westinghouse Electric)联合项目: IASCC Testing of Irradiated Stainless Steels for KOH Qualification, 2019.01 - 2019.12, 主要完成人 上海交通大学 1. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等):压力对310S不锈钢在超临界水中的应力腐蚀开裂行为研究, 2018.11 - 2020.03, 主持 2. 国家重点研发计划: 超临界水冷堆核能系统材料与化学研发, 2019.11-2022.11, 研究骨干 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 晶间碳化物对冷变形690合金应力腐蚀开裂的影响机理研究, 2019.01-2022.12, 研究骨干 4. 国家重点研发计划: 应力-腐蚀-热时效耦合环境核电关键材料服役行为高通量评价技术, 2017.09-2021.08, 研究骨干 5. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划): 海洋动力装备构件腐蚀疲劳形成机理与组织精确调控, 2014.07-2018.10, 参与 --作为研究骨干参与其它企业及研究所课题8项 软件版权登记及专利 [1] 陈凯, 汪家梅, 苏豪展, 杜东海, 张乐福, 一种薄壁管试样加载装置, 中国, CN201811165199 (授权) [2] 陈凯, 汪家梅, 苏豪展, 杜东海, 张乐福, 一种四点弯试样疲劳裂纹萌生加载装置,中国,CN201811283703 (公开) 荣誉奖励 PSI学者/玛丽·居里学者(2021年) 上海市博士后日常经费资助 (2018年)


反应堆结构材料的环境失效行为评价与服役寿命预测,包括: 1. 商用反应堆结构材料的腐蚀失效行为与机理研究 2. 先进反应堆候选结构材料的腐蚀失效行为评价与预测 3. 反应堆水化学及其缓蚀机制研究 4. 多尺度材料表征技术


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

第一作者论文: [1] Kai Chen, Lefu Zhang, Zhao Shen*, Understanding the surface oxide evolution of T91 ferritic-martensitic steel in supercritical water through advanced characterization, Acta Materialia 194 (2020) 156-167. (中科院一区) [2] Kai Chen, Lefu Zhang, Zhao Shen*, Xiaoqin Zeng*, Revealing the oxidation mechanism of 310S stainless steel in supercritical water via high-resolution characterization, Corrosion Science 200 (2022) 110212. (中科院一区) [3] Kai Chen, Zhu Liu, Xianglong Guo, Hui Wang, Zhao Shen*, Xiaoqin Zeng*, Effect of surface finishing on the oxidation characteristics of a Fe-21Cr-32Ni alloy in supercritical carbon dioxide, Corrosion Science 195 (2022) 110019. (中科院一区) [4] Kai Chen, Lefu Zhang, Shengchuan Wu, Zhao Shen*, High-resolution characterization of the internal and external oxidation of austenitic alloys in supercritical water, Scripta Materialia 197 (2021) 113814. (中科院一区) [5] Kai Chen, Zhao Shen*, A study on the surface and crack tip oxidation of Alloy 600 through high-resolution characterization, Corrosion Science 169 (2020) 108616. (中科院一区) [6] Kai Chen*, Jiamei Wang, Zhao Shen, Donghai Du, Xianglong Guo, Lefu Zhang*, Peter L. Andresen, Effect of intergranular carbides on the cracking behavior of cold worked Alloy 690 in subcritical and supercritical water, Corrosion Science 164 (2019) 108313. (中科院一区) [7] Kai Chen, Jiamei Wang, Donghai Du*, Xianglong Guo, Lefu Zhang*, Characterizing the effects of in-situ sensitization on stress corrosion cracking of austenitic steels in supercritical water, Scripta Materialia 158 (2019) 66-70. (中科院一区) [8] Kai Chen, Michael R. Ickes*, Michael A. Burke, Gary S. Was, The effect of potassium hydroxide primary water chemistry on the IASCC behavior of 304 stainless steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials 558 (2022) 153323. (中科院二区) [9] Kai Chen, Jiamei Wang, Zhao Shen, Donghai Du, Xianglong Guo, Bin Gong, Jinhua Liu, Lefu Zhang*, Comparison of the stress corrosion cracking growth behavior of cold worked Alloy 690 in subcritical and supercritical water, Journal of Nuclear Materials 520 (2019) 235-244. (中科院二区) [10] Kai Chen, Jiamei Wang, Donghai Du, Peter L. Andresen, Lefu Zhang*, dK/da effects on the SCC growth rates of nickel base alloys in high-temperature water, Journal of Nuclear Materials 503 (2018) 13-21. (中科院二区) [11] Kai Chen, Donghai Du, Wenhua Gao, Xianglong Guo, Lefu Zhang*, Peter L. Andresen, Effect of cold work on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of Alloy 690 in supercritical water environment, Journal of Nuclear Materials 498 (2018) 117-128. (中科院二区) [12] Kai Chen, Jiamei Wang, Haozhan Su, Lefu Zhang*, Investigation on the stress corrosion crack initiation and propagation behavior of Alloy 