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【教育经历】 09/2011 ~ 12/2016 大连理工大学 动力工程及工程热物理 博士 09/2007 ~ 06/2011 大连理工大学 热能与动力工程 本科 【工作经历】 12/2021 ~ 至今 上海交通大学 船建学院 长聘教轨副教授 05/2019 ~ 11/2021 上海交通大学 船建学院 长聘教轨助理教授 01/2019 ~ 05/2019 美国明尼苏达大学-双城 Mechanical Engineering Department 博士后 06/2017 ~ 12/2018 IFP Energies Nouvelles Engine Modeling Department 博士后 09/2015 ~ 09/2016 美国普渡大学 航空航天推进工程 访问学者 09/2014 ~ 03/2015 日本东京工业大学 流体动力工程 访问学者 科研项目 船用低硫重油液滴蒸发特性及影响其喷雾混合气形成的机理研究,国家自然科学基金-青年,主持 高强化船用柴油机中液滴群蒸发、跨临界以及喷雾混合气形成机理与建模研究,上海市科技创新行动,主持 多组分燃油射流跨/超临界特性和机理研究,上海浦江人才计划,主持 面向高强化动力的燃烧射流液滴群蒸发机理研究,GF基础加强计划,主持 船用低硫重油热裂解机理研究,深蓝计划,主持 基于跨尺度方法燃油液滴蒸发和跨临界机理与建模研究,海洋工程国家重点实验室科研项目,主持 某设备大流量海水冷却系统优化设计,中船重工,主持 基于相似性理论的船舶柴油机比例模型实验关键问题研究,国家自然科学基金重点国际合作研究,参与,排2 教学工作 2020-2021/2 高等传热学(NAOE7203) 研究生课程 48 2019-2020/2 高等传热学(NAOE7203) 研究生课程 48 软件版权登记及专利 一种智能船用蝶阀阀板,中国 一种船舶动力系统启动状态智能检测装置,中国 一种绿色船舶综合供能系统,中国 Diesel combustion system,美国 荣誉和奖励 上海市浦江人才计划(2020) ILASS国际会议(2020)优秀论文 中国内燃机学会优秀博士学位论文奖(2018) 中国专利银奖(2018) 中国内燃机学会优秀论文奖(2016)