600 in high temperature water, Corrosion 74 (2018) 1395-1405. (SCI) [13] Kai Chen, Jiamei Wang, Donghai Du*, Xianglong Guo*, Lefu Zhang, Peter L. Andresen, Stress corrosion crack growth behavior of 310S stainless steel in supercritical water, Corrosion 74 (2018) 776-787. (SCI) [14] Kai Chen, Donghai Du, Lefu Zhang*, Peter L. Andresen, Corrosion fatigue crack growth behavior of Alloy 690 in high temperature pressurized water, Corrosion 73 (2017) 724-733. (SCI) [15] 陈凯, 杜东海, 陆辉, 张乐福*, 石秀强, 徐雪莲. TiN夹杂物对690合金传热管疲劳裂纹扩展行为的影响, 稀有金属材料与工程 47 (2018) 1180-1184. (SCI) [16] 陈凯, 杜东海, 陆辉, 张乐福*. 690 合金腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展研究, 稀有金属材料与工程 46 (2017) 2130-2136. (SCI) [17] 陈凯, 杜东海,张乐福*. 690合金在压水堆环境中的腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展行为, 上海交通大学学报 51 (2017) 1281-1286. (EI) [18] 陈凯, 杜东海, 张乐福*, 徐雪莲, 石秀强, 孟凡江, 鲍一晨, 刘晓强.. 基于直流电压降法的传热管疲劳裂纹扩展速率测量, 工程科学学报 10 (2015) 1331-1337. (EI) [19] 陈凯, 杜东海, 陆辉, 张乐福*, 石秀强, 徐雪莲. 690合金传热管疲劳裂纹扩展研究, 上海交通大学学报 48 (2014) 1639-1643. (EI) [20] 陈凯, 杜东海, 陆辉, 张乐福*. 304L不锈钢在高温高压水中的腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展行为, 腐蚀与防护 39 (2018) 17-23. (中文核心) [21] 陈凯, 杜东海, 陆辉, 张乐福*. 核电汽轮机转子腐蚀疲劳裂纹的扩展行为, 腐蚀与防护 37 (2016) 887-891. (中文核心) [22] 陈凯, 杜东海, 陆辉, 张乐福*, 徐雪莲, 石秀强, 孟凡江, 鲍一晨, 刘晓强. 用直流电压降法研究316LN不锈钢的疲劳裂纹扩展行为, 机械工程材料 40 (2016) 7-10. (中文核心) 通讯作者论文: [1] Jiamei Wang, Haozhan Su, Kai Chen*, Donghai Du, Lefu Zhang, Zhao Shen, Effect of δ-ferrite on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of 321 stainless steel, Corrosion Science 158 (2019) 108079. (中科院一区) [2] Donghai Du, Jiamei Wang, Kai Chen*, Lefu Zhang*, Peter L. Andresen, Environmentally assisted cracking of forged 316LN stainless steel and its weld in high temperature water, Corrosion Science 147 (2019) 69-80. (中科院一区) [3] Jiamei Wang, Tianyu Zhu, Kai Chen*, Donghai Du, Peter L. Andresen, Lefu Zhang*, Effect of dissolved oxygen and hydrogen on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of alloy 600 in high temperature water, Journal of Nuclear Materials 543 (2020) 152603. (中科院二区) [4] Jiamei Wang, Haozhan Su, Kai Chen*, Donghai Du*, Lefu Zhang*, Yongduo Sun, Corrosion fatigue crack growth behavior of alloy 52 M in high-temperature water, Journal of Nuclear Materials 528 (2020) 151848. (中科院二区) [5] Jiamei Wang, Haozhan Su, Farzin Ajmand, Lefu Zhang*, Kai Chen*, Effects of corrosion potential, dissolved oxygen, and chloride on the stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of a 316NG stainless steel weld joint, Corrosion 75 (2019) 946-959. (SCI) 合作作者论文: [1] Zhao Shen, Kai Chen, Hongbing Yu, Benjamin Jenkins, Yanru Ren, Naganand Saravanan, Guanze He, Xiaonan Luo, Paul Bagot, Michael P. Moody, Lefu Zhang, Sergio Lozano-Perez, New insights into the oxidation mechanisms of a ferritic-martensitic steel in high-temperature steam, Acta Materialia 194 (2020) 522-539. (中科院一区) [2] Donghai Du, Kai Chen, Lefu Zhang, Zhao Shen*, Microstructural investigation of the nodular corrosion of 304NG stainless steel in supercritical water, Corrosion Science 170 (2020) 108652. (中科院一区) [3] Zhao Shen*, Kai Chen, David Tweddle, Guanze He, Koji Arioka, Sergio Lozano-Perez, Characterization of the crack initiation and propagation in Alloy 600 with a cold-worked surface, Corrosion Science 152 (2019) 82-92. (中科院一区) [4] Xianglong Guo*, Kai Chen, Wenhua Gao, Zhao Shen, Lefu Zhang*, Corrosion behavior of alumina-forming and oxide dispersion strengthened austenitic 316 stainless steel in supercritical water, Corrosion Science 138 (2018) 297-306. (中科院一区) [5] Xianglong Guo, Kai Chen, Wenhua Gao, Zhao Shen, Ping Lai, Lefu Zhang*, A research on the corrosion and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of 316L stainless steel exposed to supercritical water, Corrosion Science 127 (2017) 157-167. (中科院一区) [6] Lefu Zhang, Kai Chen, Jiamei Wang, Xianglong Guo, Donghai Du*, Peter L. Andresen, Effects of Zinc injection on stress corrosion cracking of cold worked austenitic stainless steel in high-temperature water environments, Scripta Materialia 140 (2017) 50-54. (中科院一区) [7] Wenhua Gao, Kai Chen, Xianglong Guo*, Lefu Zhang, Fracture toughness of type 316LN stainless steel welded joints, Materials Science and Engineering A 685 (2017) 107-114. (中科院一区) [8] Donghai Du, Kai Chen, Hui Lu, Lefu Zhang*, Xiuqiang Shi, Xuelian Xu, Peter L. Andresen, Effects of chloride and oxygen on stress corrosion cracking of cold worked 316/316L austenitic stainless steel in high temperature water, Corrosion Science 110 (2016) 134-142. (中科院一区) [9] Yang Ding, Yuting Lv, Kai Chen, Bingjie Zhao, Yuanfei Han, Liqiang Wang, Weijie Lu*, Effects of microstructure on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of nickel-aluminum bronze alloy in 3.5% NaCl solution, Materials Science & Engineering A 733 (2018) 361-373. (中科院一区) [10] Zhao Shen, Kai Chen, Xianglong Guo, Lefu Zhang*, A study on the corrosion and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of 310-ODS steel in supercritical water, Journal of Nuclear Materials 514 (2019) 56-65. (中科院二区) [11] Lefu Zhang, Kai Chen, Donghai Du, Wenhua Gao, Peter L. Andresen, Xianglong Guo*, Characterizing the effect of creep on stress corrosion cracking of cold worked alloy 690 in supercritical water environment, Journal of Nuclear Materials 492 (2017) 724-733. (中科院二区) [12] Donghai Du, Kai Chen, Lun Yu, Hui Lu, Lefu Zhang*, Xiuqiang Shi, Xuelian Xu, SCC crack growth rate of cold worked 316L stainless steel in PWR environment, Journal of Nuclear Materials 456 (2015) 228-234. (中科院二区) [13] Donghai Du, Miao Song, Kai Chen, Lefu Zhang, Peter L. Andresen, Effect of deformation level and orientation on SCC of 316L stainless steel in simulated light water environments, Journal of Nuclear Materials 531 (2020) 152038. (中科院二区) [14] Donghai Du*, Jiamei Wang, Kai Chen, Lefu Zhang*, Stress corrosion cracking behavior of warm forged 316L stainless steel at different orientations, Journal of Nuclear Materials 522 (2019) 220-225. (中科院二区) 会议与交流 [1] A. Mackiewicz, S. Ritter, K. Chen, et al. Zinc Injection in Light Water Reactors to Mitigate Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 182 and 316L Stainless Steel, Annual Meeting of the Int. Cooperative Group on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of Water Reactor Materials, ICG-EAC, Online, May 17-21, 2021. (Poster) [2] A. Mackiewicz, S. Ritter, K. Chen, et al. Zinc Injection in Light Water Reactors to Mitigate Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 182 and Cold-Worked Type 316L Stainless Steel, EUROCORR 2021, EFC, Online, September 20-24, 2021. (Poster) [3] S. Ritter, K. Chen. OLNC Pt Deposition Characterization and Correlation with ECP, EPRI BWRVIP Mitigation Committee Meeting, EPRI, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, Online, December 7-8, 2021. (Oral presentation) [4] J. Wang, K. Chen, et al. Effect of Residual δ-Ferrite on the SCC Behavior of 321 Stainless Steel, The 19th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water reactors, August 2019, Boston, US. (Oral presentation) [5] K. Chen, J. Wang, et al. Characterizing the effects of in-situ sensitization on stress corrosion cracking of austenitic steels in supercritical water, The 9th International Symposium on Supercritical-Water-Cooled Reactors (ISSCWR-9), March 2019, Vancouver, Canada. (Oral presentation) [6] L.F. Zhang, K. Chen, et al. Effect of Temperature on Cracking of SCWR Candidate Materials, The 9th International Symposium on Supercritical-Water-Cooled Reactors (ISSCWR-9), March 2019, Vancouver, Canada. [7] 陈凯,张乐福,et al. 