亚/跨/超临界射流机理与数值模拟研究 超临界CO2先进动力系统研究 数字孪生仿真技术研究 绿色/高强化船用发动机性能研究 破冰船海水系统研究


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

期刊论文 1. Evaluation of trans-critical transition of single- and multi-component sprays under diesel engine-like conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering, accept, 2021, Siyu Xie, Yunpeng Fu, Ping Yi* (corresponding), Tie Li, Run Chen, SCI 2. Analysis of Supercritical to Supercritical Transition of n-Heptane/Ethanol Blends by Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Atomization and Sprays, accept, 2021, Ruitian He, Ping YI* (corresponding), Tie Li, SCI 3. Effects of droplet evaporation on calibration of KH-RT break-up model for high-pressure evaporating diesel sprays, Atomization and Sprays, accept, 2021, Ping YI (1st), Yunpeng Fu, Tie Li*, SCI 4. Spray evolution and thermal pyrolysis of low sulfur heavy fuel oils under high temperatures, Fuel, 299 (2021) 120878, Ping Yi (1st), Siyu Xie, Ting Li, Jia Deng, Tie Li*, Run Chen, SCI 5. Experimental and numerical investigation of low sulfur heavy fuel oil spray characteristics under high temperature and pressure conditions, Fuel, 286 (2021) 119327, Ping Yi (1st), Tie Li*, Yijie Wei, Xinyi Zhou, SCI 6. Transcritical evaporation and micro-explosion of ethanol-diesel droplets under diesel engine-like conditions, Fuel, 284 (2021) 118892, Ping Yi (1st), Tie Li*, Yunpeng Fu, Siyu Xie, SCI 7. Evaporation and condensation characteristics of n-heptane and multi-component diesel droplets under typical spray relevant conditions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 163 (2020) 120162, Ruitian HE, Ping YI* (corresponding), Tie LI, SCI 8. 基于FloMaster-Simulink联合仿真的大流量海水冷却系统控制方案优化,上海交通大学学报, 2021, 55(09), 王宁,付云鹏,李艇,李铁,依平* (通讯), EI 9. Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Transcritical Mixing under Multi-component Gas Conditions, ICLASS 2021, Ruitian He; Ping Yi(corresponding); Tie Li; Yijie Wei 10. A Molecular Dynamics Simulation of n-Alkane and Alcohol Mixture under Subcritical and Supercritical Conditions, ILASS-Asia 2020, Ruitian He; Ping Yi(corresponding); Tie Li 11. Numerical analysis of subcritical evaporation and transcritical mixing of droplet using a tabulated multicomponent vapor-liquid equilibrium model, ILASS-Europe 2019, Paris, Ping Yi (1st), Sajad Jafari, Songzhi Yang, Chaouki Habchi* 12. An improved non-equilibrium multi-component evaporation model for blended diesel/alcohol droplets and sprays, ILASS-Americas 2019, Ping Yi (1st), Suo Yang, Tie Li 13.Ping Yi, S. Yang, C. Habchi, et al., A multicomponent real-fluid fully compressible four-equation model for two-phase flow with phase change. Physics of Fluids, 31, 026102, 2019 (SCI) 14.Ping Yi, W. Long, L. Feng, et al., Investigation of Evaporation and Auto-ignition of Isolated Lubricating Oil Droplets in Natural Gas Engine In-cylinder Condition. Fuel, 235: 1172-1183, 2019. (SCI). 15.Ping Yi, W. Long, M. Jia, An analogical multi-component vaporization model for single diesel droplets. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 127: 158-172, 2018. (SCI) 16.Ping Yi, M. Jia, W. Long, et al., Evaporation of pure and blended droplets of diesel and alcohols (C2 – C9) under diesel engine conditions. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 71:311-326, 2017. (SCI) 17.Ping Yi, W. Long, L. Feng, et al., An experimental and numerical study of the evaporation and pyrolysis characteristics of lubricating oil droplets in the natural gas engine conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 103: 646-660, 2016. (SCI) 18.Ping Yi, W. Long, M. Jia, et al., Development of a quasi-dimensional vaporization model for multi-component fuels focusing on forced convection and high temperature conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 97: 130-145, 2016. (SCI) 19.W. Long, Ping Yi, M. Jia, et al., An enhanced multi-component vaporization model for high temperature and pressure conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 90: 857-871, 2015. (SCI) 20.Ping Yi, W. Long, M. Jia, et al., Development of an improved hybrid multi-component vaporization model for realistic multi-component fuels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 77:173-184, 2014. (SCI) 21.Ping Yi, L. Feng, M. Jia, et al., Development of an improved multi-component vaporization model for application in Oxygen-Enrich and EGR conditions. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 66:904-927, 2014. (SCI) 22.Y. Zhang, M. Jia, Ping Yi, et al., An efficient liquid film vaporization model for multi-component fuels considering thermal and mass diffusions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 112: 534-548, 2016. (SCI) 23.Y. Zhang, M. Jia, P. Wang, Ping Yi, et al., Construction of a decoupling physical-chemical surrogate for practical diesel fuel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 149: 536-547, 2019. (SCI) 24.W. Yuan, S. He, J. Tian, Ping Yi, et al., Simulation of NOx emission characteristics of high-power mid-speed miller cycle diesel engine. Journal of Central South University, 45:84-90, 2014. (EI) 25.Ping Yi, Wuqiang Long, Ming Jia, et al., An enhanced evaporation model for practical fuel droplets under diesel in-cylinder conditions. Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines, Shanghai, 2016. 26.Ping Yi, Wuqiang Long, Liyan Feng, et al., A Numerical Investigation of the Vaporization Process of Lubricating Oil Droplets under Gas Engine Conditions. 2015 JSAE/SAE Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants International Meeting, SAE 2015-01-1949, 2015. 27.Ping Yi, Wuqiang Long, Ming Jia, et al., Development of an improved hybrid multi-component vaporization model for practical fuels. 2014 The 28th Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2014. 28.Ping Yi, Wuqiang Long, Ming Jia, et al., Vaporization characteristics of practical fuel droplets. Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines, Sichuan, 2014. 29.Zixin Wang, Liyan Feng, Ping Yi, Numerical Study on Evaporation of Lubricating Oil Droplets in natural gas engine conditions. Proceedings of ASME 2018 Internal Combustion Fall Technical Conference, San Diego, USA, 2018. 30.Weixin Gong, Ping Yi, Zixin Wang, et al., Numerical Study on the Evaporation and Ignition Characteristics of Lubricating Oil Droplet in Gas Engine In-Cylinder Condition. The 24th National Academic Conference on Engineering Thermophysics in Colleges and Universities, Hebei, China, 2018. 31.Songzhi Yang, Chawki Habchi, Ping Yi, et al., Cavitation modelling using real-fluid equation of state. CAV, Washington, America, 2018. 32.Songzhi Yang, Chawki Habchi, Ping Yi, et al., Towards a multicomponent real-fluid fully compressible two-phase flow model. 14th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chicago, IL, USA, 2018.