温度对310S不锈钢在超临界水中的应力腐蚀开裂行为影响研究,2018年中核核反应堆热工水力技术重点实验室年会,2018年11月,成都. [8] 张乐福,陈凯,et al. 690合金在高温高压水中的应力腐蚀裂纹扩展机制研究,第十二届环境敏感断裂学术会议,2018年9月18-20日,杭州. (大会特邀报告) [9] K. Chen, L.F. Zhang. dK/da effects on the SCC growth rates of nickel-base alloys in high-temperature water, the 2018 annual meeting of International Cooperative Group on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of Water Reactor Materials, April 2018, Knoxville, US. (Oral presentation) [10] K. Chen, L.F. Zhang. Comparison of the stress corrosion cracking behavior of 310S stainless steel and Alloy 690 in supercritical water, the 2018 annual meeting of International Cooperative Group on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of Water Reactor Materials, April 2018, Knoxville, US. (Oral presentation) [11] K. Chen, L.F. Zhang. SCC initiation of Alloy 600 in pressurized high temperature water, the 2017 annual meeting of International Cooperative Group on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of Water Reactor Materials, May 2017, Chester, UK. (Oral presentation) [12] K. Chen, L.F. Zhang, P.L. Andresen. Characterizing the SCC growth behavior of Alloy 690 in subcritical and supercritical water environment, the 2017 annual meeting of International Cooperative Group on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of Water Reactor Materials, May 2017, Chester, UK. (Oral presentation) [13] K. Chen, L.F. Zhang. Temperature effect on stress corrosion crack growth of 310S stainless steel in supercritical water, The 8th International Symposium on Super-Critical Water-cooled Reactors, March 2017, Chengdu, China. (Oral presentation) [14] K. Chen, L.F. Zhang. Effect of temperature on the SCC growth behavior of 310S stainless steel in supercritical water, the 2016 annual meeting of International Cooperative Group on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of Water Reactor Materials, May 2016, Qingdao, China. (Oral presentation) [15] K. Chen, L.F. Zhang. An investigation of the corrosion fatigue crack growth in alloy 690, 4rd International Symposium on Materials and Reliability in Nuclear Power Plants, Sep. 2015, Shenyang, China. (Poster) [16] K. Chen, L.F. Zhang. Corrosion fatigue behavior of Alloy 690 in water environment, the 2015 annual meeting of International Cooperative Group on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of Water Reactor Materials, May 2015, Michigan, US. (Oral presentation) [17] K. Chen, L.F. Zhang. Finite Element on the Calibration of DC Potential Drop for Monitoring Cracking Growth Rate of Thin-walled Tube, 3rd International Symposium on Materials and Reliability in Nuclear Power Plants, Sep. 2013, Shenyang, China. (Oral presentation)


2022年欧洲腐蚀大会 (EUROCORR 2022) 核材料腐蚀分会场主席 2021年欧洲腐蚀大会 (EUROCORR 2021) 核材料腐蚀分会场主席 美国核协会 (American Nuclear Society) 会员 欧洲腐蚀协会 (EFC) 会员 期刊审稿(> 40篇): Corrosion Science • Journal of Nuclear Materials • Corrosion • Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A • Materials Science and Engineering: A • Materials & Design • International Journal of Mechanical Sciences • Construction & Building Materials • Advances in Mechanical Engineering • The Journal of Supercritical Fluids • Journal of Materials Science & Technology • Applied Surface Science • International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping • Engineering Failure Analysis • Materials Characterization • Chinese Journal of Aeronautics •Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology
